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Zion's Vault

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1Zion's Vault Empty Zion's Vault 06/04/18, 08:06 pm



Last edited by Zion on 17/01/23, 01:02 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 06/04/18, 08:08 pm



Zion's Vault 075caab61646b6deea8e96aa0c538756
Name:Zion Koval
Country Affiliation:Magnistadt
Race: Dungeon Beast
Tier: B
Class: Storm Kitsune | Magician [Strength Magic]
Age + Birthdate: 0 | April 1
Gender: None [Referred to as Male IC]
Sexuality: None
Personality: Much of Zion remains a blank slate much like that of a very young child. But this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a few quirks that are unique to Zion’s character. He is inherently fascinated by the world of rukh around him and finds great joy in delving into its mysteries. The living doll is also rather naive and takes people’s words at face value most of the time making him easily misled. Zion desperately wants to live up to his creator’s expectations and live like a real “person” despite being very aware that he is fundamentally different from the other magicians around him. This causes Zion to feel pent up loneliness and isolation at times. Emotions which the doll draws upon in order to deal out vengeance or wrath to those he learns have misled him. His complex about seeming human causes him to over commit to expressing his emotions from time to time as well.

Within Zion is the potential for both great kindness and unspeakable evil. Though he is stable enough to wind up developing into someone who falls somewhere in between, Zion could just as easily wind up falling to an extreme in either direction to an unhealthy degree. But for now he does not resent his fate in any way and anxiously holds back his eagerness to face the unique challenges of his circumstance.
Learning – Bookworm hardly does Zion justice as his absorption of new information would make a sponge in the ocean look thirsty by comparison.
Flowers – Zion holds a personal deep appreciation of flowers and uses their imagery in his magic when possible.
Crowds – Solitude and quiet are favored over the hustle and bustle of crowded places as they make Zion feel uncomfortable as he experiences information overload trying to pay attention to everyone so as to know how to best appear “normal” like any other human.
False Information – Being lied to or misinformed will send Zion into a fit ranging between annoyance to murderous fury depending on the severity of the issue from his child-like perception.
Zion has a number of smaller goals for himself such as mastering all of the magic types and to travel the world to broaden his horizons. However, there is a much deeper objective close to Zion’s heart. He struggles to truly believe that he is human and seeks validation from others regarding this point. Zion wants to carry the faith, trust, hopes, and dreams of many people so that he can be remembered as a “Great Person” whom the world never forgets. Zion sees this as the only way to repay his creator for giving him life.
Zion has since also gained a new ambition, that is to end the discrimination against goi in Magnostadt and usher in a new era of peaceful co-existence in the magician’s city where goi aren’t treated like second class citizens and may enter with less restrictions.

After Kornel Klien stole his father’s magic tool research and perfected it, Zion became personally invested in become a master magic tool craftsman. He seeks to take his father’s research even further than Kornel could in order to bring the honor of magic tool inventor to the Koval name.
Failing to meet any of the aforementioned goals would obviously bring anxiety and fear to Zion, but there is a more significant bane that haunts his peace. The doll’s body is unaging and does not possess reproductive organs. To some, he might seem like an abomination or a monster, or worse as just some tool with a convenient human-like interface. Because of this, Zion is extremely self conscious of his body and goes to great lengths to conceal his true nature from others.
Face-Claim: Lin Setsu(Lǐn Xuě Yā) | Thunderbolt Fantasy
Hair Color: Silver-White
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 172cm
Weight: 63kg
Skin like porcelain without flaw or blemish and silvery white hair with an otherworldly hue. A small frame and modest height with slim muscles and an androgynous face with features both masculine and feminine. This describes Zions overall complexion and build. His eyes are a pure light azure blue and often cast a gentle amiable intent along their gaze. Zion’s hair is long enough to fall to his waist and is usually left untamed other than being tied back. As for wardrobe, Zion wears elaborate robes with primarily white on black color schemes. Upon becoming a Storm Kitsune, Zion has gained a pair of fox ears and nine separate tails each one capable of shrinking or growing from negligible size to 2m long.
Rukh Alignment: White
Special Features: Ageless | Possesses no sex organs
To tell the story of Zion’s birth one first must tell the story of Mikael Koval’s death. Mikael had spent a long and prestigious life having been among the first magicians to join Chancellor Euphraim in building Magnostadt. As one of its teachers he spent several years guiding the next generation of magicians before retiring to focus on his own research. Mikael could feel age taking its toll and so he dedicated the remaining ten years of his life to researching magic related to the creation of dolls and golems. That served as a base for his attempts to create a body that would persist and linger even without magoi being supplied to it. At first Mikael was trying to find a way to escape the reaper’s scythe, but as time went on he simply forged on hoping to complete a masterpiece before his life’s end.

A perfect body made from magic that would never age. Mikael poured all of his knowledge of the eight magic types into the creation of this body with principles of each being used separately at first and then brought together as balanced whole. The old man finally completed his magnum opus, but alas it was only a dolls body. A mere empty shell. Mikael tried to transfer his rukh into the body but doing so would mean committing to leaving his old body to die. An instinctual fear prevented Mikael from mustering enough resolve to do so, as if he already knew the attempt would fail leaving nothing to show for his efforts.

As Mikael neared the day of his death, he found himself toying with a Shard of Solomon which had fallen out of the sky along with many others across the world. As the magician did so he lamented that his creation did not have a soul. What good was a perfect body if there was no life to inhabit it!? This frustration drove Mikael mad and in his anger he smashed the shard crying out to the heavens asking for the doll to fulfill his intended purpose one day. His wish was that the doll would house the rukh of a real person, not some imitation created through magic.

Exhausted from his fit, Mikael went to sleep oblivious to a gathering storm of rukh outside Magnostatd. That night, the rukh gradually came to gather around the doll body as if the great flow were embracing it inside a womb of light. Mikael was awoken from his slumber by a loud crashing noise coming from his lab. He rushed inside to find the doll on the floor trembling with weak limbs to get up after having knocked over several glass vials which were now shattered across the floor. The two’s eyes met and Mikael nearly had a heart attack from the shock only to be overwhelmed with excitement and joy.

Weary that this might be some misunderstanding or a prank, Mikael asked the doll some questions to see if it was simply operating based on the commands of a spell meant to mimic the behavior of a real person. Once the old man was satisfied with his probing he swelled with pride and joy naming the doll Zion and officially adopting it as his “son” for the remainder of his life. Zion was barely able to process what was going on at first but once the magician began to show him fatherly affection, Zion quickly began to imprint onto Mikael. For the next six months Zion was taught the basics of magic and some information about Magnostadt such as its laws and how the school works. Sadly, with each passing day Mikael was growing weaker to the point where he could no longer get around without using magic or support from others.

Zion received a basic education and the love of a father from Mikael, but the old man had been preparing the doll for the day of his death. The old man was at total peace as he had long since made all the arrangements necessary to ensure Zion’s future. Even going so far as to spend a large amount of wealth to acquire a powerful magic tool for his “son” to defend himself with. When the time came, Zion kept a promise and saw Mikael off with a smile. The doll stayed at Mikael’s bedside holding an old brittle hand until it went cold and rigid. Zion felt a pain and had the urge to weep, but his body would not produce tears. That marked the first moment he really became aware of the fact that he was not “normal” by any stretch of the term. As the public successor to Mikael Koval, Zion left his home in Mikael’s lab to enroll in the academy as Zion Koval. The doll having no other path before him than to follow in his creators footsteps to become a great magician.

