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A Demon in Disguise

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1A Demon in Disguise Empty A Demon in Disguise 05/12/22, 11:47 am

Zuzu Mansur

Zuzu Mansur

Job Info:

As Naimes declared Zubaidah's victory, Ivoire knelt upon the sand-swept arena in deference, ‘You have defeated me fair and square, milady. In accordance with this duel, you may request anything from me. What would you ask?'

Did Artaxerxes send you here at Leon’s behest?'

I do not understand, milady. Are you not aware that prince Leon and prince Artaxerxes are not on the best terms? I came here strictly in order to avenge the dishonour to my master Artaxerxes! I was sent neither by prince Artaxerxes nor prince Leon.'

Hmm, that leaves us with quite a puzzle, doesn’t it?' Naimes and Zubaidah shared an uncertain glance, which Ivoire more than noticed. ‘What do you mean?'

Naimes received word that Leon wants me dead. I thought that you might have been related with this, since you wished me dead - ' ‘Not dead, milady! I wished to defeat you and have you vow to withdraw from all Sassanid affairs.' ‘How could you even trust that I would uphold such a vow?' ‘If I am honest, I could not trust that you would.'

Well, I couldn’t until you showed me that you have your own code much like mine.' ‘Pray tell, dear sir?' ‘You mentioned that you admired me for upholding something which most have forgotten. I believe that your code must relate with this?'

What an interesting observation!' ‘One must hone their intellect alongside their blade, must they not?' ‘It is rare that a warrior is taught that lesson nowadays.' ‘I am a knight of prince Artaxerxes, milady, and no simple warrior. He has taught me that a knight must always learn from those around him. As such, might you teach me about your code?'

word 285/500

Last edited by Zuzu Mansur on 12/12/22, 04:45 am; edited 2 times in total

2A Demon in Disguise Empty Re: A Demon in Disguise 12/12/22, 04:40 am

Zuzu Mansur

Zuzu Mansur

If you truly wish to know, dear, then follow me.' Ivoire nodded and accompanied Zubaidah towards the excavation site, down the stone pavement besides reddish-pink walls upon which were the peeling traces of paintings. ‘I have devoted all my efforts into excavating this site for the past few weeks.' Inside were columns of blueish marble, housing crumbled and partly-destroyed chambers or statues; looking to some like mere slabs of granite and fallen stone. ‘What here is worth the effort?'

This site is more than it seems, dear. It has produced finds from across the Parthevian cultural sphere. We have recovered artefacts from proto-Parthevia, Udr and even early Reim; evidence that the site was occupied continuously throughout these periods. These finds show Parthevia at both her highest and lowest points, demonstrating that Parthevian culture had once thrived in Kosrovian Udr but even survived throughout Reiman occupation.' She pointed towards a pink-hued wall in the so-called 'Master's Study' where remnants of Udrian art clung onto the stonework and then towards the more Reiman arches on the southern building, looking as though they were tagged-on at some later date. ‘In our culture that revolves around story-telling, these artefacts are proof that our stories of Parthevian greatness passed between generations are more than just fiction. This site is a testament to Parthevian history.'

If my beliefs were codified like yours, I would say that I believe all people should understand the culture and history of their community and those around them. Just as your chivalric code is an integral part of Sassanid culture and history, so are these artefacts integral for understanding Parthevia. I hope that allowing others to learn about these Parthevian sites will further their understanding of Parthevia as a whole. Perhaps the international audience will then understand the pain and suffering that us Parthevians have gone through…'

Sadness hung upon Zubaidah's words, enough that even Ivoire bowed his head in muted respect. To her, these ruins were not just the remnants to a long-gone Parthevia, but memorials for Parthevian tragedies. Tragedies that Zubaidah hoped she could soon prevent.

'Milady, I have just received grave news.' As she looked over the excavated estate, sorrow in her eyes, the Hashashin foreman came over with hurried steps. 'We have confirmed that one of the Toads members evacuated before the duels has been found dead.' Naimes and Zubaidah shared a nervous look, before she took the Hashashin foreman aside. ‘We accounted for all the Toads before, Kihya. If one of them has been found dead, then...' They both looked wide-eyed at each other, realisation dawning upon them.

We've been infiltrated.'

word 500+/500

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