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So It Begins [Exiting Reim]

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1So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 21/05/15, 07:34 pm

Eve Will

Eve Will


Eve Will has battled hard through the coliseum made friends, foes and rivals and developed her renowned as a warrior of honour not to mention the reputation she had built through out the country helping a large amount of people from village to bars and the respect of the company within the trading guild she had been staying with.

This being said it would be the next chapter in her life that would define her and her future as she takes the advise of the old man who helped trainer her through a pain barrier of strength in recent days she joins a trading caravan with her trading guild friend. The Caravan would reach imuchakk and her home tribe within it though before this it would travel through a several other countries and even take to the seas for a portion of the journey.

During the coming days she would make a large amount of direct friends that she is actually aware of along with making a major step towards her goals in life not to mention a grand battle.

2So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty Re: So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 23/05/15, 01:50 pm

Eve Will

Eve Will

Day 1.0:Departing on the Trading venture

Eve Will has agreed to leave Reim with the trading company as an Employee helping them with everyday duties from labour, negotiations, defending the supplies along with the long days of travel her stuff is pack and its time for her to help load the convoy of carts. Tony [The convoy runner]"Before you start loading I want to introduce you to everyone so please follow me"

Eve is lead to a team of two merchants wearing extremely unique gear; the first wearing quite heavy looking cloth pink dress which glides down nicely, with interesting circle designs repeated through the entire outfit, a large amount of pockets along with a very large bag filled right up. Tony This is Alice Wonder from the grand city of Magnostadt and has a large knowledge of both magic and science in the medical field and will be our groups medical lead" Alice Wonder curtsy's and shakes eves hand [Eve] "I'm Eve very nice to meet you..*Bows *.
Before the conversation continues she is introduced to the second of the two [Tony]"This is Jacob Gate our lead in emerging on the go he accels in using what is around us weather it be sand, Forests or simply ocean making high stand camps, for comfort, security and all we could need.. we call him the wiz kid" just like with Alice wonder they would shake hands and do an action of respect and start a conversation between each other.
So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Char_merchant

The carts had actually been loaded by the other merchants extremely fast, that in the time eve had been introduced Alice and Jacob the convoy would be ready to go [Tony]" Well mount up with Alice and Jacob and we will continue your induction when we make camp, on our way to the Plains near Magnostadt to collect a few resource's needed for the final journey". and so the convoy started moving out with Eve alone in the back of the most important wagon of all, the survival cart filled with supplies to keep them alive, healthy and secured when stopped. Alice and Jacob would be out front, driving with each other while Eve alone simply sat Crossed legged and figured her goal was to stay awake and make sure no one tried to steal anything. The convoy would consist of a total of 10 carts and 40 people among them, not including the 5 knights helping to escort, and 3 scouts 20 minutes ahead of the convoy.

3So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty Re: So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 25/05/15, 03:22 pm

Eve Will

Eve Will

Detail of events coming.

The Long Journey has started with the Wagons leaving the capital city in the early morning in order to make as much ground as possible for the journey at hand. They are traveling east through the country of Reim along stone, dirt and grassy roads as they travel. Eve would be alone for this entire part of the journey contemplating to herself meditating with her ears in order to hone her senses to her location while the rest of the convoy seem to be very chatty. Though due to some of Bianca renowned when passing local villages she is recognised and cheered for and even causes the convoy to be given extra resources because of her previous actions which gain Eve Will respect among the group for her influence inside the county of Reim.

The convoy would travel through out the entire day not taken a single break until reaching the southwest coastline of the country to set up camp along with a make shift dock for security and committing 50% of the resources to their oversea trade. The camp would be quite large with wooden pillars built around the land exterior supported by housing towers designed for multifunctional buildings for both standing for watch tower duties and living within. Additionally three great large ships would appear near the camp within 20 minutes of a flame being shot into the sky.
So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Bailly-alice-1866-1947-switzer-scene-de-port-anime-876750-500-500-876750

4So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty Re: So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 25/05/15, 09:46 pm

Eve Will

Eve Will

Once the convoy set up for camp nearly everyone instantly went into some sort of ninja construction mode, quickly getting things done extremely quickly working in perfect harmony without even a whisper crossing them though Eve Will just found herself bored, amazed and inadequate wanting to help but with no way to actually help though she wasn't alone in this regard as she is introduce to 4 other merchants who don't have a place as far as the general rhythm is concerned but its them that shine when chaos is a foot.

First of is the two siblings Jacks and Beana though everyone calls them J.Beans when together for a really weird fart of a story which won't be told here. The two are very cheerful and have blue colour matching cloths of silk with a very unique design with blue hair due to being strong Imuackks like Eve and they would get along just great.
So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Websites-as-Anime-Characters-by-Jon-Lock
The two would be very strong fighters each having their own unique unicorn horn sword and would both go into great detail sharing tales with Eve before being interrupted by Rebecca a really young Fanalis who joined the company after the Kou attack on Reim not so long ago and didn't want to be tied to a country that accepted such aggression lightly. She would really dive into Eve will asking her a large amount of questions about her ambitions though Eve Will would keep this information close to her chest and simply said she had big steps to make in this world. So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 36-oerba-dia-vanille-anime.
Finally joining this small group would be a very small talking cat, with signs of powers which came across very weird to Eve though she accepted it quite quickly.

Over the course of the rest of the convoy rushing to set up the camp, this group would be chatting away learning tonds about each other and where they want to go in the world, and why they joined this group and where they wanted to go. Overall a neutral goal among the group was to find a good cause though Eve did smile along with this she already had her own cause which was quite important and it wouldn't be till the events at sea that this would become clear not only to her Eve new group of friends but the entire convo leading to Her first big step in this world.

