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The collection of the flame [Sabin/B-rank/Solo]

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Things were starting to look up for Sabin, two successful bounties. He was also happy at the result of ensuring the safety of the children that were taken. He knew that slavery still existed regardless of the efforts of men attempted to do good, but if there was something he could do if they were right there in front of him, Sabin would act in the best way possible. He also stayed in the town afterward to help them out a bit in exchange for free food and lodging. His fame was rising ever so slowly, but the name came up in regards to bounty hunters nearby who had a relatively high success rate. Sometimes, your name is all that you had in terms of reputation, as well as the knowledge that people had of you in regards to what you did. One of the reasons or strategies that some bounty hunters take towards when it comes to a rather difficult mission is to act in the "glory" of it to burst their fame to inhumane levels.

If there are some amazing things that you can do without money, just how much you can gain if someone insists on paying you? In the end, it's always at the discretion of the bounty hunter, and they are always looking at the big picture. Raising his stock price and doing some good along the way was a win-win situation for Sabin, something he didn't have a problem with. However, some could say that Sabin was a little more generous than most.


Water overflowed the local wells with fresh and drinkable water, as well as the land properly shaping itself through the blessing of the prince's playground with the crown of the fae prince. Sabin was terraforming the land for the people of Yamagata village. Not only did he add a small stream for people to get an additional option to access water, but the potential of farming for them has also fully recovered due to the purity of the spoil being addressed with the magic tool. The tool itself was something that Sabin considered mysterious, but he was still grateful for the thing. The fire that grazed the lands made it seem as if the yamagata village would experience a setback. At the very least, they could return to their regular lives now.

"Sabin, telegram for you!"

A Younger boy was running into the small inn and over to the corner where Sabin usually sits.


With a mouthful of food, Sabin tried to wash it down with something to drink nearby as he began to read it. He acted rather hurriedly, thinking that it was something from his father, maybe some praise? But no, that wasn't the case this time around.

"This is a summons from a high-ranking lieutenant from the Kou City guards, acting as a proxy down the line for the Kou government. "That was nice and all, but what did they need him for? A special request for a bounty hunter from a country's government wasn't common.


Magoi 200/210




Arriving in Kou, the first thing that Sabin did was make a sharp turn into the guardhouse. "Hey, I'm the bounty hunter, I'm here to see if Lieutenant Han Cheng is here? " Looking at Sabin, the main guard started to lead Sabin further inside and into a room. He knocked first and waited for an answer before entering any further.

"Come in!"

With a nod to Sabin, the Guard would return to his post, leaving Sabin to enter the room by himself.

"Please, have a seat Mr. Sabin. I've heard of some of your success stories, a benevolent savior?"

Shaking his head, as he sat down, Sabin felt that the narrative would be something that could hurt his image. If he decides not to help, even once, he didn't want such bad publicity creating expectations for himself that he didn't want.

"There are other ways to pay, nothing in life is free. The value for the job is something that I decide as to the bounty hunter, the Yamagata village has something a lot more to offer me than money. If you understand what I mean, I hope you don't take offense if I request something that's more than just pocket change. "

Sabin replied rather coldly, or rather, he tried to sound as cold as possible. He didn't want to seem like an easy guy, he also didn't want to seem cheap. It was hard to read the lieutenant's face, but perhaps there was a smudge of respect that formed in the head of the man after hearing Sabin talk.

"I always thought that bounty hunters were soldiers of fortune that would do anything for money. The coin is worth the appropriate job, but maybe that isn't the case for you. "

Clearing his throat, Han Cheng would go on. "The reason why I summoned you here is in relation to the last job that you did for Yamagata village and the dynasty of flame. The higher member of the Kou army, as well as the government, have taken interest in these fire-producing technology that they possess. The collection of these devices for us to get a closer look is what we are requesting, as well as the elimination of the enemies that are using them. We now have taken an official stance against the dynasty of flame due to the attacks they have taken against the neighboring village, but we still need help to track them down."

Sabin understood the game, now that the government has taken an interest in these devices, it's a good chance that they would want to use them in order to empower their own army. Sabin was there when Feng's job request was rejected and unable to be put upon the city board, it was like this country washed their hands of Yamagata village since they had no chance to recover. That was before Sabin showed up and gave them that chance.

"Regardless of the politics, I'll take the job. I'll track them down and bring back as many devices as I can. "




There was no real-time limit with tracking them down, So sabin could figure that he would be able to take his time with finding out where the dynasty of flame was going about. He mostly found them in the outskirts of Kou, so that was a place that Sabin believed he could investigate first. There had to be some sort of pattern that he could get ahold of,  but most of this took some time and preparation.

"Guess I'm going to retrace my steps. If I recall from the time I helped that slave convoy, there must be something in that direction..."

Four days later, once Sabin managed to reach the particular area that he stopped the dynasty of flame stealing away the children from before, he utilized environmental awareness to get a better grasp of the area.  With such heightened focus, what has revealed to him were some tracks that had a bit of a repetitive motion to them, almost as if this was a path that's traversed on more than one occasion. Retracing them seemed to be the play here, and with Sabin moving much further, he started to see that there was a group of the dynasty of flame bandits in the middle of setting up camp. He had no clue what their final destination was, but with them being exposed out in the open, this was the perfect time for Sabin to begin his assault.

With Sabin being 70 meters away, he decided that a surprise attack would work for him the best. After all, the enemies that he has been facing had no long-range counters that were able to deal with Sabin's projectiles, and he needed the kills to be clean so that he wouldn't destroy the flamethrowers. The best thing to do at the time was to immobilize the weapons in general.

With Sabin taking out his swarm bow, the first thing he did was reach for one of his specialized projectiles and fired off a tar net that was scaled. With it zooming through the air and exploding in the middle of the group with a 30-meter radius, it immobilized all of their tools, including the flame throwers.

Right now, they were confused and looking around wildly, picking up anything that wasn't tied down to use as a weapon. The unfortunate thing is that they were picking up things that weren't going to utilize as their best tools.

"Time to finish this. "

With the combination of lethal aim and double-tap, a scaled lethal aim to A-tier levels meant it was A tier damage for each accurate shot to the head, five clean shots in total from cover in order to snipe the enemies from a distance and claim their lives.  It was unfortunate that Sabin was their opponent, but it wasn't something that could be helped if they haven't shown any mercy to anyone else during their pillaging and raping.

"Time to collect the flame throwers. " Bringing the mount closer, Sabin went to examine the goods and return to Kou.


Ammo 6/10

Stamina: 115/225
MAgoi 200/210


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