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King Lagi Vs Breaker

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1 King Lagi  Vs Breaker Empty King Lagi Vs Breaker 17/01/15, 09:53 pm




Lagi entered the coliseum with all of his gear intact, this was a usual fight that he had to win without his djinn equip or Zygus, and so it would be a new experience with him. “It’s one of the first times that we won’t be fighting together… but! “That was right, Lagi was here for a different reason now, he was here to showcase his strength after his loss to that blue haired giant. Lagi had to let the people know that he was strong, and he was planning on doing that today. Orie was with him as well, things wouldn’t necessarily go wrong. After noticing that his opponent didn’t seem to have any kind of long range materials on him, Lagi took out his bow of heaven and kept a steady aim at Breaker while running forward with the string pulled back.  Once Lagi managed to be within 30 meters of Beaker, he fired off the Holy arrow that was launched at m/s with potential B rank damage.  The arrow would zoom all the way towards Breaker, giving about  seconds to react to the attack at hand. Breaker decided to  use deflecting parry while running at 7 m/s

Deflecting parry is initiated at 15 m/s but that extra second to act was taken advantage of by breaker. Breaker moved in to   two seconds later to close the gap between him and Lagi by 16 meters, betting that close range would be good for victory.  As attempted to get even closer with his run about to increase into a sprint, Lagi used Vertigo inducement to slow down the knight  while taking a few back steps to fire off another blast, being about 18 meters away before firing off Hamon Wave End.  With the small backstep that Lagi made, he was able to get out of the range of the Aoe completely. The sickness and drowsiness of the experienced knight has definitely caught him off guard, but his battle sense of being through many battles has granted him enough willpower to use Brace.  However, Lagi was far from done, he snapped his fingers with a free hand after firing toe bow to  fire off a Snap shockwave. The shield shaved off d rank damage of the blow , but the follow up attack has knocked Breaker back .However, Breaker was still in range of Vertigo Inducement


Abilities used

Last edited by King Lagi on 18/01/15, 04:03 am; edited 2 times in total

2 King Lagi  Vs Breaker Empty Re: King Lagi Vs Breaker 17/01/15, 10:13 pm



Even though breaker was knocked back and was nauseous, he was still going  and charged ahead. Lagi Snapped his fingers again to use snap shockwave, sustaining the power. However,  Breaker used brace again to block it. After blocking it, Breaker would get closer to use crushing rush, but Lagi would raise his   bow and used his bladed brooch razor ability for a block.  With that, Lagi would come around with boosting his strength to abnormal proportions with Bulk Up- Strength, and gave the man a sharp punch in the stomach. Breaker cold have blocked, but the vertigo inducement really started to get to him. Breaker took the B rank damage to the stomach head on and started throwing up immediately. The damage has been done and the fight’s just about over.  The vertigo inducement was in full effect as Orie sneaked out of LAgi’s ear and consumed breaker for a brief moment with Goo Trap . The combination of Vertigo inducement, his B rank injuries and being restrained with b rank strength by orie was enough to seal the deal.


Abilities used

3 King Lagi  Vs Breaker Empty Re: King Lagi Vs Breaker 18/01/15, 04:13 am



The C rank burns from the Goo trap and screams definitely showed that Breaker was being eaten alive before he surrendered. Once he did, Lagi ended the techniques and attempted to heal off as much as he could with the angelic brace for breaker. He finally managed to win for once with his own power. It was also a proven fact that Lagi managed to achieve this feat without Orie being present.

Afterwards, Lagi would offer a hand and smile. “It was a good fight Breaker; I need people like you to fight back against Kou. Please, Lend me your strength…..” This was the beginning to boost the morale of the people, as well as the fighters.



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