Eve will did feel really relaxed with these people and that she could trust them so much that each one she would call friend deep down.

5So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty Re: So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 25/05/15, 11:30 pm

Eve Will

Eve Will

It was time for the convoy to split up onto three different vassals each lead by different people heading for different locations, Bianca would be boarding the first bound for Magnostadt and the great plains in order to trade and gather valued goods effectively for the benefit of the trading guild. Eve and everyone she has introduced would end up being the bone of this venture since the other vessels would head through much more dangerous waters. Eve, Jacob, Alice Jacks, Beana and Rebecca along with five other strong fighters wearing strong armour just standing in unison lined up, at the peak of the ship watching the surrounding waters closely staying extremely closely while Eve and her group would be training on deck with each other learning each other combat skills and style though wouldn't put so much effort to get tired. This vessal would have 10 additional workers who would be running the ship during the calm times with a very relax captain who wouldn't leave his cabin for most of the trip. The events of the Journey would stay quite for most of the first half of the journey though now the ship entrees the centre zone half way through their route.

6So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty Re: So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 16/08/15, 01:13 am

Eve Will

Eve Will

The Battle at sea Begins

Part 1 : The School

As the ship enters the center of the ocean during the voyage; large fish start jump on board fliping about, the fish have large jaws, they have blue scales and are about half a meter long, and 1/4 tall quite scary creatures though with these numbers most people don't seem threatened at all. [Rebecca]"GUYS LOOK DINNER JUST JUMPED UP" everyone of the crew who were currently below deck started to come up as more and more of these creatures starting to pop up one by one with a a large amount of people starting to grab harpoons and stabling the creatures in the cheats killing them instantly before starting a fire to start cooking them.

Eve was sitting with the group she had met on the journey so far Rebecca her fellow fanalis, Alice Wonder and Jacob Gate from day 1, the two siblings Jacks and Beana and even the cat had joined in reguarding eating barbqu monster fish. Though the fire would just draw more of these fish towards the ship. The Captain had just managed to reach the deck to example the situation and the moment he saw the fish, the fire, the eating he went into a raging fit "YOU STUPID IDIOTS" *Everyone turned to face him in confusion as if he lost the plot* "Battle Stations" [Rebecca] " What is wrong with you.. when dinner jumps into your lap you eat it stupid" Rebecca sticks out her tongue with everyone else on board including Eve Shout "EXACTLY" *Cat adds ketchup*. [Captain]" I SAID BATTLE STATIONS". The crew all take one last bite of nice fish before listing to his orders like he just killed the party when suddenly over 50 of these fish sprang from the starboard side with larger teeth than before*. *The cats face goes into a massive grin as he sees flying food* [Captain]"Kill as many as you can and get them off the ship!" more and more ended up joining the incoming wave so much so they blocked out the sun itself.

So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Seamonster_2
Captain "J-beans[the two siblings.. i want an air current sending these things over the ship,... Jacob and Alice get this mask down completely... Crew get to the ores and row as hard as you can.... The rest of you are on Arms duty i will maintain watchers 1 post while we go through this ordeal. WE WILL SURVIVE!.

7So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty Re: So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 18/08/15, 12:31 pm

Eve Will

Eve Will

The battle facing the endless monsters of the sea continues with the captains battle plans being implementing effectively so well in fact that despite it being like a wall was coming down filled with teeth Eve wouldn't need to do much exactly kick the odd creature of the ship, which she would do like a football. Despite the danger of the situation she had become board though watching her fellow swordsman and the fanalis work with the fish that came their way, she had the idea of a new move... which would be perfect for this situation. Spinning her blade 360degress with the blade starting in a vertical manner as if the blade was a shield capable of shredding anything it comes in contact with not forgetting to step side to side.

The army of creatures would be defeated with ease yet the captain would be extremely worried looking around as if he was expecting something else to appear and as the ripples in the ocean ceiling confirmed his fears he went into a mad panic. The entire ship would be flung into the skies as a massive huge sea beast launches its body from out of the water to the suffice rising to heights not yet seen to the known crew.....this wasn't even its attack. Eve would use the gained height to dive from the ship heading straight for the beast with sword in hand shouting "WAVE PUSH..! QUEEN !!!! SWING.....!!!!!!!". The beast would use a large body of water currently within its lungs... spitting at the ship not noticing Eve diving downwards. Simultaneously the attack hit the ship eves combination attack would make contact.. as eve feel into the throat of the beast cutting him from the inside killing him rather quickly due to the direct contact with internal organs.

........There is allotted more to this story... but you will have to wait for Eve to discuss her memories....

8So It Begins [Exiting Reim] Empty Re: So It Begins [Exiting Reim] 18/08/15, 12:47 pm

Eve Will

Eve Will

Present Day

Eve Will has made it back to Imuchakk with strong knowledge of surviving the ocean, and fighting monsters of the sea not to mention the hard truths one must face during combat that one will lose friends.. and that people die. Despite not knowing the true outcome of the deadly battle during the months at sea on a piece of wood she found inside the beast which she used to dig out of the beast and to float at sea to her destination covered in the monsters blood for days she made assumptions that chances are they were all dead.

Eve Will also found a very nice piece of steel armour on her journey with interesting designs, which seemed to fit her new look generated by months at sea, diving for food and drinking salty water filtering the ocean water as much as she could. Her hair became allot darker, eyes moved to a permanent bloodshot state. along with slight changes to her personality.


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