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Chance Encounter? [private/Chimera]

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With the spreading of the rumors throughout the city that another dungeon has shown up, within The Plains of all places, Zadi was torn as to whether or not visit said dungeon and attempt a go at it himself. Thing is, Zadi has been scheming of a way to destroy the Golden Palace and maybe even the other two temples while he's at it. Very difficult task to pull off on his own and so he's been stuck thinking of a good distraction. He's already contemplated the destruction of the temples in an attempt to split the guards up into two separate locations so as to not only distract the palace guard but also, if all things go the way Zadi wants, spread thin the troops of the palace.

Obviously such would be easier said than done. The temples are noticeably more guarded than the Black Temple. Heck, one of the temples once had its own arena with enough guards to keep most of the fighters in line! As far as Zadi knew. Zadi really wished he were there the day the monster showed up. Would have been good research. All the same, destroying the temples would not be easy and therefore Zadi needed to think of other ways a lonesome mage could not only distract most, if not all, of the troops and guards but also destroy the very building they are guarding.

With all this trouble, Zadi attempted to blow off some steam with a leisurely walk around the city. Perhaps seeing some of the construction going on would ease his mind. However, Zadi knew he'd be seeing slaves driven to the limit, something that he didn't feel too fond of. Slavery was a tool. A dirty and rusty tool that could break with the slightest rebellion and pierce an eye if not cared for properly. Though against slavery he was, it was necessary to develop society as a whole up to a certain point. Given enough time, perhaps someone will invent new means of building larger and stronger buildings. In the meantime, Zadi just walked circular around the construction site, looking on to see hard work being performed by forced individuals.

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

As she kept travelling around Heliohapt since her recent arrival, it was clear there was something that had happened around here. It wasn't always easy to get the right information from people without revealing her intentions but she was slowly mastering her behavior as a slaver to make things work in her favor. The recent history of Heliohapt had a lot of ongoings. With the pharaoh, which few were suspicious of, but every definitely had the Vizier pinned for a spy or something, everything was crazy and then following those happenings, it was clear that some sort of attack happened, a great treasure of Heliohapt was destroyed, and it was her time to investigate those happenings as well.

Chimera slowly spoke to the people around her, acting more humbly than she normally would asking for where she could find the construction works, giving as little or as much info as needed, depending on the person, more so for the practice than actually requiring the results. Mostly everyone she met slowly guided her to the rubbles of the black pyramid to the outskirts of the city. Thanking everyone, slowly working out the nuances of their conversations.

She finally stumbled upon the destruction... it was insane. She cringed, but her mind couldn't bind an emotion to her actions.... and tears were rolling down her face. The brunette could help but laugh at the incomprehension of the situation, simply wiping the tears from her eyes as her body slowly adjusted to the sight. Her first instinct was to approach the man closest to her, who happened to be surveying the action of what had happened, she wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, nor what this persons feelings on the matter was, forcing her to go with a very neutral remark of the situation with an equally vague tone. "It's hard to believe, isn't it?"




The rebuilding of the Black Pyramid seemed to be going in some sort of direction, though not necessarily one that Zadi liked. They seemed to literally be rebuilding the same Black Pyramid in an attempt to salvage what Zadi thought was "forgiveness". Most Heliohaptans seemed to believe in multiple gods, mainly two; Ra and Anubis. The Black Pyramid seemed to have been a "gift" by said gods. Certainly a gift from not just one but TWO almighty gods was something to restore and attempt to regain their favor. However, that is exactly what Zadi didn't like about this rebuilding. Zadi destroyed the Black Pyramid in an attempt to attain black rukh. Upon the actual destruction of the Black Pyramid, Zadi learned of his innermost feelings and felt that the destruction was necessary in order to creep out of the old ways, religious reasoning, and establish a "new way".

Unfortunately, Zadi did not currently know what his end goal after the physical destruction of the old way would be, especially considering the magnitude of such a task. Fortunately, a woman snuck up next to him during his observations of the construction and spoke something...beautiful.

Zadi chuckled, "Hehe..." and could tell that the woman was attempting to be neutral on the matter of the destruction that lay before the two of them. However, there is always an in depth opinion to everything. Zadi looked over to the woman and noticed a slight flutter of black rukh around her. Seems as though this woman is comparatively special to Zadi. Zadi being only half depraved, he wondered how this random woman was fully black in rukh. She didn't look to be destructive, though neither did Zadi. One thing was clear, Zadi needed this woman in some way.

Let's see if I can't bring forth her true tone.

"They say there is no lead as to who the culprit is, but I've got one. Wanna hear it?"

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

Chimera was impressed but also doubtful, however this man was definitely ready to open up to her and she was more than happy with that. "Oh man, that would be crazy. I would love to meet the person who did this, also a little scared. If they could do that to the black pyramid, who knows what they could do to me." She laughed it off as if it weren't too serious, but she looked back to the reconstruction efforts and what they had managed to piece together seemed as if it was quite the piece of architecture before it was destroyed. "Haha, also if you had a clue, why didn't you tell the proper authorities? I'm sure you could at least fetch some good gold for some decent information."




Zadi was lucky to find a person with not only black rukh within their veins but also a liking of destruction. The reason for the liking may differ between the two, but the important part is that the two could find a mutual understanding of destruction. All the same, this conversation could end up drawing in the wrong ears. Zadi was lucky that this woman cared for destruction the way she did. Otherwise Zadi would have had to silence her somehow. Literally? Metaphorically? Didn't matter for the woman, but others may show. Therefore Zadi would pause the conversation and attempt to bring it within a tavern where those listening would likely be too drunk to remember some eavesdropped whispers

"Hahaha! Wouldn't want to spoil the fun just yet. Come, why don't I buy us a round of drinks over at the nearby tavern? I'll tell you about what I know in there."

