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Let the hunt begin! [Job Chain/Solo]

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Pubs are generally the same no matter where you go. They're usually very crowded, loud enough to keep the unfortunate souls who live nearby awake, and they are rowdier than all hell. The pubs in Remano, of course, fell perfectly in line with this stereotype. Why are pubs like this? The smart guess would be the alcohol. Things become entirely different once alcohol is in play. People are more confident and boisterous. This, at times, isn't a good thing. Fights are picked and women are harassed. Hopefully, Bahir wouldn't have to deal with too much of that tonight. He didn't really feel like dealing with the negative things that could come from going to a pub.

Despite the fact that Bahir didn't want to deal with drunkards, there he was: standing outside of one of the largest pubs in Remano. The fanalis sighed as he walked through the doors and was met with the roars of the drunken occupants. The crimson eyes of the young fanalis male scanned through the people in the tavern, searching for a certain set of features. Gray hair, large glasses, loud mouthed, and a tattoo on his shoulder. It wasn't long before he found what he was looking for. He was a rather old fellow, just as Bahir had guessed. He was sitting at the bar and causing a ruckus among the other patrons. Bahir was a bit shocked to see the shape the man was in. He was clearly an elderly man, but his body made him seem to only be forty-two. Taking note of the tattoo on his shoulder, Bahir walked up to the man and sat next to him. He didn't want to waste anymore time.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you a man they call Griffen?" The fanalis stared at the man and tried to make a few of his other features. He couldn't see much until the older man turned his head and looked at him. His eyes were a deep crimson, a strong trait of the Fanalis blood. The old man stared down at the boy with a quiet intensity before laughing aloud. "Aye, boy! I am Griffen. What can I do ya fer?" The old man's face seemed rather happy. He put his mug to his lips and began to tilt it upwards. Bahir could only look on at the man for a moment. Was this for real? Before being caught up in his thoughts, Bahir cleared his throat and spoke up once more "Ah, good! My name is Bahir. I'm looking for an ex slave. His name was Hakim. An older man. He is a Fanalis. Do you know where I can find him?" At the mentioning of the ex slave's name, the old fanalis stopped his drinking and set his mug down. He wiped the liquid from his lips and looked over to Bahir, his demeanor taking a darker feel to it. "Aye, I know the lad ya speak of. He was unusually quiet. Quite the dominant fella too! He immediately demanded respect from even the oldest of us. He was hard to read, tho... some days he would be as docile as they come. 'Bout like a little doe! Others... he was a hanful for all of tha guards. They usually had ta drug him and put him away for tha day. Why on Earth would ya be looking for a lad like that? I say ya should just go about ya day, boy. Bahir was it? Yeah. Just leave that Hakim fella be."

The news was a bit of a relief, while also upsetting to the young fanalis. At least he knew that this old man knew his father. The only problem now, was the somehow pry the information out of the geezer. He figured that he would start by trying to appeal the man's emotions. No elderly man would want to see a young boy without his father right? He would at least try to help him as much as he could if he was told a little sob story before. At least, that's what Bahir hoped. A low sigh escaped from his lips as he stared down at the bar, trying his best to put on a show. "Well... well. you see I can't 'leave him be.' ...He's my father. I haven't seen him in three years. I thought he was dead! Please... please help me. I need to find him!" The older fanalis looked at the boy with a heavy glance. He leaned back on his bar stool and scratched his arm. He grabbed his mug and motioned to the bartender to have it refilled, doing his best to keep from making eye contact with the boy. "Well... I guess I COULD help ya.." Bahir's ears twitched at the sign of good news. He slowly looked up at the older man. Things were looking up! "So you'll tell me where I can find him?!" At this question, a loud, booming laugh came from the older man. He slapped his knee and slammed his newly filled mug onto the bar. "Oh yeah! i'll help ya, boyo! But I'm gonna help meself first! I'm not gonna give ya any kind of information with getting something in return, ya know?! Now this is what yer gonna have to do, if ya wanna see yer daddy, alright?" With a chuckle, the elderly fanalis wrote down a few directions on a note and held it towards Bahir. "There's a lad a few blocks from here that owes me a few huang, see? Go and collect that for me! It shouldn't be too much of a trifle. The fella's pretty yellah. After you gets that money, there are a few fellas near the royal palace with red and gray armor. I owe em a bit, ya see? The money ya get from the fella should be enough to pay em off. Go do that for me. THEN I'll tell ya bout ya poppa. Got it?! Git outta here! Hurry now! G'on!" With another round of laughter, Griffen started to drink from his mug.

