The Pale Mask
Affiliation: Self
Type: Social
Status: Invite Only
- Entry: (Required. What are the requirements for joining this faction?)
- Departure: (Required. What are the requirements for leaving this faction?)
- Activity: (Required. What are the requirements for keeping a member spot in this faction?)
Description: (This is where you will create a short summary of what the faction is along with their goals and / or purpose.)
Leader: (This is where you will put the characters or NPCs leading this faction.)
Members: (You may have as many members as you’d like and organize them however you want. This may range from groups to individual titles.
In a NPC faction, you do not need to list individuals but just descriptions of their members. You may list players associated with the faction here as well.)
Threads: (List at least two or more of the related threads backing up this faction here.)