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Call to Blue Giants

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1Call to Blue Giants Empty Call to Blue Giants 21/02/15, 11:00 pm

Spiritos Aerolos

Spiritos Aerolos

If you are reading this you are an Imuchakk that has been invited to the Counsel of Blue Warriors hosted in Reim this is only open to Imuchakk's or humans who are associated with the country. In this counsel I will explaining things that RP wise I feel should go on in Imuchakk please reply below of you will be joining or MSG me.

2Call to Blue Giants Empty Re: Call to Blue Giants 22/02/15, 07:12 am

Ariella Negri

Ariella Negri

This topic has been moved to the OOC RP area, as it is an RP request, not an actual Role Play

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