After Mikael’s death Zion began to study in secret under one of his father’s former students, Casvallion Deikraft, in order to meet conditions required of him by the academy if he wanted to inherit his rightful fortune. Despite harassment by enemies of Mikael within the academy whom imposed the unreasonable conditions in the first place, Zion managed to become a 2nd Kodor on his first Iktiyar. Zion earned the right to claim the deed to Mikael’s land but when he returned home he found that it had been raided by bandits. Zion killed those on the scene but was too late to stop others from running off with Mikael’s research.

Zion had no recourse for reclaiming the research so he set about his own ambitions knowing that he would eventually clash with those responsible. In the meantime he began to establish an outpost on the Koval Estate grounds which would welcome both magicians and goi as equals. Zion hoped to ease tensions between the racial groups while also capitalizing on the trade caravans that move through the great plains but are unable to actually enter magnostadt if they aren’t magicians or escorted by magicians. It was a to be a piece of the magician’s city away from the social prejudices held by old men in the academy towers.

After opening the outpost and leaving it in the hands of a trustworthy steward named Jericho, Zion left his home on a journey to learn more about magic and become stronger. However, after leaving he was attacked by someone working for Zion’s enemies who told him that the name of the man who hired him was Kornel Klien. The attacker was only kind enough to share because he then sold Zion into slavery where he met a fellow captive named Zafar. The two were caged up next to each other and had little else in common other than a burning desire to escape and not accept their fates as slaves.

The two were brought to an underground auction where Zafar was forcibly turned into a dungeon beast before Zion’s own eyes. Zion’s fellow captive had become a Lava Beast and with some help from Zion, Zafar was able to free them both of their cages. While Zafar caused chaos, Zion raided the auction storehouse to claim their gear as well as some bonus goodies before swiping another dungeon beast transformation for himself. Together the two escaped the underground chamber and fled into the morning sky.

Though Zion survived the ordeal, he returns home to find that his father’s research had been used to realize his life’s dream by the ones who had stolen it. Though they didn’t copy his work as it was incomplete, it was clearly used as a basis and Zion takes notice of this in the marketplace. Knowing that Kornel Klien was about to become much more powerful, Zion decides he was right to leave Magnostadt originally and after arranging a place for Zafar to stay the young magician sets out once again for distant lands under a new fake identity. Revenge against Kornel would have to wait, but Zion swears that one day he shall take his father’s research even farther and to become a master magic tool craftsman.

Role-Play Sample:

Last edited by Zion on 24/10/18, 08:01 pm; edited 2 times in total

3Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 06/04/18, 08:10 pm




  • Primary - Magician(A)
  • Secondary - Body Manip(B)
  • Tertiary - Warrior(C)

Trait Points Used: 18/18
Extra Trait Point Sources:
Body Manip Free Trait: Trickster Foxspirit
Shard of Solomon: Advanced Magic Doll
Roleplay Together Event: +1 Trait Point
NoM: +2 Trait Points
Secret Santa: Storm Bender

Advanced Magic Doll - SOS:

Tuning Mastery:

Storm Kitsune Physiology:

Kitsune Borg Mastery:

Trickster Foxspirit - Manip:

Storm Bender:

Kitsune Swordking:

Artificial Magoi System:

Studious Scholar:

Enhanced Stamina:

Enhanced Magoi:

Ascension of the Body:


Primary Profession:

Secondary Profession:

Last edited by Zion on 30/01/23, 04:28 pm; edited 31 times in total

4Zion's Vault Empty RE: ZION'S VAULT 06/04/18, 08:10 pm



Ability Slots
Base Slots Used
Primary Class: 25/30
Secondary Class: 6/15
Tertiary Class: 10/10
A-tiers: 3/3
Kistune Storm Magic: 3/5
Shard/Event A-tiers: 1

Purchased Slots Used
Primary A-tier: 1/3
Primary B-tier: 5/5
Primary C-tier: 2/8
Primary D-tier: 2/10

Secondary A-tier: 2/2
Secondary B-tier: 1/4

Tertiary B-tier: 0/2
Tertiary C-tier: 0/3
Tertiary D-tier: 0/4

Last edited by Zion on 17/06/23, 03:30 am; edited 29 times in total

5Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 06/04/18, 08:15 pm



D-tier Abilities

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium(10m-40)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The magician must gently wave their staff/wand before tapping the air or object with their staff/wand or fingertip. The size of the staff/wand/fingertip determines the size and range of the bullet.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Damage
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Magoi
The caster gathers magoi at the tip of their staff/wand or fingertip. The rukh are given the command to gather at the origin point creating a lump of strength magic equal to the size of the medium up to a maximum of 10cm in diameter. The lump is created upon tapping the air or an object. The blob of strength magi will apply force in the direction of the tap sending compressed air or small objects flying. When using ones finger or wand with a tip smaller than 5cm the bullet will travel 40m. When using a staff that exceeds 5cm the range will be reduced to 5m. When using a staff that meets the max size of 20cm or a fist the range will drop to 10m. The force applied to the target will cause it to impact against anything in its effective range for D-tier damage or higher if scaled.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Zion must flick his staff/wand to cast the spell. Zion must be physically touching the target to apply the effect. This spell can only be cast on one object at a time.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Effect Duration - For every 10 magoi invested this ability will last an additional turn beyond its sustain limit OR the last post it was sustained.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Magoi
The caster flicks their staff/wand and then channels magoi into an object they are physically touching. Strength rukh then enshroud the object with black light briefly before stretching its dimensions according the the caster's will. This spell can only be cast on objects with a size under 5 cubic meters and its limit is stretching 5m on all axis. Once the spell has ended or has been destroyed, the object will revert back to its normal size.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Zion must flick his staff/wand to cast the spell. Zion must be physically touching the target to apply the effect. This spell can only be cast on one object at a time.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Effect Duration - For every 10 magoi invested this ability will last an additional turn beyond its sustain limit OR the last post it was sustained.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Magoi
The user flicks their staff/wand and then sends magoi flowing over a held object as the spell commands gravity magic rukh to form a connection between the object and the wielder. While in effect the object in question feels almost weightless in the user's hands without actually affecting the weight or gravity of the object itself. This allows the magician to lift object far heavier that he is otherwise capable. This spell can only be performed on objects with dimensions that do not exceed 5m.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Defensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium(40m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The magician must swipe their staff/wand or hand in the direction the wall is being created while channeling magoi through their staff/wand. The wall always forms based on which way the magician swipes(I.E. Sweeping left to right causes the wall to start forming on the left before expanding rightward.)
[b]Scaling:[/b] Damage
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Magoi
The magician swipes through the air releasing a wave of magoi which commands rukh of the 7th type to form a solid wall of force. The wall isn't very large with a maximum possible size of 1.5mx2m with a thickness of 3cm. This wall can manifest up to 40m away. The wall is capable of blocking D-tier damage or higher through scaling.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium(40m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] This spell is ineffective against large targets. The user must aim the spell with their wand/staff or fingertip while channeling magoi through the staff/wand.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Strength - For each additional 10 magoi the force binding the target in place increases by one tier up to a cap of A-tier.
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Magoi
The magician aims their medium at the target and generate a ring of strength magic 10cm in diameter. The ring can be fired at a target up to 40m away and if the magician focuses they can slightly guide the ring to adjust its trajectory by 5m in any direction. Upon making contact the ring will expand up to 8m in size in an attempt to wrap around the struck target. The ring will initially seem to lack any force passing through the target until it is fully inside the ring. At that moment the strength magic will activate causing a binding force to lock in place. The ring closes in and shrinks to hold targets in place freezing in the air at the location of ensnarement lasting 1 post. Victims will need to apply ability force equal or greater than that of this spell in order to break free.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D-Ω
[b]Specialization:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Must know strength magic.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Flight Power
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] -
[b]Cost:[/b] 10
The magician commands gravity type rukh into manipulating the space around a target giving it flight under the magician's control. This can be used to achieve varying degrees of flight.
[*]D-tier: The magician has full control over where they fly, however they wobble in the air unsteadily and move at the speed of a leisurely stroll.
[*]C-tier: The magician's flight is stable and they have control over their direction. The speed of the flight has increased to rival someone in a dead sprint.
[*]B-tier: The speed of the flight has increased further, exceeding normal human limitations to provide supernatural speed.
[*]A-tier: The magician can now fly at incredible speeds covering even great distances within a short amount of time.

