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The Negotiator (plot/job)

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1The Negotiator (plot/job) Empty The Negotiator (plot/job) 02/05/23, 03:26 pm



The architect know as Ustad has been spending the past month relaxing from his large masterpiece he had to make. He was a bit worn out unexpectedly but he would still manage to put in more work so that he could create things for money for once. This meant just doing repairs on houses, churches and other such structures as well as making smaller buildings such as gazebos or shrines.

As for Josser the sculptor, he had more or less been doing the same. He was taking up commissions for smaller statues and recently just got one for a large piece for a market. He did not really take much of a break more than just focusing on smaller pieces and avoiding massive pieces like his lion.

Since time has passed from when they had completed their large temple and statue collaboration piece, word had started to spread a bit about the duo and their works. Also because it had taken about a year to make something that should have taken at least 4 or 5 there was a buzz going on about them and how gifted they seemed like they could be. This would end up to them getting their first actual client that wanted both of them and not as individuals like they have been so far.

A middle aged man who was well dressed had come to the two artists’ residency to meet with the two of them. He was a small, rounded man who was sweating profusely from the tropical climate of the jungle that Merridia was build into.

“G..greeting good gents, I am Lee. I am a representative of a client who has desire to use your particular talents to make him a structure that is very specific to his needs. I would like to add that my client wishes to stay anonymous only because he does not see a need to divulge his information and figured that you two would be fine as long as you can make your art and get paid for that.” This was true for the architect more so than the sculptor. Ustad didn’t care about people and as long as he could afford creating architecture then he is fine with that, while Josser liked people giving him attention but was also fine with this arrangement.

So the duo of course had accepted the commission and started to work on drawing up the plans for it. This time, the client would join them in the planning stage as the client had specific parameters he wanted. Mr. Lee had told them how it needed to be impressive in size and appearance but also secure so that it would be difficult to infiltrate. Also there was to be various hidden passages and even a hidden room underground. As for the statues they were to be of deities that were imposing and normally ones that enslaved or ruled over lesser beings or even humans. The duo did not ask questions about the hidden parts and Josser was excited about making works based on mythological concepts.

So with this they would take the job and go to work on gathering resources.

520/200 WC
Joss the Sculptor:

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