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A Meeting With Emperor Gao Yuan Zu [ Event | Private ]

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Gao Yuan Zu

Gao Yuan Zu

Gao spent his days hovering around the war table, moving his pieces into their places. A good distraction was all he needed to obtain power. A rumor had hit his ears a while back and scouts had come back with promising information. A young, pale woman was sitting in the corner. Plucking away at strings to produce a melodic sound that soothed the tension in the room. Gao took a small sip of his tea before starting to pace back and forth. The earth crunching beneath his feet. "Emperor," a voice sounded as the flaps of the tent swung open. With a slap they were closed again. A large man stood before the seasoned emperor, clad in cobalt armor. While not the most appealing man, he was one of Gao's best generals and a long time friend.

"Ah, General Hei Lu," addressed Gao, motioning the man over, "Come, sit with me, old friend." Hei Lu bowed in respect before walking over to the war table to examine it. "It seems we have Yoshiro trumped, your majesty," he cackled, a wide smile brimming across his face. The plans seemed perfect and with their current advantage in knowledge, it would be an easy win.

"All we need to do is find it," said Gao, his expression smug. While his demeanor seemed cool, inside he was brimming with excitement. He felt impatient. Victory was almost in his grasp. Once he won, he could return Kou to it's previous glory. The world would be his once and for all. In the name of Kou. "The Kou Empire will soon stretch further than these lands. If only my son could have taken after his father," Gao grumbled.

He care much for his son anymore. He was now another man out for his throat. Another man to dispose of. "General, get the troops ready," he commanded, waving his hand. "Yes, your majesty." Hei Lu took his leave, his head held as high as always. Gao only awaited now for his guests to arrive so he may congratulate him. But something felt off about today. A familiar aura-- a feeling, crept around the camp. He could feel the uneasiness in the air. Was that man watching him still? There was no way he could tell until he showed his ugly mug again.


The man did linger about the camp, unseen. His fingers caressed his wand as he watched from afar. He was awaiting for a certain man to appear. His game in Balbadd made this man take interest in him. "This will be... exciting," he purred, biting on the tip of his wand. After his fiasco in the mountains and a little push onto the gullible Hei Lu, the plan was set into motion. His eyes scanned the campsite obsessively. "Come out, come out wherever you are," he chuckled. Another pawn to exchange for a king, perhaps? He was ready to lure the man to him as soon as he was in his sights. Like a fish on a hook.

Everyone may make their entrance posts now. If you need assistance on how to start, you would most likely be received as you enter the camp and brought directly to Gao Yuan Zu by a few guards.

Adrastos Thanatos will be directed away from the group for unknown reasons and brought to a cloaked man.

Please make sure you post within 48 hours after each post from Gao Yuan Zu.




Dawning onto the skies that were the Kou Empire and it's neighbor; The Jade Dragon Mountains, the ball of fiery flames arose out from the horizon. Scatters of intense rays of light, it had spread out across every inch of "The East", it even awoke Trently from his dormant state of rest. Thrusting a sole finger up to his pair of eyes, Trently swept away the hindrances. Sat his own self up as he stared, blankly, the youth of the Yanaihara background mused in dreams. "Have a journey ahead of me... aye gramps..." Peeking an eye out at his now late grandfather's treasured katana, Trently stepped up and weld it to his waist. "Let us advance!" Striding a path forward, Trently hurled his tent's entrance wide as he entered in onto the field of an infantry camp. "Heya! Trently! Isn't today the day you venture out to seek Gao Yuan Zu? Ya deserve it to be honest buddy! Head out!" Impacting a heavy weight hand onto the back of Trently, the comrade of the youth known as Shian huffed as he chuckled. "Ehehehe! Thanks Shian!" Lightly, that of a soft yet gentle smirk took aloft on Trently's face as he rode his hand off on the back of his neck. "Yanaihara! Sir! We have had a duo of horses ready for your departure! Gao Yuan Zu is awaiting your presence at an nearby main camp!" Informing, the mere soldier notified Trently of his immediate venture out to step face to face with the noble known only as Gao Yuan Zu; that of the Kou Empire's prior Emperor. Overflowing to the brim, it all overwhelmed Trently, yet it burned and lit up his spirit that dwelt within his being.

Onward it trot, horses that hauled Trently to his desired location. "Kutuh! Kutuh! Kutuh!" Pounding on top the dirt beneath them as they rode on, in an honest tone; Trently did not fully have a built trust in Gao Yuan Zu as for the policies he owns on slavery. Yet, if Trently sought to soar over the heavens then the youth would require having to waver the head on top Gao Yuan Zu in an anew path. Unknown, it all shrouded in a mist, those words that Gao Yuan Zu kept if addressed about the topic of labor imprisonment. Unlatching, Trently glided off onward as the carriage halted his motions. "Here I am! Gao Yuan Zu!" In that of his own mental state, Trently bellowed out from his belly. "Pleasure to have your acquaintance, Trently! Do hastily fasten your pace! Gao Yuan Zu is to have you now!" Directed to the area in which the Emperor dwelt and wove the tactics to victory, Trently's own heart pounded with an intense beat of excitement.
Items & Weapons:

Last edited by Trently on 19/04/17, 11:02 pm; edited 2 times in total



Lestacia, with her deep edge wand in hand walked towards the camp of Gao Yuan Zu with haste. She was actually meeting the leader. The highest up that there was. She told her own General, Dawnblade, about this before she left. He was ecstatic to know that one of his own had been chosen to meet with the big man himself. Lestacia's bunk mate even congratulated her. They held a party the day before Lestacia was to leave for the main camp. She gripped the letter tightly and stopped to take a deep breath. This was actually happening. She couldn't believe it. Had all of her hard work actually paid off? Of course it did or Gao Yuan Zu, wouldn't be congratulating her. Her efforts had gotten her noticed so now it was time to set out.

