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Wonkru, Neph Vault

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1Wonkru, Neph Vault Empty Wonkru, Neph Vault 11/08/18, 01:48 am



Last edited by Neph Acxa on 03/09/18, 07:57 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Wonkru, Neph Vault Empty Re: Wonkru, Neph Vault 11/08/18, 01:49 am




Name: Neph Acxa
Country Affiliation: Merridia + Kou.
Race: Sunbringer
Tier: A-tier
Class: Body Manipulator + Magician
Age + Birthdate: - -
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual.

    In spite of their charming appearance, and both their worlds colliding in one mind. Their becoming one has left them torn both mentally, and physiology leaving a husk of the two manifesting, and blossoming into a vast figmatation of their former selves. Essentially being cleansed, they both feel the need to stray from minor conflicts, rash decisions, and annoyances. They speak to everyone with sincerity especially twisting reality from one's perspective to the other. They are more into working behind the scenes, and being commanding through words hidden behind jokes with purpose vauling the truth. While being conflicted himself, he wants to hold the truth in high regards, but he will bend it if he must.

   Feeling the bonds of both entities within the one body, conflict with whom his loyalties lie, they will always reach a conflict in where, their shown arguing publicly, secretively, in-mind, or flat out turning side to side as if one was in control. Considering how, one part of his mind knows how to be too prideful, and keep his head down the other might want to call out, and fight against those who oppose against him. Nevertheless, they are mentally challenging one another,usually caught up in the moment to the point in where they forgets their goal. Weather they see eye to eye, they find time to steer towards their goal, commands, and keep the order within themselves.

Soar, Cruising: They enjoy cruising through the air. Its easy going on the mind, and no one can reach them leaving them to their own problems.
Reading: This is more of Aseo’s likes as he can relax, and remain more collected when he has a better control over the body by reading.
Music: This is more of Taavetti’s likes as he wishes to become a singer, and possibly find himself to become one in the future.
Traditions: They have a strong dislike to traditions from both their backgrounds, one being involved with cleopatra, and the other kouian’s culture.
Storms: They detest being caught in storms their wings become heavy, and it causes a small discomfort.

 Seeing in how both of them would need to try and move forward. They came to terms with following one's goal doing their best to reach a consensus. Both of them having a high moral for seeing people in general positions, or higher authority either using it for good, or evil upsets both of them. Neither having a issue of going to such lengths of infurtraiting, eradicating, or rallying the people to get person, or people out their position. As long as their able to try, they would fight the fight.

 They fear others reacting to the new them. Having a mental challenge of holding together two minds in one body, and trying to seem normal around the masses, close friends, and possible reunited family members takes a toll on them subconsciously. Feeling like everything around them frozen. Choking up when someone comments on their appearance, or asks too many questions too what’s happening. Along with this fear, he has PTSD from Aseo of getting a hole in his chest, which doesn’t help with how they died. Gaining another one, from getting skewered making it hard for them to see opponents with spears, causing them to lash out uncontrollably at the person, their mind breaking down.

Face-Claim: Zhongli | Genshin Impact
Hair Color: Ash Brown
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 5 ft, 11in | 1.8 m
Weight: 84.82 kg | 91.63 kg {Wings}

  Going from such a mature stature, entering a younger more boyish appearance. Both having a more darker complexion, being tanned with asian features. Their hair mixing between black, and white the pigmentation could result in dark green hair, which he ties up into a short ponytail held in place by a orange band. Upon fusing they dressed by the local, which gave them  a black shirt, white board shorts with a orange belt, orange sandals, a yellow-oranges kimono with orange flowers, and white shells. His wings being small, they are usually hidden behind the kimono, breaking through the back of his black shirt.

  Their usually have a smile, and a bright atmosphere around them. Naturally making people around have the impression of a innocent, and easy going young teen. To them, and only them they always have the body language of a pre-adult, and its of a sassy, boss presence showing to be like mini-boss figure to others once he talks, but it’s adorable to most who don’t take him serious.

Rukh Alignment: Dark

Special Features: Has six wings on his back. Dark Hand’s tattoo on his body, but the effects his rukh .


Last edited by Neppy on 26/02/22, 09:17 am; edited 4 times in total

3Wonkru, Neph Vault Empty Re: Wonkru, Neph Vault 11/08/18, 01:52 am




  • Primary - Magician
  • Secondary - Body Manipulator
  • Tertiary - n/a

Trait List:

Trait Name: Sun Bringer
Trait Tier: Ω-Tier
Trait Requirement: SoS Trait
Trait Description: A Seraphim creature reborn with the power of a sun at their fingertips by fusing themselves with a magical liquid that has gifted them with unnatural powers.
Trait Effect:
[*]This being can use and cast Sunseer magic from their body without the use of a wand/staff.