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long(80m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must flick their staff/wand to cast the spell. The spell can only be fired in a straight line and any attempt to drag it forced or otherwise will cancel the spell.  
[b]Scaling:[/b] Damage
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Magoi
The user casts the spell using their wand or staff before concentrating orange rukh to a point where magoi has gathered. This can be the tip of the wand or staff, or an existing source of the users magoi. The rukh creates a concentrated beam of light that is only 10mm in diameter and travels up to 80m. The beam of light will deal D-tier damage in the form of heat.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must tap the tip of their wand/staff against something to initiate the spell. This spell does not discriminate between ally and foe. D-tier blunt force to the head or sound abilities can cancel out the noise.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b]  10 | 5 Magoi
The caster uses sound magic to produce a light buzzing noise that spreads outwards from their magic medium up to 40m away. Those within the range of this spell, other than the caster, will experience a sudden onset of dizziness. This state only lasts one post, but if the target is running or trying to aim an attack when afflicted, they will trip and fall over or wind up off target. The duration of the effect will increase by one post per scaling.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Defensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must swipe or flick their wand and then touch themselves or a nearby target.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 | 5
[list]The caster uses water magic in order to shroud themselves or one other person in a tight fitting bubble of water that hovers just a few centimeters away from the target's skin. The magic causes the bubble to remain stable by forcing surface tension strong enough to block D-tier damage. The spell lasts for 1 post and isolates the target from outside liquids or gasses.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must swipe or flick their wand in the direction of the target.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Damage
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 | 5
[list]The user gathers lightning rukh and swipes or flicks their wand at a desired target. A single arc of electricity 50cm in diameter will jump from the caster's body and travel up to 40m away to strike a target dealing D-tier burns. [/list]

[center][b]Kitsune Claws[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulator
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] If the user's nails are already bound by something equal to or greater than this ability it will fail to activate. If a nail is broken in a clash it is unable to be used again for this ability for the remainder of the thread.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Damage
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 | 5
Veins bulge around one of the user's hands as the nails on their fingers grow into sharp claws. The nails increase in length by 5cm and will grow an additional 5cm for every damage scaling applied to the ability capping out at A-tier. The claws deal D-tier damage in the base form of the ability. [/list]

[center][b]Sinking Swipe[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Defensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must have a weapon in hand and the free space to redirect the attack downwards. Ineffective as a parry on attacks from below and will act as a block instead.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Potency - The tier ability parried/blocked will increase with each scaling up to A-tier
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 | 5
[list]The warrior intercepts an incoming strike with a parry. By using a fluid motion to engage the attack. The user presses downwards and away from themselves onto the opponent's attack swiping it away safely without taking on the full brunt of the attack. This technique leaves the users weapon in a low position. Effective on D-tier physical attacks.[/list]

[center][b]Rising Swipe[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Defensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must have a weapon in hand and free space to redirect an attack upwards. Ineffective as a parry against attacks from above and will act as a block instead.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Potency - The tier ability parried/blocked will increase with each scaling up to A-tier
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 | 5
[list]The warrior intercepts an incoming strike with a fluid motion to engage the attack. The user presses upwards and away from themselves onto the opponent's attack swiping it away safely without taking on the full brunt of the attack. This technique leaves the users weapon in a high position. Effective on D-tier physical attacks.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Defensive
[b]Range:[/b]  Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must hold their weapon horizontally. Ineffective on vertical attacks.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Potency
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Stamina | 5 to sustain
[list]The user turns their weapon horizontally and faces it to meet an incoming attack. The tip of the weapon is angled down slightly to scoop the attack from below. Once contact is made the user crouches slightly and sweeps upwards to redirect the attack using a 180 degree rotation overhead and to the other side parrying D-tier damage. This ability ends with the user's blade held horizontally on the opposite side that it started.[/list]

[center][b]Swift Step[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b]  Short
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Must have a good surface to kick off from for each step. Before using the first step the user crouches slightly.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 Stamina | 5 to sustain
[list]The user crouches slightly before kicking off the ground carrying them up to 3m away in a single step. Scaling this ability allows the user to kick the ground again to travel 3m in a new direction.[/list]

[center][b]Centered Step[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Short
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] User must have stable footing to kick off of and step onto in order to perform the step.  
[b]Scaling:[/b] Range
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 1
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 | 5
[list]The warrior performs a kick off the ground and steps forward firmly leading with the other leg. They stamp their foot down on arrival firmly and settle into a slightly lowered stance with the warrior sitting in his center of gravity. This ability allows the warrior to travel 1m in any direction.[/list]

Last edited by Zion on 20/02/23, 07:42 am; edited 28 times in total

6Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 24/10/18, 07:10 pm



C-tier Abilities

[center][b]Bullet Attract[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium(40m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Each individual bullet is unable to recognize obstacles making them easily misled. The magician must gently wave their staff/wand and then tap the air with their fingertip or staff/wand.  
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 Magoi
The magician taps the air with their staff/wand or fingertip creating an extremely dense ball of magoi. Unlike the parent spell, this ball is the same size regardless of medium used to tap. The ball is 5cm in diameter before launching forward as a tightly compressed projectile of force. By tracking the target with their eyes, the user can command the bullet to chase them, however they cannot directly control the flight paths of the bullets. Each bullet fired can last for 2 posts but causing them to linger in order to chase a target costs and additional 5 magoi on top of normal upkeep costs. Each projectile deals C-tier damage and can travel up to 40m away from the magician before fading.[/list]

[center][b]False Stage[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Close-Mid(0m-40m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must sweep their staff or wand releasing magoi into the air in the direction of the spell. Illusion can simply be walked through without resistance. Once cast, this spell can't be moved around forcing the caster to end it and cast it again after a cooldown if they want to change its location.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 Magoi
The caster swipes their magic medium and releases magoi into the air. Orange rukh gathers and shapes a domed space 40m in diameter and 20m tall with the caster at its center. The light magic creates a sort of "sky box" around those inside and affects the visual appearance of the ground as well. This canvas can create a visually convincing illusion of the casters creation allowing them to confuse enemies by suddenly changing their apparent surroundings. Even if the walls or floor has projected false enemies attacking them without using magoi manipulation is futile.[/list]