The woman set out through the countryside spying soldiers and animals alike on the way. The journey would be long and arduous but worth it in the long run. After traveling for a bit Lestacia would come across her destination. The camp was grand, and busy, as one should be. It was much bigger than Dawnblade's. It had to be because the ex Emporer was housed here. Lestacia was excited, however she had to be serious, she was going to be within the presence of royalty and she needed to act as if she had class. She rarely got to spend time with the Elite, so she didn't want to make a bad first impression. She'd walk up to the Gates, her staff sheathed upon her waste and show the guards her letter.

"I've been summoned here by Emporer Gao Yuan Zu!"

"Oh really?" The guard snatched the letter and looked it over. They recognized the handwriting and opened up the gates. "This way ma'am." As the gates opened a couple more guards surrounded Lestacia leading her towards the area where Gao Yuan Zu had been. As she entered, she'd kneel with a smile before catching a glimpse of the emperor.

"I am Lestacia P. Goodman, a Magician from Magnostadt! It is an Honor and privelege to meet someone of your stature. Your highness." As the girl lifted her head, she'd spot Trently. So apparently he was summoned here as well. She wasn't the only one? If she wasn't the only one summoned then were there others? Lestacia got up soon after introducing herself. She was so very nervous, but it was so very exciting. If only her grandfather could see her now. He would be so proud of her.

Items brought:



Vardreth sat in his command tent, reviewing a document he had just received. There were several others in the tent, the small group of high profile members of Vardreth's mercenary company. Re-reading it, Vardreth looked back up to the messenger. "I'll make sure to be there." Folding the parchment back into its previous size, Vardreth slipped it within his clothing. The messenger subsequently left, likely to report back to the one who had sent him.

Gazing with curiosity, Old Man Xiang Li spoke up. "Junior Apprentice-nephew, what is it that was within the message?" Though as an Alchemic Monk who hadn't many attachments to the world of man, his curiosity got the better of him. Vardreth's attentions were mostly on the war efforts recently, so although he had been providing lessons on alchemy to the young Mercenary Captain it wasn't nearly as much time as he would have preferred. There were only small breakthroughs in Vardreth's knowledge at this point. Xiang Li was figuring that if he learned more matters of Vardreth's that could reduce the amount of work the warrior had to do, there would be more time to focus on the knowledge and way of alchemy.

Looking to the rest, Vardreth contemplated and then shrugged. "Hm. The client has invited me to a meeting. I'm not certain of the contents of it, but it may mean we're moving to another frontline." There was a certain air of interest in his words, while at the same time a degree of irreverence towards the Emperor. Though the man had status in the world, Vardreth would treat him politely at best, and indifferently at worst. Since Emperor Gao Yuan Zu had never skimped on payments, and never broke their contract, Vardreth was fairly well disposed to the former and would treat him politely.

"Make sure everyone is sharp. Have everyone prepared to move out at a moment's notice. I'll be taking the platoon of cavalry with me." Vardreth's orders flowed as he moved to the side of the desk and began to fully equip himself. He wasn't aware of all he would need to do, and with anything being possible he wanted to make sure he was outfitted well for any occasion.

As he strapped a blade at his side, and hid some daggers upon his body, Vardreth knelt down to place one in one of his shoes. As he did, he noticed a pair of feet stop just a meter away from him; somebody had approached. Looking up, he noticed it was Zeriken. "Is there something?" Raising a brow, Vardreth questioned his grandfather's student.

Smirking, Zeriken pulled a sheathed sword from his waist before holding it up for Vardreth. "Yes, actually. This is one of your grandfather's favorite blades, Eir. The only hint for this one is that the mastery of it will grant a tiger wings. He advised me to hand this to you when the time was right." The blade looked strange, with not only its cross-guard, but also the magatama that dangled off the end of the hilt.

A strange look flashed across Vardreth's face as he stared at the weapon. Looking back up to Zeriken, Vardreth spoke slowly. "To receive a second weapon from Grandpa Fang Mu... Does this mean his intentions are for me to inherit the the Three-Head, Six-Arms style of combat he was known for?" Vardreth's father had told him before that Fang Mu had a strange combat style in which he used six magic weapons - three blades and three sheathes - in order to combat his enemies. The style was fearsome enough to even cause magicians a headache.

Zeriken shrugged. "He didn't say. Only told me to give you this weapon when the time was right. I think now is that time." Master Fang Mu's orders had indeed been cryptic, however Zeriken had a feeling that due to the possibility of a large-scale conflict soon, it would be best to give the sword to Vardreth now. The man had an incredible way of connecting to the magic weapons, but it was prudent to prepare for the eventuality.

Vardreth took the blade in hand, brows furrowed. He pulled it from its sheathe and admired the edge of the sword, taking care to note that it also had a saw-tooth pattern nearing the cross-guard. Experimentally, Vardreth sent some magoi into the weapon and felt the presence of a powerful function. Exploring it for a brief moment, Vardreth already knew a portion of what the blade was capable of. Strapping it to his right side, Vardreth looked back at Zeriken and smiled. "This is quite a good blade. I look forward to seeing its true capabilities." With that, he turned on his heels and exited the tent.

Vardreth arrived at Gao Yuan Zu's camp a few hours later, twelve horsemen of his Company following him. They arrived at an outpost of the camp before Vardreth showed his credentials. While he was allowed to move forward for the visit, his soldiers were required to wait for him to return. The young Captain nodded their way, approving the splitting of the group.

In an orderly fashion, Vardreth's mercenary soldiers unmounted and began caring for their mounts. Vardreth, too, unmounted from Marux, letting the beast stay behind with the others. Vardreth approached the central tent with confidence, politely announcing himself when he was stopped and then being let within.

Vardreth first saluted the Emperor. "Emperor Gao Yuan Zu, I, Fang Vardreth, am reporting in!" Vardreth's clasped hand and subsequent bow were both crisp and succinct. Vardreth surreptitiously measured up the others within the room. A woman and a man both stood to the side. With the way in which the others within the tent were standing, Vardreth deduced them to be in a similar situation as himself; an individual that had been invited in for this meeting. Aside from those two, everyone in the tent seemed to naturally belong and gravitate towards the Emperor.

