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Mass Smash Construction [Lagi/Solo]

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It was about time for the educational portion of the ravenous smashers. Lagi had just arrive with the beasts not too long ago and wanted to wait a while before the smashers made a full recovery and associated or even mated  with each other as the El Nagi provided a much safer environment, and manipulated their hormones with incense.  The infant offspring was too young to give proper training and it would take some time for them to mature and be able to lift as much. They were pretty strong, but not necessarily strong enough for Lagi to endanger their health if they start to tackle on jobs that were too much for them. This was practically the waiting game in a sense, the maturity factor  could vary from the Smasher’s recovery time and the establishment of the small project that Lagi had for them. He even brought upon himself to use his angelic brace  to heal every single smasher of its lingering wounds if the medicine that the El Nagi clan had was taking too long. They were an amazing group of dominance users but they weren’t miracle workers in the slightest.” “We should get started then. “ Lagi would say as he left his small hit and went off towards the area of where he was keeping the majority of the smashers. They were doing their usual routine of lifting up boulders that you would need b ran strength to pick up and playing catch with it, typical ravenous smasher stuff.
“oouuoh” One of the ravenous smasher would notice Lagi and make a sound, which in turn cause all of the Ravenous smashers to stop what they were doing in order to look at Lagi wondering why their master has come for them. “Alright boys and girls, it’s about time that I start filling you in on something even more fun than tossing rocks around. “Lagi started to take his time and teaching the Ravenous smashers about  construction in general. He realized with all of these installments with animals,  he would need able people In order to help him out. Along with the fact that Azix offered his assistance in introducing tamed animals to manual labor and any kind of labor of the sort. This  would only make things better for the workers in general  if they had an extra pair of hands that didn’t complain and didn’t mind the extra work to be said. “Alright, the first think you would have to do is…”  Lagi taught them how to teach them basic sign language, as well as listen to instructions and support each other on site. Lagi also taught them in the way of using a hammer, a saw,  tying things up to be pulled up to another stage if they need to transfer equipment from each level to another. Pushing carts full of equipment, Lagi made sure to give them the full rundown as to what to do and how to do it.
This has been going on for about two weeks, Lagi wanted to make sure that the Ravenous smashers fully understood what was required of them. Besides the basic mock trainings of practicing what they should be dong, Lagi was eager to send them out into the real field in order to judge their learning capabilities to the fullest extent.  However, he couldn’t risk the messing up a construction project o anything important unless he knew for sure that his Ravenous Smashers were ready. There could be a time when they could misjudge their own strength and punch a hole in something. “How about here? We could have them start building stuff for the El Nagi clan at first. “It was foolproof,  Lagi could monitor and supervise the actions of the Ravenous smashers this way if he continued to remain close to them and kept a good eye on them. “The first thing that we are going to start with is a brand new horse stable. We also need to build new pens for the Pentax and the Boufer cows. I’ll work them hard to the bone, this will be a good opportunity to see if the Ravenous smashers are ready for the field or not.” Lagi was excited as he initiated his plan.


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Last edited by King Lagi on 05/01/15, 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total



The ravenous smashers spent the next few weeks doing renovations for the El Nagi clan. They fortified the defensive walls set up the stables that Lagi had asked for when it concerned the Pentax and the Boufer cows. There was also a good need of gates for the animal reserve that Lagi had in order to keep some of the species separated from the others, this was also to be carried out by the ravenous smashers. These beings were making some amazing progress in general. The strength of each Ravenous smasher was equivalent to that of 10 men in a sense there was no over exaggeration of the fact that these creatures were unbelievably strong. That was an undeniable fact, and the progress of the current Ravenous smashers was something to be behold. Besides the usual trade of construction, the Ravenous smashers had their other uses as well. Lagi would sometimes allow them to carry heavy sacks of goods or money that served as claimed payments due to the fact that Lagi and the el nagi clan was also into the business of selling the Pentax and the Boufer cows.
“I think that it’s about time that I do some promotional work with these creatures. “ Lagi would say as he started to hatch a plan that involved showcasing the efforts of the Ravenous Smashers. The first thing he did was offer a promotional stable built for either the pentax or the Boufer cows for whoever purchased them. They was only going to do one stable per farm for free, the point of this was to get the farms to be quite baffled on how fast they got the work done. Afterwards they would have to request the services of the Ravenous smashers just like everybody else if they had any kind of potential project or work that they wanted to get done. Other than that, Lagi had a bit of word spread to Azix b and his associates about the Ravenous smashers and the fact that their presence thin the workforce program could definitely shorten the time frame for each project, as well as spread them more equally in order to maximize their efforts. By having more able bodies and getting the work done faster, it would be good for business, as well as Reim or wherever in general. Since the workforce program was funded by the reim government, it would be a great addition to have the Ravenous Smashers as a joint operation to the work force. This was a good pitch, but it was mainly up to Azix if he wanted this.


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