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Niala Massri

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1Niala Massri Empty Niala Massri 19/01/15, 02:37 pm

Niala Massri

Niala Massri

Niala Massri Niala2_zps48eadac2
Name: Niala Massri

Country Affiliation: Heliohapt

Race: Human

Tier: D

Specialization: Manipulation

Age + Birthdate: 17 Yrs old, June 1st

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Niala is an adventurous girl and loves to explore new places and new concepts to learn. She is friendly, loyal, and rather pleasant - or strives to be. She can sometimes go to dark places in thought, and the thoughts of attract black rukh which frightens her, fearing 'losing her way'. By her very nature, she's sweet, bubbly, and strives to fight against malice, hatred, and slavery. Despite this Niala can be very disciplined and maintain an unwavering high self control when need be, allowing her to play a 'role' she doesn't inherently likes in order to push more benevolent goals.

Niala tends to not let get others negativity get the best of her, and it doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest. Sometimes she can be overly playful, and she usually is, but she can quickly snap to a dark and relentless personality when she's struggling with negativity and witnessing heartless or malicious actions. Even then, she can quickly and easily snap back to her usual bubbly self, sometimes not even remembering what happened.

Niala can be very compassionate that may sometimes be seen as flirty or overly romantic, she is very caring for her friends even if they refuse. Niala treats people with equality and fairness, discrimination is nonexistent for her. She sometimes finds herself trying to hard for something with little importance or unnecessarily fatigues herself due to her very caring nature.

She likes playing all sorts of games with friends, she sees it as good to build relationships and pass time.
Sweets are a favored thing of hers that helps her remember her childhood and they are tasty.
Exploring/Adventuring is fun for her and she loves meeting new people and doing things she couldn't do when she was younger.

Black Rukh are an idea she dislikes as it gives her discomfort.
Hatred of groups and people along with all other forms seem to do nothing but become destructive in her eyes so she dislikes it.
Malice like hate Niala has seen no good come from and its unnecessary.
Slavery, or maybe abuse specifically, causes people unnecessary suffering.

Aspirations: Secretly aspires for the Heliohapt throne, benevolence of the people, love and compassion to spread, and to explore the world. She dislikes being passed up for the throne due to her young age, but desires to explore and have fun since she has the opportunity, but ultimately wants to be the rightful holder.
Niala aspires to become a paragon of justice and benevolence. She wants to show her people that there can be a more beautiful future, fate and destiny that doesn't require the suffering of anyone.

Phobias/fears: Falling into depravity and becoming something she's not. Her parents warned her about black rukh and the self digging hole that is falling into depravity. When faced with this and starts becoming overwhelmed by negativity, she reminds herself of what and who she wants to be. She also fears failure and what such failures may mean with so much at stake and people depending on her. She fears causing others suffering and fears fearing things in general. Despite these fears, they drive Niala to avoid them, and do better. These fear are her driving force and her map. Self betterment, and remembering her goals and aspirations are her tools of coping and dealing with such stresses. She refuses to let them hold her back.

Face-Claim: Original character

Hair Color: White Snow

Eye Color: Pink

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)

Appearance: Niala has a medium brown skin tone with smooth generally hairless skin. Niala has a small but lean build with a ever so subtle bone structure that is difficult to notice even at her elbows and knees. Her body has a very feminine and curvy physique making her look younger than what she really is in part thanks to her small size. She often wears loose and revealing clothing, sometimes cut to make new slits in the sides to make body manipulation easier. Her tops are usually purple, blue and white moderately thick cloth over a small black bra. On her lower body she wears blue and tan lioncloth that falls just below and over her black leather underwear. She almost always has a brown cloak around her body to keep unwanted eyes away.

Rukh Alignment: White

Special Traits: A strange mutation caused the iris of both Niala's eyes to become luminescent, glowing pink.

Niala grew up in the Massri family as the daughter for Ramses Massri the 1st. Despite not being in line for the throne, as her brother was older, she was taught how carry and conduct herself as a princess. She attended court hearings, meetings, and matters of the country, even if just to observe how they are done. Most of her personal time was studying, everything from body manipulation to governance, dedicating herself to making a difference for  the people even if she could never rule herself.

While her brother went missing, her father died during events in Heliohapt in part of choking on a manju. Even if she had already known she was too young, seeing her brother get throne caused Niala to leave the capitol. Not that she resented him, but that she truly had nothing left there, even if the people did know of her, she felt like a lone tangent of something that would never be recognized. After traveling, and making new friends, she eventually decided to return to Heliohapt, only to find an individual playing the role of her brother. She knew her brother's behavior and personality well, and the one playing the role didn't exactly match up.