Vardreth was certainly curious, but unlike the Elderly Xiang Li he was not going to be the first to break the silence.


Perks used:

Items brought:

Adrastos Thanatos

Adrastos Thanatos

Adrastos sat in his tent drinking wine when Nox, one of his Shadow Generals, entered. In the masked man’s hand was an envelope that, upon closer observation, was branded with a seal. The magician took a nearby letter opener and took out the contents of the envelope. His meeting with Emperor Gao Yuan Zu finally arrived, but there was still much more to do.

“How much infomation have the puppets obtained about Kou?”

“Not enough with the few men that we have after splitting our forces between the countries. With our numbers so thin, we can’t hope to accomplish the same feat as before.”

Adrastos clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Nox was right, but there had to be something he could do to gather influence in Kou. “Continue gathering intel while I attend this meeting with Gao Yuan Zu. Perhaps this will provide me with something to use to further our cause. After all, me and him have similar desires in terms of how we envision this world, at least one that’s ruled by one man. Fetch Sahara and find Hades for me. I leave within the hour.”

The blue magician dressed in a dark blue kimono. Hidden in the sash was his Malevolent Shadow, on his left hand were three rings: Dantalis Serpent, Grim Reaper, and the Ring of Erosion, and tucked safely in a small, black pouch was the mysterious shard that fell from the sky some time ago. Adrastos didn’t know what the shard did, but figured it had to have been useful if it had fallen from the heavens. He mounted Saraha, and Hades, the black cat from Dantalion, sat behind him on the saddle.

“Why do I have to go to this meeting with you?”

“To be my eyes and ears for anything I may miss, Hades, but try not to talk, okay? You need to act like a normal cat.”

Adrastos flicked the reigns, signalling his mount to move and directing it east, toward the camp that the emperor waited.


Upon arriving, Adrastos dismounted, tying his beast up far from the horses of others, and headed toward the tent where Gao Yuan Zu was with Hades sitting on his shoulder. He showed his invitation to the guards and introduced his relatively harmless cat, who he explained couldn’t leave his shoulder under any circumstances. However, another guard walked up the the white-haired magician and stopped him before he could enter.

“Follow me, please.”

Adrastos frowned, but followed anyway. He didn’t understand why he was being pulled away, but he knew he didn’t like postponing a meeting with the emperor, an event that came rarely in one lifetime. The guard stopped and nodded to the cloaked man. “Here he is, as you asked,” the guard said before leaving the two alone.

The blue magician crossed his arms as he glared down at the cloaked figure. Hades also watched the cloaked man with curious wide eyes. “What business do you have with me that you thought it appropriate to delay my arrival to the meeting? Whatever your reasoning, it had better be good, so make your explanation fast.”

Items Brought:

The Contractor

The Contractor

A Meeting With Emperor Gao Yuan Zu [ Event | Private ] Large

As Adrastos approached the cloaked man and vented his annoyance on being delayed, a sinister atmosphere would wash over the area. The man's eyes gleamed from under the brim of his cloaks hood and his face twisted into an unhold smile of cataclysmic glee. "Oh, there is do need to worry. You'll make it in....time~" The playful voice of a young man placed the stranger's apparent age at mid to late twenties, but something in his eyes would give the sense of agelessness. The world around Adrastos would shudder and then freeze, the air suddenly became cold and the lighting dimmed significantly.

The cloaked man reached up and pulled at the cloth that covered him. The fabric swirled off of his form morphing in both shape and color. The light of a magic circle could be seen sewn into the cloth as it finished its transformation into a simple handkerchief. The man beneath the guise was revealed to be an oddly dressed magician with a cheshire grin. "So good to finally meet you. The emperor and I have been keeping an eye on you. Your efforts in Balbadd were most impressive..."

The enigmatic magician gave a slight bow as he spoke and seemed to be deferring a rather respectful attitude towards Adrastos. Almost like how the owner of an illustrious shop might treat a VIP noble. "The "True" Emperor would like me to bestow a upon you. I'm pleased to present you with this most precious of treasures~" The man spun in circles on his heel while pronouncing his words in a loud and passionate speech, ending back into his humbly bowed stance as if the tirade had never happened.

A Meeting With Emperor Gao Yuan Zu [ Event | Private ] EyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20veFFzUTZWeC5wbmc_MSJ9

Swish! The magician's wand suddenly cut the air and an elegant box made from mysterious black jade appeared in the man's outstretched hand. The man offered the box to Adrastos, and then gave him one last smile before turning away. "I suggest you wait until after the meeting to open it~" The strange fellow said before he took a step and then faded away into nothing. Light returned to normal, the airs chill vanished, and time seemed to move once against for the other people around.

[Neo now possesses a Dark Metal Vessel. Please register your DMV in the Smithy!]

Gao Yuan Zu

Gao Yuan Zu

A sudden rustle from the flaps of the tent caught Gao’s ear, forcing his full attention to the entrance. “One, two, three, was there not supposed to be another? Tch, Hei Lu! What is the meaning of this? You told me they were all here, so where is the fourth soldier?” One could almost feel the intensity radiating off of him as he shouted for his general. “Right, I told him to rally up the troops. None of you would know anything about the missing person, right? Do not withhold a single ounce of information from me if you do.” Gao dug into the ground with the top of his boot, awaiting an answer from his guests.

The former Emperor started to pace back and forth again, stomping his boots into the ground with each step. “I would rather not discuss these matters with only three of you present.” Gao swiftly moved his hand to the hilt of his sword, gripped it tightly and crashed it into a one of the already broken straw dummies near him. Gao’s advisors always made sure to keep some form of target in the war room, due to Gao’s destructive tendencies when angered. The tension was suddenly lifted as the fourth, white-haired man stepped through the folds of the tent. Gao’s eyes darted in this man’s direction, scanning his body over. “Oh, and you must be the jackass that has kept us waiting.” A smug, yet much more relaxed grin crossed the EX-Emperor’s face.

