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Dark Hand Tutorial [Neph/Lagi]

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1Dark Hand Tutorial [Neph/Lagi] Empty Dark Hand Tutorial [Neph/Lagi] 12/09/18, 11:35 pm



Job Name: Call Of The Dark Hand
Job Rank: D-Rank
Job Location: Kou
Job Reward: 50xp/3,000 Huang
Job Prerequisites: Dark Hand Member
Job Overview:

The newfound success of Lagi and the other DArk Hand's efforts has called for a small meeting of their next moves. Small symbols can be found all around to lead those even a little familiar with the dark hand's inner workings to see if they could find out where the meeting is. Assuming it's NEph, he would find himself at the Harmony's Nest, a place that posed as the "Dark Web of Trading" reserved for the night for dark hand members. All they had to do was to show their own special mark.

Job Name: A Fresh Start In Legal Crime
Job Rank: D-Rank
Job Location: Kou
Job Reward: 50xp/3,000 Huang
Job Prerequisites: Dark Hand Member
Job Overview:

With the newly created Neph reminding himself that he is, in fact, a member of the Dark Hand and getting back together with Requiem Jynx, the man would continue to show Neph the tools of the trade in order to figure out the individual's strengths in how to appropriate their skills into making money and wealth for the organization and themselves. Since Neph is heading to Balbadd, Lagi starts to prepare him for that.

Job Name: Is it really senseless killing?
Job Rank: C-Rank
Job Location: Kou
Job Reward: 100xp/7,000 Huang
Job Prerequisites: A Fresh Start In Legal Crime
Job Overview:

The war has been quite the distraction for quite a bit of people, with things starting to look more into Yoshiro's favor. Due to this, Lagi decided to bring it upon himself in order to do some kind of siege with Neph to teach him the value of profiting off of stolen goods. Heading off to one of the small villages that support Gao, Lagi and Neph Both decided to experience the warm hospitality by slaughtering the guards and securing the rations and weapons. Of course, this is all with the intent of selling it back.


Job Name: The Gains
Job Rank: C-Rank
Job Location: Kou
Job Reward: 100xp/7,000 Huang
Job Prerequisites: Is it really senseless killing
Job Overview:

After receiving the goods from the village over and taking care of the supporting villages of Gao, Lagi goes up to the next step of negotiating the things that they secured from the village with other businessmen and military officials for a good gain. Depending on the fate of the people in the village, there is also a chance to do more business with other kinds of individuals. Either way, Lagi shows and teaches this to Neph for the sake of salvaging or intelligently spinning his actions to make proper business deals with those of importance.

Job Name: Attack Of The Crackheads
Job Rank: B-Rank
Job Location: Kou
Job Reward: 200xp/15,000 Huang
Job Prerequisites: The Gains
Job Overview:

With Lagi showing a tour of his own businesses that he secured, Lagi was going to let Neph in on a little secret until he learned of the mistake that one of his dark hand members made with the Salatis formula. Apparently, those on the warrior drug has been entering a crazed withdrawal that has made them extremely violent unless they have their fix. It's a shame, but those aren't the customers that's needed.





[b]Job Name:[/b] Call Of The Dark Hand
[b]Job Rank:[/b] D-Rank
[b]Job Location:[/b] Kou
[b]Job Reward:[/b] 50xp/3,000 Huang
[b]Job Prerequisites:[/b] Dark Hand Member
[b]Job Overview:[/b]

The newfound success of Lagi and the other DArk Hand's efforts has called for a small meeting of their next moves. Small symbols can be found all around to lead those even a little familiar with the dark hand's inner workings to see if they could find out where the meeting is.  Assuming it's NEph, he would find himself at the Harmony's Nest, a place that posed as the "Dark Web of Trading" reserved for the night for dark hand members. All they had to do was to show their own special mark.

[b]Job Name:[/b] A Fresh Start In Legal Crime
[b]Job Rank:[/b] D-Rank
[b]Job Location:[/b] Kou
[b]Job Reward:[/b] 50xp/3,000 Huang
[b]Job Prerequisites:[/b] Dark Hand Member
[b]Job Overview:[/b]

With the newly created Neph reminding himself that he is, in fact, a member of the Dark Hand and getting back together with Requiem Jynx, the man would continue to show Neph the tools of the trade in order to figure out the individual's strengths in how to appropriate their skills into making money and wealth for the organization and themselves. Since Neph is heading to Balbadd, Lagi starts to prepare him for that.

