This is post is mostly directed towards any Fanalis. I plan on starting a country. The country would be similar to Imuchakk or Magnostadt. Basically most of the population, if not all, will be Fanalis. I'm looking for two people, preferably Fanalis, who'd like to be a part of this. If you want to be a part of this and aren't a Fanalis you're more than welcome as well.
The name of the kingdom was going to be called Oikos. It means the family, the family's property, and the house in Greek. Which is what the Fanalis are based off of in Canon. No Tier is required. If you're low tiered I'll help you in gaining exp and all that good stuff.
Just post your characters name age and a brief synopsis of their goals and who they are. I'll help in whatever way I can in developing your character.