“You know, I swear I’ve seen you from somewhere before, but I just can’t put my finger on it.” Gao said bluntly, pacing towards the man known as Fang Vardreth. “You remind me of someone I knew a long time ago, but that man is surely dead by this point.” Gao turned around, facing the table located in the center of the room once more. “Does anyone here know what a dungeon is? I’m curious to hear everyone’s answer, as the answer to this means a great deal to me.” Gao’s mouth snarled as he laughed, not expecting many if any in the room to give the answer he truly wants.



Music Wavering of his kimono's cloth, a rustle of Trently's flickered hand displayed out in sound, thus then having the youth surface out from the source. "Yo! Gao Yuan Zu! Miracles do exist, to have been dawned the joy of your own presence!" Aloft an upwind of a smirk beheld Trently's facial, with an utmost duo of kind eyes; Trently owned an unveil of his own. Displayed in an array, those of that Trently had accumulated rug tied to his waist's line, it shone with a brilliant ray. "At your service! Gao Yuan Zu!" Upholding an honest yet deceitful hand on top of that of his own chest's heart, Trently being an invigorated soul for the Kou Empire's Civil Justice swept shut his eyes momentarily. Widening up their lashes once more, Trently stood up on his homeland beneath the soles of his feet. "Have no clue." Vanished with not even a trace, one of whom were to have faced Gao Yuan Zu had not shown up until behindhand. "Oh.." Ingrained into Trently's conscious, that of the head of hair that strode in was a known friend of Lestacia in which Trently once saw at a tavern. Oddly, Gao Yuan Zu had found an individual to be familiar, it being a youth of his Trently's own age.

Ushering an inquiry to those on standby, Gao Yuan Zu awoken a spirit in Trently that lit a flame of hope. “A Dungeon!?” Blankly, those eyes of Trently widened, an invigoration overwhelmed the youth’s being. Previously in the Reim Empire, Trently spoke to Zadi; a veteran of Dungeons. Words that had been shared on that fateful day drove Trently to seek the realms of a Dungeon, to dive into it’s contents, and to conquer what laid within.

“Sir Gao Yuan! If I am not mistaken, isn’t it the place where Kings are crafted and chosen!? Is it that you meant? Or am I wrong? You or Yoshiro, whom is fit to be the Emperor of Kou!?” Convinced, it must have been, what Gao Yuan Zu sought to unearth from one of their own minds and mouths.



Lestacia set her eyes upon the man, Gao Yuan Zu himself. He was... absolutely stunning. The girl who had her head in a book ninety percent of the time had her eyes set on an immaculate man before her. He was so handsome. Her heart skipped a beat. Her mind filled with dirty thoughts of the emperor, his rippling muscles. That beautiful beard. His Mustache, was the pinnacle of beauty itself. Lestacia bit her bottom lip as they waited for their last guest to come in. She had now begun day dreaming.

It was just them in the room. Gao Yuan Zu would walk over to Lestacia and grip her backside firmly and bring her close. They'd look each other in the eyes before kissing with such fire and passion before a bed would materialize behind them. He'd thrust Lestacia upon the bed, and rip off his shirt revealing his war torn muscular body. He'd crawl on top of the female magician kissing her deeply whilst ripping her clothes off in the process. Lestacia would smile seductively before...

The Day dream stopped there. Their guest had arrived. Lestacia had a bright smile with a fully red flushed face. This must have been that thing that she read about in the medical books. "Puberty". She was finally becoming a woman and never had a boy crazy phase but to have one now of all times, and for a man of his stature no less. She didn't know if anyone saw her mentally undressing the man but gave an embarrassed blush anyways. Neo had soon walked in, and the smile crept right back upon her face. This was her third time seeing him. She never knew he was on her side. It was nice to be surrounded by friends. She had remembered seeing Vardreth or someone like him at the tavern over by Trently. It looked like everyone was now here though so the meeting would begin. However Gao started it with a question. It was probably to gather their thoughts.

"Well I'd like to piggy back off of what Trently said. It's a place where kings are made. However dungeons have more to offer, such as treasure and rare items you wouldn't get from just anywhere. Some people come out stronger than they've entered however it's extremely dangerous to go in alone."

Adrastos Thanatos

Adrastos Thanatos

The man before Adrastos was unlike anyone he’d ever met: his voice was playful yet his eyes were ageless and he made the surrounding area cold. His strangeness distracted him for just a moment but the mention of Balbadd snapped the magician to his senses. He was confused about how he and the “true” emperor knew about his work in Balbadd, but he didn’t have the time to ask when the cloaked man handed him a black box with instructions to only open it after the meeting. Immediately afterward, he was gone. Adrastos frowned. He was both annoyed and curious about the man, but put the box securely in his kimono and headed toward the tent where the meeting was taking place.

Once inside, Adrastos received a not-so-friendly welcome from Emperor Gao Yuan Zu. “I apologize for my tardiness. My name is Neo Mortem.” Hades, the black cat, tilted his head while looking at Gao yet remained silent himself as Gao directed some attention toward Vardreth. He took this time to notice Lestacia and another man, one that the magician thought he saw back in the tavern a few days ago. Their presence was a slight surprise to Adrastos since he didn’t know their allegiance beforehand.

The magician faced Gao when he spoke once again and tilted his head. Why did Gao want to know who knew about dungeons? Adrastos frowned and sighed. “Dungeons are buildings that appear randomly around the world. Many people go inside in hopes to gain the rewards that await, though not all know that it is an ultimate power waiting for a worthy candidate." Adrastos ran one of his hands through his long silver hair, considering how much to say and how much to keep out. On his face, Adrastos kept a picture of thoughtfulness in order to relay the feeling of a person doing their best at recalling matters. "The power belongs to a being called a djinn. One appeared in Balbadd some time ago; it was a dungeon that resembled the scorching heat of Heliohapt, but perhaps ten times worse. I’m sure that unlike anyone else in this tent, I’ve been inside one and I know what really lies inside. I accompanied a friend and we were tested multiple times..."

