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The Money Making Business [Job/Chain/Lilithia/Private]

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Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

The Job:

Jumanah laid in her bed and stared at her arm silently, she still couldn't get over how bit it was now... how big she was now. The man she had been staying with walked into her room and held up bag  as he leaned against the doorway. Jumanah blinked looking to him curiously under her mask. "What's that for...?" She asked confused as he tossed it to her. She caught it nearly dropping it in the process a he spoke. "It's for a job, i heard there was a guy offering a job to anyone who would be willing to help. I went to see him about it and well it looks like you'll need that."

She got up holding the bag. "So what you're telling me is you get out and got me a job... without telling me before hand...?" She asked raising an eyebrow as he shrugged "You said you wanted to make money before you left right?" he asked crossing his arms as she nodded silently. "Well there you go, A job to make money with." She nodded then and walked forward as he gave her the details on where the guy was so she could get more details on the job. "Thank you for your assistance."

She said starting to leave but he stopped her pointing to her staff. "Don't forget your staff." She blinked and looked up to him confused. "What, will I need to fight?" He shook his head then. "Not that I know of, but you always want to have it with you since you never really know when you may need to fight." She thought about it for a moment before nodding and grabbing her staff before heading out. "Good luck."

The man called out to her as she left and she giving a simple thank you nod in return. Soon enough she managed to make it to the man that would giving out the job details where it seemed like someone was already getting the info of the job.

((338/500 Words))

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia looked around the market of Reim with awe, she never seen something like this before in her home country, Imuchakk. The market was crowded with people that have a lot of different feature from each other, some had red hair and she remembered that they were called as a Fanalis, famous for their deadly speed and physical strength. Some other probably was human but she could see their face was not entirely different than the Imuchakk, perhaps it was because she didn’t get the chance to see that hunter’s face when they were fighting dragon in that cave before. It felt a little bit strange though when she walked among people who was a lot shorter than her and she noticed some people looked at her like she was weird, perhaps being a giant was the reason why. She was given the offer to ride a boat with some other warrior as her reward to assist in dealing with the disturbance before and actually it was only to get supplies and important stuffs for their village so she would need to go back sooner or later.

In front of her at the moment was a big information board, similar to what they had in Imuchakk and it offered a various type of mission as well. One mission caught her attention and she thought that it would be fun to take one so she could get money to spend while she was staying in Reim for a moment. The job that she took interest on involved in scavenging things in the area called The Western Front and that was what she often did in her village, so probably her experience could help. After she got all the details that was necessary for her to start doing the job, she would head to the western front before looking around the area first. There, she would notice another person who might be another person that took the job, so without hesitation; the blue haired woman approached the person and greeted her. “Greetings, are you the one that will do the scavenging in this area as well?” She would said politely before wondering what kind of person she was as she hid her face behind a mask.

WC: 374/500

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah looked at the woman who was getting the job information, she was much taller than anyone who she had ever seen before, her hair was also a much different color than she had seen before either. The only place she had heard of people like this woman was in stories and books she read or heard from her family and tribe mates. They had called the people like her Imuchakk or something alone those lines, she couldn't fully remember, she hadn't heard the name all too often and the last time she really heard it was a few months-.... a long time ago.

Either way the woman was still just any other person right? So there was no real reason why her presence should stop her from her gaining information about the job. She noticed the odd looks that people gave the woman as she made her way over and blinked under her mask, were Imuchakks not commonly seen? That was the only reason she really could think of why people would stare, and she hadn't really seen any Imuchakks in the area her tribe was in but that was in a totally other country. he pushed her curious thoughts away for the moment to focus at the task at hand.

She passed by the woman and made her way up to the job board and looked at the information given before she went out to the western front as instructed after asking for some directions. Very briefly after her arrival she heard someone walking over to her and turned to see the woman again who began to speak to her. Jumanah noted the woman's politeness she did seem like any other person but was also rather polite. "Hello, and yes I am. I hope that this does not cause any issues for you." Jumanah said calmly yet making sure to return the woman's politeness with her words as she looked up at the woman who stood before her.

