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Warp Training [Training/Private]

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Another day, another magic. Zadi fond himself learning yet another magic but, obviously, different than all others that he had learned up to this point, more or less. It wasn't that the magic was the opposite of everything. Simply different. It wasn't offensive. It wasn't defensive. it was just supplementary in nature. Not as though he could add more offensive skills anyway. He had enough as it is. In fact, with his borg, he had enough defense to last him a lifetime. However, supplementary spells were lacking. Sort of. In a way, he "had enough" in terms of quantity though he did not have enough in terms of quality. It wasn't long before Zadi felt the quality of his spells was lacking, generally speaking, so why not up the quality of his supplementary spells? A good question that could only be answered through meditation!

Zadi found himself an open area within the plains near Magnostadt and started to rest his mind. The new magic that Zadi has been saving for training, in mind not body, is called Warp Magic. A strangely broad name for a rather 'specific' magic. One could say that the two don't fit with each other, but Zadi knows otherwise. The magic is dubbed Warp rather than Illusory due to the combination of Strength and Light magic. Not Solid Illusion magic. That magic is simply the creation of solid illusions. Warp magic is so much more, sort of. Technically Solid Illusion has as infinite amount of variety while Warp magic has an infinite minus one. Within Zadi's perspective of both magics, Warp magic is the 'lesser' magic. However, the greatest difference between the two magics is the application against other magicians!

Zadi has created an idea of a magic so great against other magicians that it may very well be the greatest magic that he has or will ever come up with in the near future! Granted, it is only a two combination magic with a combination of magic types that is relatively easy to combine. However, against other magicians, it makes magicians look like everyone else who views this magic! Therefore, Zadi REALLY needed to come up with another spell. That's right, in the time that Zadi created the magic, he was able to come up with a spell revolving around the magic combination. It involved "teleporting" his image to another location such that it looked as though Zadi himself "teleported". The magic not only makes Zadi invisible, it tricks his opponent into believing something that is simply not true, as long as the opponent doesn't use a special type of vision such as a snake's thermal vision or a dolphin's echolocation. Tough stuff to fool indeed. However, Zadi was planning to get his revenge on the magician that foiled his disguise within the meeting of the fanalis during the war between Reim and Kou. Granted, Zadi wasn't accustomed to using said disguise for a long time or at all for that matter at the time. The disguise would have worn off before he could do anything fun. All the same though, his intentions weren't "evil". He wanted to stay "neutral", even if that meant being solely on one side of the battlefield, keeping himself alive. Not really "neutral" but Zadi didn't care for the outcome of the war. He just wanted some action.

Anyway, Warp Magic is great against magicians and non-magicians alike as long as the opponent does not have sensory abilities beyond a human's. The new spell that Zadi has been anxious to learn makes great use of Warp Magic. His image is to be distorted and thrown in such a way that Zadi looks 15 m/s slower. A great sneak attack opportunity. The opponent, without extra vision, sees Zadi either standing still, if Zadi is moving 15 m/s or slower, or moving quite slower, if Zadi is moving more than 15 m/s. A versatile technique that allows for cover and surprise, even against magicians. Just as great, if not greater, than his C-tier spell involving just about the same idea. Zadi must admit, no matter the tier of the Warp spell, Warp magic is very cool yet dastardly.

Now it was time to practice his newly thought up spell. Zadi stood up from his meditation and activated "Slow bro", as Zadi decided to name it. He walked around and looked behind him to see if his image was standing still. Sure enough, it was standing still, doing nothing but looking cool. Zadi then decided to pick up the pace using his Flash Steps at 20 m/s, taking all of the steps at 1 meter apart, always looking behind him to see if his image was moving "with" him, though 15 m/s slower. Sure enough, no matter how many steps Zadi took at whatever speed he wanted, the image would stay with, just slower and lagging behind. However, Zadi's image started to look a little far away. Zadi started to slow down but unfortunately lost sight of his projection. Zadi could only guess that the reason for such a phenomena was the distance between himself and his image; the two got farther apart than the spell could handle. Zadi thought back to how far awy the image was before it disappeared and was able to remember "30 meters". A good distance, even though Zadi wanted something "infinite". However, magic was not all powerful and therefore had its limits, too. Stretch a spell to far and it will disappear, quite literally. However, Zadi really was satisfied with the results and called it a day for his training. Stretch a mind too far and it will snap in half, causing all sorts of trouble in the near and far future if not treated properly. Granted, Zadi's mind has been stretch to it's limit and farther several times and he has "come back" from those experiences almost every time. Perhaps he was still stuck within a break in his mind and lying unconscious underground within the Shrouded Isle or still burned to a crisp within the Colosseum in Reim? Zadi couldn't really know!


1000+/1000 words

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