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Tada [Complete]

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1Tada [Complete] Empty Tada [Complete] 27/02/18, 09:43 pm



Tada [Complete] DvWp9Ds
Name: Tadamoto
Country Affiliation: Wanderer
Race: Human
Tier: D-tier [Novice]
Class: Assassin
Age + Birthdate:
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Tadamoto was someone who easily took to the belief and discipline of her family that hard-work is to be rewarded, but those who betray the ones they serve or care for are to be punished, so the concept of loyalty quickly became part of the girl's mindset. This instilled a deep love, and admiration for the military and covert duties of their family A girl who can effortlessly swing a blade with any hesitation, but also holds a gentle poise to her soul. Whether by coincidence, or by upbringing Tada has a strong will, and resolve which was evident from how at a young age whenever she was hurt she would calmly patch herself up first thing, as she still does to this day. At heart, Tada is a rather caring woman who feels intense empathy to those she becomes close to, valuing their life as much as her own. As a parallel and compliment to Tada's personality comes from being a disciplined earnest warrior from a young age, she has become reserved in the sense she takes in small conversation keeping people amused but a great listener. A fearless assassin, but is weak towards strong emotions towards her having little experience in early life making her flustered in such manners usually when they first come about.Her reserved nature also coming from how little she focuses on herself or cares to talk about herself. Without a doubt, Tada is a woman who contemplates often and finds peace in small things such as meditation or taking the time for herself to bring spiritual peace of training. One of her biggest beliefs being that your soul and body must be strengthened and nourished regularly and is eager to learn more methods for both to add to her routine.


  • Flowers- Growing up a place filled with countless, and vibrant Flora Tada has come to love flowers, even learning their properties, and the language of flowers to an extent.

  • Poetry-Through strengthening her soul, and mind she has read countless texts and has gained an appreciation to many works of poets throughout the worlds, taking time to dabble herself, but forever holding a passion to the things they describe and the feelings they endow upon others.

  • Alcohol-A passion, and vice Tada was gifted alcohol by an elder once after a successful advancement she soon gained a taste for the intoxicating liquids, developing a love to the point some could consider it a bit
    worrying— if you were  to see her drink that is.


  • Oath-breakers- As someone who values loyalty and honesty from those who trust Tada dislikes anyone who would willingly betray those close to them, or harms those they have loyalty to. A sour taste coming from her parent's teachings, and seeing what happens to those who break their loyalties, or oaths.

  • Incredibly spicy foods- She loves her spices as much as the next girl, but when it comes to hotness she thinks there is a limit, and once things get too hot it cant even be enjoyed as food, it doesn't make much sense. It never has since she was a little girl and was tormented with insanely hot peppers.

  • Pacificsm- Violence is necessary, an art, a means of living and protecting yourself, in the eyes of Tada to choose a life of pacifism is as tragic as someone who chooses to disrespect nature, often feeling a spur to argue the pacifism of others.  This being a direct result of the life she lived training relentlessly.

Aspirations: Tada's biggest goal is one of dedication and scholarship from her love and views of her family's history and teachings. After years of training mentally, spiritually and physically tada hopes to open a dojo where she can train others to become great and learn the style and school she will hopefully one day develop with careful planning, plus dedication towards becoming the grandmaster of her dreams. As a small part, a goal of hers is to continue to grow physically and spiritually.
Phobias/fears: When you're taught how to deal with most situations and learn that loss of composure can lead to the loss of your life your fears become hidden under the appearance of a force of nature, something without fear that just happens and destroys and takes lives without the cares and whims of people. However, fears of men are always present even if only in a minor sense, and in the case of Tada she is no exception, Tada's biggest fear is betrayal, as she came to love and admire those who were loyal and honest with the people they trusted and care soon in her childhood Tada developed a small fear of being betrayed and set back by someone she cared about, but eventually it grew into a form of paranoia as she began to think there was a possibility everyone and anyone wanted her dead because of her family. This eventually passed, but she still fears it and if she was ever placed in a situation where someone was to betray her, especially someone close to her she might snap.
Face-Claim: Sakura Saber - Fate Series
Hair Color: Cherry blonde (Blonde hair that becomes pinker under light)
Eye Color: Topaz
Height: 161 cm (5'4")
Weight: 64 Kilograms (143 lbs)
Appearance: Tada is on the smaller side, with a somewhat slim body with a lean muscular tone from years of stealth, sword, and other various training. Despite her slim and muscular frame, she has a beautiful figure, keeping herself in great shape and taking care of her own grooming to give her a look of deadly beauty despite her shorter than most. From years and years of stance training, she has come to have a straight standing pose most the time, with her legs in a balanced position to move, or be ready in case of ambush or need to take action at any moments notice, but its hidden with the disguised posture to throw some off, appearing to be at peace when she is at her highest guard. In terms of clothing Tadamoto generally prefers to wear Kou robing, usually shorter ones with sandals to allow her to move quickly, and with the flexibility to do her job. Due to her reserved nature, she is not one to give much through her body language, except that of when she is hungry, often becoming more slouched.
Rukh Alignment: White
Special Features: Topaz eyes that almost seem to glow golden in the dark.
Role-Play Sample:

