Merrze was sitting in the dark and disgusting bar which had a putrid smell to it. The young warrior was in the place because it has surprisingly delicious food and friendly people. She enjoyed coming here even though she didn't enjoy the environment all too well. She liked to come here when she wanted to have an enjoyable time. Today the fanalis was here because she had a meeting, it was a casual one so it wasn't that big of a deal hence why she chose such a location and not some high society dining hall. She felt more comfortable in this crowded, smelly and boisterous tavern.
The gentleman she was here to meet today was her apprentice who was only a minor acquaintance hence is why she invited him to hang out with her. The redhead thought that it would be a good idea to get to know Aengar, which was his name to her knowledge. She felt that it was a good stepping stone and that they should learn more about one other a individuals as to strengthen their bond since there was chance they would work together in the future on things, that's what the fanalis assumed though, the mage might stand her up and show no intention of showing up. He might find it strange since she used connections from coliseum works to deliver him a letter giving him all the info of what he would be coming there for.
The gentleman she was here to meet today was her apprentice who was only a minor acquaintance hence is why she invited him to hang out with her. The redhead thought that it would be a good idea to get to know Aengar, which was his name to her knowledge. She felt that it was a good stepping stone and that they should learn more about one other a individuals as to strengthen their bond since there was chance they would work together in the future on things, that's what the fanalis assumed though, the mage might stand her up and show no intention of showing up. He might find it strange since she used connections from coliseum works to deliver him a letter giving him all the info of what he would be coming there for.