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The New Tailor on the Block [Private]

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Jingyi Hou

Jingyi Hou

Job Details:

Jingyi sat down at her work bench, a note with the details of the order clasped in her hand. She set the note down beside her as she pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil.

The tailor quickly got to work, sketching then erasing before sketching again a design of a wool sweater. Thirty minutes later Jingyi had a drawing of the shirt, along with approximate lengths, the measurements of the woman, and the amount of wool she would need for the project.

She quickly pinned it up to the wall before getting to her feet and getting a basket of her wool supply. She only sat down on her stool after she had set up the loom, and then nimble fingers set to work.

Jingyi made quick work of turning the raw material into usable fabric for the sweater. Thankfully for the hasty woman, no knots were created during the hour-long process, and she was ready to get started on the sweater.

The tailor got her scissors along with pins, needles and several other tools, knitting tools among the chaos of her tools. Jingyi once more sat down at her work table, but this time she was knitting the wool, needle passing needle and going into hoops as the woman worked on creating the sweater.

Thirty minutes passed with the completion of the top parts of the sweater, along with parts of the sleeves. Thirty more minutes and she finished even more.

The normally zealous woman was silent during the process, too much of her concentration spent on making sure that she wouldn't mess up her work to be spent on fidgeting or chattering to herself.

Another hour passed before Jingyi finally managed to put the finishing touches to the wool sweater, and it was mighty fine if the tailor was to say herself. She was sure that her customer would enjoy it.

Last edited by Jingyi Hou on 28/02/17, 04:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Jingyi Hou

Jingyi Hou

The evening and next morning came without any word from the customer, but the lady finally came during the afternoon. Jingyi eagerly watched as the woman stepped into her store, and the woman looked just as excited to be receiving her new sweater.

But to Jingyi's surprise, the woman's excited face turned to one of surprise, but not the good type of surprise. Her face screwed up as she stared at the sweater the tailor was holding out for her customer, and it rapidly dissolved into complete confusion.

"Is this..some sort of new style?" The customer asked, only to receive a blank stare from Jingyi. "Is this some sort of new fashion trend?" She restated, the woman gently taking the weird sweater. The collar hugged the neck like she requested, but on the front was the image of some sort of beast, even with a special button sticking out for the nose. Certain parts of the wool were dyed odd colors, some clashing and others not. It was certainly eccentric, but not enough to be considered tawdry. The woman gently puts down the sweater, her mouth opening in preparation to ask if she wouldn't have to pay for the thing.

"I guess- it's one hundred percent Jingyi-made! The only thing I didn't make was the button and the wool, but I created the fabric, sweater, and design! I'm so happy that you're going to be the first owner of my first official piece!" Jingyi exclaimed happily, dimples forming in her cheeks as the woman smiled in an affable way. Everything about her expression radiated happiness, from the twinkle in her to the moment Jingyi grasped the other woman's hands in her owns. She happily shook hands before letting go, "I'll go ring up your order!" The tailor added before rushing off to the back, the customer staring in wonder as she picked up the shirt and silently agreed that she would purchase the sweater.

WC: 335

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