RP sample:

2Tada [Complete] Empty Re: Tada [Complete] 28/02/18, 04:39 am



[b]Name:[/b] Tadamoto
[b]Country Affiliation:[/b] Wanderer
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Tier:[/b] D-tier [Novice]
[b]Class:[/b] Assassin
[b]Age + Birthdate:[/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Sexuality:[/b] Homosexual
[b]Personality:[/b] Tadamoto was someone who easily took to the belief and discipline of her family that hard-work is to be rewarded, but those who betray the ones they serve or care for are to be punished, so the concept of loyalty quickly became part of the girl's mindset. This instilled a deep love, and admiration for the military and covert duties of their family A girl who can effortlessly swing a blade with any hesitation, but also holds a gentle poise to her soul. Whether by coincidence, or by upbringing Tada has a strong will, and resolve which was evident from how at a young age whenever she was hurt she would calmly patch herself up first thing, as she still does to this day. At heart, Tada is a rather caring woman who feels intense empathy to those she becomes close to, valuing their life as much as her own. As a parallel and compliment to Tada's personality comes from being a disciplined earnest warrior from a young age, she has become reserved in the sense she takes in small conversation keeping people amused but a great listener. A fearless assassin, but is weak towards strong emotions towards her having little experience in early life making her flustered in such manners usually when they first come about.Her reserved nature also coming from how little she focuses on herself or cares to talk about herself. Without a doubt, Tada is a woman who contemplates often and finds peace in small things such as meditation or taking the time for herself to bring spiritual peace of training. One of her biggest beliefs being that your soul and body must be strengthened and nourished regularly and is eager to learn more methods for both to add to her routine.

[*][b]Flowers-[/b] Growing up a place filled with countless, and vibrant Flora Tada has come to love flowers, even learning their properties, and the language of flowers to an extent.

[*][b]Poetry-[/b]Through strengthening her soul, and mind she has read countless texts and has gained an appreciation to many works of poets throughout the worlds, taking time to dabble herself, but forever holding a passion to the things they describe and the feelings they endow upon others.

[*][b]Alcohol-[/b]A passion, and vice Tada was gifted alcohol by an elder once after a successful advancement she soon gained a taste for the intoxicating liquids, developing a love to the point some could consider it a bit
 worrying— if you were  to see her drink that is.
[*][b]Oath-breakers-[/b] As someone who values loyalty and honesty from those who trust Tada dislikes anyone who would willingly betray those close to them, or harms those they have loyalty to. A sour taste coming from her parent's teachings, and seeing what happens to those who break their loyalties, or oaths.

[*][b]Incredibly spicy foods-[/b] She loves her spices as much as the next girl, but when it comes to hotness she thinks there is a limit, and once things get too hot it cant even be enjoyed as food, it doesn't make much sense. It never has since she was a little girl and was tormented with insanely hot peppers.

[*][b]Pacificsm-[/b] Violence is necessary, an art, a means of living and protecting yourself, in the eyes of Tada to choose a life of pacifism is as tragic as someone who chooses to disrespect nature, often feeling a spur to argue the pacifism of others.  This being a direct result of the life she lived training relentlessly.
[b]Aspirations:[/b] Tada's biggest goal is one of dedication and scholarship from her love and views of her family's history and teachings. After years of training mentally, spiritually and physically tada hopes to open a dojo where she can train others to become great and learn the style and school she will hopefully one day develop with careful planning, plus dedication towards becoming the grandmaster of her dreams. As a small part, a goal of hers is to continue to grow physically and spiritually.
[b]Phobias/fears:[/b] When you're taught how to deal with most situations and learn that loss of composure can lead to the loss of your life your fears become hidden under the appearance of a force of nature, something without fear that just happens and destroys and takes lives without the cares and whims of people. However, fears of men are always present even if only in a minor sense, and in the case of Tada she is no exception, Tada's biggest fear is betrayal, as she came to love and admire those who were loyal and honest with the people they trusted and care soon in her childhood Tada developed a small fear of being betrayed and set back by someone she cared about, but eventually it grew into a form of paranoia as she began to think there was a possibility everyone and anyone wanted her dead because of her family. This eventually passed, but she still fears it and if she was ever placed in a situation where someone was to betray her, especially someone close to her she might snap.
[b]Face-Claim:[/b] Sakura Saber - Fate Series
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Cherry blonde (Blonde hair that becomes pinker under light)
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Topaz
[b]Height:[/b] 161 cm (5'4")
[b]Weight:[/b] 64 Kilograms (143 lbs)
[b]Appearance:[/b] Tada is on the smaller side, with a somewhat slim body with a lean muscular tone from years of stealth, sword, and other various training. Despite her slim and muscular frame, she has a beautiful figure, keeping herself in great shape and taking care of her own grooming to give her a look of deadly beauty despite her shorter than most. From years and years of stance training, she has come to have a straight standing pose most the time, with her legs in a balanced position to move, or be ready in case of ambush or need to take action at any moments notice, but its hidden with the disguised posture to throw some off, appearing to be at peace when she is at her highest guard. In terms of clothing Tadamoto generally prefers to wear Kou robing, usually shorter ones with sandals to allow her to move quickly, and with the flexibility to do her job. Due to her reserved nature, she is not one to give much through her body language, except that of when she is hungry, often becoming more slouched.
[b]Rukh Alignment:[/b] White
[b]Special Features:[/b] Topaz eyes that almost seem to glow golden in the dark.
[b]History:[/b] [spoiler="Her-story"]Life is unconventional, especially in a place where life is ruled by violence and espionage. In the land of Kou where many noble families pursue careers in the military, there was a small family of nobles that excelled the shadows. The head of the family, Kin, cared not about the state, but instead only working to ensure the success of his family and himself. Due to this, it wasn't long before a deal was made for one of his children to be raised, and trained in for the purpose of becoming the body-guard and servant of the other's child. However, the circumstances and details of the entire deal were only known to both of the father's.