She had shown experience and thoughtfulness of the matters of the country her father did leave her during his reign. And knew the knew imposter couldn't simply convince the masses to distrust her. She would slowly gain the support she needed, helping the Heliohapt people to maintain trust, and to one day expose the imposter of her brother. The captain of the guard may have been Niala's best supporter and friend along with some of the nobles of the country. She didn't know what happened to her true brother, it would seem he simply vanished within the last 2 years, and the majority of people believed he was the one in the palace.

Niala took advantage of the freedom that she had, traveling but checking in with what was left of her family. This was still something she enjoyed, and she knew she couldn't let recent events ruin her life or her outlook. She knew the dangers of negativity, it could be a hard thing to turn away from, and its not what she wanted to bring her people. Whoever was behind the current imposter couldn't have too wide a reach if he resorted to such tactics, and couldn't have been omnipotent. Connections and freedom to travel would be her advantages, she knew whether or not her real brother ever showed up again, the imposter reign would come to an end.

Role-Play Sample:
Ganat and miller's ship would arrive at dawn at the shores of Hamor city. The docks ripe with opportunity as always. People rushing about getting stocked supplies and goods put away on ships. There would be a small welcoming party for Ganat and the knights as they exited the ship stepping on the dock's boards. Leading the party would be the king's stewart, Sir Reden, dressed in his court attire of white and yellow trimmed robes with the Hamorian seal over his left chest. "Pleased to see you back my prince, you're father has summoned you and the kingdom's newest countess", Sir Reden briefed with a small bow.

Last edited by Niala Massri on 20/01/15, 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total

2Niala Massri Empty Re: Niala Massri 19/01/15, 07:08 pm

Ariella Negri

Ariella Negri

Personality needs to be 200 words, it is only 171. It is also important to note that since she is not a primary intelligence specialization, she would not be able to see any rukh, including black rukh.

Dislikes: She could dislike the idea of black rukh, if she had somehow gained knowledge of it, but she would not be able to see it or be aware of it around her at this point. If she were to gain Intelligence as a secondary specialization, she would be able to sense the rukh, but still would not be able to see it.

Appearance needs to be 100 words and is only 33.

History: Please explain how Niala was aware the man on the throne was an imposter, as it is not known to anyone in Heliohapt, currently. Just mention something like a behavioral difference or maybe an important memory from the past he cannot seem to recall.

3Niala Massri Empty Re: Niala Massri 20/01/15, 11:10 am

Niala Massri

Niala Massri

Fixed all the problems and added "She knew her brother's behavior and personality well, and the one playing the role didn't exactly match up." To the history where the imposter was mentioned.

Ready for review


4Niala Massri Empty Re: Niala Massri 20/01/15, 01:59 pm

Ariella Negri

Ariella Negri

app approved, your vault should be up shortly~

[b]Name:[/b] Niala Massri

[b]Country Affiliation:[/b] Heliohapt

[b]Race:[/b] Human

[b]Tier:[/b] D

[b]Specialization:[/b] Manipulation

[b]Age + Birthdate:[/b] 17 Yrs old, June 1st

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual

[b]Personality:[/b] Niala is an adventurous girl and loves to explore new places and new concepts to learn. She is friendly, loyal, and rather pleasant - or strives to be. She can sometimes go to dark places in thought, and the thoughts of attract black rukh which frightens her, fearing 'losing her way'. By her very nature, she's sweet, bubbly, and strives to fight against malice, hatred, and slavery. Despite this Niala can be very disciplined and maintain an unwavering high self control when need be, allowing her to play a 'role' she doesn't inherently likes in order to push more benevolent goals.

Niala tends to not let get others negativity get the best of her, and it doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest. Sometimes she can be overly playful, and she usually is, but she can quickly snap to a dark and relentless personality when she's struggling with negativity and witnessing heartless or malicious actions. Even then, she can quickly and easily snap back to her usual bubbly self, sometimes not even remembering what happened.

Niala can be very compassionate that may sometimes be seen as flirty or overly romantic, she is very caring for her friends even if they refuse. Niala treats people with equality and fairness, discrimination is nonexistent for her. She sometimes finds herself trying to hard for something with little importance or unnecessarily fatigues herself due to her very caring nature.

She likes playing all sorts of games with friends, she sees it as good to build relationships and pass time.
Sweets are a favored thing of hers that helps her remember her childhood and they are tasty.
Exploring/Adventuring is fun for her and she loves meeting new people and doing things she couldn't do when she was younger.

