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Let The Winds Carry You! [Training & Plot]

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The sunrise coming into horizon, bringing sunlight and morning to the people of the great Jade Valley, a quaint town nestled in between two mountains. Having come out of the Jade Dragon Mountains, the young boy sought out someplace nice to rest from his adventure in the dungeon he had just dove into and challenged. Let us say he learned a valuable lesson from that dungeon however, and that is that not every djinn will choose you as their victor cause you made it to the very end and that, well, you lose some and you win some. He knew somewhat before how a dungeon functioned but not entirely, now he did. This was not his only lesson though, as he had learned to not jeopardize the goal of a task by putting your own selfish desires first.

Along a mountain path, as Trently was traveling into the Jade Valley, a sign would be planted into the rocky soil that had an arrow pointing right onto a crudely paved out path. The sign with the arrow was inscribed with the words "Jade Valley Village", pointing out that the right path was the way to civilization. The gullible traveler he was, Trently would follow the crudely paved route and swing his hands behind him, placing them on the back of his head, his right hand and left hand fingers locked tightly together. The life of a wanderer was his life and one he found a lot of enjoyment in, seeing where the wind takes him.

Time has passed, and that Trently knew, he just had no idea how much. It was his current goal to find out and work accordingly based on that. The armies in the mountains had vanished and Trently could not find any lead on where they had gone. Perhaps the civil war had finally concluded but that was very hopeful thinking. If it had ended without him that would be kind of anti climactic. Trently and his role in the civil war had been odd from the start, and he never knew quite much what he was doing and what he wanted to do. The young and noble son of General Kasai did wish however that if anyone won, it was Yoshiro Zu. The country would not be perfect with Yoshiro Zu, but perhaps at least better in regards of treating all people of Kou as fair as can be. Empires rise and fall, but Trently did not want Kou to, it was his homeland and the nation where his family lives. He should put in some effort to rebuild his country a bit before departing on his next journey, that is if the civil war came to end. If not, he will continue to fight for the good of his nation but without siding with Gao Yuan Zu, but fighting off his rebellion and trying to slay him now that he got what he wanted, an opportunity to conquer a dungeon.


His head in the sky high clouds, the young man would get carried away by his thoughts and be caught off guard when three men from out a bush would attempt to ambush Trently and rob him. With a startled voice, he yelled out loud "Bandits!?", and swiftly put his hand on his katana of light magic, unsheathing it and blinding the men with a bright magic light. His magoi flowing into his katana, he smiled and shouted "You want a fight!? A fight you'll get, you dumbasses!" with vigor and thrill in his words. A bounce in his step, he jumped back from the point of ambush and charged the blind men as he unsheathed his razor magic katana. His two hands rising his katana above his head, Trently would then reign his blade down upon the closest bandit to him and deliver a sharp and painful cut to his arm. The injured man letting out a cry of pain, with blood dripping from his wound, his bandit partners would try to make a run for it. A smile on his face, the demon horned traveler pursued his ambushers on foot and poured magoi into his katana of razor magic. Casting a razor magic spell, he would slash his blade at a single bandit target from afar and a razor blade of wind would envelope the blade of his katana and be ejected toward the running bandit. The sharp razor of wind cut through the air like a bird and would catch the bandit, leaving a deep cut wound on his back.

His steps following behind the razor blade of wind, the ambushed traveler would run past the injured bandit and shout "I will kill you if you try this again with anybody!" with a dead serious tone of voice. The sound of his sandals against the ground in pursuit of the third and the last bandit, he would pick up his pace. His katana in hand, Trently smiled and continued the chase, jumping over a rock with his metal hand to propel him over and catch up to his prey. Imbueing his titanium arm with his magoi, he would lift the rock up with strength magic and toss it at the running blind man. Then with his katana, he would imbue it with his magoi, his life force, and attempt to use the razor magic of his katana in a new and unique way never done before. Trying to coat his body in a light razor magic, he would jump up in the sky, and propel him and his blade forward like a bird diving upon its prey. The wind carrying his body he would pierce his opponent in the arm, after breaking the rock that would slam into the back of the man. The traveler was known by many epithets; The Storm Child, The Bird, The Smiling Swordsman, The Raioni, and god knows what other epithets were given to him during his travels across the lands.

Every one of the bandits who ambushed him defeaten, he could rest a little easier. It appeared the men had paved out that crude path on purpose to lure in people in which they could rob. Perhaps they have a hidden base somewhere, and if so, it may be that they are not alone. It is in the best interest of the nearby town if these bandits were taken care of and captured. Bandits had begun to be so widespread in Kou ever since the start of the civil war, and it was like they never ended. A yawn escaping, young Trently stretched and covered his mouth. It was a good time to eat breakfast but he had no food, and if he was seeking out the rest of the bandits, he should get some breakfast first. The town of the Jade Valley just nearby here, he would decide to get some well deserved food there. Placing his magic katanas back into their sheaths, he would deeply stare at his razor magic katana, Kutters' Katana. Perhaps it was time to begin training with it.

