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Bianca [Solo Misson]

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1Bianca [Solo Misson] Empty Bianca [Solo Misson] 26/05/15, 04:06 pm

Kara Satel Bane

Kara Satel Bane


It's been almost two weeks since Bianca last visited Icarus, let alone gone on a mission with him and to her amazement he has grown to full size in such a small amount of time for him to grow so much Bianca was somewhat gobsmacked.. as thoughts of amazement travelled through her mind delighted at how good Icarus looked though the rapid aging seemed to worry her did these wolves have short life spans she didn't know and would make it apparent to investigate this issue later to find out that they have long life spans and the rapid growth was coming in these animals. The two would hug each other for quite a bit before Bianca would wash and feed Icarus signalling to exit the building going into a small run. Bianca had been tasked with dealing with slave traders making use of the current weakness of the hungry civilians of the country which would highly motivate Bianca not because it something she needed to do as a member of the Unity Corps but putting down slave traders would be a very fun aspect being able to put down such vermin with power. Bianca wouldn't use the normal Unity corps way she would make sure that when she was dealing with the issue at hand they knew it was Reim military forces dealing the damage to the slave traders.    

Bianca would get summer to take flight scouting the area for signs of any foul play while Bianca and Icarus located a scene of the most recent incident reported at the guards office leading them west of the capital finding a bloodied bandage. Icarus instantly sniffs the bandages and quickly starts running west of their current position as fast as he could forcing Bianca into a sprint to stay with him. The two of them would be running for quite some time as they travelled futher and futher and with every step Bianca was growing curious if Icarus was just going for a run, though un knowingly to Bianca he would be leading her right into a rescue mission. Summer on the other hand would give up on his scouting task, and return to Bianca or at least travel in her direction at full speed in order to not loser her from sight making sure unlike the incident before regarding the council candidate she wouldn't fail here since she was just in time to be too late last time to help Bianca.

As they run other a hill they end up finding a slave scout who has been injured by what appears to be a kitchen knife in the leg which has injured him highly forcing his friend to abandon him and is at Bianca mercy who clinches her fists "You have once chance to tell me where your friends are or I kill you, if you tell me I might not kill you.... if you don't tell me I torture you until you tell me" Bianca smiles with a big grin as she waits for his reply.


Last edited by Bianca Cordelia Brown on 26/05/15, 08:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Bianca [Solo Misson] Empty Re: Bianca [Solo Misson] 26/05/15, 08:30 pm

Kara Satel Bane

Kara Satel Bane

The scout currently in fear as he stares down Bianca in some very intimidating gear complete gold and blackness. Black greaves, Black leg plates, Goldern full plate, Black stone like helmet and a waving Black cape behind her though every piece would have tints at the edges and centre of the opposite colour .though she did forget the helmet once again due to it simply just really being annoying to wear and blending in while wearing the entire outfit would be very difficult. "Why are you wearing that anyway aren't you meant to be like blending in with everyone you stand out like a mouldy Bizana...anyway I apologize but I don't know what your talking about...."..[Bianca] "Oh really" she draws her bow and loads her first shot "Last chance". the scout throws a smoke grenade at Bianca and makes a desperate attempt at a diving attack from his grounded position at her Smoke Bomb and Double Slash. Despite Bianca vision being blocked by the smoke she wouldn't be put of and simply fires two shots of powerful immobilising arrows of pain Route BomPainment the first arrow breaks the double slash attempt by the scout and the second goes strait into his right shoulder sending a large amount of pain into the scouts veins preventing him from using both his arms. The scout screams out in pain as Bianca walks strait forward crouching over him, putting one foot/boot on each of his arms before lowering herself slightly "I warned are really forcing my hand here...Tell me what I need to no and be knocked out,, don't and die its your choice". The scout looks around trying to see if any help is coming and swallows his pride "Theirs a map in my pocket of the route the main group are taking please don't kill me". Bianca smiles "Was that so hard... you will be knocked out and taken to the capital for an interview of sorts..Thank you" Bianca punches the scout in the face knocking him out making sure to only inflict c teir damage instead of the full whack of her power.

Bianca would take the map from his pocket and begin reading it and coordinating her route based on her distance and angle from the capital of the country, before singling for summer to pick up the scout and take him back to the Palace dungeons. So Bianca and Icarus were heading west at a fast pace to intercept the slavers while summer was taking the scout back in order to gain as much information from him as possible, even putting the possibility of flipping him on the table if he corporates. Based on her current route Bianca would take about one hour to reach the slave as she runs behind them really fast with Icarus picking up allot of dust behind them as they run, somewhat giving away their position but the slavers wouldn't notice until the first shot had been fired.

abilities used:
Stamina = 120/150

3Bianca [Solo Misson] Empty Re: Bianca [Solo Misson] 26/05/15, 09:00 pm

Kara Satel Bane

Kara Satel Bane

Bianca sprinting with her friend Icarus like bats out of hell not a single glimpse of hesitation as they finally within range of the convoy spotting a total of 15 escorting the slaves who were mostly being dragged from steel at the angles which just angered Bianca how could they do such things. She had no intention of offering them a chance at all and as soon as she gets within range, using her momentum for a bit of a jump into the air launching off three arrows two immobilising arrows with the goal of causing screaming pain to announce herself with a bang, and one devastating shot capable of piercing through multiple foes with bloody holes being created as it travels.Route BomPainment +Oblivion I. The first two shots impact the two rear Slaver Guards creating a scream of pain getting the attention of the rest of the group who draw blades and charge for Bianca and Icarus still sprinting though the Devastating shot kills one of the screaming guards piercing through taking out multiple weaker foes.

The remaining force would be 10 of the 15 as the engagement begins with Bianca charging for two punches one with each arm impacting the second guard currently immobilised in both his arms through sheer pain inflicting A teir damage and litllarty knocking of his entire head clean with the attack. At this moment the leader of the slavers attacks Bianca while Icarus starts working on the rest of the group. [Pompei] "HOW DARE YOU CHALLENE ME YOU STUPID BITCH" swinging his axe rapidly at Bianca in a very military style, which followed the previous attack of firing off 5 quick shots from a crossbow. Bianca would be able to slap away the bolt with her bow but it would force her to meet his axe head Vicious swipe meets Single Target. Bianca had underestimated the power behind the attack not meeting it with an equal shot causing the attack to make contact with her torso inflict C teir damage leaving a deep laceration though Bianca would quickly attack him with a powerful quick uppercut[B] with all her strength knocking him out. Once he was out Bianca would move to sitting on him as she waited for summer to return from the capital city which wouldn't be long. Meanwhile Icarus was having fun battling the extra who pretty much had no skill what so ever. he would take out all the remaining forces killing some, and knocking out others and would proceed to use his teeth and powerful jaws to free the slaves, who would be escorted back to the capital with Bianca, Icarus and summer with the living slavers being chained in their own devices for a bit of a poetic justice.

Back in Reim once they had returned home Bianca had started interrogating Pompei in a civilised manor trying to learn everything she could from him about the slave network and how she could not only take them out quickly as far as reim was concern but use their stashes to help rebuild the country.

Abilties used:

65/150 stamina

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