Adrastos continued to frown, however his arms crossed before a hand reached up to the side of his face and he tapped against his cheek in thought.

"The one who presides over the dungeon, the djinn, tests each individual based on their capabilities and personalities. If the djinn finds them lacking, the djinn turns to others that have challenged the dungeon." The magician nodded to himself. “My partner received the djinn’s power instead of the Imuchakk girl, and that was that. We left, each taking back a prize. Hades, the cat you see on my shoulder, lived in that dungeon before it was conquered. However, anyone who lives and reaches the chamber obtains an item of power and riches.”

Adrastos stepped forward, narrowing his silver eyes at the emperor. “They aren’t something you beat into submission just to claim the prize at the end. I believe each dungeon is different, each with their own unique djinn and trials, and thus you have to be smart and wary when you enter.”

The silver-haired magician stared coldly at Emperor Gao Yuan Zu. “What interest are they to you?”



Vardreth frowned at Gao Yuan Zu's outburst. His invitation did not include the names of the others who were invited, so he was unaware of who the Emperor was speaking of. His face returned to a neutral looks moments later, having only attempted to think for a few brief moments before placing that line of thought aside. I wonder what has him so agitated? Vardreth couldn't help but note the man pacing back and forth until finally Neo entered.

Lazily resting his elbow upon the hilt of one of his swords, Vardreth winked towards Adrastos in playful amusement. Gao Yuan Zu didn't give the magician any face as he berated Neo for his late entrance, although the magician did not seem to pay it much mind. When Gao Yuan Zu spoke to Vardreth, the latter had a flicker of shock cross his features. At first I figured he had forgotten our meeting when he first hired me... The wry amusement was followed by a mellow surprise. Instead, it looks like he somehow knew Grandpa Fang. Best not to mention Grandpa, though. He was crazy enough to take an arm and a leg when I met him, who knows what those who knew him would do if they knew our relationship.

Unknown to Vardreth, there were already experts who had set their sights upon him. His grandfather had written letters to a number of his old 'friends', advising them to not make life hard for his grandson. In truth, he was egging them on, challenging them. Both parties knew that Fang Mu's intentions were to use them and their families in order to temper his grandson, but neither party cared too much considering the gains that would be made. Of course, there were true friends that were included in those messages, so perhaps there may be a day they looked out for Vardreth during a tough moment.

It was then that the Emperor made his final call for intelligence. At first, Vardreth assumed the man was talking about a chamber in which prisoners were kept, however after the first second Vardreth ruled it out. Trently spoke next, only to cause a flash of memory to flicker through Vardreth's mind as he recalled the stories that were spoken of outside a Tavern a while back. As the conversation continued, each individual grew more detailed than the last, before even Neo had spoken.

All of this information was new to the Mercenary leader, though that could hardly be blamed upon him. In the first place, very few Dungeon capturers ever spoke of their capabilities. Most, in fact, hid the matter as much as they could. There were only a few people who experienced the dungeons, and fewer who survived throughout the whole thing. Unbeknownst to him, the Emperor of Reim was the first to slip up and tell information of the dungeons to those of the Kou and Reim governments, and from there the tales had began.

Vardreth listened, an interested expression was easily read upon his face.

Gao Yuan Zu

Gao Yuan Zu

“Standard answer, next!” Gao would blurt out with irritation in his voice. “Your presentation is too spunky kid, and while the answer you gave IS correct, it’s also not the answer I was looking for.” The former Emperor would walk over to Trently and place his calloused hand on his shoulder. “Don’t be discouraged though, I’m not looking for friends or intelligence right now, I’m merely looking for the soldiers I hired to do their job.” Gao would begin pacing over to the next guest in line, Lestacia. Ever since she had entered the room, she had been giving Gao a very strange and seductive stare, and to be frank, it bothered him. “Once again, standard answer. I can’t blame the youngest in the room for not fully understanding, though.” Gao said, directing his statement towards both Lestacia, and Trently, with the possibility of Fang Vardreth as well.

Gao would stroke his beard as he moved over towards the silver haired man, known as Neo Mortem. Gao would stand in front of him, folding his arms behind his back as he spoke of what a dungeon truly was. “Very impressive, you seem to have done your homework. Do you resent the partner you entered that dungeon with now? I imagine one would, after losing out on such power in the blink of an eye. I think I understand why the Djinn didn’t pick you though, it was because you were late there too, wasn’t it?” Gao would let out a boisterous laugh, placing his hand on Neo’s shoulder. “With that sort of intelligence and experience, I’m sure you will be a great addition to my army. To answer your question though, I will reveal that information soon enough.” The ex-emperor would remove his hand from the silver haired man’s shoulder, starting his walk towards the last person in the room.

The black-bearded man would finally find himself face to face with the last guest once again. “Fang, hmph, that name is still bothering me. Tch, even if you were the kid of that man, it makes no difference to me. So, why do I get no answer from you? You look pretty tough, hell, the aura you emit is one of the strongest in the room. Does someone such as you really not have an answer to present me?” Gao would begin to strut away from the boy, moving back towards the center of the room. “Well, if you didn’t know, now you know. Every bit of what that Neo Mortem fellow said, is true.” The former emperor would begin to crack his neck, picking up his tea cup and taking a sip. “I’m not one to drag things like this on, but there is something I wish to ask every single one of you. What is your reason? Why did you join me, instead of my foolish son. Once I verify the loyalty of each and every one of you standing here, we will then finally be able to discuss some very important information I have.”