Unraveling his magic carpet from his backpack, he sat down on top of it and begun flying into the Jade Valley and over the mountains of the region. His stomach rumbling, the traveler made his descent down into the nestled village in hopes he could get food off of anyone in exchange for huang. The village was a bright and lively place to live, with children playing out in the sun and farmers working diligently on their crops. This valley was home to a very prospering village, considering how far the reach of the civil war was. Standing up from his magic carpet he landed in the midst of the town people, women and children would begin shouting at the boy saying "Magician!" and soon enough he would attract a crowd asking why he had come to the village. It was probably not a great idea to use the carpet out in the open like he did but he learned his lesson. The young man made a stop gesture to the crowd with his hand to give himself a moment to put his magic flying carpet away but they were very persistent. The use of magic had become so common place for him, having attained a collection of his very own.

"Yo, anyone know where I may buy myself breakfast?"

Asking the crowd for some food, more specifically a couple of the women who were there. He laughed awkwardly after the question, scratching the back of his very head. His awkward body language was then followed by a stomach rumble. To his great gratitude, he was served breakfast on the spot with no huang asked for in return. It was nice of the village people. They were all kind hearted souls. Anyhow, he could not linger around for very long. Scarfing down the breakfast, he had to get going. A fort of bandit must be someplace nearby. With no further words said beside "Thank you, I will be back", the warrior would begin to depart for the mountains to see if any bandit forts can be found. However, a sudden cry to stop would halt Trently in his place. An elderly woman with tears dripping from her face had come racing past the crowd asking for Trently to stop and not go, for whatever reason. His eyes seeing the raw our emotions from the woman and her cry for help, the young man could not even leave if he wanted to, this woman was in need of help and he would do his very to help. Staying to hear what she had to say, he gestured for the crowd to quiet down for he may see what the woman wants of him. The woman in tears, her face truly spoke great volumes. On her knees in front of Trently, she put her hands up to her face in a begging position, asking of him to find her daughter who had been not seen for days now. The elderly woman had red hair, with red crimson eyes, almost certain signs she was a fanalis. Placing his hand upon the shoulder of the woman, he made her rest assured that he will bring back her daughter and reunite her with her mother. His eyes burned blue, a fire in him was ignited. "I will try my very hardest to return her home!" The blue haired traveler, Trently, said to the elderly mother. If his guess was correct, the daughter of the woman is with the local bandits, perhaps captured and trying to be sold if not already. He would tell the concerned mother of his suspicions that the local bandits may have taken her, and are trying to sell her into slavery. At first the woman begun to panic but Trently stared her in her eyes and patted her shoulder with a face that was as hard as the metal he fought with. His determined spirit knew no bounds.

The village crowd wishing him luck, he saluted to them with two fingers and took to the skies with his magic flying carpet. It could be a good idea to to test out the full extent of his profiency with Kutter's Katana, a very prized magic blade of his. It did not hurt to train a little more, who knew what danger awaited Trently in the future. His great power did not come from his training alone, but his fate that led him to attaining magic tools that for the average person could take years to obtain. With the magic fate has granted him, he must use it to his best ability.

Skyhigh, in the air above the nearby mountain region, he would need to look for where he was ambushed by the bandits. It was not very hard finding it, he just had to backtrack. Taking to the ground, flying very low, he would hover around to find the men he defeated gone with drips of blood making a path for Trently to follow. This made it all the more easier but Trently must be on guard, last scenario Trently wants is being stabbed from up close cause he was not careful. In no time, he would be led into a much more forested area by the blood. However, by this time the trail of blood ends as well, making it all the more tougher to locate the other bandits now. When he was about to begin looking for a lead though, he would be confronted from behind a tree by a muscle bound man with nothing to fight with but two iron fists, quite literally two iron fists. His hands were coated in an iron esque metal. It were no mere gloves the man was wearing either, but a coat of iron swathed around his fists. Clearly, Trently was dealing with a body manipulator. It is rare to meet another body manipulator, especially one that was a bandit. To put his profiency with Kutter's Katana to the test, he would unsheathe it, putting his flying carpet in his backpack before taking a battle stance. His nimble fingers allowed him to store and retrieve items and weapons with not very much time.