[center][b]Inversing Buzz[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must tap the tip of their wand/staff against something and then aim it at the target. C-tier blunt force to the head or sound based abilities can cancel out the noise.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10 Magoi
The caster uses sound magic to produce a 0.5m diameter ball of green rukh which is launched from the tip of their staff towards a target up to 80m away. Upon striking a target the sound magic will vibrate throughout their body reaching their brain. This causes a harmless tingling sensation and internal buzzing sound which lets the victim know they have been influenced. The magic creates strong suggestive messages which alters the targets brain signals to fire improperly. Though the targets sight remains normal, their brain swaps signals from left and right sides of the body for 2 posts. Attempting to move their right arm will result in their left arm moving instead, trying to move the left leg causes the right leg to move instead and so on.[/list]

[center][b]Looking Glass[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Extreme
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must swipe the air with their staff/wand. While this spell is in use, the caster is unable to see their immediate surroundings with the occupied eye. The looking glass itself is extremely fragile and can be destroyed with even D-tier basic attack damage.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10 Magoi
The caster uses light and clairvoyance magic in order to create two circles of light rukh. One circle hovers just in front of the users left or right eye as if it were a monocle. The size adjusts to the users eye to perfectly encompass its field of view up to a size of no more than 1m in diameter. The other circle forms somewhere distant from the user up to 150m away. The second circle acts like a window or looking glass and sends the visual data back to the caster. This allows them to spy on distant targets or see what is on the other side of a wall. Thanks to the clairvoyance magic, it is not necessary to have a direct unblocked path to the manifestation point of the second circle of light magic. The spell lasts two posts.[/list]

[center][b]Countless Bloom[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium(40m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must have live plants or fertile soil nearby for the flowers to grow on. The user must swipe their wand through the air in the direction of the targeted live plant or fertile soil. Scaling this spell requires an additional swipe of the caster's wand. The flowers are not immune to the effects of spells unleashed through them.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10 magoi
[list]Using life magic, the caster send their magoi into nearby plantlife or soil within 40m. Two flowers bloom within 5m of each other. These flowers have white petals and a purple center. They serve no purpose other than to hold a magoi connection with the caster acting as source points for new spells. Each flower requires only D-tier damage to destroy.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] User's target must be within a body of water and caster must be within reach of or also inside the same body of water. The wand must point at the target in order to start the spell and then swipe to direct the angle of the spell.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Current Force - For each 10 magoi invested the amount of force pressing against a target increases by one tier to a cap of A-tier.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10
[list]The caster aims their wand at a waterborne target and uses water magic to form a strong current up to 4m in diameter and up to 20m in length. The caster then swipes their wand guiding the current where it must go imposing C-tier force onto the target pushing them along in the direction of the current. The Riptide lasts two posts and on the second post the caster can change the direction of the current again with another swipe of their wand.[/list]

[center][b]Polarity Swap[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] User must swipe their wand and then make physical contact with the target of the spell or already have their magoi around it. This spell is ineffective against targets without significant magnetic polarities.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10
[list]The caster swipes their wand and then touches a target causing a shroud of lightning magic to cover a ferrous material. The magic then causes the magnetic poles of the target to swap. If used on one of a pair of magnetically attracted objects this spell will cause them to suddenly repel instead. The effects of this spell last 2 posts.[/list]

[center][b]Soothing Ambrosia[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplimentary
[b]Range:[/b] Short
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The magician must tap the air with their wand and then point in the direction they want to send it. Even if the user drinks some of the wine, they will only get back half the magoi put into the spell regardless of how much they drink. Others may only benefit from one serving of wine and will not benefit from a second.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10
[list]The magician taps the air and uses fermentation magic to create a cup sized ball of wine floating in mid air. They can then direct this ball to slowly float up to 3m away where it will linger peacefully for 2 posts. Each ball of wine acts as a C-tier food item when consumed. Due to the fermentation magic passive, the orbs of wine are also flammable and will explode dealing D-tier damage if ignitied.[/list]

[center][b]Flowing Locks[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulator
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The hair is ineffective against water, ice, and heat based targets. Enemy spells that require contact with a target can use the extended hair to affect the caster. The ability is unable to be scaled if the hair is not free to twist itself into braids.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Strength
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10
The user causes their hair/fur to rapidly grow up to a maximum 50m in length. The extra grown hair can be controlled by the user to spread out, wrap around targets, or otherwise act as an extra limb under the user's control. The hair has C-tier item durability and can be scaled by causing the hair to braid itself into thicker strands.[/list]

[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulator
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Short
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must have Trickster Foxspirit or similar trait/ability and is must not be on cool down. The transformation is preceded by a brief wriggling of the skin around the affected limb.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Strength - The physical force the silk can move with increases by one tier for each scaling capping at A-tier.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10 Stamina
[list]The user focuses on one limb and activates their Trickster Foxspirit trait and applies the principles of Megaton Grip in order to transform that limb into a silk cloth up to 3m long and 30cm wide. This allows them to slip out of tight grips and maneuver the limb in its cloth form to wrap around targets with C-tier force. Depending on how the cloth is wrapped it can use that strength to either pull a target or to squeeze them dealing C-tier damage. [/list]

[code][center][b]Purging Pores[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulation
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Self
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must tense the muscles all over the chosen body parts forcing those limbs to remain still for a moment while the purge takes place.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Potency
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 Stamina | 10 Stamina to sustain
[list]The user concentrates on their head, torso, and two other limbs of their choice. The user then tenses their muscles and forces out foreign substances such as poisons, corrupted blood, and even infected cells. This grants instant relief from negative side effects caused by substances foreign to the body. The foreign substances burst out from the users pores spraying the area 2m around themselves and is left with glossy skin free of contaminants up to C-tier in potency.[/list][/code]

[code][center][b]System Shock[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulation
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Self
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] User is rendered unconscious for an instant. Short term memory of moment leading up to use of the ability is lost.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Potency
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 Stamina | 10 Stamina to sustain
[list]The user forcibly resets a portion of their own nervous system by making their brain shut down and then restore key functions. While the brain activity is at its lowest, the body compensates for damage to the nervous system around the head, torso, and two limbs of the user's choice. During this process the brain is flooded with calming chemicals to cope with the users situation. This causes negative effects that target the mind or nervous system such as paralysis and hypnosis up to D-tier in potency to be removed. When the user regains consciousness the pain of any injuries will feel less recent and intense and their mind will be cleared of any trauma they received and have a calm frame of mind despite the severity of any injuries they may wake up to.[/list][/code]

[center][b]Incisive Taps[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Before execution of the first thrust the user must draw their weapon in close to their chest and assume a stance with their blade pointing at the target they intend to strike.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10
[list]The warrior holds their weapon close and carefully aims before unleashing a pair of accurate thrusts each dealing D-tier damage.[/list]