Black Rukh are an idea she dislikes as it gives her discomfort.
Hatred of groups and people along with all other forms seem to do nothing but become destructive in her eyes so she dislikes it.
Malice like hate Niala has seen no good come from and its unnecessary.
Slavery, or maybe abuse specifically, causes people unnecessary suffering.

[b]Aspirations:[/b] Secretly aspires for the Heliohapt throne, benevolence of the people, love and compassion to spread, and to explore the world. She dislikes being passed up for the throne due to her young age, but desires to explore and have fun since she has the opportunity, but ultimately wants to be the rightful holder.
Niala aspires to become a paragon of justice and benevolence. She wants to show her people that there can be a more beautiful future, fate and destiny that doesn't require the suffering of anyone.

[b]Phobias/fears:[/b] Falling into depravity and becoming something she's not. Her parents warned her about black rukh and the self digging hole that is falling into depravity. When faced with this and starts becoming overwhelmed by negativity, she reminds herself of what and who she wants to be. She also fears failure and what such failures may mean with so much at stake and people depending on her. She fears causing others suffering and fears fearing things in general. Despite these fears, they drive Niala to avoid them, and do better. These fear are her driving force and her map. Self betterment, and remembering her goals and aspirations are her tools of coping and dealing with such stresses. She refuses to let them hold her back.

[b]Face-Claim:[/b] Original character

[b]Hair Color:[/b] White Snow

[b]Eye Color:[/b] Pink

[b]Height:[/b] 5'3"

[b]Weight:[/b] 50 kg (110 lbs)

[b]Appearance:[/b] Niala has a medium brown skin tone with smooth generally hairless skin. Niala has a small but lean build with a ever so subtle bone structure that is difficult to notice even at her elbows and knees. Her body has a very feminine and curvy physique making her look younger than what she really is in part thanks to her small size. She often wears loose and revealing clothing, sometimes cut to make new slits in the sides to make body manipulation easier. Her tops are usually purple, blue and white moderately thick cloth over a small black bra. On her lower body she wears blue and tan lioncloth that falls just below and over her black leather underwear. She almost always has a brown cloak around her body to keep unwanted eyes away.

[b]Rukh Alignment:[/b] White

[b]Special Traits:[/b] A strange mutation caused the iris of both Niala's eyes to become luminescent, glowing pink.

Niala grew up in the Massri family as the daughter for Ramses Massri the 1st. Despite not being in line for the throne, as her brother was older, she was taught how carry and conduct herself as a princess. She attended court hearings, meetings, and matters of the country, even if just to observe how they are done. Most of her personal time was studying, everything from body manipulation to governance, dedicating herself to making a difference for  the people even if she could never rule herself.

While her brother went missing, her father died during events in Heliohapt in part of choking on a manju. Even if she had already known she was too young, seeing her brother get throne caused Niala to leave the capitol. Not that she resented him, but that she truly had nothing left there, even if the people did know of her, she felt like a lone tangent of something that would never be recognized. After traveling, and making new friends, she eventually decided to return to Heliohapt, only to find an individual playing the role of her brother. She knew her brother's behavior and personality well, and the one playing the role didn't exactly match up.

She had shown experience and thoughtfulness of the matters of the country her father did leave her during his reign. And knew the knew imposter couldn't simply convince the masses to distrust her. She would slowly gain the support she needed, helping the Heliohapt people to maintain trust, and to one day expose the imposter of her brother. The captain of the guard may have been Niala's best supporter and friend along with some of the nobles of the country. She didn't know what happened to her true brother, it would seem he simply vanished within the last 2 years, and the majority of people believed he was the one in the palace.

Niala took advantage of the freedom that she had, traveling but checking in with what was left of her family. This was still something she enjoyed, and she knew she couldn't let recent events ruin her life or her outlook. She knew the dangers of negativity, it could be a hard thing to turn away from, and its not what she wanted to bring her people. Whoever was behind the current imposter couldn't have too wide a reach if he resorted to such tactics, and couldn't have been omnipotent. Connections and freedom to travel would be her advantages, she knew whether or not her real brother ever showed up again, the imposter reign would come to an end.

[b]Role-Play Sample:[/b]
Ganat and miller's ship would arrive at dawn at the shores of Hamor city. The docks ripe with opportunity as always. People rushing about getting stocked supplies and goods put away on ships. There would be a small welcoming party for Ganat and the knights as they exited the ship stepping on the dock's boards. Leading the party would be the king's stewart, Sir Reden, dressed in his court attire of white and yellow trimmed robes with the Hamorian seal over his left chest. "Pleased to see you back my prince, you're father has summoned you and the kingdom's newest countess", Sir Reden briefed with a small bow.

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