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Warrior training!

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1Warrior training! Empty Warrior training! 09/01/21, 10:54 pm

Julius Plageuis

Julius Plageuis

After he and Lagi or more so Jynx worked together to bring out the power of his Dark Metal vessel Julius had come to the knowledge that he would be unable to cast Magic from his stave. He was unsure of the reason behind it all, but the best theory he could come to was that his magoi was being focused into the metal vessel thus he was unable to send to command the ruhk, or that it made interference with his magic. Whatever it was it was a setback but one he would soon overcome. Yurameshie, the Shinobi who joined him from the Kogata clan in Kina had agreed to oversee his training with the Katana. This would likely work out well for him in the future and seemed like it would pair well with the power of Zoran's step.

"So where do we start Yurameshie?" The Magician asked in his cold tone, he would be seen in Kina swordsmen attire instead of his normal suit. He had the entire getup from the sandals to the jacket and pants. His A tier katana he had gotten from the Kogata family resting in his waistband.

"Master Julius, from this moment of our roles, will be switching I will be the Master and you the student. Please take everything I say and every order I give as if your life and dream depend on it. Because one day they will and if you mess it up in training you will on the battlefield. I trust that would be a given and that you fully understand what you are about to do. Typically we would start you off with a wooden sword until you're ready to handle the real thing but, after watching you in your time in Kina I can see the discipline and seriousness in your action thus we are going to skip the training wheels, though I will warn that the sword is heavier than its training counterpart thus you will be more drained and tired than you would if you kept at it with a wooden sword. Now then, we will start with 1,000 overhead swings. BEGIN!"

And thus, Julius started his training. Drawing his Katana he felt the weight of his blade, how it was balanced perfectly for him as if it was indeed made for him. He would start swinging it over and over again. The first 100 or so weren't all that hard. Yurameshie correcting his form and adjusted his arms over these first few swings until Julius got the basic forms down. For the next 900 or so swings he could feel the weight of the blade increase after each swing. Over and over again the same thing on repeat. It was different from casting magic, more physical, more demanding on his body.

For the next few weeks, he would train for every minute, every hour that he wasn't otherwise eating, sleeping, or resting. He'd heal himself with his Life magic when his body would ache to allow him to fast track his training with his sword and double his efforts! There would be no fatigue or injuries from pushing himself as they would always be healed and he would always be ready after a few minutes rest and a good drink of water and a bite to eat.

Though he was not a master or even close to anything other than a novice he was okay with the basics. Good enough to use the sword in battle without making a rookie mistake and stabbing himself. He already knew how to do battle and had the experience he needed to not make foolish actions with his magic, the only trick was converting it to his swordsmanship. However, he could say after weeks of this training and practicing his basics over and over that he was a Warrior!


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