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Freeing Parthevians [FOT/Jobs]

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1Freeing Parthevians [FOT/Jobs] Empty Freeing Parthevians [FOT/Jobs] 30/04/21, 06:02 pm




In this vast land of Parthevia, life continued to struggle, trying to survive day by day under the harsh rule of bandits and the corrupt. It was a warm morning with bright rays of light showering the sand. Angelus were to rise up from his sleep, and begin to set out for his base near here with Nerilla. By this time now, Aureus was well aware of the secret operations that the white haired soldier had been carrying out within the other side of the border. Angelus could not bring Aureus though nor could he bring Alceus, due to their dungeon beast forms being such an obvious connection to make when they make an eventual proper invasion into the land to retake the few prosperous cities that are present within Parthevia. It was safe though to take Nerilla on these secret operations, due to her not standing out as much physically. Angelus were to step outside of his tent, wrapping his white scarf over his lower face to conceal his identity.

Not very long ago, Angelus had got a letter to his base that requested help from him to find a particular person who had been captured by a malicious group. However, upon retrieving this letter from this group that wished for help, a clan known as the Parthevian Toads, Angelus was quite reluctant to help. It was not Angelus' forte to help the likes of bandits. Yet, the man were to decide to go ahead with helping, cause Angelus wished to try and see if the group that those killers who slayed that town may be connected to this particular incident. If the young Angelus could get a lead on them, he could better get revenge for the innocent that were slain by them. Angelus were to place his right hand on Gaaron and jump up, mounting the menacing beast. Nerilla were to come with, and the two were to go to meet with these odd Parthy Toad individuals.

Nerilla: "You think this is a set up?"

Asked the skeptical woman.

Angelus: "I think we should be fine. I will make sure we do this professionally."

Said the long haired man, ensuring to Nerilla that they will be fine. Upon arriving at the detailed meeting place of Gilgamesh and the Parthy Toads, there were to be a young man waving to the concealed two. Imagining that the man was here to explain the task and detail the end reward for them, Gilgamesh were to hop off his beast to talk with the clansmen. Once they began to talk, he were to learn that there had been multiple rumors of missing people, likely captured or lost. Not much were to be told to Gilgamesh besides vague rumors and theories of where these missing people have went. It were not to be very helpful, but better than empty handed. If the desert warrior could find the man, he were to be rewarded with gold from the bandit clan, so there was a decent incentive to do this. Gilgamesh were to set out now then, to find these missing people, and the missing Parthy Toad clan member.

Wordcount: 525




Angelus: "These desert winds are harsh."

Voiced the irritated desert independent, with Nerilla on the beast Gaaron right behind him as they traversed the rumored area where people have said that the missing people had last gone out to. If the many tiny clues that Gilgamesh had found that were related to the rumors and cases of missing people, then perhaps this may be near where the base of whoever are capturing bandits and civilians are located. In his face, gales of desert wind blew forcefully. Angelus rose his hand up to his face during this travel and hunt for the missing Parthy Toad member, trying to prevent the grains of sand being thrown at his eyes. Nerilla were to keep her two eyes focused on their surroundings. Gaaron meanwhile had trouble traversing the land but had a mission to complete for Angelus.

However, suddenly from the corner of her eye, for a short moment, just barely, Nerilla were to catch a glimpse of a sandstone building behind the blurry view of sand. It was here! It had unveiled itself now before Nerilla. Quickly pointing toward the building she shaw, she were to nudge the white haired man and tell him she had found the place. Angelus were to look over to the direction she pointed toward. It was tough to really get a glimpse of the place, so he were to have Gaaron trek closer to that direction. Once they went close enough, the base were to stand tall and mighty before them, the prison.

Nerilla: "It is he-"

Cried out loud the woman, too excited to stay quiet. Angelus were to immediately put his hand over her mout though the very moment she yelled that out. If the enemy got word of them here, then that could only make the task that much harder. It was key that they got them off guard. However, that may be too late for the two of them though now. Angelus were to unmount Gaaron on a corner of the base and try to not let his presence be known, but the enemy may now have an idea that someone may be here. Ducking his head, he were to try and find a moment to strike at a man that had a similar color scheme to that other person who had slain the people of that one town.

Angelus were to reserve his frustration for the confrontation with the man. For now, Gilgamesh stood up as the man was staring into another direction trying to see where the sound came. With his red gourd on his back and bastard sword equipped to his hand, he were to rush up to the man, but be noticed as soon as the man glanced back at the direction the vengeful Gilgamesh began to dash. Facing the warrior head on, the aerophage used an ability called Gut Buster to fire five bullets of air at him. Gilgamesh fed magoi to his gourd and blocked the bullets with the function. Now closing the distance a bit, he were to feed magoi to his blade and have the blade disperse into a coud of gold that interfered with an ability the aerophage were to use at the same time. Vacuuming the air into his lungs, Angelus' eyes widened for a moment. What is going to happen to him!?

As the gold entered the lungs of the aerophage, his own eyes were to widen before halting his ability, but then starting to cough profusely. In no time, the man were to begin to cough up blood, falling to his knees, and his hands grasping at his chest. It was not good for the aerophage, but the duel seemed won for Gilgamesh. Simply reforming the cloud of gold to become a blade lunged into the chest of the dastardly aerophage, the man were to suffer A-Tier damage and collapse on the floor of the sandstone building.

Gilgamesh had defeated his foe, and could inspect the rest of the den to free the captured civilians and bandit family members. Upon looking further into the den with Nerilla, they were to indeed find prisoners and among them were to be the Parthy Toad member they were looking for. Freeing the captured Parthevians, the kind Gilgamesh were to hand out some water and rations to them before directing them to the nearest town they could go. Gilgamesh were to grab ahold of the Parthy Toad member, returning back to the Parthy Toad base.

Wordcount: 747

Magoi: 270

Magic Tools Used:

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