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Zadi's Training [Training/Private]

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It is now time for Zadi to train again. He was killed in his last battle...a narrow one at Zadi just knew it was due to his spell...rather than his stubbornness in putting up his borg when he needed it, though Zadi honestly doesn't know what happened to his borg. He didn't think it would end up being a problem at the time, but as it did turn out, a dysfunctional borg ended up being a problem for Zadi...obviously turning up dead with 3rd degree burns all around one's body is lethal. Anyway, Zadi was rather bitter about it all. Aquillia shouldn't have been able to move what-so-ever! Even if she could move, it would have been much harder for her to notch her arrows and fire off any sort of projectile! It didn't make sense to Zadi, but hey! The past is the past...though Zadi is still rather bitter about it all...very very bitter. Unbelievably bitter. It was as if he had already felt this feeling before...well, to be honest. He has felt this bitter feeling before...against another set of archers! Archers are the bane of Zadi's entire existence! They have range, speed, power, and even tactical advantage over Zadi! Well, maybe not all tactical advantage, but it is a great deal easier for an archer to strategies when their opponent can't reach them other than by tricks and other such devilish things that Zadi finds a bit revolting. The only damage that Zadi was ever able to deal was trick damage in some way, all of them which involved his Ball spell, however, it has recently begun loosing its luster as it keeps getting taken out by random arrows here and there, unable to help Zadi but strike one good blow and then maybe a bruise or two afterwards. It was rather pathetic that Zadi let his skills as a Magician go to waste on battles against was ridiculous! Zadi would very much rather fight melee fighers, beasts, or even another Magician! Fighting another THAT would be something! However5, Zadi is probably the only magician to have ever stepped foot in the Coliseum of Reim. Maybe another one in a far off land, but surely in such a magician-unfriendly arena there weren't any other magicians. However, the only thing that Zadi regrets about the battle against Aquillia is his stubbornness and his tricky behavior. He doesn't regret using any spells, but the ay he did was uncalled for such as the sneak attack with his Ball spell. However, it was the only way against an archer. Aquilia had speed, strength, quick reloading speeds that were insanely short, and on top of all that...she had some sort of latent strength that could break Zadi's Weight Increase spell. It was ridiculous beyond belief how insane Aquillia was with that explosion. Zadi died before knowing anything about what happened to her...but Zadi hoped that he sustained near fatal injuries...only near because he wanted her to suffer! But enough of this ranting within Zadi's mind. The real training was about to start and Zadi had a LOT to teach himself about magic. Mostly Light magic as he didn't have a single legitimate "light only" spell in his small arsenal.

"Alright, so what kind of spells should I be making today? Or maybe within the next few days...weeks? All the same, what should I do now that I don't currently have Syma with me? Well, I should probably revive her, hahaha! But I'll let the spirit rest a little before bringing it back to this world. Too much for little Syma to handle at the moment. Don't want to cause her anymore trauma...because that's all that's ever happened to her...hehehe...yeah, not funny. Can't spin off death either. sad. Depressing even...should I really go at it in the Coliseum again? I died due to some stupid things happening that also didn't add up! With I could just take it all back and go on some mission. However, now that I'm "invested" in the Coliseum's battle stuff, there could be some turning back...but not really with my emotional state. If I could just be paired against someone other than an archer...THAT would be perfect...too bad that wouldn't slide with whatever committee pits fighters against one another."

Zadi sat down in the sand and waited for some inspiration to show up...and nothing happened. He usually needed to train in order to get stronger for e dungeon, but now it was more difficult seeing as he already had a Djinn, specifically Vassago, in his possession. He didn't even need more than one ability with Vassago! That's how confident Zadi used to be about battle...but now that he fought by himself against something that he would normally get just injured from if he were with a partner! Lagi and Tai...both rather good partners or, as Zadi likes to think of it, "Dungeon Buddies" which a term that no other person it allowed to use! Just kidding, just kidding. Words are meaningless in such a grand world of adventures where all you have to do is enter an unfamiliar place and adapt to the situation at hand. Oh! And there was also Yakuroro! He was the best partner...maybe. It was probably the easiest dungeon to date due to the little injuries that Zadi sustained. However, Yaku did sustain an injuriy...specifically from Zadi's actions against some invisible foes at the very beginning of the dungeon. That experience was rather traumatizing for Zadi, but he loved dungeons for those dangerous adventures...unless he were to die for some stupid reason unbeknownst to him.

Anyway, Zadi was ready to train. AND he finally got a spell in mind! Yay! Maybe…depends on the quality of the technique. Sure the idea of Zadi getting an idea of a new spell is grand and all, but the actual spell could be very terrible. However, the worst spell that Zadi has ever made isn’t super terrible, but rather inconvenient for a magician. His Blunt spell wasn’t all that terrible, but it wasn’t all that great either. He needed something more long range since he was a magician. He needed something that could hit without being too hindered, such as a literally harmless pulse of magoi…but why? So that he could infuse his magoi onto someone else! Obviously…I mean what else would “harmless pule of magoi” imply? Hahaha! At this point, however, Zadi actually had a great spell in mind which could help him expand on other spells such as his Weight increase and Weight decrease techs. Those two needed some sort of “upgrade” so that they wouldn’t need other techs to start their engines. So, now that Zadi has a concept in mind…how would he train it?

Zadi sat down, crossed his legs, held his wand like a sword upwards with both hands in front of his chest and started to ask the Rukh of Light for some help. There was a plant nearby and he wanted to test if he could burn it with a simple infusion of magoi. Zadi sent some magoi to the nearby plant and instantly infused the plant with his own magoi. Specifically light Rukh in this case. Now that he had infused his magoi of light with the plant’s light, it was time to manipulate some stuff about the look of the plant…maybe even…burn it!!! HAhahahahahah!!!!! Yeah, seriously. Zadi wanted to see if he could intensify the light of the plant, the absorbed light specifically, to the point where being touched by light would burn the plant non-stop until it was covered by shade in the specific areas in which it was being burned. Zadi tried and tried, but to no avail! He was tough, but he kept trying all the same, always with some lesson about how light works. The absorbed light was the importance. Intensify the pigments of the plants and have them burn under other light. Easy enough.

Zadi kept at it, eventually getting the plant to smoke a little at the very top where most of the light was shining on the plant. It was working! Awesome!!! Erhm…Zadi kept at it, always learning something about light while trying to cruelly burn the poor little plant. However, it was all in the name of science! Whatever “science” meant in this case, hahaha! After some time, Zadi was able to noticeably burn the plant to the point of shriveling it, much like dehydration would. However, only shortly after one part shriveled and fell off, another part, perfectly unharmed, BURST into flames! It was concentrated to that single leaf, but it was enough to prove that Zadi was successfully able to ignite the plant using magoi infusion! Zadi was happy, but sad knowing that Syma wasn’t able to relish with Zadi about his success like he used to…however! With Zadi’s next Coliseum fight, he would be strong enough to overcome ANY obstacle and win back the money he had lost and also the pride he lost from death…yeah…that sucked. Now then, Zadi called his new spell “Ignite” and went on his merry way with more training.

1,500+/1,500 words

Spell Trained:

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