[center]Sweeping Swipes[/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b]  Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Weapon must be held in a horizontal position. If weapon is bound then it is unable to perform any follow up attacks remaining.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 Stamina | 10 to sustain
[list]The user slashes horizontally and then makes a tight turn to suddenly slash back in the other direction. There are two slashes in the basic form of this ability each dealing D-tier damage.[/list]

[center][b]Swiping Strikes[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The strikes are limited to vertical angles and require the user's weapon to be in a high or low position before this ability can be performed.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 | 10
[list]The warrior executes a swift combination of attacks with their weapon swiping from above and below. The pair of strikes each deal D-tier damage.[/list]

Last edited by Zion on 20/02/23, 07:43 am; edited 3 times in total

7Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 07/12/22, 09:55 am



B-tier Abilities

[center][b]Vitality Surge[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician | Body Manipulator
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Short(3m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Must be Storm Kitsune or other tailed form. The user must bring their wand close to their chest and then touch the target. If none of the user's tails are free to move then the range of this ability drops to close range.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Healing Strength - 10 magoi to improve the amount of damage healed.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Magoi | 15 Sustain
[list]The user focuses magoi into their wand and commands life rukh to produce a shroud of healing purple light around the wand or one of the user's limbs. This shroud can be used on themselves or another within reach of his hands or tails. At most the user can stretch their tails 3m. The purple shroud of light will spread across the body of a target and then seep inside of it. The magic scans the target for injuries both external and internal before beginning a restoration of lost or damaged tissues. This spell is capable of restoring up to B-tier damage. [/list]

[center][b]Vibrant Growth[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must be on solid ground. The users wand must point downwards and then upwards.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Growth - For every 10 magoi the size of the forest grows 5m or diameter.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Magoi | 15 Sustain
[list]The magician points their wand down sending life magic into the earth up to 5m away. They then point the wand upwards commanding the rukh to spread and produce a large forest of trees in the surrounding area. With the caster at the center the forest is 80m in diameter with trees standing 40m high. The trees will erupt from the ground tearing through stone and braving water to form a massive maze of trees and a highway of intertwined branches among the thick canopy. The trees can be felled with B-tier strength/basic attacks and remain until destroyed.[/list]

[center][b]Dense Building Sculpt[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close(1m-3m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] This spell requires the full focus of the magician for an entire post. They must wave their magic medium and then guide the spell using movements of the staff or wand. This spell can't be performed without a source of earth nearby be it sand, dirt, or even gravel.  Can only produce up to 6mx6mx2m segments at a time.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Density - For each 10 magoi invested creations made from this spell have item durability one tier higher(Capping at A-tier).
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Magoi
The caster will wave their magic medium and then send magoi towards an area 1m-3m in front of them. Strength rukh gather and then seep into the earth before compacting it into an extremely dense state. The magician then uses their staff to slowly guide the rukh into making more of the condensed material. The magic makes the earth act almost like clay when building but it is left behind solid with no cooling period needed. Constructions made from this spell can be up to 6m tall and 6m long and they will persist as permanent structures unless destroyed. Constructions made with this spell require a full post on uninterrupted focus and possess item durability.[/list]

[center][b]Sight Bend Coat[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Self-Close(0m-1m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] This spell must be applied through physical touch. The user must flick their magic medium to cast the spell.  
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration - For every 10 magoi invested, this spell will persist 1 post without counting as a sustain.
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Magoi
The caster must flick their staff or wand before pressing it to themselves or another, or even an object. Orange rukh then floods across the target to a maximum size of 10m in diameter. This light magic covers the target shrouding them in an aura of light magic which sets only 3mm away from the body. This aura will move with the target and cause light to bend around them causing invisibility. The caster is not immune and can't see others they've used this spell on, but they can still sense their location until the spell is ended. The spell lasts for up to three posts unless scaled to last longer.[/list]

[center][b]Flash Freeze Prison[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must swipe their wand back and then forwards in the direction of their target and maintain pointing at them to guide the spell. If the user stops pointing at the target this spell loses its ability to chase.  
[b]Scaling:[/b] Ice Density - For every 10 magoi invested the ice gains 100 Item durability.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]The caster uses ice magic to gather a small 30cm ice crystal within 1m of themselves as their wand swipes backwards. The caster then swipes their wand forwards causing the ice crystal to grow out in a zig zagging line towards the target up to 40m away from the caster. The spell will chase a target assigned by where the caster's wand is pointing. Upon striking a target the ice flash freezes the air or water and condenses it rapidly into a 3m diameter ball of ice. The ball of ice has B-tier item durability and becomes 1m thicker for each scaling up to 7m maximum. The ball of ice lasts for 3 posts and those within are given a mere few centimeters of space away from their body providing just enough air to last the duration.[/list]

[center][b]Magnetic Rail Canon[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must point at the desired target in order to apply the spell and then point again in order to direct the affected projectile.  
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]Using lightning magic the caster points their wand at a target within 20m of themselves and sends an arc of lightning over. This lightning bolt does not harm the target but rather shrouds it in two layers. The inner layer applies a magnetic charge to the object while the outer layer applies a magnetic force accelerating the target in a direction of the caster's choice. The affected target is launched at high speeds towards a target up to 80m away and impacts with B-tier damage.[/list]

[center][b]Oozing Trap Jaw[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b]  The caster is not immune to the stickiness or potential explosion of the slime magic. The magician must swipe their wand to lay the trapjaw and the spell stays dormant the post in which it is lain.
[b]Scaling:[/b] AoE
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]The magician swipes their wand and uses slime magic to produce a 20m hexagon of slime in the air that slaps down onto a surface based on the direction of the wand swipe. The slime splats into place and remains inert until the following post. At that time anyone who approaches within 3m of the slime and continues to move, or was splashed by the slime and continues to move, will trigger the slime causing it to converge on them. The slime will attempt to swallow its prey and compress around them applying B-tier crushing damage. The slime will linger for 3 posts and due to the slime magic passive will create an explosion of its own tier if ignited.[/list]

[center][b]Inner Thunder Beat[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The concentrated sound and air molecules is visible to the naked eye under light as a shimmering distortion in the air. The user must thrust their wand towards their target in order to aim the spell. When striking targets directly damage is localized to the limb of impact. When striking bodies of water, those within no longer take internal damage.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]The magician uses cymatic magic to fire out a 30cm ball of humming air and water molecules. The projectile will travel up to 60m away in a swift straight line. Impacting a target will cause this spell to locate any liquids or moisture within them and apply intense vibrations to them. This deals B-tier internal damage from the violent vibrations. If the spell strikes a body of liquid instead of a person it will apply this affect to the entire body dealing B-tier abrasion damage to anyone inside it. Due to the cymatic magic passive this spell is extremely painful and causes paralysis in afflicted limbs leaving them numb and slowed for 1 post.[/list]

[center][b]Burning Ambrosia Cloud[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The magician must swipe their wand and then point at the target.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Alcohol Content - For every 10 magoi invested the flame created by the Fermentation Magic passive increases in tier once to a cap of B-tier.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]The magician swipes their wand and then points at the target using fermentation magic to create an orb of liquid and yeast 60cm in diameter which quickly ferments into a deep red wine. The orb is fired up to 40m away where on impact on on command the orb will burst into a 20m diameter thick cloud of red wine with a high alcohol content. The cloud lasts for three posts and for each post spent breathing inside the cloud will cause the victim to experience B-tier disorientation for 1 post. Due to the fermentation magic passive, everything that enters the cloud is coated in a thin layer of liquid ethanol that can be ignited to cause an explosion dealing D-tier damage.[/list]