In defense stance, he stood valiantly in front of the enemy and channeled his magoi into his magic katana. He would try a new technique and see if defense was possible with razor magic. A single step per second, he carefully neared Trently, the bandit flexing his muscles and increasing them in size. It must be an ability he is using! His katana in hand, Trently were to prepare for being stricken by an ability potentially like no other. Then, with no warning, the muscular man vanished in a blink of an eye. Where is he? Trently thought. In the corner of his eye however, there he would be cocking his iron fist back to strike Trently down. The body manipulation adept bandit was right on him! "Hoah~!" With his very soul, he roared out loud and let the razor magic of the blade run around him as he slashed his katana and did a 180 with it at quick speeds. Able to create a sloppy shield of razor magic with his katana, he would be proud but not satisfied. It could do more and he knew it! His small razor wind shield was able to block the attack of the man and even damage his hand slightly in the process but the fight was not yet over! Jumping back a meter, Trently took an offensive stance and pounced at his foe who had just been dealt deep cuts to his iron coated hand. The razor magic was strong, considering it tore through the iron body manipulator ability of the man and defended against his heavy punch.


Given the power of his blade, perhaps this match may end in this next strike with it. His eyes set on the man's right arm, Trently hit the ground running with a fierce battle spirit. In one full swipe of his katana, channeling his magoi into it's blade, he would let out a powerful razor blade of wind magic bigger than normal which sliced the right arm of the man off. The man reacted quickly however, and with a raging spirit, he managed to catch Trently in his temple and throw him flying with one punch. Hitting a tree from the impact of the blow, Trently would not have seen that strike coming and he would begin to feel like he was dazing of. If he went unconscious here, it may all end.


The one armed man in excruciating pain, he looked at his arm and his eyes would go red. Both worlds of the men starting to haze, it would be a race to see who ends who first. Trently still had his katana in his hand but he'd better act quickly or else it was the end of the road for him. Trying to keep his conscious mind, he tried to stand and channel magoi into his katana, but it was far too strenuous after the hit he had just taken. He could not get up for the life of him, but then.. "Trently, do not give up! Take up your blade and fight! You have one life! Carry on, young one!" he heard a voice. The miracle of the white rukh had come to his help, easing the pain for he can stand. Invigorated by these words, he shot up with eyes open! Grasping the hilt of his blade tightly, he still felt dizzy and his vision hazy but at least now he could stand. The man astonished he could stand after that strike to the head, he made a quick charge for Trently to end him before he was able to attack. A pair of last final strikes each of the men were to dish out, what followed would decimate the forest in the area. With all his very might and strength, Trently were to let out a razor magic spell to conclude this battle. His battle cry sounding into the skies, it would scare the birds around him in the forest and cause them to fly off. The magic force generated by his step in to the range of the muscle bound man would exceed anything ever conjured with his katana and in a last clash, it only were to grow in power. Veins all along his left arm, the man was bleeding out puddles with this concluding strike of his fist. Fumes were seeping from his mouth, a testament to the effort behind this death blow of an attack. Then within less of a second, it all came to a halting end. A shockwave of power burst from this conclusive clash, breaking the ground under them. How could a mere bandit be this strong and who was this man? Debris clouding the battle field, it was not clear who won but, the sound of the victor would make itself audible. Huffing and puffing, it was certain there was a winner but who..? The debris settling, a silhouette emerged. The shadow was that of the muscle bound man, bandit victor. On the forest ground with his face in the mud but not dead was Trently. He was left a red and bloody bruise on his forehead. It was over now.

A bloody stream forming a crimson lake, the feet of the victor were soaked red with blood. His arm no longer with him, the man had lost more in this fight than the young man did. Perhaps he could kill that long haired brat now? It was what made the most sense to do. However, he couldn't, and he did not know why but he just did not have it in him to do, mentally and physically. He was about to die soon from bleeding out anyway. It was more interesting to let him live and not waste his talent for fightinf. He was leaving this world now soon, and even though he knew he was a dirty bandit who stole and pillaged, how could he use his last breaths to kill that brat? Whoever that young man is, he will go far in life if left alive. He could care less about his bandit organization he had been creating. They did not have the ability to heal him and patch his wounds. His injuries were far too great to recover from. With his last breaths, he said "I will let you live, brat! Do the world a favor, and do better than me!", and dropped to his knees. His eyes losing their raging fire, the red haired man fell to the ground in his own pool of blood. In the moments following, a storm would begin brewing in the skies, traveling by the battle field of the two warriors. Rain accompanied with the storm, the tears of the clouds would drip down upon the back of the Yanaihara's head. The grunts of the defeaten bandit boss on the search for their leader who has not yet returned, they would have to keep looking some other time with the storm happening outside.

The very back of his head feeling wet, Trently would awake and lift up his head from the bloodied mud. It was a tough fight, one he lost but somehow is not dead from. That man is something else, Trently thought. He was quite a strong fighter for a bandit. It could be that he grew up fighting his whole life, and that is why he is so strong. That was just his first guess though. He did have red hair and red eyes however. Perhaps he is a fanalis, but that still would not explain that man's immense strength that is able to contest with his very strongest blade. Anyhow, Trently could not just kill him now. It was against his heart, and furthermore, he was far too of a strong body manipulator to kill. The muscle bound must have been knocked out too by that clash. Trently could see he was still breathing but he looked like he was about to die if nothing is done to save him. Staring at his ring of healing, he did not hesitate at using his heal magic on the man. Trently wanted to learn from this man the ways of a body manipulator and take his training to the next level. Placing his hand on the man's back, he were to channel his magoi into his ring and heal him. The man can consider his lost arm his punishment for his sins. Trently healed his self after his opponent.

