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Twilight of Magic: Fin [Suggestion]

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We need to address the end of the civil war by departing from it on a high note that leaves players satisfied. A lot disliked the jobs in Phase 1 but then there were not very many if any benefits for the players beside being invited to the meetings which frankly, did not give any benefit to the players for their efforts. So all who put in high effort before the battles were never rewarded. I know for myself, it was a slap in the face when then players jumped in and were allowed to enter the dungeon initially meant for only the players who were there from the very start, putting in the effort to involve their characters within the civil war. That plus the prolonged dungeon because others who jumped in, and the long plot heavy battles, all made the civil war just a very dragged out event which people began to greatly be tired of and want to end. The civil war cannot end and should not end on such a negative note, but instead, a high note that will make the people who partook in the entire civil war come to appreciate it happened, and not the opposite.

My proposal is a short final phase to tie the ribbon on the saga that was this entire civil war. A unique staff made chain of three jobs is what I believe should be presented to the dedicated players who stayed with the site for this long now, and contributing a story to our humble and small world. If it was not for you, me, us, a Magi World would very well may not exist. The purpose of the job chains can all vary but the overarching intent of each would be to end this saga on a good note with players reflecting on the character they have journeyed with. The rewards a character may reap from the chain bonus could be uniquely tailored to them, with meaning. It can be anything from a trait point, to a special small plot device, an all new NPC for them, or etc. The point is to say thank you to those who we all partake in RP with. A reward will as well be very dependent on how well the character did and or how much they partook in this event. Not all will be able to be a part of this last phase but people who contributed to the event in any phase can be eligible for a unique job, or a unique chain of jobs, for a bigger unique prize.

The players would have to give ideas to staff for rewards and jobs.


All Phase Player Potential Rewards: Trait Point, Special Small Plot Device, Opportunity, Path, NPC, or Title.

Further In Depth: Leading a player to a special location or plot path. We can also gift a player a plot device that could play a role at a later time in the plot. If not any of that, perhaps a special NPC a player can use in their future plots or just to have a companion. A Trait Point or Title are ideas as well.

Two Phase Player Potential Rewards: Huang, Weapon Voucher, Ability Voucher, Non Combat NPC.

In this event, we were meant to be greatly rewarded for our efforts.

The third phase was said to reap incredible rewards, greater than ever before.

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