[center][b]Spiral Volt Loop[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b]  The magician must aim the spell with their wand to release the spell and then perform a swipe with the wand to direct the looping movement.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Redirects - For each 10 magoi invested this spell may loop an additional time.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]The magician points their spell at a target and unleashes a spiraling stream of lightning water. The torrent surges forwards erratically at first and tends to miss on its first pass. At any point the caster and swipe the wand to direct the stream into performing a looping turn on a dime. After the first loop, the spells trajectory becomes straight and stable. The voltstream is 1m in diameter and may travel up to 60m away from the caster lasting for up to 3 posts. The spell is capable of dealing B-tier damage on contact and due to voltstreams passive will inflict paralysis on one limb and reduced movement speed for 2 posts. The head of the stream must be clashed with in order to disrupt the spell but damage can still be received from the trail it leaves behind.[/list]

[center][b]Reactive Alloy Rain[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must point at the location where they wish for the cloud to form and then swipe their wand in the direction they wish the rain to be unleashed. 
[b]Scaling:[/b] AoE
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]The magician uses metal magic and points their wand at a distant point within 20m of themselves to cause a cloud of cesium dust to begin to form. The magician then swipes their wand or points it with a thrust in the direction they wish the rain to be unleashed. The dust condenses into cesium hail and then fires out at high speed forming a shower of projectiles covering a 15m wide cone that originates at the cloud. The hail can shoot up to 60m away and deals B-tier damage before lingering on the battlefield for 3 posts. The metal magic passive causes this spell to clash with water and wind magic one tier weaker. Rather than clash with other magic types with one tier stronger force, when clashing with water this spell reacts violently causing a 3m diameter B-tier explosion.[/list]

[center][b]Perfect Double Body[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Close-Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The caster must touch the target of the spell with their wand/staff. This spell is unable to copy the rukh of the target allowing magicians or magoi manipulators who touch the fakes and inspect their rukh to determine their nature as copies.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount - For each 10 magoi invested the number of copies or targets copied doubles.
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3 posts
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15 Magoi
The caster uses Perfect Illusion magic to create a perfect copy of an object or person up to 5 cubic meters in size. Even features the caster is unaware of such as birthmarks, the sound of the targets voice, or the letters written in a book are perfectly copied by the spell. The user must make physical contact to cast the spell, however after it has been cast the copies are able to travel up to 100m away without fading. They are capable of flight and can deal or withstand B-tier damage before dissipating. Each clone lasts three posts and acts as a remote magoi source. [/list]

[center][b]Perfect Stage Domain[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Defensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must tap the ground beneath their feet or the air with their wand/staff. The caster is unable to see through their own illusion or sense those not physically touching it.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Damage
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15 Magoi
The caster uses perfect illusion magic to manifest a space around themselves that expands outwards up to 40m in diameter. Within the hemispherical space the caster can cause the physical surroundings to change in order to defend against an incoming attack. The exact appearance of the illusion changes based on the users will but it is limited to the space within the domain. It can seem as though a tree grew in the way or that the domain edge itself is a physical wall. The entire domain can withstand up to B-tier damage(or more if scaled) before shattering and it lasts three posts before fading.[/list]

[center][b]Solar Lance[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician [Pierce]
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must aim the spell with their wand is incapable of altering its target once fired. The tracking of the spell is unable to discern between obstacles and allies making it relatively easy for fast enough opponents to guide them into striking unintended targets. The piercing effect does not work on defenses based on strength magic. The caster must remain focused on the target for the spell to track the target. Being inflicted with damage or disorientation will break the caster's focus.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
The caster aims their wand/staff and a golden beam shrouded in black tint is unleashed at a target. Once the target has been set, the beam will travel towards it at high speed and track their movements. Movement abilities/traits at or above B-tier can match or outrun this ability but it will continue to follow them until it strikes something. The beam itself is only 10cm in diameter and deals B-tier damage on impact. If it clashes with a defensive ability the pierce magic will penetrate the defense even if it is of equal tier, albeit with half damage. The beam can chase a target for a total of three posts up to 100m total before dissipating on its own.[/list]

[center][b]Rough Burn[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Mid(50m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] This spell is ineffective against non-flammable liquids and gasses. The magician must swipe their wand in the direction of the air they want to target. This spell causes the effected air to become distinctly darker than the surrounding space. Damage can be avoided by moving slowly through it.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Ignition - For each 10 magoi spent, burn damage will be applied on top of the abrasions caused by this spell. The degree of burn will increase for each scaling to a cap of A-tier.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Magoi | 15 Sustain
[list]The user focuses magoi into their wand and commands strength and sound rukh to produce friction magic with a swipe. The magician's magoi travels up to 50m away and wraps around a stretch of air 10m tall, 10m wide, and 20m deep forming a sort of hallway. The air within the hallway is suffused with friction magic causing it to darken as though being viewed through thick sunglasses. The friction within this space is increased to extreme levels causing the air itself to scrape and rip across anything moving forcefully or swiftly through it. The spell causes B-tier abrasions to anything moving faster than a D-tier human sprint. [/list]

[center][b]Slick Surface[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary | Defensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium(40m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The spells type will depend on the target. If cast on the self for defensive purposes it will also cause the user to be unable to find solid footing for the duration of the spell. The caster must point their wand at the target.
[b]Scaling:[/b] AoE
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15 Magoi
[list]Using Friction Magic, the caster points their wand at a target and releases a swirling bolt of green light. The light spreads across the struck surface up to 5m in diameter forming a thin film over it. Friction on the surface is reduced to near zero making it almost impossible to walk across without slipping or maintain any sort of grip over it. If the spell is cast on the self, the caster suffers from the above effects on all other surfaces other than what they were holding at the time of effect but is unable to be harmed by physical bindings or blunt force blows as the lack of friction causes them to slip off the caster. Lasts for 3 posts.[/list]

[center][b]Molding Strike[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician + Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Short
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The caster must swipe their wand to cast the spell and then strike the target with a physical blow. The magic is unable to pass from a struck object to anything else and can only effect what was hit.
[b]Scaling:[/b] AoE
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15 Magoi
[list]The caster uses molding magic to strike a material nearby. The material can either be their own equipment, enemy equipment, buildings, plants, or even the ground at their feet. The spell can travel up to 3m away from the point of impact before taking effect. The target object is then molded to the user's will, changing shape and expanding in size up to 10m in diameter. Once the molding is complete the target will have B-tier item durability or maintain its original durability if already B-tier or higher. Due to the Molding Magic passive, after the spell ends the target gains an additional C-tier item durability until the end of the thread.[/list]

