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The Fanalis Escort [Job/Solo]

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1The Fanalis Escort [Job/Solo] Empty The Fanalis Escort [Job/Solo] 01/10/16, 04:16 am




Dynatos yawned loudly, as he stood outside of a temple. It wasn't just any temple however, it was the temple of Anubis. From what he understood the men inside were devote to the God of Death. Not that Dynatos himself cared about the Heliohapt Gods. He was simply he by request. Apparently one of the priest wanted a escort. This priest feared for his life.

That of course fell in his choice to worship another God. One by the name of RA. As usual Ares was laying beside Dynatos. He petted the massive canine. This caused Ares to make noises. It was obvious that the petting pleased Ares. The sun had just risen, so it was still early. Not many people where awake around this time. Which meant it would be a perfect time for the priest to slip to the Temple of RA.

Word Count: 145|1,000

Last edited by Sloth on 01/10/16, 05:17 am; edited 1 time in total



"What's ta-" Dynatos grievances were cut short by a low voice. It was so low in fact that if it hadn't been so quiet Dynatos may have not noticed it. He turned to see the Priest standing behind him. "Sorry for taking so long. I simply had to cover my tracks, so to speak." Dynatos remained quiet. He wasn't really one who believed in traditional religion like most. Being a Fanalis he believed in the strong survived and the weak died.

It may have been a simple way of thinking, but it had gotten him this far. "I'll lead the way. Just follow me and make sure to keep me safe." Dynatos heard a bit of shakiness in the priests voice, even though he tried to give a assertive tone. Dynatos stepped to the side allowing the priest to lead the way. Dynatos followed behind him; Ares followed behind Dynatos. Ares then moved to the right side of his Fanalis Master.

Word Count: 310|1,000



The priest walked with a quickened pace. It became more and more obvious that he was terrified. If he was this scared then perhaps the presence of Dynatos was truly needed after all. Thinking from a logical stand point. It would've been better for the priest to have been on a closer side of town. Also, coming straight from the Temple of Anubis wasn't a smart move either. Dynatos sighed at the details of the job the more he thought about them.

The trio walked for quiet some time. They're main source of travel were through various alleyways that stretched throughout Heliohapt. Which meant he didn't want to be seen. This made Dynatos began thinking that the Priest was a known figure in the temple of Anubis. If not that then he was at least easily recognizable as a priest of Anubis. Either way it didn't change their current situation.  

Word Count: 465|1,000




Suddenly Ares began growling. This caused the man to freak out. "Wh-What's he growling for?!" He began looking around. "Tell him to be quiet." Dynatos ignored the Priest. His attention was focused on Ares whose head and jerked up. When Dynatos looked up he saw a cloaked man in the air above the priest. Dynatos quickly pushed the priest out of the way. His quick movements saved the priest, but just barely.

The way the alleyways were constructed made it hard to tell where the man had come from. "Ares, take our friend here to his destination. I'll catch up." Ares barked in compliance and maneuvered around the assailant. Ares scooped up the priest and took off. Unfortunately, three more men appeared from what was seemingly nowhere. Ares however kept running. Two of the men followed behind Ares.

Word Count: 606|1,000




The remaining two rushed Dynatos. One of them attack first. He lunged at Dynatos; stabbing his dagger straight towards Dynatos. The other went around the side of his companion and stabbed towards the side of the Fanalis defender. Dynatos evaded the first attacker by swiftly stepping into his weak spot. That was the mans right side; the side that didn't wield a weapon. Dynatos had kept his attention of the second attack as well. Only barely evading the attack by grabbing the second attackers arm. It left him with a cut across his side.

Dynatos gripped the mans arm crushing it.  He then spun swinging the thug as if he were some kind of club. Dynatos slammed his human club into his companion with his full force. This caused the first attacker to slam into a wall. The stone wall broke, causing debris of stone to fall to the ground. Dynatos he flung his human club, the second attacker, in the first attacker as he hit the wall. Dynatos followed up with a quick kick to the chest of the second attacker. Causing the duo to lodge into the wall. Both unconscious from the sheer impact of Dynatos's attacks.  

Word Count: 807|1,000

Last edited by Sloth on 01/10/16, 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total



Dynatos rushed behind Ares and his pursuers. The Fanalis ended up sprinting; running as fast as he could. Ares who was being chased had to resort to evasive action. The thugs, although not as quick as Ares, were able to keep up with the canine. No matter what Ares did he couldn't shake the duo. He eventually reached the Temple of RA. The priest hoped off the back of Ares and ran halfway up the steps to the temple.

Ares turned to the duo and began growling . He would just have to deal with the two assailants himself. The duo had been focused on Ares so much so they hadn't noticed Dynatos had found his way to the temple as well. Luckily for Dynatos Ares had left a trail of destruction. Dynatos rushed behind the two men. He gripped the back of their heads and slammed them into the ground. He was unsure if the men were alive, but their heads had been lodged into the pavement.  The priest scurried into the temple, after he had saw the last two of his attackers be disposed of. Dynatos petted the head of Ares. "We've done our job. Let's go."

Word Count: 1,009|1,000

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