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Joining the Corps [Training/Plot - Solo]

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Second-in-Command... Am I skilled enough for such a title? Bahir thought to himself as he stood in his room. His white haori held the insignia of the unity corps on both of the front sides. The fanalis looked over his new garment in a mirror and couldn't help but stare. Something didn't feel right to him. It didn't take the assassin long to figure it out, though. He gripped the sleeves by the shoulder and ripped the sleeves from it. With a grin, Bahir crossed his arms, flexing them a bit. "This feels much better. How can these people be so comfortable with their arms being so constricted? Ah well. Time to go and meet the troops, I guess."

Bahir had previously sent a letter to his spies to enlist into the Unity Corps, those who could anyway. The Unity Corps covered the bases of the reason Bahir began to gather and train his spies in the first place, and with Lagi stepping down as Emperor soon, Bahir needed to find a way to allow his spies to be of use. This seemed like the perfect opportunity, at least in his eyes. He would be able to keep his eyes and ears moving through the Reim Empire and be able to assist the man that he chose to follow in his goals. Lagi wanted to protect the future governing council... then so be it.

The Unity Corps Colonel walked out to the courtyard where he was assigned to welcome new recruits and introduce them to the training procedures. He was actually surprised by the amount of people that showed up in front of him. Of course, he recognized his personal students. There were a larger number of people there that the fanalis didn't recognize though. A couple of Imuchakkan people even graced their numbers! The fanalis grinned as he stood at the front of the courtyard, all of the recruits lining up in front of him.

"Welcome, boys and girls." The fanalis crossed his arms and the grin left his face. "You have enlisted to become the internal peace keepers of Reim. Welcome to the Unity Corps. For the next few weeks, you will be going through a training course. Here in the Unity Corps, our primary focus is cohesion of the races to form an indomitable force. We will be protecting the officials and citizens of Reim to our dying breath. Though similar, your mission is not the same as the Fanalis Corps. Commune with your fellow recruits. Enjoy each other's company. When you see me again, your training will begin."

After his 'speech', Bahir took his leave from the recruits, heading to his chambers for a few hours to allow them to bond with each other.
Word Count: 462/1000



A few hours had passed and Bahir decided that the recruits had enough time to socialize. The fanalis made his way back out towards the courtyard where he left the men and women, the future, of the Unity Corps. To his surprise, the group was still there! He would have imagined them to have left and come back. If they had done so, surely there would have been stragglers... right? Whether they did or did not leave, Bahir was impressed to see all of them still there. He cleared his throat and approached the front of the courtyard again, standing in front of all of them.

"Well. Glad to see you all are here. I will be providing you with a bit of training today in General El Nagi's place. I am Colonel Bahir. My job is to train same of you on the lesser known side of the Unity Corps, along with general combat, escort, and security procedures. This will ensure that all of you are adept in at least being able to carry out the primary mission of the Corps. Those of you from Imuchakk or who share their blood... I'm sorry, but your build will restrict me from teaching you any further. The rest of you will meet with me on a separate occasion to prepare your body and minds for what WE will be called upon to do."

The fanalis gave them all a moment to process all that he has said to them. Before they could really begin to whisper among each other, the fanalis spoke up again. "Alright! These next few days will be simple. You will be trained in the use of a sword, spear, and the bow. I may not teach you personally all of these things, but you will learn them. I will stand over your training sessions to make sure that they are going according to plan." The fanalis whistled and smiled to the men and women. Three Reimian soldiers entered the courtyard and moved to stand behind Bahir. "These will be the men teaching you what you need to know. The swordsman is Grundir. The spearman is known as Zazameen. Our archer is a man who hailed no nation before joining the Unity Corps. The name he has given us is Ace. These men will be all of your tutors. You will rotate between the days of which weapon you will learn. Work hard, and you may, one day, take the title of General."

Bahir turned to the three tutors and gave them a smile. "Split them up into thirds. Remember, the group you take first, will be primarily trained in that weapon art. They will be your permanent students. Do us proud." The three men nodded to Bahir and the fanalis turned back to the volunteers. "Are you all ready? These three men will go through and hand pick their first trainees. They already know this, but whichever weapon you are selected for first, will be the weapon that you spend the most time with. Understood?!" Bahir's question was met with a roar of acknowledgement. The excitement the new recruits expressed filled Bahir with hope. This may work out after all... He thought to himself as he saw the men and women's hearts fill with excitement. Perhaps I do have a way with leading a group of people. I'm not at Lagi's level though.. yet..

Weeks went by and the trainees had become quite versatile. While their primary weapon was almost on par with soldiers of the Reim army, their skill with the other weapons was just slightly above average. They could hold off a militia at least. Even so, Bahir's goal was still achieved. The troops were going to be versatile. In his mind, this made them better suited for the situations that their jobs may put them in. Bahir dismissed the trainees after the last session, congratulating them on surviving their training camp and becoming privates in the Unity Corps.
Word Count: 1134/1000

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