[center][b]Seeking Seer[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician [Clairvoyance | Light + Sound]
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Short
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] This spell requires physical contact with the target object. If the target is a person it requires some of their flesh, blood, or hair present should the individual themselves not be present. The caster is unable to distort or manipulate the images and sounds produced by the rukh allowing this spell to display only the true history of the target. The vision of the past is limited to the perspective of the target and/or whoever wields it should the target be an object. If the target object is not held by a person the vision is reduced to showing only the surrounding 5m.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
The caster communicates with the rukh and places their hand on the target be it an individual or object. Using clairvoyance magic, the magician peers into the target's past, they then use light and sound magic to produce a circular screen in the air within 3m of themselves. The screen can be up to 5m in height and width and will present the past events to the caster and anyone else near by able to see and hear the projection. The spell will last up to three posts or longer if scaled.[/list]

[center][b]Eyes of the Rukh[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Use of this spell requires their borg not be on cooldown and instantly puts it on cooldown on cast. The user will visibly summon their borg and then shatter it with a tap of their wand to begin the spell.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Lingering Radiance - Every 10 magoi invested causes the intensity of the light/darkness of the mist to increase. Once the spell ends or a target leaves its area a persisting blindness that reduces visibility to 5m will be inflicted as seeing either white light or pure darkness for one post per scaling.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
[list]The user summons a borg and then intentionally shatters it into countless tiny fragments. Rather than fizzle out, these fragments are charged with magoi, light, and clairvoyance magic allowing them to spread out and persist. The resulting spell appears as a thick golden mist that seems to shine with an almost blindingly bright light. The mist spreads up to 40m away in all directions before freezing in place where it remains inert regardless of wind. Within the mist visibility is reduced to 5m and it becomes impossible to hide ill intentions. The mist around those holding malicious intent will turn black and this black will spread to any weapons or attacks they possess and use as a vessel for that malice. The user alone can see through the mist clearly and does not produce the black mist when attacking. This spell lasts 3 posts and its effects on targets end the moment they exit the mist.[/list]

[center][b]Needle Spray[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulation
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The fur around the users tail stands on end and becomes shiny just before firing.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Continuous Fire - For each scaling the needles will continue to spray dealing an additional instance of damage.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3 posts
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Stamina | 15 Stamina to sustain
[list]The user puffs up the hairs on one of their tails and hardens them into sharp needles before firing them out up to 20m away in a 10m wide cone. The needles deal B-tier damage and can be aimed to follow moving targets or spray an area.[/list]

[center]Megaton Grip[/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior/Manip
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b]  Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The muscles of the area affected by the body manipulation swell slightly. Before taking effect, the muscles around the affected area ripple towards the extremity used to grip.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Stamina | 15 to sustain
[list]The muscles around the user's desired limb ripple with power granting them B-tier grip strength for 3 posts. This can be used to maintain hold over a weapon, foothold, or even to attack a grasped enemy.[/list]

[center]Disrupting Poke[/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive/Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b]  Close
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] User must gather magoi at the tip of the point used to poke a target and assume a stance with it drawn back and ready to strike.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 Magoi | 15 to sustain
[list]The user gathers magoi at the point of a weapon or limb and draws it back to aim at the target. A series of four swift thrusts are then made each delivering a dose of magoi. The magoi will enter the target and then begin to violently churn disrupting the magoi flow of the target. On people. the hit limb of a  target will have its flow disrupted and use of magoi in that limb sealed for 1 post. Multiple successful strikes to the same limb cause the number of posts that limb is sealed to stack. When striking an enemy ability or an object, this ability deals normal ability damage at D-tier per strike.[/list]

Last edited by Zion on 20/02/23, 07:45 am; edited 4 times in total

8Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 04/01/23, 07:11 pm



A-tier Abilities

[center][b]Malevolent Marionette[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] A
[b]Class:[/b] Magician [Nightmare]
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The nightmare will disperse if the caster is rendered unconscious for a full post or longer. The nightmare must be summoned from the caster's own body and not at a distance. The nightmare is incapable of complex decision making and must be ordered if it is to act in any capacity other than defending the caster from threats.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 4
[b]Cost:[/b] 40 | 20
Using nightmare magic, Zion pulls forth a figure from his own nightmares. Upon casting the spell, Zion must touch his staff/wand before a black mist pours from the magic medium and manifests next to the caster. The resulting construct is a shadowy figure standing five meters tall with sharp claws and long fangs capable of dealing A-tier damage. The creature of darkness vaguely resembles a monstrous version of Zion. The nightmare will seek out nearby threats to the caster and lash out at them with its powerful claws or it will obey the commands of the caster. The nightmare can persist for up to four posts before it must be sustained or unless scaled.[/list]

[center][b]Phantom Arms[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] A-tier
[b]Class:[/b] Magician [Perfect Illusion]
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] If the summoned weapon leaves or is forced out of the 20m range it will vanish. The weapons are capable of harming the caster should they not be careful. If the core weapon is destroyed or dispelled by any means, the phantom copy will also vanish.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 4
[b]Cost:[/b] 40 | 20
Upon cast the spell a pair of weapons not exceeding 3m in any dimension will be manifested within a 20m radius of the caster. The weapons can take on almost any form and possesses B-tier offensive and defensive power. A phantom copy of the weapon with D-tier item durability covers the weapon initially and can be controlled to separate into its own separate weapon. These ghostly weapons are nigh transparent, discernable only by a silvery mist-like outline. The weapons are capable of dealing B-tier damage and will persist for three post before needing to be sustained.[/list]

[center][b]Nine Treasured Tails[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] A
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] This ability uses up the free borg spell slot granted by the Kitsune Borg Mastery Trait. The standard borg is unable to activate for the duration of this spell. Zion's tails must be shrouded in magoi before the spell can begin. Damage and clashing with this spell is shared across all of the tails.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Magoi Density - For every 10 magoi invested, the shroud gains 100 Item Durability.
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 4
[b]Cost:[/b] 40 | 20
[list]A large sum of magoi is fed into Zion's kitsune tails which act as the vessels for his borg. This causes a golden shroud of magoi to encase each tail and harden. This shroud can follow the tails to travel up to 40m away and grant them the raw power to deal A-tier damage. The spell lasts for 4 posts and is put on cooldown if broken. [/list]

[center][b]Qalb Shuja[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] A
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The magician must raise their wand, concentrating on their own positive thoughts, feelings, and memories.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 4
[b]Cost:[/b] 40 m | 20 m
The magician raises their wand, concentrating their mind on positive thoughts, feelings, and memories as a veil of life and clairvoyance magic falls down in up to a 40 meter radius around them. This spell enters the bodies of targets within the affected zone, altering the output of their hormones to encourage uplifted emotions as the clairvoyance magic stimulates real or fake memories where the individual has felt strong senses of hope, strength, and happiness for a duration of 4 posts.[/list]

[center][font=Georgia][color=#000000][b][u]Oblivion Magic[/u][/b][/color]
[ Strength + Sound + Light + Lightning ][/font]
[ [size=12][font=Georgia][color=#000000][b]FOUNDER[/b][/color][/font]: Staff [color=#000000][font=Georgia][b]Restricted[/b][/font][/color]: Zion | ???[/size] ]
[i]Strength magic applies gravity, sound magic alters the bonds between molecules, electromagnetism further compromises these bonds, and light magic creates through which no light may pass. The result of this combination of magics is an opaque black space in which there is no light and all matter is broken down into its most base elements as rukh before being scattered. This magic devours all without discrimination and leaves no traces making it seem as though it simply erases things from existence. All Oblivion magic is somewhat unstable and, when destroyed through a clash, will erupt in an explosive blast 6m outwards in all directions. This blast deals B-tier damage at point blank range and one tier less damage for each 2m away from the blast a target is.[/i][/center]

