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A Lesson in History [ Solo, Mission]

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Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

Yet again Ptolemy found himself standing on the steps of the Black Pyramid, though this time instead of being on a mission from the gods, he was on a mission for him self. A mission of discovery and self inspection. But whats more it was a trip into the past. A past that he knew next to nothing about, and why would he? Ptolemy had not been groomed to be some lord or lady, nor did he have any aspirations to be such. No, his schooling had been on something far more practical and at times a lot less interesting. After all, the history of a nation was one of warfare and bloody plots. Of romance, and miracles. Or so the young man thought. So with an energy he hardly ever felt he took the stairs two at a time, his heart pounding both from the exertion and excitement. After all, it wasn't everyday one got a lesson from a priest.

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Mission Info:

Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

And it sure as hell wasn't everyday that one was late for a lesson from a priest. "It had to be today of all days." Of course by the time he reached the landing of the pyramid he was nearly out of breath, which was more then a tad unsightly. In fact a few of those individuals already gathered there looked at him with what could only be disgust in their eyes. "If looks could kill..." His voice was not loud enough to carry to any but the creature that made its home in his shirt, who for his part just twitched a little and went back to its nap. Ptolemy shot a glare at where his creature currently rested before taking one last deep breath and walking through the archway that marked the entrance to the pyramid and the temple proper. Ptolemy hoped his tardiness would go unnoticed, if only for his peace of mind.

156 words


Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

Of course the Snake Charmers luck wasn't that good. In fact he had no idea why he had gotten his hopes up, because his luck was never that good. Ptolemy made his way to the back of the group, his every foot step seeming to echo through the vast and one might say cavernous room. And while he felt sure the eyes of both the priest and the gathered mass were upon him, his own eyes were locked on the walls for on them where etched the stories of his people and the history of this land.  Carved delicately, and with much love the scenes before him showed more then he could ever imagine. The weight of history rolled over him, taking him on a journey into the past. He could see the arrival of the first pharaoh, turned outcast and thrown into the wasteland that would become his home...

151 Words


Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

"Ahem" A voice broke Ptolemy from his fantasy, and his minds eye cleared so that he could see the situation in front of him. "Oh... Ah... Sorry sir." The priest turned his attention from the day dreaming young man and went back to speaking, his words echoing much like Ptolemy's foot steps had done just a little while before. He spoke of the Golden Light that had bathed their first ruler, of the gods that came and brought life back to the dying man, of the city they built together and of the nation they founded. As he spoke his magic brought these scenes to life, showing them the truth behind his words and the truth behind their gods. Collectively the gathered students let out a gasp as they watched it unfold, disbelief being replaced with wonder. They where heirs to a proud lineage, they were the decedents of gods. In their veins ran the blood of survivors, and they and they alone had conquered the desert and learn to thrive in it.

173 words


Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

And then the scene changed, to one of blood and fire. War had come to that infant nation, and the survivor and his siblings took up weapons. Ptolemy could feel a sense of pride welling within him as he watched the warriors of the past do battle with those that would kill them and take what would become ancestral lands. He watched as Ramses the first cleaved through man after man, he watched as blood soaked into the sand of the battle field. And while he was suitably appalled by the sights the magic brought to life before them. It was odd to note that their nation had been founded by a man considered demonic by those who came before, and to see him now... Covered in the blood of fallen foes he couldn't help be agree... Though what he saw was a man more close to an avenging angel then any sort of demon. Though if he was on the other side of that massive blade, he doubted vary much that he wold see it that way.

179 words


Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

The magic began to fade then, their bloodied progenitor turning to nothing more then a drawing on a wall. Those gathered to watch and learn stood there in stunned silence, yet the energy in the room was palatable. Maybe it was left over from the spell woven there just moments before, but Ptolemy hoped it was something more. With a shake of his head he cleared his mind and turned his site back to the priest that had been kind enough to share those past few moments with them, he then spoke of the finished city and the death of the first pharaoh and the coming of the second. On and on he went, and soon enough an hour past and their time together came to a close. Bowing his head in thanks, Ptolemy made his way back through the archway that marked the boundary between the worlds and took a deep breath of the fresh cool air. He felt refreshed, but whats more he felt that he had learned something of true worth, and that was a something that made any hardship worthwhile.


184 words


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