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WIP - Niu Sadiki

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1WIP - Niu Sadiki Empty WIP - Niu Sadiki 27/05/17, 02:18 am



WIP - Niu Sadiki Axw5duwc25
Face-claim is above

Name: Niu Sadiki

Country Affiliation: This little guy was born in the central of Reim, as of right now he is considered in the affiliation of "Wanderer".

Race: Magician

((Foot Notes; Magician is a class which revolves around the usage of magic and magoi. All characters that are Magicians must use their staff or wand to channel their spells. Their techniques are the most versatile of all the classes. Must be of the Magician race to pick this class.
D-Tier: May bring up to 1 staff/wand into a thread. C-Tier and below spells can be used. Can know 1 magic type.
Magician's Constitution - All Magicians have initially weak bodies. They may not obtain Traits that increase physical strength or speed unless they have a Secondary Class.))

Magic Type: Life.

Tier: D-Tier (Novice)

Class: Magician (Magic type; Life)

Age + Birthdate: Currently the little boy is Thirteen years of age, his birthday is May 1st. This also meaning he was born under the star sign of Taurus.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: A Panromantic - Demisexual is someone who is romantically attracted to anyone of any orientation, but not sexually attracted to them, unless they have a strong enough bond with them. They must have a strong bond with the person before even considering a relationship with them, aside from that they would prefer to avoid any contact with the subject of romance. 


As a little boy, Niu is was usually the type of kid who would be mindful and upbeat in spite of the harsh environments that remained in the outside world of his childhood. He is able to keep smiling and be happy because of his adopted family at a small orphanage. Niu occasionally thinks of what his blood-related family would've done to take care of him, that is if they didn't leave him on the front step of the orphanage. Being the eldest child in the orphanage, or rather, his home, he takes charge and acts responsible for the other children. He is very charismatic and acts as their leader. As he grows up in the central of Reim, he becomes more cunning and willing to do whatever dirty work is necessary in order to help or even to protect his family, but he refuses to let any of the other children take part in such hardships. The blonde even approached a higher-ranked (Higher-up), one time, that had been cruelly abusing a child, stepping into the despicable scene so that child could get away. Unfortunately it left him in some emotional term-oil afterwards, more or less leaving a mental wound on the poor child's thoughts. (205 words 1,136 characters)

 Niu tends to have certain and assiduous temperaments and often chooses to be accommodating and wait for a certain result rather than force things out. Sometimes he's known to appreciate refinement and the mushy value of even material holdings. The young male dislikes getting into any heated controversies but is rapid to show how bull headed he can be when considering something relevant enough to even be worth the fight. The young boy could also be very polite and accepting but only with those who gain his scrutiny and respect. (90 words)

Positive traits; The boy is usually affectionate and loyal and seem to approach all life matters in a sensible manner. And highly dependable and always try to respect any promises and finish whatever he had said he would, regardless of the hardships Niu might meet along the way. He's mostly hardworking and loyal and anyone can depend on him as long as there is a relationship of mutual respect instilled in between. (70 words)

Negative Traits;  Those whom are born under the sign Taurus find it hard to make decisions sometimes and are prone to laziness as they tend to avoid some obstacles and even let them pile up. Of course it's better for them that they deal with them later than never, but they would avoid a lot of effects if they were to pay more scrutiny. Often finding escape routes by coming with easy explanation and rapid fixes but they are also spiteful if others critique their results. They need to begin seeing beyond personal gain in order to grow up spiritually. (98 words) (98+90+70= 258 total words)


  • Good foods and drinks - Being a sensual person, the love of good food and drink is legendary; It's very seldom that he will develop complaints from eating fried chili peppers or other things that would send a lesser mortal screaming for help; their typical complaints are usually from the lack of the fresh air and clean water that they need in order to maintain their robust health, even if they try to deny it.

    Security - To him, security means the power to do what they like without being disturbed; and this includes the annoyance of bills and debts. It's been said that money never burns a hole in their pockets.
    Things that have lasting value - He will put a lot of effort and money into providing for any family or partners, and the majority of items he spends on will be things of lasting.

    Rest and tranquility - Rest and tranquility are important to him; He usually gains the greatest insights through meditation, contemplation or simply "sleeping on it." You won't, however, find him hanging around new age fairs, unless, of course, they are the type of get-togethers where people are making their own armor and reliving, and thereby preserving history.

    Beauty and harmony - Niu's senses are so developed that the choice between one things or object over another is often made on the basis of how it looks, and how well it fits in with the rest of the d飯r in their well-designed homes or offices. He also seems to seek harmony among friends; usually doing so by associating with people of the same or similar interests, and with whom they can enjoy the comforts of home, or congenial and friendly surroundings.