[*]Sunseer magic spells are all half-cost, Sunseer magic spells can be cast through the body.

Trait Name: Seraphim Physiology
Trait Tier: -
Trait Requirement: Seraphim Race
Trait Description: This creature has six magnificent wings that it uses to soar through the air. Being a protector these creatures can help and heal their allies with their abilities.
Trait Effect:

[*]Can heal up to A-tier damage once per thread

[*]Has six large wings that allow the player to fly through the skies at B-tier flight speeds allow them to fly with great speed.

[*]May register up to 5 B-tier or lower holy magic healing abilities for free.

[*]Keeps stamina/magoi pools


Primary Profession

Related Class: Magician / Body Manipulator

Profession Title: The Dread Doctor (Medicine Man)

Description: The Dread Doctors is/are a well transversed, exclaimed, and notable title given to wandering mad men, and women alike who find themselves on the plato of Medical Science. Their medical background comes from building upon paths of new discoveries in field studies of biology, physiology, geneticist(and or genealogy), pathology and chemistry. The dread doctors typically have a discernment for life between their experiments, and their subjects; Therefore they enjoy taking people by any means for new experiments not involving a moral compass, just only their primitive drive towards finishing the medical task at hand, by their hands, and only by theirs.
Profession Perks:
  • Dread Doctor’s Web: The Doctor’s Web is an intricate network of country’s 'medical information' in recent years. Information spread between clientele, sources ranging from underground channels to noble/royal/upper-echelon channels on patients/animals/flora life in the region after a series of five or more profession-related threads happen in that country.  This gives the Dread Doctor the ability to access a medium, somewhat 'larger' web of schemes/personal/or plot-based information normally not given to those without proper title, or authority from other(s) in the medical field, or personally using their doctor/client relationship for a Sunseer Magic inspection during checkup .

  • Angel Of Medicine:  Neph is able to determine most origins of known, and unknown medicines, and diseases after years of wandering and cross-referencing many foreign medicines, diseases, and flora life. This allows Neph to be able to create antibiotics of different effects(Pills), and immunizations/vaccines catered towards status effects(Bamboo Shots) as mundane items through profession jobs. The tier of the medicine is determined by the profession job capping at B-tier.

  • Chimera Hunter: Over the years, the knowledge of creating unfathomable abominations at the hands of madmen/women was discouraged. The Dread Doctors aren’t logical beings, and will naturally sacrifice others' lives if it fuels their own experiments. When working to obtain new bodies for genetic alteration, and or cross breeding between creatures; they scheme, and create intricate, thorough, chaotic plan of multiple loose ends to hide themselves while going to great lengths towards obtaining said creatures, or people of interest. This allows for a Dread Doctor to make profession based jobs focused on gathering, and collecting information about unlawful practices happening in said country, any leads similar too, or leading up to chimera based practices present, and or allowing them to gather, and collect information on mythical/special creatures, or people(npcs) of high caliber to obtain experiment material for their own Chimera Experiments. Three or more B-tier profession jobs  threads must be completed before starting a Chimera Hunt Job/Chain

Last edited by Neppy on 18/01/23, 09:16 pm; edited 14 times in total

4Wonkru, Neph Vault Empty Re: Wonkru, Neph Vault 11/08/18, 01:56 am



Magician [15/25]
Trait Effect: Sunseer magic spells are all half-cost

D-tier Ability:

C-tier Abilities:

B-tier Abilities:

A-tier Abilities:

Body Manipulator [11/25]

D-tier Abilities:

C-tier Abilities:

B-tier Abilities:

Dark Djinn

Déci Weapon Equip(In Training):

Dark Djinn Full Equip:

Djinn Abilities:

Extreme Magic Abilities:

Last edited by Neppy on 25/06/23, 09:44 pm; edited 10 times in total

5Wonkru, Neph Vault Empty Re: Wonkru, Neph Vault 11/08/18, 02:05 am



Weapons/Magic Items

Able Substitute:

Witchdoctor's Beast bag:


Spine Bow:


Shard Of Soloman:

Acxa Mask:

Auqamarie Tears:

Tasca Vento:

Viper Ring:

April Fool Token:

Djinn/Dark Djinn

Dèci Sealed State:

Non Combat Pet


Last edited by Neppy on 23/06/22, 12:49 am; edited 14 times in total

6Wonkru, Neph Vault Empty Re: Wonkru, Neph Vault 11/08/18, 02:22 am



A Seraphim’s Friends (Oc / Npc’s)

  • Jahanghir - Older Brother

  • Julius Plageius - Trusted Individual / Extremely Catious

  • Knuckles Shi - Brother In Arms / Taavetti’s Friend

  • Ganbu - Brother In Arms / Taavetti’s Friend

  • Zubaidah Mansur - Ventured A Dungeon Together  / Friend

  • Tenma - Mentor / Aseo’s Friend

  • Merrze Firvioulous - His Empresses / Friend

  • Yari Poppi - Love Interest / Wife / Lions Guard Friend

  • Lukxiel Poppi Axca - Son Son / The Boy

  • Al-Eto Zenio- Lions Guard Friend

  • Cieere Xos - Lions Guard Friend

  • Aseroth De Lucas - Brother In Arms / Friend

  • Hikari Gato - Business Partner / Trusted Friend

  • Lagi / Requiem - Mentor / Dark Hand Sponsor / Friend

  • Lestacia - Acquaintance

  • Diana Corvus - Aseo’s Friend

  • Noir Ecryola - Family Friend / Sweet Woman

  • Shi Guo - Trader/Merchant, Arms Dealer, and Warehouse Manager

  • Su Huan - Financial Consultant, Retired War-General, Tactical Planner

  • Shao Jun - Connection Channels, and Political Standing


Name: Shi Guo
Tier: C-Tier
Damage Required to Defeat: C-Tier
Description: Trader/Merchant, Arms Dealer, and Warehouse Manager

Shi Guo is a 6’2 man, slender built looking to be in his early twenties. He has waist length, straight white hair cut into shaggy bangs at the top. He keeps his eyes narrowly shut, while hiding soft sky blue eyes. His usual attire is consistent with a church robe that completely covers his arms all the way down to half of hand. Shi Guo is a very intelligent man, and shows that through his management skills in sales of weapons/items/etc, but has a quarrelsome attitude that impedes him from time to time.
Weapons: N/A
Traits: Exceptional Speed C-tier | Nimble Fingers
  • Bare Fist: Shi Guo performs a 2m sidestep on incoming C-tier attacks if they aren’t too intricate, and  sends a single C-tier uppercut to their jaws if he’s successful in weaving.

Name: Su Huan
Tier: B-tier
Damage Required to Defeat: B-tier
Description: Financial Consultant, Retired War-General, Tactical Planner

Su Huan is a 5’4 woman retired after the Zou Civil War just in her late-thirties. She has a short blonde bob cut that hides the sides of her face from most angles. Her usual attire is a tight fitted, but loose jumpsuit accompanied by a golden jewelry that protrudes spikes from them ending the outfit off with knee high heels. Su Huan is a trusted person within Zou’s community, showing that through her bossy personality, and decisive behavior when it comes to putting together strategic ideas, and financial situations that arise.

Weapons: B-tier Rapier
Traits: Exceptional Speed B-tier | Exceptional Strength C-tier
  • Pinpoint: Su Huan lunges forward 5m dishing two accurate strikes in the same place for C-tier damage, if she lands her first strike.
  • Mercy Waltz: Su Huan uses the tip of her rapier to parry guide physical attacks B-tier or lower off to her sides.

Name: Shao Jun
Tier: C-Tier
Damage Required to Defeat: C-Tier
Description: Connection Channels, and Political Standing

Shao Jun is a loud, authoritarian halfling fanalis woman, standing around 6’0 and is a fresh twenty-seven . She has waist length, messy crimson hair with her bangs covering most of her forehead. Her attire usually consists of an all black formal pantsuit, with a black and red jacket over her button up. Shao Jun usually carries the scent of fresh smoke off herself, but that doesn’t affect how resourceful she is in securing personal connections in places like Kou, Balbadd, and Reim.

Weapons: C-Tier Claymore
Traits: Fanalis Psychology.
  • Phantom Dart: Shao Jun jabs her claymore straight in front of herself 5m like a needle dealing B-tier damage through her weapon.
  • Blunt Guard: Shao Jun stabs her claymore in front of herself guarding up to physical damage C-tier damage.

Last edited by Neppy on 09/12/22, 04:02 am; edited 9 times in total

7Wonkru, Neph Vault Empty Re: Wonkru, Neph Vault 07/09/21, 04:14 pm



Cloudy Road -Life-

Aseo's Life:

Taavetti's Life:

Neph's Journey:

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