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Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job]

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1Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] Empty Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] 07/09/15, 08:07 pm

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

The sky was painted in several tones of red, orange, yellow and blue, as the clouds took on the rays of sunshine like a canvas, as it spilled across over head. The brunette wanderer was starting to feel like Heliohapt was her home. As she was heading towards the marketplace of Helio to get some work again, she noticed there were packs and packs of children littered, some alone, some in groups. They all seemed to be quite depressed, and even one little girl had tears streaming down her face. Chimera seemed rather callous to the fact, and walked right past them without as much as glance, but deep down she was calculating a few steps ahead. She could tell they weren't slaves, slaves at that age would never have that much free time.


2Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] Empty Re: Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] 07/09/15, 08:22 pm

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

Finally approaching the many stalls and stores that were fueled by slave labor, she finally had established her plan. Chimera walked up to a food stall with a rather savvy and talkative merchant, her eyes showing her interest in some of the desserts that were available for purchase. "These look so good, I bet they could cheer up some of the children on the road here." She nodded, as she picked one up, the merchant kept his tongue closed on her lack of etiquette, and he started talking on the situation of Heliohapt, about the situation during the festival of the Broken sun and that the kids were now orphans.


3Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] Empty Re: Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] 07/09/15, 08:37 pm

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

"So what's the most popular sweet among the locals?" She was definitely interested purchasing quite a bit of the delicacies. The merchant quickly brought out a small weaved basket to hold the desserts, giving her some dates with a sweet paste and crushed walnuts on top, Date balls or something. they looked and smelled delicious, and a set of Basbousa but in cookie form. It was a sweet pastry, typically a cake topped with a nut or plain. This cookie seemed to be topped with a nut, and it smelt as sweet as it looked. "Thank you so much." She had given him the coins for the sale and was back on her way through the roads to meet with the children.


4Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] Empty Re: Odd Jobs II. [Solo Job] 07/09/15, 09:21 pm

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

It was already noon and the sun was shining over her head, the heat beating down on everyone. Even though she crossed her same route but she was coming across empty so far. She had finally found the one girl she saw earlier, the one with the tears, at least they had dried up against the sun, but there was an audible rumble.... Hunger pangs. Chimera stared her down with dead eyes, the girl didn't even know what to do, but she broke out into tears. Chimera loved the look of fear in her eyes, and seeing her wallow in her own misery. So full of expression, she slowly walked towards the youngin', making herself more and more monstrous in her demeanor.

Finally the little girl tried to run and escape, but it was already too late. Chimera pounced on her, grabbed her hair in her fist as she screamed... and stuffed a pair of cookies in her mouth. the little girl tried to expel the cookies from her mouth with her tongue, only to feel the sweet taste... and she began to chew. Chimera finally let go of her and rolled off of her, laughing her ass off.

The innocent little girl was still crying, half in fear and half in relief. Chimera handed over the basket full of sugary goodness to her. "This is for you and for you to share with other orphans. Just let them know that these are from Chimera." Just in case the little girl didn't understand what was really going on since she was in shock and feeling a myriad of emotions. "That's me. I'm Chimera." She initially had planned to take some of the children as slaves with a nice speech that they could have a decent life but there just weren't enough for her to be taken seriously.

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