The young man were to tread onward into the forest, coming back to check up on his foe once he takes care of the other bandits that must be someplace nearby here, in a fort or camp. With his body healed from the battle he had, he hoped this fight tearing apart the bandits' hidden base of command would not be worse of a battle that it needs to be. Moving his head in a circle, gearing up for a fight, Trently looked on into the forest with a serious face. His katana in the grasp of his left right hand, Trently were to venture deeper into the heart of the storm and mountain forest. Hoping to locate the base soon, he would retrieve his flying magic carpet from his backpack and unravel it in the air, jumping atop of it and lifting off into the dark blue sky. First, find where the rest of the bandits are, there must be more. Second, defeat the bandits that are there and turn them in to the great valley village. Third, return the captured daughter of the fanalis grandma. That was easy enough in his head, it was just now for execution.


Perhaps Trently can use razor magic to clear the skies a bit, but that may be somewhat tough to do. Riding upon his flying carpet along the forest tops, he were to clutch his katana with both of his hands and grip firmly. With his limited expertise and training of his magic katana, Trently channeled magoi into his blade and coated his blade in a razor sharp blade of wind. It was a struggle to hold and keep the magic together, but after a few tries, he were to sustain a working ability. However, his ability in this form was quite weak and needed to be trained. He would attempt at dispersing some of the dark clouds overhead to make seeing a little easier. This may be a dumb idea but he would actually try to split the sky in half. Rising his flying magic carpet into the sky more than before, he begun to get high enough to touch the clouds. It was rough though, with the vicious winds and bolts of lightning striking occasionally and all. Bearing the journey up, he flinched a bit with every bolt of blue energy that reigned upon the mountain forest. Persisting with his wild idea, his magic katana were to start acting unstable and stopping. To combat this problem, he just fed his blade more magoi! In turn, it began acting more crazy! This obviously was not a great idea of his and his execution of it was quite reckless, but he would continue with it. Almost in the reach of the clouds, he were to begin and try creating a sharp blade out of the razor magic of his katana. It were to grow, and grow, and he was about to slice the skies with his great magical might, when.. the razor magic of his katana were to spiral out of control! Man down! Trently did nothing but now create a spiraling tornado in the midst of a storm, one that now began blowing him off his flying magic carpet. Screaming aloud for his dear life, he made sure to grip tightly on his katana as to not lose it and his carpet. Luckily for him, his metal prosthetic arm gave him a strong grip and he was able to stay on his carpet.


The young man did not remain in the sky very long after that however. In no time, he were to be being blown out of the sky along with his carpet. Granted, he did not lose anything but still he was no longer able to be in the air now that a mini tornado was ravaging the stormy skies. The winds of the region became even more unforgiving and he would be dragged by the storm and its winds to someplace else in the forest. He were to hang on for the ride, but he would have no clue of the destination of this wild ride. It was no telling where he may end up! The sky was so dark he could barely see a thing! His carpet and him were just diving into the unknown, seeing what awaited.

Headfirst, the warrior fell into a puddle of wet dirt and mud! Gross! Another time this day he got his face married with mud. His face hurt so bad from the impact and but at least it was a softer landing than rolling the wrong dice side and getting a face full of wood or stone. Wait, but speaking of wood and stone, he were to notice a fortitude made of both material right beside where he landed in the mud. It had smoke coming from within it and it had proper cover from the rain and forces of nature. Did he find the bandit base he was looking for? That was pretty quick, much faster than he anticipated. Trently had no idea how far away he was from the battle field he fought what seemed to be the boss of the bandits, but it felt like a little while away. Could be half a mile or a little more. Standing up from the dirt, he dusted off his garbs. It was a nice fortitude they built, for a bunch of bandits. It could be fun to try and subdue these bandits and make something out of them if they were not complete scum. You could say it was a dream of Trently to be the leader of people, a general, a king, someone in power. He did have to begin somewhere but, Trently should meet these goons first and see if they are worth putting his effort into. They did apparently rip a woman from her home, to do who knows what to her. It is best to see how they are like, and from there he will decide what to do with them.

