As a manipulater could being another's pet or something akin be something viable? The reason I ask is because such actions would reflect on who both I used to be and who I desire to be. My idea for perks will be below in a list after just one last question. Is a profession considered part of a plot or rather can I make it part of mine?
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1. Dominate hand: By show of dominate force and protective care towards Jacklyn an uneasy loyalty is built between the two. - Effect: Allows another of equal or higher rank to have Jacklyn as a pet if an IC bond is built/managed.
2. Following orders: After a strong bond is built Jacklyn will have little issue with being someone's pet and doing as they ask of him. - Effect: Allows another to have Jacklyn act as an extended yet separate part of themselves.
3. Master's will: Using the bond between the two the tamer protecting Jacklyn can give him strength to follow orders. - Effect: The tamer protecting Jacklyn can use her/his stamina in place of Jacklyn own after giving an order to him.
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1. Dominate hand: By show of dominate force and protective care towards Jacklyn an uneasy loyalty is built between the two. - Effect: Allows another of equal or higher rank to have Jacklyn as a pet if an IC bond is built/managed.
2. Following orders: After a strong bond is built Jacklyn will have little issue with being someone's pet and doing as they ask of him. - Effect: Allows another to have Jacklyn act as an extended yet separate part of themselves.
3. Master's will: Using the bond between the two the tamer protecting Jacklyn can give him strength to follow orders. - Effect: The tamer protecting Jacklyn can use her/his stamina in place of Jacklyn own after giving an order to him.