((330/500 Words
+338 = 668/500 Words Total))

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia Galavant

A pleased smile was formed at Lilithia’s pomegranate colored lips when her guess was right about the girl who was standing beside her. She was not showing her usual self when she was in front of a woman, whether it was from her tribe or from a woman from different races as well apparently. She chuckled softly towards the girl and shook her head slowly, “Don’t worry, dear… I am grateful to have someone else as my partner.” The blue haired girl found her partner as a cute one, it was even better that she was smaller than her because that just add up the cuteness point that she already had from the moment Lilithia set her eyes on her. But they had a job to do so getting closer to know more about her partner could be postponed and they could start working on their job.

The Imuchakk would start to walk ahead of Jumanah and signaled her to start to work when she said a calmed “let’s go” with a warm smile before she looked for some salvageable goods around the western front. This place was truly different from her home country the more time she spent time here, she could tell that this country relied too much on their machine and probably didn’t have any kind of strong physics like her race. That maybe was the reason why there was a lot of machinery scattered around this dry, barren plains but it was good enough for some people that could get some money from doing a scavenging work like this. After time had passed and she felt that she had found enough stuff to take back to the city guards, Lilithia would try to find Jumanah and checked if she found anything before taking it all back to the guards. It was quite fun to be able to be a scavenger in another country, you could never expect what kind of salvageable stuff that you could find here and she was pretty sure that she got a lot of nice stuff.

After waiting for some time, Lilithia would thank the guard for giving them the reward inside small pouches that were filled with coins. “Here you go… I hope we can meet again, I need to go back soon to my inn but…” She reached her hand before continuing, “My name is Lilithia, it is very nice to meet you.” If she got Jumanah’s name, she would smile at her and turned away to head back to her inn so she could get some rest, the weather in Reim was kind of different after all and she might need to adapt to it for a while.

WC: 500+/500

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah's head perked up a bit when the woman smiled and called her dear. It was odd being called that but she very much preferred it over the names that suggested that she was an adult or something along those lines. She then nodded at the second part of the woman's words. "I see, well I wouldn't dislike having someone to work with on this job." Jumanah then nodded to the woman as she signaled her to tart to work with her.

She then looked around looking at many things. She picked up many of the mechanical parts she found with a tilt of her head, her tribe had very little to no mechanical parts in it so many of the things she found was the first time she had seen them. She put them in her bag a she wondered around trying to find what she could and quickly filled her bag since to more most to everything here looked like it could be useful or important. When Lilithia came over she would find that Jumanah had over filled her bag and was waddling around with it as she tried to find more things. There were many very basic parts in the bag but all were still useful.

She stopped when she noticed Lilithia and looked up to her as she moved her head to the other side of the bag since the bag was now so full she had to hold it with both hands and it was covering her line of vision. "Do you think this is enough things?" She asked curiously. As they would soon head back Lilithia would find Jumanah always a close distance behind her. This was probably due to Lilithia being the only thing she could see since she was so much taller than her so Jumanah was probably using her to tell remotely where she was going.

Jumanah put the large bag down and then fell on her butt sighing in relief, the bag was probably super heavy to her. She then looked up to Lilithia as she held out Jumanah's share of coins. She took them with a smile behind her mask as she got up to her feet. "Thank you." She said happily looking in the bag and showing child like amazement at the coins that not even the mask could hide. Having lived in a village that mostly shared everything and having only been a child Jumanah had never really had any money to her name before so having a pouch of money filled with them was enough to easily get her excited.

The woman then told her that she had to leave but held out her hand to her. Jumanah smiled under her mask and shook Lilithia's hand with a firm grip, her father always told her it was always best to have a firm grip when shaking someones hand. "I agree it was very nice meeting you, thank you for your assistance in this job I greatly appreciate it." She said kindly. "Oh and my name is Jumanah. I hope that our paths can cross again in the future." She let her leave and looked to her pouch of money holding it tightly, at this rate she would be able to leave on her trip in no time. She smiled warmly under her mask before taking her leave as well.