Geared up, magic katanas at his side, magic earrings on, the young man was decked out from head to toe in great magic tools he fought about nearly everyday with. Hiding behind the forest trees, he scouted the exterior of the base with a careful mind. Last thing he wanted to do is alert them of his presence outside of their hidden base. Trently had to attack in the right place, and scare them, catching their asses off guard. However, then he realized there is no damn special place to strike, it was just as guarded and fortified on the right side as it is on the left side. Saying hell to trying to be a ninja, he begun walking up to the gate of the fortitude and winded up his arm to bust open the gate. Shouting out loud, he let it go his fist and blasted open the locked entrance to the bandit camp, giving a good scare to all within its walls. "I am here to give a good ass whooping! Kekeh!" Roared the storm child, drawing his katana to fight. Every person within the fortitude was quite astonished to say the very least. In seconds, Trently were to be fired at by arrow men. He quickly knocked the arrows aside with his razor magic shield that was used prior in his fight with their suspected boss. It was still in training and therefore his ability could not do all the work, but defend from some arrows and blow others away. Trently had to dodge the arrows while putting up a shield of razor magic in case any arrows slip through. There were not a lot of bandits, about the quantity of them expected. An off the bat estimate was like a dozen likely well trained bandits. The captured fanalis woman was nowhere in visible sight as of yet. It could be that she was sol- "Where is he!? Tell me now!" Cried a very enraged fanalis woman from the corner of Trently's eye, coming from the sky with her foot aimed at Trently. This was a surprise to say the least. Taking action quick, he channeled magoi into his katana and called upon a slight cutting gust of wind to blow her foot off course and stop her from being able to walk or run without her foot bleeding. He succeeded at striking the woman down but now the question was if that is the woman he was told to rescue and bring back. If she was, there may be a greater story behind her vanishing.


Anyhow, the woman can wait later once the other bandits are dealt with and subdued. Four bandits begun to sprint at Trently coming from various sides, equipped with light armor and long daggers. One of the men would throw a small dagger from his sleeve, aimed at the Trently's right arm. Seeing this, Trently were to step forward right as the dagger were to be let go of and zip through the air for Trently. Ahold of his katana, Trently planted his right foot onto the ground tight and spun around in a complete circle once with his katana positioned outward. Giving his katana magoi, its magic circle started to radiate a bright blue. Then, razor magic would begin coating its blade, leaving a trail of its sharp magic around Trently in a circle shape. As the four bandits continued honing in on the intruder, they would jump and dodge Trently's spin but would be oblivious to the razor magic that had just encircled Trently, forming a barrier that will attack back if touched. The bandits resumed their assault and would step into the range of the barrier, being then cut violently by the circle trail of razor magic left by the katana's magic. Truly in shock by the power he wields, all of the men begun to retreat back to safety of their comrades while some tried to flee. They were stumbled and bled from wherever the blade of razor magic striked. Some lost a finger, others just a cash on their torso or arms. It was now clear to them they were fighting no measly warrior they can find anywhere else, but a person much stronger than anyone they've faced.

His eyes set upon the men fleeing, and their comrades whom they retreated behind, Trently would observe and think. In the corner of his eye, he were to see the fanalis woman on the ground wincing in pain. She was in visible pain, and this would drive Trently to speak up. Facing the bandits with an aura of confidence, he were to clear his throat and begin to voice his thoughts to the men "I do not want to harm any of you more than I have, I may end up being a murderer if my hand slips! I defeated your boss, I think! If he is the muscleley red haired man, consider him beat! Now contrary to what I first said when I made my intrusion, I am not really here to beat all of your asses, unless you act out of line and attack me! I have the power to heal your wounds! I am looking for people I can trust and work with to start a guild!" talking loud and crystal clear for them. With a stone cold face, he glanced upon the fortified bandit fort very quickly, and back at the woman on the ground whom was wincing in pain from the strike Trently dealt to her. Then, he looked his eyes back at the bandits. His demeanor was serious and imposing, but the aura and feeling of danger he exhumed was more frightening, if coupled with his words. The other bandits were about to attack Trently to avenge their comrades but what Trently said reinforced their idea that who they were dealing with was a person far more powerful than them or perhaps even their boss, making them hold off on attacking. A silent air with no sound, Trently resumed talking and this time came with a pair of questions for the bandits to answer. Inquiring about the woman and the morality of the bandits, he asked them "Who here knows this woman? Tell me, did you kidnap her or is she a part of this group? Then lastly, who here has killed an innocent man before? I shall spare your soul if you speak the truth! Otherwise, if you lie, you shall die by my blade!" he shouted loud enough for the men to hear. However, the very second after being given these questions, a voice of a man would begin speaking behind Trently. Eyes widened and surprised, Trently shot his head back over his shoulder to see whom the voice was coming from. It was.. the man he fought in the forest a little while ago. He listened to what Trently said and would reply with "That woman, she is my fiance~! Please do not kill her! None of my men have killed under me, it is not us." The man yelled out to him with true emotions behind his words. It was nice to see that he cared for his fiance so much. Perhaps he was not as bad as a bandit leader as others Trently has come across; this would make restructuring them easier if it was the case. Hearing perfectly the words of the leader, Trently were to turn around to face him and walk towards him slowly as he sheathed his katana. He stepped up to him, and in front of him, Trently said with a stern face but a warm smile at the end "I was told to come find her, and bring her home.. If she is your fiance, then I cannot do anything to her, it is not me. Nor do I want to do anything bad to any of you all if you are just petty thieves. I thank you for our fight, it has taught me there is much for me to still learn! Please, teach me how to better my body manipulation techniques! I decided I want to create a guild, and so instead of turning you all in I ask of you to join me!" said the young man with his arm outstretched to the bandit leader. His eyes crimson red, he looked on at Trently astonished by his proposal for them to join him. A new friendship was brewing, from a near death fight. If it hadn't been for each other showing mercy and respect for each other's strength this could not have been possible. The red haired man was eternally grateful that Trently healed his wounds and did not let him die. Lucky for the man, he was still able to reattach his arm he lost to his body with a high tier body manipulation ability but he held a new earned respect for the blue haired brat named Trently. It had now finally been coming to an end, the long day Trently has had.