Lestacia could sense the man's discomfort with her. She had regained control of her hormones and gave an embarrassed blush. It didn't seem like he liked her any. This saddened her. She had never had anyone feel discomforted around her. She'd smile shyly at the remark to Adra being late and give him a look. It was like he was a kid getting told off by his parent. She gave the man a smile, but then Gao Yuan asked why they joined him. Lestacia had to think about it before finally speaking up.

"Well, I-If I may!" She said timidly. "My grandfather, was once a great and powerful Magician as well, he told me to fight for what I believed in and i've taken it to heart ever since. Uh, I was in Balbadd when I heard of your return. In reaction to that I actually made a speech to moved many people. I've always been timid and shy while I was younger, even then. But after reading of your exploits and accomplishment's I kind of admired you in a way. I wanted to be brave and strong like you and my grandfather. Usually Magnostadt magicians see everyone outside the city as war mongering neanderthals and they like to think big of themselves but I knew we were no better than you were. So once I heard you had returned it made me happy to know that the person I aspired to be wouldn't die so easily. I'm still kind of shy and I'm working on it. Since the announcement of your return however I've been making strides in my magic research. I've done more in the span of now to your announcement than a normal magician could. Although Most of my spells are meant to help people rather than harm, I'm sure I can be of use to you in the end. Although I've used some there are a couple spells that I have yet to reveal." Lestacia gave a slight grin at this. A person who was good at gambling never showed their entire hand.

"If you find that my reason for being here simply due to admiration of you is invalid, then that is fine but... despite my weaknesses I can make you and your generals a force to be reckoned with." Lestacia had the same fire in her eyes like she did in Balbadd giving that speech.



Gao Yuan Zu evaluated his appreciation of the intelligence briefing, going through each individual's report and speaking a few words. Once it came to Neo's turn, the Emperor laid out another joke about Neo's tardiness. [i]While amusing, I wonder why the Emperor has so much to say on this..?/i] He continued to speak, and then his gaze fell upon Vardreth as Gao Yuan Zu contemplated his last name once again.

Vardreth was concerned that Gao Yuan Zu continually thought of his family name. It was better to not cause this man suspicion by hiding things too deeply. Still, Vardreth was a bit surprised. Whether it was his actual father, Fang Li, or his grandfather Fang Mu, Vardreth did not expect Gao Yuan Zu to know either of them. If it was his father, Fang Li was a fairly skilled mercenary from the plains, but with all the wars in the past mercenary bands were not uncommon and there were never any special achievements that shattered the battlefield performed by his father. In its own way, it would be just short of incredible if this was the man Gao Yuan Zu had recalled, due to the faint obscurity of his existence even if it was still reasonable, considering the strength of the band.

If it was Fang Mu, it was interesting to see how hold Gao Yuan Zu truly was. Fang Mu was up in his seventies, still spry and powerful. If this was the case, Gao Yuan Zu was probably just in his teens when Fang Mu's actions in the public died down. Either way, Vardreth was asked a question and he would provide an answer. "If it is bothering you that much, then I will divulge my lineage. I, Fang Vardreth, am son of Fang Li and am the grandson of Fang Mu." With that out of the way, the short warrior continued to speak. Though the two men were not the same height, with Vardreth's stature being quite small, Vardreth's aura of strength did not diminish while his eyes fixed on the Emperor's face. "I have spent the past five years in the Shu-Fang Military Academy. Before that, I spent my life growing up in a mercenary band. At seventeen years of age, there is still much in this world that I have not experienced. While my personal strength could be considered decent, my knowledge is still lacking. With nothing of value to add, I would not detract from the value of the conversation by repeating rumors I have heard on the streets."

By far, from those here, Vardreth had the fewest experiences in traveling and learning of the world. First was the talking cat on Neo's shoulder; he had no knowledge that such a thing could exist. And now, to hear that it came from some strange place called a 'Dungeon', Vardreth's knowledge could be said to be growing quite a bit after having taken this job.

Gao Yuan Zu then continued to speak, asking them why they had joined the war effort on his side. Vardreth felt that this question wasn't specifically for him, as Gao Yuan Zu surely recalled having hired him in the tavern that night, and then concluding their contract in private, however this did not stop him from speaking. "As a Captain of the Fang Mercenaries, and leader of my detachment, naturally it is due to our contract that I am on your side. The contract is only voided either once this war is over, once you terminate my Mercenary company from employment, or if I decide not to renew it at the end of the year. As a professional Mercenary company, the Fang Mercenaries have a reputation of not being the first to break a contract. Our reputation is incredibly important for future employment opportunities. Even an offer as a regular soldier would not move us, as the reason we are mercenaries in the first place is for our freedom of movement." Some mercenaries had a terrible reputation; the highest bidder always won out, and back stabbing was an issue in some areas of the field. Yet for large groups such as the Fang Mercenaries, they existed off how clean their reputation was, and how much respect was given for the strength of their band.

It would be career suicide to betray a client, unless they were willing to become permanent employees of the opposing faction.

As a 17 year old, Vardreth valued freedom quite a bit. Even so, the young warrior knew that Gao Yuan Zu would have to consider all factors and come to a conclusion himself. Even if Gao Yuan Zu felt it was not appropriate to confide in the man, Vardreth wouldn't take it poorly. This was, after all, a job. Gao Yuan Zu was his boss, and what the Emperor wanted him to know he would naturally know, and what he should never know he wouldn't need to know..



Music Annoyed, for a time in ages, Trently's brow was ticked off it's path by an old timer. "Gah! Ya shitty old geezer! I have only chosen you over Yoshiro for the sake of my late gramps, unlike Neo over there... he has never returned from being late..." Afar into that of Trently's memories, a series of flashes, they ran itself throughout his conscious. Alluring as it be out of the ordinary, Lestacia kept a strange duo of eyes onto Gao Yuan Zu and that of his every action. "Yo! Lest! Are you okay?" Arising his hand, laying it onto Lestacia's own shoulder, Trently interrogated her. Advancing, Gao Yuan Zu, the stature had grasped the words he owned and hauled onward. Praise of a King, it shone down on top of that of Neo Mortem, as he was savvy on Dungeons. "Hm?" Beside that of his own self, there Neo Mortem existed with an unknown resolve. Admiration, it is what Trently had for Neo Mortem. Diving into a Dungeon, Trently had kept an envy for him, yet Trently felt an aura from him that sent a shiver of fret. Coin if it flipped a side, there coexisted Vardreth Fang, a person whom Trently had an eye on due to hearsay from Gao Yuan Zu.