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia Galavant


It was another day in Reim and Liltihia was preparing herself to do the next job from the job that she took before. The previous job went pretty good and that girl named Jumanah was really doing a great job, one of the reason why they could finished it faster. She wondered if she could meet her again today, hoping she wouldn’t forget that this job had a lot of things to be done for each day. It was an important one since the King of Reim himself involved in the job as well, not as the taker but probably as the giver, the one that made this job could exist. Today she would need to help the sailors to unload the supplies, she didn’t mind to help but in her mind, she was wondering why strong soldiers couldn’t even help to unload the supplies, thinking that probably they were too weak to unload those stuffs needed to rebuild the country. It was normal for her to think like that because in her country, such things was a very easy task that even a little child could easily do. It was what most of them did for living and she swore that hunting those rampaging unicorn was even harder than this, although she had some kind of thought about how lucky she was to be able to beat the beast that could prove that she was already an adult and was mature enough to receive her own name. Well that was not important at the moment as she needed to rush to the dock…

The moment she arrived there, she would try to look for Jumanah. It would be so much easier if she was there too and helped, if she was taking too long then probably she didn’t come today and Lilithia might need to do it by herself.

WC: 310/500

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

"Jumanah!" The man that Jumanah lived with shouted making her flail as she fell out of bed now tangled within her blankets. She let out a slight groan as she laid limp on the ground. "Why are you still sleeping you have the ships to help unload!" Jumanah slowly looked up to him in a daze. "What...?" She asked half awake and in a mumbled voice making him sigh. "The job you got the other day has multiple parts to it. helping the ships unload is another part to it and you have to get moving if you want to make it in time." He explained while she slowly wiggled her way out of her blankets.

"Oh..." The man sighed again and helped her up. "Man you are hopeless when half awake I swear..." he mumbled as he walked to the bedroom door. "Just hurry up and get going before you miss the shipment alright?" Jumanah nodded and stretched "Alright." She yawned out while he left. Jumanah fished stretching and fixed her hair a bit with her hands, it still looked messy but not nearly as much now that she ran her fingers through it. She lifted her mask slightly with one hand and rubbed her eyes with the other as she walked over to her staff.

She lowered the mask back down an grabbed her staff and left the house. As she made her way to the docks she asked for directions from the guards and managed to make it there shortly after Lilithia. She blinked under her mask seeing the woman but couldn't help but smile as she made her way over to her. "Hello again Lilithia, is it safe to assume that you have taken the same job as me again?" She asked in a kind and friendly tone.

((304/500 Words))

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia Galavant

The moment Lilithia heard a voice; she smiled and turned her head to see Jumanah that seemed ready to do the job. “Hello there, glad you are here.” Her smile was bright just like the sun in Reim and there was a lot of worker that would either bump themselves to each other or stopped for a little bit only to witness the beauty of the giant woman. “…and yes, let’s start to do the job shall we? It would be fun.” She chuckled before heading to the workplace but she made sure that Jumanah was always either behind her or beside her, she wished to know more about this girl that she found adorable. When they arrived to the place, she would then understand why these sailors needed someone else to help them unload supplies. It was because of the age of the sailors, it was very unfortunate that they had aged quite significantly but after seeing the condition, Lilithia decided to just approach them and help. “Excuse me, we will be helping you to unload these supplies today.”

The old sailors was giving them a deep and intense stare at first but it soon turned into a laughter, “Well, we are happy to have you beautiful ladies to help us here! If you already tired after lifting one or two supplies, feel free to rest over there.” They continued to work after saying that but little they knew that Lilthia was not happy with that. Her knuckle turned white as she kept showing her smile, but as a magician, Jumanah would notice that her companion’s black rukh began to swarm around her. It was all because of the fate cursing that the Imuchakk been done and one of the reason for it was simply the act of underestimating her strength. However Lilithia would look at Jumanah before smiling at her, suggesting to start right away. As expected, the giant could lift up more supplies because of her inhuman strength and even made those old stinky sailors gave up, sitting down beside the road because their bodies were already giving in. She was satisfied to be able to prove that she was not only a weak woman as she showed that she was far stronger than anyone here at the moment in the term of physical strength. But she was worried about Jumanah, so after finishing her share of job, she would try to ask. “Are you alright?”