Gathered around a fire within the fortified camp at night, the former bandits were to converse and celebrate them no longer having to resort to a life of stealing now that Trently was funding a guild for them. It may be best that Trently does not tell the local village of his plan to restructure a bandit group into a guild of mercenaries. However, Trently will have to keep a close eye on them to ensure they do not act out of line. The first order of business was to create a guild hall in the local village for the new guild members. Trently could not forget about the old fanalis lady though. It was important she knew her daughter was fine, and engaged too! The now former bandit leader must have hit it off with her one day. Not yet knowing his and his fiance's name, Trently were to ask the couple once they begun to get to know each other at the campfire. The half fanalis man was named Guaiwu, a name that meant ogre and which was given to him as his time as a slave. Upon being freed years ago by his master, he knew no place to go and had to steal and take to get by. It was no excuse he said for himself but it is why he began a life of a bandit. As for his fiance, she is just a fanalis woman who escaped slavery at a young age with her mother to live a better life someplace else. His fiance's name was Meigui. It was tragic that they both were victims of slavery. If not for it, fanalis may be in a better place than they are now. It was important the fanalis people did not resort to a life of crime to get by if they seek to better the reputation of their people. A lot of them are looked at as angry or rage filled people, and while this is true for some, it did not do the fanalis any justice. Keen on helping the half fanalis man and his fiance, he were to grab both of their hands and promised to stick by their side if they stick by his. Smiling warmly, he told them "We can do this, let us go far! Kehehe!" and looked at them with confidence. He was set on making a guild with them. The very next day, early in the morning, they will begin looking for supplies to start on a guild hall and training while they do.



KAZE HA PROGRESS: 2,229/3,000



It was time to train today, a new day was ahead of Trently. Furthermore, he had to begin gathering resources for the new guild hall he were to build in the nearby village. A lively and expanding village that is connected to major cities and towns by roads is a great place to start a new guild. A resource that were to be very crucial to the guild would be wood! It was what they required to build their guild hall. It could also be sold to the market for profit! This guild had no name and was really only an idea thought up by Trently on the whim but, it was promising if the members that made it up can adapt to a new life of no crime and stealing. With their boss on his side now it appears, he were to hope it will be an easy transition. Anyhow, they had to begin their first task now as a guild, and that task was gather wood. It was by no means a true guild yet but Trently were to just call it by that for the time being.

Rise and shine, for it was morning! Trently himself did not sleep with the guild however, to keep himself safe in the case anyone tried to kill him in his most vulnerable time. He was leading them now but that did not mean they were entirely loyal to him, nor were all prepared to follow his every order. It will take a lot of time and effort to make this group of former bandits into a strong willed maruading heroic force, but it was very possible if it was true they were but petty thieves. He were to have to restructure them almost from the ground up. Trently had to rule these men with an iron first, or well, a titanium fist as his arm is. If he can recruit more people, preferably those with kind hearts, he can better his men by having them learn from example. It will be the ones with a heroic heart and an iron will who he shall promote in the guild, he knew that much. They needed to be tested and observed closely. Using his magic necklace, he will be able to spy on his comrades and decide who is most trusting from there. Trently had begun to think very calculated as he took the role of a leader, a trait he did not have much of before.

In the night, he did some spying, to which he made a choice on a pair of former bandits who he took a liking to for their optimistic lens of thinking for the very future of their group. It had seemed the pair of men were glad the bandit lifestyle had concluded and that they could maybe start a life as heroes, and be better people. This gave Trently the idea that perhaps the kind of bandits he found were not evil or truly malicious people, but people who were misled the wrong path. It was quite very possible that is the case. When the morning came, he were to take the pair of men to cut some trees down and carry back the logs to the camp. He were to tell the former boss of the men though he wanted to train sometime with him. However, Trently said for now he was to retrieve some wood logs and bring them back to camp with him. The boss was to then set out with Trently and the two men he chose to help him and were to begin chopping trees, and more importantly for Trently, train his katana!