In the Wake of Lestacia, Trently lifted a voice to the skies above, to bolster his chance at being assured by Gao Yuan Zu. “If I may! Oh Gao Yuan Zu! That of our cries, it is what is known as being enslaved! Why I have come? To be frank, this is what my own main objective had been! Yoshiro Zu is not the kind to provide it in a heavenly fashion! That is why, I have come to face you on this debate of a topic! It is why, I have shed tears, sweat, and my own blood! In order to face you right here and now! In all you do, I have my trust built onto it, except your policies on slavery! Bellows of mine, I shall have them reach your ears!” Passionate, it fueled Trently and his own heavy words, he spoke for all whom ached by the chains. “It is in which why I have chosen your highness over Yoshiro Zu; your own son!” Burning all of those flares, Trently shed and unveiled that of his own flare, to shine out of all of the rest. “Gao Yuan Zu! I have a dream, that is to become a General whom shall have his wings soar for his King! Your majesty!” Deceit on his heart, yet not for an intention of evil, to leap high with those duo of intense eyes.

Gao Yuan Zu

Gao Yuan Zu

Licking his dried-out crusty lips, Gao would take yet another sip of his tea. His ears would perk up as soon as the strange girl from before began to speak, answering his question. “I take it you're a magician then.” Gao would say, walking up to the young blonde, placing his hand on her shoulder. “With all that said, I think you’re a fine example of the loyalty I want within my army, as admiration is a key aspect of building up trust.” The Rebel Emperor would retract his hand away from the woman, taking his leave back to the center of the room. “Well Goodman, I’m glad you were smart enough to join me and not my foolish son. Now then, I order you to stop glaring at me when my back is turned. Er, actually, just stop glaring at me in general, cause that’s kinda gross.”

Clasping his hands together, the new expression on his face easily revealed all the memories of the past flooding into his mind, leaving him with what could only be described as a series of mixed emotions. “Fang. Of course, how could I have forgotten someone like that man so easily like that. Fang Mu, one of the few men that I could truly call my equal.” The man’s face would change back to being much more stoic, and cold. “Disregard my previous actions towards you, I, Gao Yuan Zu, the soon-to-be Emperor of Kou once more, am honored to have someone of your stature working for me on this glorious battlefield.” Taking the last swig of his drink, he slammed the cup down and let out a ground-shaking laugh. “You’re quite short, just like the men before you, aren’t ya?” The Emperor could only hope that the boy wouldn’t take his laughing as an insult, as it was just the resemblance between him and the other Fang’s before him was too uncanny for him not to.

"Gah! Ya shitty old geezer! I have only chosen you over Yoshiro for the sake of my late gramps, unlike Neo over there... he has never returned from being late..."

Upon hearing this, Gao immediately began to strut his way towards the scarred-nose kid. “Shitty old geezer?” Gao’s menacing aura could be felt throughout the room, his physical form would seem as if it was towering over Trently. “You’ve got balls, but if you honestly think that’s a way to talk to your Emperor, then you’ve got another thing coming.” His hand would reach for his sheathed sword once again, striking it through the conveniently placed straw dummy placed behind Trently. “You’re an interesting kid, but make sure you know your place. Follow under my stead smartly, and perhaps one day you could actually become a general of mine.”

Averting his eyes off of Trently, his gaze met the silver-haired man’s next to the exit. “You seem smart, why do you refuse to answer me? Is it because you don’t know why you joined me? Tch, first you’re late, now you refuse to answer a simple question such as this. Whatever the case might be, it is of no concern to me. If you dare betray me, I promise you will regret it.” Gao turned his back towards them, walking over to the war table again. “I’m through delaying it, as some of you might have guessed by now, a dungeon has risen. It is nearby and is why I am actively seeking out the power to conquer it.” The former emperor would scratch his beard, pondering the situation at hand. “So, which of you here is ready to throw down your life in order to help obtain this power for my cause?”



Lestacia 's face would flush Red at Gao's words. "Sorry!" she'd say in her quiet voice. Obviously embarrassed she looked down at the ground to avoid the gaze of anyone else. It was a little unsettling being called out like that... she couldn't just play it off as anything. She just had to take the embarrassment. She listened closely still but smiled. He had praised her. Being praised by anyone especially the person you look up to the most feels amazing.

The Fang guy, was apparently a hired group of mercenaries. It sounded quite interesting. He must have been very strong to have served the emporer for so long. Lestacia was most appalled by Trently's outburst. He had guts and bravery she'd give him that. Calling him a shitty old geezer wouldn't be her choice of words, especially to the emperor. She was more surprised at his swordsmanship. he wasn't the Emperor for no apparent. He then would give news to the group that would probably shock a lot of people. Lestacia would be the first to jump at this.

Lifting her head high she spoke first. "I would very much like to help conquer this dungeon. It'll be... an experience but i'm sure i'll be able to pull through." Lestacia said confidently. "Although a Magician going in alone might not be the best Idea, my magic is based more so on healing and helping others. So would you guys like to help me out with this. It should be fairly impossible for the Djinn to choose someone such as me, but even still even if I am, I will fight-er... well... support for Gao." Lestacia being confident was completely out of character for the shy girl but... she had to grow out of it someday.