[b]Job Name:[/b] Is it really senseless killing?
[b]Job Rank:[/b] C-Rank
[b]Job Location:[/b] Kou
[b]Job Reward:[/b] 100xp/7,000 Huang
[b]Job Prerequisites:[/b] A Fresh Start In Legal Crime
[b]Job Overview:[/b]

The war has been quite the distraction for quite a bit of people, with things starting to look more into Yoshiro's favor. Due to this, Lagi decided to bring it upon himself in order to do some kind of siege with Neph to teach him the value of profiting off of stolen goods. Heading off to one of the small villages that support Gao,  Lagi and Neph Both decided to experience the warm hospitality by slaughtering the guards and securing the rations and weapons. Of course, this is all with the intent of selling it back.

[b]Enemy Name: [/b]Village Defenders(x10)
[b]Rank:[/b] C
Needed damage to take down: C
[b]Abilities:[/b] C Tier Speed, C tier strength
Details: The last of the able fighters of Tong Village, these guards are responsible for protecting the village while the rest of their abled men are fighting on Gao's behalf. They are armed with maces, shield's, crossbows, and leather armor.

[b]Beat Down[/b]- The Bandit throws a hard swing with his mace deal C rank damage. Direct contact with the mace can disorientate a target for one post

[b]Multi arrow Shooter[/b]- With an automatic crossbow attached to the bandit's wrist, the bandit can shoot up to three arrows that deal c rank damage each at C rank speeds. Each arrow travels up to 20 meters.

[b]Dastardly dodge[/b]- The Bandit can anticipate a C rank attack in order to dodge a non-aoe C rank ability. [/spoiler]

[b]Job Name:[/b] The Gains
[b]Job Rank:[/b] C-Rank
[b]Job Location:[/b] Kou
[b]Job Reward:[/b] 100xp/7,000 Huang
[b]Job Prerequisites:[/b] Is it really senseless killing
[b]Job Overview:[/b]

After receiving the goods from the village over and taking care of the supporting villages of Gao, Lagi goes up to the next step of negotiating the things that they secured from the village with other businessmen and military officials for a good gain. Depending on the fate of the people in the village, there is also a chance to do more business with other kinds of individuals. Either way, Lagi shows and teaches this to Neph for the sake of salvaging or intelligently spinning his actions to make proper business deals with those of importance.

[b]Job Name:[/b] Attack Of The Crackheads
[b]Job Rank:[/b] B-Rank
[b]Job Location:[/b] Kou
[b]Job Reward:[/b]  200xp/15,000 Huang
[b]Job Prerequisites:[/b] The Gains
[b]Job Overview:[/b]

With Lagi showing a tour of his own businesses that he secured, Lagi was going to let Neph in on a little secret until he learned of the mistake that one of his dark hand members made with the Salatis formula. Apparently, those on the warrior drug has been entering a crazed withdrawal that has made them extremely violent unless they have their fix. It's a shame, but those aren't the customers that's needed.


[b]Enemy Name: [/b]WArrior Crackheads (x4)
[b]Rank:[/b] B
Needed damage to take down: A
[b]Abilities:[/b] A Tier Speed, A tier strength
Details: Kou warriors that have become addicts to the salatis warrior drugs. Results of it has increased their strength and speed dramatically, but gave them a steriod type switch of rage and contempt. They will enter a drug relapse after 3 posts of the beginning of combat with their strength and speed decreasing to B Tiers, as well as taking a C rank of internal damage.

[b]Dragon Swirl/b]- The Kou addict warrior swings his claymore with great strength as he twirls around, doing a 360 degree swipe to deal A rank damage.

[b]Crackhead Power Block[/b]- With the number of salatis inside of their veins and bolstering their muscle mass, each warrior can soak up to one set of B tier damage before they start taking actual damage.

[b]Cracktastic Crush[/b]- The warrior can actually slam their weapon on the floor with such strength and might that they can create a small B rank ability tier damaging shockwave that's 5 meters in width and length, traveling as far as 20 meters.

[b]Based Swipe[/b]- The warrior puts away their claymore to dual wield two short blades in order to attack twice, each swipe dealing C tier ability tier damage. If a target has been cut, they experience a C tier damage of bleed the following post.



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