    Green is a color of choice for him, soothing green symbolizes growth and renewal. This hue is placed in great harmony with the moments of calm and shyness and this is exactly what he needs, a relaxing but energizing color. The power color can be used in things around, from clothes, decorations to even the color of your favorite pottery. (He also favors pink, yellow and most earth tones due to the calming effects they give off to him.)


  • Being rushed into making a decision - As his sign would suggest, Niu is not slow at making up their minds; many Taureans think at lightning fast speed, but the idea of doing what's right is far more important to him than coming up with a fast and easy solution.

    Uncomfortable surroundings - Being solidly rooted in his senses; especially the sense of touch. Much of his effort is directed toward turning where he lives or where he goes into a place of serenity, safety and comfort so that his need for security is as firmly ensconced in his home as it is in his heart.

    Being pestered or annoyed - Another suggestion form his sign would say when the Taurus has a very high frustration tolerance, but like the famous character "The Hulk" the Taurus often comes with the byline "You won't like me when I'm angry."

    Being forced to change his mind - Don't contradict him or try to change his mind when he's already certain about something.

    Loud and aggressive behavior - Try and avoid loud, boisterous behavior around him, otherwise you may end up with a lot more than anyone can deal with on your hands.


  • His Former Family; Niu is a person who wishes to know who his birth parents were, where they came from and why they gave him up to an orphanage or rather why they didn't even bother to keep him, all he knows is that from caretaker is that his birth-mother didn't talk all to much.

    Power; Not to be confused with  a power hungry madman, the boy is a person who wants to gain power to protect others, himself and anyone who can't protect themselves from danger.

    Knowledge; Much like a growing body, Niu wishes to increase the minds capacity to hold his power of thought over the power of his own body, though he cares not to dwindle in physical prowess, the young boy feels a fruitful mind is just as tactical, if not more useful. 

Phobias/fearsMonophobiathe fear of being alone, is a catch-all term for several discrete fears. Some people are afraid of being apart from a particular person. Some fear living alone or being in public alone. Still others are afraid of being alone at home. (45 words)

Asthenophobia is the fear of fainting or weakness. The origin of the word a is Greek (meaning no), stehnia is Greek (meaning strength) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). 

Face-Claim: Mikaela Hyakuya

Hair Color:   He has short, wavy blond hair 

Eye Color: Clear blue eyes.

Height: 64.5" (163.8 centimeters) (<- Might have that dead wrong)

Weight: 112.0 lb (50.8 kilograms) (<-Still might be wrong, I used a weight chart)

Appearance: As a child, Niu was usually found wearing a pair of scruffy shorts and a white hoodie over a collared shirt. Sometimes, the little boy had the habit of wearing an over-sized white and black jacket.

Rukh Alignment: His flow is along the lines of the White Rukh, following the path of his unsavored destiny in hopes of it becoming better.

Special Features: He seems a little to pale, his hair and eyes are very light, maybe he's an anemic? 


Before birth; 

Before the birth of Niu, both his mother, and father, were both residents of a small village in the Reim empire. His father had been a mercenary that guarded many people, caravans and various other individuals that could afford what little services he could offer in his spare time; but when he and Niu's mother had met, it wasn't on a silver lining, you see, the woman was running away from the royal guards, meanwhile he was working to protect someone else from being seen by the eyes of any lurking higher-ups. (not finished)

Niu's mother, Niitrav, had been an Osteopath, or a low paid healer who studied what was the to branch the medical practice that emphasizes the treatment of medical disorders through the manipulation and massage of the bones, joints, and muscles. As a magician, she tried to treat the internal wounds of people with the Life magic she had learned from going to the school in Magnostadt.

After birth; (not finished)

Role-Play Sample:  "Maybe, one day. One day, I'll find the love you want. But now, now I can't even think about that. I have to finish my goal, I have to finish of what I started. It may take awhile to find, so go find another guy to love for now, or something. Don't waste your time waiting for me to find my heart, maybe I won't find it and you'll then waste your precious time on me..All for nothing. " Those words I had spoken that day, they changed me. Turned me into someone I'm not. 
Maybe now, I can run away with the monsters that were my friends since I was little. Maybe now, I can live with myself. Without anyone telling me to stop, I always hated that shrewd word. "I hope you can forgive me for the time I've stolen from you..I know it can't be replaced, but all I can give you in return is a safe wish for your destiny to turn out..Better than it is now" ((170 words))

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