[center][b]Omega Minor[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] A
[b]Class:[/b] Magician
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long(50m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must flick their wand and then point at the place where they want to form the spell. The spell us unable to be cast over a space already occupied by a living person or foreign magoi source that is not Zion's own. This spell will harm even the user and does not discriminate between friend or foe. When guiding the orb, the user is unable to cast other new spells until this ability ends and must continue to point at the target. Each orb requires its own dedicated body part pointing if they are to be guided.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 4
[b]Cost:[/b] 40 Magoi | 20 Magoi
[list]The magician points their wand at a spot 5m away from themselves and uses Oblivion magic to create a 50cm black orb. The orb will either sit there idle or can be guided by the caster to travel up to 50m away from themselves. The orb will last 4 posts or until destroyed and deals A-tier damage by scattering the molecules of whatever it passes through into individual rukh components giving the impression that it "erases" whatever it touches from the face of the earth. The Oblivion magic passive causes the spell to explode in a 6m blast dealing an additional B-tier damage or one tier less for every 2m away.[/list]

[center][b]Brute Bulk[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] A
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulation
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Self
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Muscles of the affected limbs ripple briefly before use.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Duration
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 4
[b]Cost:[/b] 40 Stamina | 20 Stamina to sustain
[list]The user focuses on the muscles in up to four limbs across their body and causes them to temporarily swell with power for 4 posts. The affected muscles are capable of exerting A-tier strength for the duration of this ability. Each new post, the user may shift their focus to change which limbs are to be augmented.[/list]

[center][b]Aegis Reflex[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] A
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulation | Warrior
[b]Type:[/b] Defensive
[b]Range:[/b]  Self
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The flesh around the affected area wriggles visibly just before it begins the ability. Cannot be used on head or torso.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount - Number of deflected attacks
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 4
[b]Cost:[/b] 40 Stamina | 20 to sustain
[list]The user causes the flesh around their body to spin and twist rapidly in response to an incoming physical attack. The rotation of the flesh causes it to parry blows up to A-tier and can be executed with up to four limbs at once. [/list]

Last edited by Zion on 17/06/23, 03:28 am; edited 3 times in total

9Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 04/01/23, 07:12 pm



Omega-tier Abilities

Beast Abilities

Dungeon Beast Abilities

[center][b]Kitsune Step[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] C
[b]Class:[/b] Body Manipulator + Storm Kitsune
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium(20m)
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] Once the grip is activated it can't be released easily and doing so will put the ability on cool down. A visible swirl of wind with gather at the user's feet and the veins around their muscles will well briefly before activation.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] 0
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 2
[b]Cost:[/b] 10 | 5 Magoi + 10 | 5 Stamina
[list]The storm kitsune gathers wind at their feet and causes their legs to become unnaturally supple and springy allowing them greater flexibility to freely maneuver kick-like steps. They kick off the gathered storm winds with a loud boom and travel up to 20m away ending in a second boom. The launching step and landing steps each mark a large and loud burst of storm magic winds. The wind explodes outwards from Zion up to 3m away and those caught in its effective range are blown away 5m due to Storm Magic's passive.[/list]

[center][b]Mandorla Maelstrom[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Storm Kitsune[Magician]
[b]Type:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] Long
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must swipe their arm or tail to produce the initial gust and is unable to see through the storm for its duration. This spell does not move after being triggered so most targets will not be harmed if they simply stand still at its center.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Size - For every 10 magoi invested the diameter of the storm grows 1m and the height grows 2m.
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
Upon swiping the air with magoi, storm magic is produced in the form of a 1m ring of statically charged wind which either surrounds the caster or is released in the direction of the swipe. In this state the spinning wind will harmlessly pass around physical objects not imbued with magoi manipulation. The total range of the ring is 100m and can be guided to curve trajectory up to ninety degrees using a hand gesture. Upon arriving at the target the ring will surround them and instantly burst into a dark storm cloud surging with electricity. The storm cloud takes the shape of a mandorla(double pointed almond/oval sort of shape) which resembles a perfect vesica piscis when viewed from the side. The storms dimensions are 3m wide and 6m tall forming centered on the target sealing off all directions of escape. If the target is standing on the ground the spell will either carve through it with sheer wind and heat from lightning or simply end at the point of contact with the rest of the storm continuing normally so as to form a seal. The storm wall is 1m thick and surging with lightning that deals B-tier damage to both those inside and out. In addition, storm magics passive effect will cause the severe winds to induce a 5m knock back. Those trapped inside would likely find themselves knocked into the other walls. The maelstrom lasts for 3 posts before fading. [/list]

[center][b]Blooming Maelstrom[/b][/center]
[b]Tier:[/b] B
[b]Class:[/b] Storm Kitsune[Magician]
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Range:[/b] Medium
[b]Requirements/Drawbacks:[/b] The user must close their hand into a fist and gather magoi into their palm before releasing this spell. The clouds are unable to move about on their own besides the short distance they travel upon creation and require other winds to move beyond that.
[b]Scaling:[/b] Amount
[b]Sustain:[/b] -
[b]Cool Down:[/b] 3
[b]Cost:[/b] 30 | 15
Upon closing their fist the user forms two dark black thunderclouds condensed into the size and shape of a tiny 10mm petal. These petals will slowly float up to 40m away before being at mercy to the local winds. If there is no wind the petals will simply bob back and forth gently in the air and regardless they will fade after three posts. Though these tiny petals seem harmless, anyone other than the caster who comes within 2m of the petal triggers their function. When triggered the petals give off a brief warning in the form of lightning crackling along their surface before it is fired as a C-tier bolt that travels up to 5m away from the petal. If the bolt strikes a target it will shock them causing instant muscles spasms paralysis which quickly fades into a numbness at the point of contact lasting 2 posts. Storm magic's passive effect causes this bolt to also induce a 5m knock back. [/list]

Djinn Related Abilities

Social Abilities

Last edited by Zion on 04/01/23, 07:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

10Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 04/01/23, 07:12 pm




The King's Glory:

Game of Kings:


Sage's Swordwand:

Bloody Branch:

Cutting Chance:

Magic Smith's Hammer:

Wanderer's Cloak:

Gladiator's Blade:

Confounding Gate:


Deep Blue:

Geographers Plaything:

Terracottan Nails:

Oilclay Jar:

Angels Brace:

Pyramid Pouch:


Honoo Ishiki:

Devils Light:

Journey Book:



Tickets Tokens and Vouchers:

Shard of Solomon:


Aviarachnid Swarm:

Last edited by Zion on 10/10/23, 11:17 pm; edited 8 times in total

11Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 04/01/23, 07:13 pm




Casvallion Deikraft:

Last edited by Zion on 10/10/23, 11:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

12Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 04/01/23, 07:13 pm



NPCs Continued

Ariana Gui:

Last edited by Zion on 04/01/23, 07:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

13Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 17/01/23, 12:31 pm



NPCs Continued

Cornelia "Aisnunu" Fortuna:

14Zion's Vault Empty Re: Zion's Vault 10/10/23, 11:33 pm



NPCs Continued


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