Coming to the forest with Trently, Guawei were to challenge the young man to a friendly race to see who can chop more trees faster down and bring them to camp until sundown which was a long time from now. Being his competitive self, Trently agreed to this idea and sprinted with a smile on his face into the forest with his katana. Vigor flowing in him, he begun to channel his magoi into his katana and let it form a blade of razor wind as he slashed at a tree before him. It cut the tree cleanly, and even parts of trees behind it. The blade that came from it though was far from perfect how Trently wanted it to be. It had to be much wider, and capable of more magic power behind it. His tree cutting rival however was surprise surprise, chopping down the trees somehow faster. The man was not far ahead of Trently but just enough to see a difference at first glance. Guawei had cut down two trees with a mere karate chop and a sharp iron hand created from body manipulation. He was an impressive man. Trently could learn a thing or two from him later. However, this did not upset Trently, only make him want to try harder and with his next strikes, create wider and wider blades. For the next week, a lot of his and his men's days were to be occupied by chopping down trees and training. His men had to train for when they begin to set out on mercenary jobs and fighting.

The first day of tree chopping and training was vigorous, and tiring for every person working to retrieve wood from the forest. It had to continue on the very next day though. Guawei were to take the lead on Trently in who brought back and cut more trees down but this was not the end. They had six more days ahead, which was anyone's game. Oh, and while both men were at it, Trently had given orders to Guawai to see out that his fiance told her mother she was okay and was with Trently and a kind man she met, Guawei the Body Warrior. His fiance did not quite want to remain with her mother in the village for very long however as she wished to be with her love of her life, Guawei. This was okay with Trently as he just wanted her to inform her mother of where she has been.

In the days that followed, it would be a constant and nonstop race to see who triumphs over who in chopping down trees and retrieving them for the funding of the guild hall and guild itself. Trently kept up his strong will to win as he trained hard, seeing out that he keeps improving his magic ability with his katana. By the day, the average size of his razor blade of wind were to grow and widen rapidly. It was a great challenge that Trently made sure he would not lose with every fiber in his body. On the second and third days, he raced with Guawei into the forest yet again. Both trying to win over the other, it was competitive. The two rivals though had started to get know to know one another during this time, and soon enough, they were coming to be friends. A warm feeling came from knowing you had a friendly rival, trying to defeat you at a game. Trently did not have much of an issue training his blade size as it majorly consisted of trial and error of forming the blade to be bigger and then sustaining its size. Going into the fourth day, Trently were to be refreshed from a good night's rest and little tired from the day before. It was on this day he claimed he would surpass Guawei and would put his utmost effort into training. At each other's sides and about to enter the forest, Trently were to grip his sheathed katana and scream at the top of his very lungs "Kaze.. Ha!", unleashing a wide blade of razor magic that would cleanly cut twenty five trees in its path. It was clear his training was paying off, and Trently was quickly growing in power. A smile on his face, Trently looked at the astonished Guawei, and began sprinting around to retrieve the logs of wood he cut down. Using his magic titanium arm, he was able to carry the logs back pretty easily but he had to do it one by one while Guawei could come back to the camp with two in his arms. He had to be quicker and cut faster to make up for the time lost bringing the wood logs back. Trently could barely use his ability to its best potential every time but with practice he begun to use it more frequently in the coming days.

The end of the week almost here, it being a Saturday, Trently knew he had to ramp up training days prior. So, what Trently had begun doing is trying to train his other rough abilities at night in hopes they help him with being able to sustain a large size for his razor wind blade technique, Kaze Ha. This with time had started to help Trently ever so slightly, as well as help him develop his other abilities. It was good for him but he got a little less rest now. If he sought to triumph over Guawei he were to need to cut his extra training out on Saturday night and get proper rest for the last day. The days before, he were to train secretly at night in the forest. This helped him feel his katana's magic, and learn to use it and further develop its three new abilities that were to be born from their rough drafts, that included Kaze Ha which was being perfected.