Bahir sucked on his teeth and took the note, heading towards the doors of the pub. So much for getting this info easily. He thought to himself as he walked out of the doors of the pub.
Word Count: 1063/500



Bahir made his way down the roads as he read the note. It was a description of the two fellows he had to find. The first was the easiest. It gave him complete step-by-step directions once he left the bar. The young Fanalis followed the directions on the paper to a tee and found himself in front of a rather large house. He looked up the door of the building and took a few steps back, taking in the design in front of him. It, surprisingly, wasn't too flashy and was rather simple. Deciding not to spend too much time wandering about the building, Bahir knocked on the door... heavily. The sound of his knock echoed down the streets of Remano for a few seconds. A few minutes passed and the man who lived in the house finally came to the door. The man made eye contact with Bahir and instantly began to scowl. As the man opened his mouth to bark at the fanalis, Bahir spoke up. He only uttered one phrase and received the results he wished for: "Griffen sent me to collect your debt." Just mentioning the old fanalis's name, caused the homeowner to pale over. With a quick, nervous nod, the man stepped away from the door hurriedly and returned with a roll of huang. Before Bahir could ask anything else, the man bowed and slammed his door shut, locking it multiple times.

Bahir decided not to worry about the strange behavior and proceeded to the next man on the list. He remembered that the next target was near the palace. With a sigh, the young assassin leapt onto the top of one of the buildings and proceeded to free run towards the palace. Upon arriving to at his destination, Bahir flipped off of the building and landed in a crouched position.Just as he landed, the door to the place he was going to opened and the men inside had a confused look on their faces as to why there was a boy landing, out of thin air, in front of their home. "Whaddya want, kid?! Ya better have a damn good reason why you're blocking us in!!!" Bahir looked at the men, standing and pulling the large roll of Huang out of his pocket. 'I'm here to deliver this to you all. from Griffen." The men looked at each other and snatched the roll of huang from Bahir. "Scram, kid. Tell Griffen that we'll consider it."

-Later that night-

Bahir returned to the pub and sighed. He approached the older Fanalis man with a slight hint of irritation. Dealing with the people he did made him tired. Griffen downed a bottle as Bahir walked up and laughed aloud as he emptied the bottle. "Y'know boyo? You're not that bad! I'm pretty sure that you're Hakim's lad now. Quiet and to the point! Yep. No doubt now." Bahir looked at the older man out of the corner of his eyes. His irritation starting to transfer from the people earlier to this man. Sensing the hostility, Griffen ordered another bottle and began to drink. "Alright kid. Rumor has it that there's a slave trader up there in Portsmouth Harbor. Even when that brat Lagi disposed of slavery here in Reim. Ain't that dirty?! Psh! Bastard can't even abide by his own king! Anyway. He was one of the crabs that worked for our master. He oversaw most everything we did. I'm sure he had the last interaction with ol' Hakim. Said he wanted to sell him personally. Good luck. That's all I know. Now git on."

Bahir looked at the old man and smiled. He nodded and patted Griffen on his shoulder. "Heh. Thanks, uncle Griffen." Bahir gave the old man the title "uncle" out of appreciation. He was way too excited about the prospect of finding his father. Without another word, Bahir exited the pub and continue his hunt.
Word Count: 1725/500

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