WC: 500+/500

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah was glad to see her smile and to hear that she was happy that she was there to assist her once again. She was even more glad that she could make Lilithia smile so brightly that even the workers seemed to want to stop for a moment just to see it. She then nodded at her idea smiling happily under her mask. "Let's" She said happily as she started to follow her to the location of the work place. Jumanah walked happily besides her making sure to keep close to her to avoid getting lost. Jumanah stood beside's her and kindly waved as Lilithia introduced them.

She then lowered hand as then laughed and frowned under her mask sadly then looked confused. Beautiful? but they didn't even know what she even looked like with her mask on... She looked up to Lilithia then to herself. They were probably just trying to be nice to her and include her rather than just only complimenting Lilithia, she clearly deserved the compliment but her? Well she wasn't sure since not even she knew what she looked like under the mask. She then narrowed her eyes at their words. She may be weak in physical strength but there was no way that shed allow herself to quite after just one or two boxes of supplies... She noticed Lilithia's Rukh, unlike many Jumanah knew little about magic and less about the rukh she could see all her life.

She normally just thought the black rukh just meant someone was angry since the people she saw them with were angry. She could have almost sworn that she remembered seeing a few briefly when she learned what happened after he awoke. She was glad that she wasn't the only one angry at their words, that meant that she wasn't being silly or anything. She then took the wrapping around her stomach and took it off letting her top flow in the breeze and tucked the strap under her mask to tear it in half. She then looked to Lilithia and nodded as she pulled out her staff and tied the straps to either end of it.

Jumanah then walked over to some boxes and put the straps around them before going under her staff and had it rest upon her shoulders. She took the boxes that were a bit smaller but they were still quite heavy. She clenched her teeth as she held onto her staff and stood up lifting the boxes as she did so. She grunted as she lifted them up while clenching her teeth but hr determination helped her focus as she started to follow lilithia and moved the boxes. She worked with her to move all the boxes, she mainly focusing on the small boxes but still making sure to take two at a time.

When they were all finished she allowed herself to plop on the ground and rest. She took the straps off her staff and laid her staff besides her as she leaned on a box trying to catch her breath. She nodded and looked up to Lilithia as she asked her question. "Y-Yeah... I'm just really tired now..." She said between pants. Lilithia probably would be able to tell that if the workers hadn't made their comment and egged her on she probably would't have been able to move all those boxes in one go like she did. "But hey i'm building muscles right?" she said with a slight laugh and smile. "Which I'll need if I want to get to the main land's plains by myself." She said casually seeming to mostly have her breath caught now.

((624/500 Words
+304 = 928/500 Words))

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia Galavant


“Oh?” Lilithia was amused by Jumanah’s answer when she said her goal before giving her a gentle on her back and rubbed it so the girl could have a proper breathing after exhausting herself. Basically their job was done splendidly and faster than expected thanks to the effort of these young women, as expected those old sailor was already retired and was not capable to do more than what they could in their younger days. The Imuchakk closed her eyes and tug her lips into a small smile when the old sailor began to praise Jumanah for the effort that she gave to help unloading the supplies even though she didn’t have a really strong physic as her companion, Lilithia. That was fair enough for the blue haired woman as she could tell that the brunette was not really made for this kind of job that require her to use muscle judging from her body and the way she used her strength when she lifted the boxes. However that was not a problem, physic could always be trained anytime and with Jumanah dedication, her body would be stronger if she could train it right.

Just when Lilithia wanted to left the area right after she got her payment, a man ran as fast as he could while still holding a spade in his grip. The Imuchakk could guess that he might came from the farm but what kind of business that he had in the port was unknown, Lilithia couldn’t think of any reason. ”P-please, help!”

