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Aengar vs The Calligrapher

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1Aengar vs The Calligrapher  Empty Aengar vs The Calligrapher 14/03/15, 12:43 pm

Spiritos Aerolos

Spiritos Aerolos


It was a dark day, the man standing on the opposite side of the battlefield was another magician. The question of Aengar and the man being equal was something not yet to be tested. Aengar watched as the dust in the air kicked up from the ground. The people stood there dead, no sound was made from their voices. A fight between to magicians was rare and was somewhat of a sacred event. The dark mage armed with his wand and Aengar had his staff in hand. Both men gripped their conducts showing how stressed they were. The sky cracked as the first spell was casted, the dark mage casted Shadow Construct[b] the form of the image was a wolf. As the animal soared across the ground at an incredible speed the men were only 30 meters apart a distance the animal made quick work of. As the construct came flying across the field it struck into Aengar dealing minor damage. It was time for a counter attack in Aengar's mind, he pulled up his staff and aligned it with that of the sun. With great courage he casted [b]Angel Spear the man being directly infront of Aengar he was hit by the semi-powerful spell. The fight was truly heated with both men having spells landed it would be now equal. Aengar casted Gravity Lift[b] as the black rukh gathered the area around Aengar was less affected by gravity allowing for him to move at amazing speeds. Aengar using the gravity spell to his advantage rose into the air, the man casted another spell this time it was [b]Shadow Spear the attack caused for Aengars Borg to flare up defending against the attack. Aengar now feeling as he was in danger ascended from 10 meters in the air to 20 meters, Aengar felt as the gravity let him slip through the air like butter.

Abilities Used:

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