I talk to the man that Mr. Medina told me to and he gets me geared up. A fishing net and an hooked harpoon. He then points me to a rowboat where a few of his mates were waiting for me. I hop on and we head on a little further into the sea, too some specific place in the bay. Of course, I'm the one rowing. The new guy is the one that rows. After we get to the correct place, the fishermen started doing their job. Some preferred to cast the nets and try to catch the fish like this while others used the harpoon, inside and outside of the water. Those where really big fish, looked like tuna but with a different shape. The harpoon and the net where the only ways of catching them. To me, the fishing net seemed easier but the harpoon was something I was more used to. So, I grab the harpoon and started fishing. It was difficult at first, since I only knew how to fish with a fishing rod, but I started to understand the fishes patterns and movements and started to hit them almost as much as I missed. Then I realized that if I used the net to restrict there movements, i could force them to swim in the same area, making it easier to hit them with the harpoon. Just like FISH IN A BARREL.
~ ... And I said Mr. Medina's joke was bad... ~
After several hours, me and the fishermen head back to the harbour, after catching several of these fish. They caught a lot more, but I could only catch the requested 20. I deliver them to Mr. Medina and, after a small chat, I go to my next job.
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