He is asking for help…? Maybe I can try to ask… The blue haired woman talked to herself before decided to save Jumanah from being surrounded by the old sailors by grabbing the back of her shirt and lifted her up on her shoulder like a rice bag. “I think we can do another job together again, don’t you agree~?” She smirked while not letting the girl to hop down from her clutch, not until they could approach the man who seemed to be in distress. “Hello sir, can we help you with something?”

“Thank God finally someone want to help me, please come with me soon to my farm! This is urgent, some rabid coyotes invaded our farm and keeps attacking it, we can’t handle it so we need someone to help us.” The farmer explained a little bit before giving another details about his request, “Usually they would come at night to raid the farm and cause chaos…” If Jumanah agreed to do the job, then Lilithia would put her down to the ground and head to the farm. If not, the blue haired woman would still put Jumanah down and head to the farm on her own.

WC: 456/1000

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah blinked as she felt the back rub but didn't protest. She in stead just relaxed and enjoyed it as she rested she then looked up to the sailor as he praised her and nodded. "Thank you though it would have been a much harder and longer job without Lilithia so please don't put all your attention on me." She said calmly to him. She didn't find it fair to just put all the attention on herself when Lilithia had done half the work as well and without her she wouldn't probably would have been able to do the job so quickly with all those heavier and larger boxes.

Jumanah after some rest and reviving her payment she followed Lilithia out of the area smiling at the money she had gained, the site reminding her that she was getting even closer to her goal. She though blinked as she noticed the man and looked to him confused. She then blinked and blushed slightly under her mask as she was picked up and placed on the woman's shoulder. It kind made her feel like a child which unlike many she actually liked so she certainly didn't protest as she looked down to the woman as she spoke and smiled nodding a confident nod.

"Agreed!" She looked around a bit like a curious child as the woman walked over, the site of the area felt like it nearly totally changed from up here it was a very fascinating change in perspective. When she heard the man speak she pulled her staff at the ready making sure to hold it to were it would not invade Lilithia's line of site nor too close to where she might hit it just just walking around or by moving in general. She listened to him explain and nodded as she was put down. "We'll help you sir, please lead the way." When the farmer would start to head back Jumanah tried to keep his pace without trying to push herself too hard so she would be tired upon arrival for the fight.

((346/1000 Words))

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia Galavant

By the time they arrived at the farm, they would find no enemies to be fought there even though it seemed they were causing a trouble here several hours ago. The farm was messy and the wooden plank that was used for the gate to the barn was broken, making Lilithia felt that she might need to look around the area some more to make sure the area was safe for now. Being born in the wild definitely made the Imuchakk understand the situation, they often had a pack of wolves or polar bear attacking some of their livestock. Usually it would end up with them killing those creatures, not all but some of it to give a warning. Her attention was quickly distracted to the farmer when he started to give more explanation for the situation, “Uhh, well… those coyotes have rabies…some of my cows were infected…” Hearing that made the blue haired woman stared at the farmer with disbelief, “Did you separate them with the unaffected one? What did you do to the infected one?”

The farmer panicked with that sudden question of Lilithia, especially when she asked with a very mean tone and a death glare. With fear of being crushed by this giant woman who he asked for help, the farmer trembled but managed to answer, “I-I separated the cows and I umm, I haven’t done anything yet to the one that is infected… I thought they would be the bait to attract the coyote again so we can do something with it…” The giant would then nod at the man’s word before giving her own opinion on what he should have done, “You need to burn the infected one, lead them to empty lot that is far away from here before burning them to ashes. You won’t want to get the healthy one to be infected. We will guard the place and deal with the coyotes, feel free to do your routine as usual.”

After that, the Imuchakk wrapped her hand around Jumanah’s shoulder while waiting until the farmer do what he needed to do. “I apologize for bringing you here as well, I noticed you are still tired. Why don’t you rest under that comfy looking tree while I guard the place? We can take turns, don’t worry.” She would say that while guiding her partner to the tree and gently swoop her body from her feet before laying her down gently there. “Now be a good girl and rest well…” The blue haired woman would prefer to have a refreshed partner, it would make things easier when they need to fight. Guarding job was a piece of cake for the Imuchakk but when it came to a battle, everything need to be in a good condition.


Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah slowed to a stop as she slightly panted. She looked around the area seeing there were no coyotes to be seen but their mark clearly being left on the farm. She nodded at the provided info but then blinked at Lilithia's comments. Clearly she knew more about rabies than Jumanah since she already was varying information from the man causing him to panic. As to where Jumanah had't thought twice about the rabies.

She watched in fascination and interest at Lilithia's instructions and how she held herself as she gave them. She looked up to her as she came over and put a hand around her shoulder as the farmer left to follow her instructions. She shook her head at her apology "It's fine really, if I wanted to stay I would have so there is no reason to feel sorry." She said clearly trying to make her feel better while tying to reassure her that she chose to be here so she wasn't upset for being there while being a bit tired.

Though she looked to the tree and nodded "Okay, but don't think twice about calling me over for help okay?" She then walked over with Lilitha to the tree and place her staff up against the tree just in time before she was laid down under the tree. She blushed a bit looking up at the woman who then instructed her to be a good girl and rest. She nodded and looked up at the leaves of the tree and the light pouring from the gaps in them silently as she rested there.

She started to doze off after a while... or well until the sun was going down. She stated to sit up but froze as she saw some light reflecting off glaring eyes off in the distance. She slowly reached for her staff as she started to hear the growling of the eyes that were glaring at her. As she touched it the coyotes ran at her and she quick got up to her feet and grabbed her staff slamming its bottom into the ground and shouted. "PULSE PUSH!" As the animals neared her, her staff let out a screech and then a pulse wave that pushed the animals 10 meters away from her. She then ended the spell and backed up a bit calling out to Lilitha "The coyotes are here!"

((406/1000 Words
+346=752/1000 Words))

90/100 Magoi Left

Spells Used:

Lilithia Galavant

Lilithia Galavant

“Ahh…” Lilithia responded to the call and jumped from the tree before casually landing to the ground, “You are faster than I thought, nice job, Jumanah~” The human girl would be able to see a wicked smile began to appeared in the Imuchakk’s face as she got ready to dash towards the coyotes. She wanted to enjoy this and those coyotes would surely give her some entertainment, although she wanted to see more of what Jumanah would store in her sleeves. With a heavy stomp by using her right feet and focusing the strength to her feet, the giant would use the momentum to run as fast as she could towards the coyotes until she was only 3 meters away from them and touches her Elven Jewel. The gravity in the area would began to crush everything towards the epicenter and instantly defeating two coyotes at once, too bad the other one was quick enough to get away. But she didn’t have to worry as she believed that her little magician friend would finish it for her, “Finish it, Jumanah.”she said with an amused smirk shown on her face.

WC: 1108/1000

Stamina: 90/100


Jumanah Necowl

Jumanah Necowl

She couldn't help but smile at Lilithia's words as she joined the fry of the battle. "I have to make up for my lack in strength some how." She said as she watched Lilitha take down the two coyotes with ease. Lilitha was a truly amazing woman, she thought as she set her eyes on the last coyote not seeming to really think twice about the level amusement and kinds of smiles the woman was giving as she nodded at the woman's declaration of what Jumanah should do. "Right!" She then held up her staff to the air a he castes Sound Breaker. An orb grew above her staff becoming a massive orb before she swung her staff down to aim it at the coyote as the orb fired at him. As it hit him the orb exploded taking the coyote down with a loud screech. She then smiled proudly and looked to Lilitha as the Farmer would come over. "You were amazing! I never saw someone take something down like that so quickly!" She said like a child who was excited about something cool they jut learned about. She then looked to the farmer would speak and started to walk over to him to hear what he had to say as she still bounced a bit out o excitement from their quick and amazing victory over the coyotes. Excitement and joy was nearly radiating off of her from the thrill of the battle.

((249/1000 Words
+752= 1001/1000 Words))

70/100 Magoi Left

Spells Used:

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