Sweat fell down his forehead like it was lightly raining, drips of it being absorbed by the very ground beneath him. He was a young man with a dream and iron will that shall not be broken no matter what. Again and again, he were to practice forming a shield of razor magic around him. He succeeded in it a couple times, but nevertheless, it was not good enough. His katana in his hand, Trently trained to no end and had begun to tremble with it in his tight grasps. The young man could feel himself perfecting his ability, but he had to persist on, he had to! However, his magoi reserves were being depleted rapidly. Only a little bit more, he said to himself. Nobody was tougher on Trently than Trently himself, and this was both a gift and a curse of his iron will. He did have to give it a rest though, and he knew this. If he continues, his body may suffer. Trently were to decide to call it a night after a long day of pure training, and get to sleep in his tent he set up near his guild's camp. He has yet to look into it the current state of the Kou Empire and if the civil war has come to an end, but he tried not to worry very much about that yet. There is a time and place for that, and he will ask the village nearby once he comes down from the mountains. It was likely these former bandits did not know anything about it, but who knows. He would remember his father upon laying his head, and all the men lost in that horrible battle. It never left his memory, and shall never. Trently made a vow to create a better world and Kou Empire, in their honor. He will not let his people continue to suffer, and would do only his very best for them. A starry sky over the lands tonight, Trently stared up at the bright night sky and would begin to fall to sleep. His dreams were sweet, and peaceful. The dreams he had were how he wanted to help make the world be more like. He will continue to fight on, for more than just his aspirations.

Awake, Trently! A voice said to the asleep Trently. His eyes opening wide, he got up and begun to prepare for further training today. It was the last day and he found that he overslept. The sun had risen and it must have been an hour or two since sunrise. This was bad! Is Guawei far ahead of Trently in today? Trently had no idea of knowing but he had to pick up the pace and get to chopping those trees quick! With no time to spare this morning, he rushed out his tent. Katana sheathed by his side, he ran to camp with his magoi and stamina replenished, feeling great but not quite great about how late he woke up. It was just as he thought! Guawei was far in the lead, with hundreds of wood chopped down and brought to camp. Seeing this, Trently were to grip the hilt of his katana tightly and draw his blade in haste! No time to talk to any of his men, he rushed into the forest and channeled magoi into his katana. His spirit wavering, Trently cast a great spell like no other. In one slash, he were to let out a great and wide blade that would go flying through the forest and sever dozens of trees in its path cleanly. His focus and will on not losing today was more than iron, it was titanium! Sending his blades of razor magic into the bark of trees with extreme power, the noises of dozens upon dozens of trees were to be heard throughout the entire mountain. A young man with a drive to win, he would not let anything stand in his way! He were to continue this trend of severing trees by the dozens for hours until the day ended, bringing back hundreds of if not a thousand and more logs of wood. It was quite a large undertaking but Trently may have just defeat Guawei at his challenge. Perhaps that extra rest last night he got paid off in the end.

It concluded at long last, and Trently were to come out the victor finally. If not for his extra training, he may not have improved so much to take this great victory. To say the least, Guawei was impressed and astonished from where this power and will of his came from. It was a lot for him to wrap his head around. How could a blue haired brat like him manage to do this good when the day before he was barely keeping up with his speed and power. It was a great feat that earned Guawei's respect. However, the young man were to miscalculate how far Guawei was truly ahead when he begun chopping trees down. In fact, Trently was not the victor and it actually was Guawei who had managed to stay ahead of Trently by thirteen logs of wood. If not for Trently having overslept this morning, he could have triumphed ovee Guawei at his challenge. However, you win some and you lose some. Trently was pretty let down upon hearing this news but it was okay, he would win another day. Anyhow, with them having this much wood logs now, it would be time to begin selling them and racking in the huang for their new guild!

Tonight, the guild shall celebrate. Then the next day, Trently and the guild will start to sell off all of their physical hard earned work for profit. It was going to be great! The men were set and should be funded for their business ventures and new guild hall to be built. As his men were to party and have a grand time, Trently were to train an ability under the star adorned night sky. It was an ability that was almost perfected, and it was one that used a gust of razor wind air to blow on a target with great force. It had been used prior to this and was being trained but it was nearly complete now. He would slash at the air again and again, each time causing a gust of razor wind to try and blow upon a large mountain boulder that he found. The winds pushed it an inch almost every time but an inch was not good enough. He needed it to blow on the boulder with more force than that. Then, with another strong gust of razor wind, he were to move it more than just an inch! It was blown up into the air over Trently, to which Trently had to quickly block or let a boulder fall upon him. No time to waste, he were to slash his blade in a wide arc and in an instant, Trently were to form a barrier all around him of razor magic. Had he mastered Kaze Baria? The answer was, yes. It seemed he could now use it and sustain it. This was good news. With some more practice tonight, he knew in a little bit he could also master Kaze Odoroki very soon. Trently managed blow the boulder up into the air so perhaps mastery of it was just in arm's reach! Continuing his training in the night, he tried again and again to cast a gust of air that could drag his targets through the air. It looked promising at some times and others not, until finally after a sweaty midnight of training and practice, he did it! Trently could blow the heavy boulder into the air and cut it with his razor magic! He was proud in himself, and was happy to at last have mastered his abilities he trained. It was a major toll on his body and magoi reserves but he did it! He was crying tears of joy! He looked at the ground where he were to lay his katana, and tear up. His tears fell upon his blade, dotting the blade in red.

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