Kin's desires were a bit twisted and in such a manner to ensure the success of his bloodline he married multiple women, and they all conceived their first child within a month of marriage, and it was decided that the first-born would fulfill the deal that was made. It was expected that his third wife would have the first child. She was a young general who was renowned for her skill with a club, and Kin was sure that the child his third wife would give him would be able to wring out prosperity and fulfill his aspirations from this deal. Just as Kin and his family were accepting, and feeling rather eager about the arrangement the unexpected would happen. His fifth wife Fumi, a woman older than himself and a retired war doctor went into labor prematurely and that her child would be the one trained. Kin's first daughter, whom he named Tadamoto would honor her father's deal.

Tada's first few years would be peaceful,  but the moment she could begin to speak and walk she would begin her training for the life ahead. Soon after her fourth birthday, Tada's life was put on a strict schedule by her father, telling her when she was to eat, sleep, bathe, and train, or study in various fields. It wasn't easy as every part of her day had her doing one thing or another, it causing a mental and physical burden on her.

Eventually, the burden would get to her as during a martial arts lesson with her father she would make mistake after mistake. Kin was a kind father to all of his kids, but he was harsh when it came down to ensuring his bloodline would be successful. She was punished. "Those who can't become strong enough to do what is needed should die." Her father told her before she was locked in a silent dark room for three-days straight with nothing but a small pouch of water. Unlike most children Tadamoto would not throw a fit and resent her father, instead, the girl saw this as her own weakness.

Soon after the punishment was over Tadamoto would suddenly improve in her training, the young girl taking every chance possible to strengthen her outside, and her inside. For her success, she was rewarded with books and other gifts thought beneficial to the prepubescent girl's growth.

She soon adapted to her life, gaining a love for martial arts, her training, and also poetry from the books she read. It was around this time that her training would pick-up, and her aging mother would begin her own plans for her daughter. Fumi was dedicated to her work as a doctor who specialized in chemistry, and she would use this knowledge on her daughter with the plans to benefit her daughter and her own research. Every day in the early morning for three years Fumi would subject Tada to the various medications and concoctions in an attempt to help her daughter, make her stronger for the life that lay ahead for her.

When Tadamoto reached adolescence her father had decided it was time to have her start working in order to gain experience and prove that her training wasn't going to waste. For the next few years of her life, Tada would go on a mission after mission, learning how to live in the darkness and to kill without hesitation.

Most of her teenage life is shrouded in the same darkness she learned to fight in. Whether it because she was ready, or because of the timing, Tada was soon informed that she would be going to live with her new master and that she was expected to excel.[/spoiler]
[b]Role-Play Sample:[/b]

[spoiler="RP sample"][i]Hiss.[/i] The sudden sound of a teapot whistling broke the concentration of the woman. As her eyes opened she would suddenly drop from the branch she was hanging on by only her legs. Her feet landing as quiet as a feather as she would look to the fire that blazed under the trees where she had set up a simple camp, it only consisting of a tent and firepit. Lifting the kettle from the fire she poured herself a cup, the green liquid filling up her cup as steam would begin to rise only to be blown away. Both of her nimble, thin hands gently holding the cup just a few inches in front of her face as she blew on it. She was in between missions at the moment and had chosen to spend a few days camping in the area around her next one to be ready for it when the time came.

[color=#ff6666]"Hot."[/color] She said quietly to herself after having taken a sip of the tea. She set it down for a moment, shifting to sit her back against a tree, removing both of her sandals and her blue and white coat, sitting in her gi as she would pull a poetry book from her coat. The cover reading 'the beauty of violence', as she read it a soft smile graced her preoccupied lips.[/spoiler]

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