The woman seems interesting to Zadi. Black rukh coursing fully throughout her being unlike himself. Granted, Zadi still thought his rukh were all white because he hadn't earnestly checked for some time now. All the same though, the knowledge of being half depraved would only confuse Zadi more. He wouldn't know how it happened nor why it hasn't progressed or regressed to one side or another. Would make no sense to Zadi at this point.

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

The sun's heat was palpable. It beat down on them as even Chimera was breaking a sweat despite her lack of effort. The brunette slave slick backed her short length of hair, the thin film of sweat glistening in the sunlight, almost giving off a sort of glow about her.  The thought of getting under the sunlight was a great idea, but something about Zadi was untrustworthy. Just his manner of speaking didn't ring well with her, but she wasn't going to be rude. Her goals were to investigate the destruction and this was a lead, but not one she trusted, however there seemed to be benefits.

"Well, how about you add a round of food too? I'm famished."
She took a few steps backwards, pivoting on a foot and turning away. "Is there anywhere you wanted to go, because I know a few good places in Helio." She nodded as her back was exposed to Zadi, while taking the initiative to leave the outskirts and back to the main area of Helio. Only looking back after a few moment to make sure Zadi was coming. After confirming his trailing, she would immediately keep the conversation going. "I'm a slaver here, new to this town in general, but it definitely is right up my alley. I really do enjoy my work and you just meet so many different people. I just find it so rewarding. What do you do for a living?"




(OOC: Sorry, been busy. On top of that, because the 9th dungeon is about to open this weekend, I'll have to end this thread soon. Not within this post, but maybe the next. Again, sorry.)

The young woman seemed to happily accept Zadi's offer for some drink and food. Not only that, she seemed willing to open up to zadi about her line of work. However, being a slaver was not something that Zadi liked all too much. Sure slavery is necessary, but it is a bit in poor taste in Zadi's opinion. Zadi wouldn't hold it against the woman as she seemed fitting as an ally to Zadi's cause. Zadi didn't answer the question until the two of them got into the tavern.

"I am an entertainer. I use magic in order to create illusory shows, mostly about my past experiences. However, as of yet have I been able to make some coin with this line of work. My previous jobs were odd and simple which is what drove me to become more interesting as a person, hence an entertainer."

No lies this time. Zadi really was an entertainer and used to dabble in the odd jobs of the world, mostly within Balbadd's docks, shipyards, and other such watery places. Zaid ordered some drink for the two of them, something cheap and alcoholic obviously, and let the young woman order her food. Zadi paid early so as to be able to leave quickly in case this conversation went south, though so far this conversation seemed to heading the opposite direction.

"The name's Zadi in case you were wondering. Though, I'm sure you are more interested in the lead I mentioned earlier."

Zadi looked around and used his detective skills as an eavesdropper to make sure nobody was listening to the conversation. Thankfully, only the woman and Zadi were listening to their own conversation. Therefore, Zadi continued in a slight whisper.

"I am he who destroys relics. I caused the Black Pyramid to fall."

Zaid took a sip of his drink and waited for a response or simply a reaction to the "lead" that he'd just given the young woman. This conversation may have just changed tones instantly.

Farid Issah

Farid Issah

Chimera had brought the drink up to her face as she sipped on the alcohol, if Zadi had been looking intently he would be able to see the smile the crept along her face. She took longer than normal with the alcohol pressed against her lips as she digested the information. "That's quite incredible." She reaffirmed her own words with a nod. "However, I was taught 'trust but verify', perhaps there is a way to prove it. I think it's amazing, IF you have, but I have my doubts."

Having to deal with this issue, now wondering if he was really as powerful as he had claimed, and was quite reckless in the matter. Perhaps she might have to worry about her life in this situation. Her thoughts raced and she finally began to settle down, setting down her cup. Finally deciding perhaps foods wasn't in order, especially since she had lost her appetite.



It seemed that the young woman not only didn't introduce herself but also didn't believe Zadi's confession. That meant a couple things about this conversation got a bit sour. First there was the issue of trust; the woman didn't tell her name nor did she think it would be safe to talk to Zadi about details. She wasn't eating so her top priority must be Zadi, much like when the prey hears the predator's footsteps or rustling in the bushes. They lose their appetite for a split second, look around, and the rest goes according to nature's desires. The other part of this conversation that has gone south is Zadi's initial thoughts on the woman's intentions;

"You know, it is rather rude not to eat the food you are given. Don't you have to teach slaves some manners, too?"

A moment passed where Zadi regretted saying what he just said in such an ominous tone and so thought over a way to spruce up the conversation a little, "You do know that 'the pyramid slayer', as he or 'she' is, didn't kill any priests or people in general when destroying the Black Pyramid, right? He or 'she' was only interested in removing an old stain in order to further the world's progress towards a more logical future. After all, he or 'she' believes religion to be a hindrance to scientific and magical discovery."

Zadi took a break from the droning with a gulp of some drink and continued shortly thereafter, "What would you say to him or 'her' attempting to slay another couple pyramids while in Heliohapt? Hm? Erase a couple more stray marks in order steer Heliohapt into a more logical tomorrow?"

Unfortunately, Zadi didn't feel it safe enough to talk in public anymore. The tavern was getting a bit crowded and unruly for Zadi's tastes and therefore caused the magician to leave with just a little left to say;

"If you're interested in helping him or 'her' destroy a few more pyramids, come by the Inn closest to the Temple of Ra. I'm not using an alias so just ask for me by name," Zadi wass almost out of whipser's reach when he added, "and I don't mind the authorities. What story isn't good with a bit of 'cat and mouse?'" With that, Zadi was gone, out of site within the crowd of people outside the tavern.


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