Last edited by Lestacia on 17/03/17, 07:09 pm; edited 1 time in total



Menacing to the Kou Empire, his slick of a blade, his aura, it not one to be taken lightly. It dawned over Trently, "Gao Yuan Zu... Just... How insane is he!? For an elder, this man has an arm and hefty sword! Gah.. if I want to... overcome the Dungeon, I must overcome him! Neither that but he swept by my take on slavery in an instant!" Paused by Gao Yuan Zu's deathblow of a strike, Trently had rove around in his own head. "Sorry!" In a bend of a knee, Trently bowed his head down for the reign of Gao Yuan Zu above him yet with no truth in his actions.

Ogling at Gao Yuan Zu and his bulked body, Lestacia had drawn the eyes of Trently, it being a comedic for him as when she was caught in the act. Punting Lestacia on her arm, Trently's kept a warm smirk, an innuendo to their duo inside a Dungeon that were to be born.

Identity of Vardreth Fang had been told, Trently was in a state of awe upon their speakings on his own grandfather; Fang Mu; an equal to Gao Yuan Zu. "Oh..." Respect must be given as Vardreth Fang was an interesting fellow, if able to, Trently had a sought to truly become an ally and friend of his. Advancing into and back into the topic of Dungeons, Gao Yuan Zu then spoke and asked on whom is prepared to throw their lives on the line for him. "Sir! Gao Yuan Zu! All I shall risk for your sake, to enthrone you on top of the Kou Empire!" Arose a hand out of the four, Trently had to or else his dream, it'd end up being only a dream.



Looking at the reactions and hearing Gao Yuan Zu talk to Lestacia, Vardreth noted that she did seem something like a fanatic of the Emperor. The light of desire on her face gave the Captain a sense of wariness, though it wasn't due to fear, instead due to the craziness that could ensue. Conversely, it was Gao Yuan Zu's recognition of his grandfather that unsettled Vardreth the most. Grandfather is crazy enough as is... I can only guess at this Emperor's personality... The comment about his height caused Vardreth to sigh in his heart; he had seen his grandfather, who was even shorter than him due to old age. Sometimes he wondered why it was that his father and brother were both much taller than he was...

Trently's comments, not only about demanding an answer to slavery but also the level of disrespect shown to Gao Yuan Zu, caused Vardreth to be suspicious of the man. He did not have anything personal against this individual, however his professionalism demanded he note the actions today in his mind. Gao Yuan Zu's ideologies did not seem to match up with Trently's, as Garret was well aware that Gao Yuan Zu advocated slavery. It was a portion of which his military campaign was built upon. Garret would pay special mind to Trently's actions when near Gao Yuan Zu, as well as any time his troops were deployed with Trently nearby. Still, this was not at a deep-seated level of suspicion, instead being a professional level of caution and risk assessment. Even with Vardreth's keen eyesight, Trently's act did not rouse acute suspicion with the mercenary.

Finally, Gao Yuan Zu continued to drag Adrastos' face through the dirt. It was at this point Vardreth felt it would be appropriate to interject. Coughing lightly, Vardreth spoke a few words. "Please forgive Neo, Emperor Gao Yuan Zu. I have confirmed his skills, however he likes to weigh his words carefully. I believe, with prudence, Neo's capabilities will be an asset no matter where you deploy him." Vardreth's words were polite, however the undercurrents between the words painted a different story. Vardreth was, at this point, using his own face to cover for Neo. If Gao Yuan Zu was sincere before, then Vardreth felt he definitely had some amount of social currency he could spend here. Neo had gotten off at a poor start, but Vardreth was aware of the man's strength. With the first sentence Vardreth spoke requested forbearance on Neo's actions, the second portion reminded Emperor Gao Yuan Zu that the man was an asset, and that he should take this into account when dealing with him.

Vardreth casually shifted his body's weight and answered Gao Yuan Zu's most recent question. "As agreed upon in our contract, this would be considered a 'special' mission outside of normal mercenary work, if you want me to enter it. I would be willing to do so, however my core warband cannot be included in any battles while I am not there to direct them. Give me your orders, and I will employ all of my effort in executing them." Neither arrogant nor polite, Vardreth spoke in a straightforward manner. This was, after all, business.

Adrastos Thanatos

Adrastos Thanatos

The magician narrowed his eyes as he was internally annoyed with being ridiculed and berated, not only by Gao but by a nobody that didn’t even know him. Mentioning it once, fine, but to be doubted in strength and potential and deemed weak and unworthy… That was crossing the line. He stepped forward, his eyes staring down at Emperor Gao Yuan Zu like icy daggers into the soul, devoid of emotion. “I don’t take threats lightly… Especially threats that question my loyalties when I’ve given zero reason for there to be doubts. My reasoning for joining you is simple, but that doesn’t mean I have to tell you everything. All you need to know is that I’m here and will serve without question until you’ve given me reason that you’re unfit for my assistance.” Remembering the phrase Vardreth used when talking to him earlier, Adrastos crossed his arms and spoke with supreme confidence. “To target me, you must think I’m a vegetarian. Don’t try to pick on me; I’m nothing of the sort.”

Adrastos glacial stare continued to bore into Gao until he stepped back, clasping his hands behind his back. He subtly glanced at Vardreth and nodded to him as thanks for sticking up for him; the young magician understood there was some risk involved for speaking in his place, but still, he was grateful. Vardreth’s interjection allowed the silver-haired man to speak up.

The magician quickly returned his attention to the Emperor. “As for not acquiring the djinn, why should I feel loss or resentment? It fell short of my expectations and failed to impress. There was no desire for such power.” He ran his left hand through his silver locks, his expression riddled with thought as he took care to answer Gao’s final question.

Did he really want to throw down his life for Gao in a dungeon he had no business being in? There wasn’t anything for Adrastos to do outside the dungeon, even with Kou’s unstable infrastructure. He couldn’t get into power as easily as he gained control of Balbadd due to the different governmental structures. But… If he helped Gao and proved himself even more worthy… and the Emperor took the throne… Adrastos could get closer than he was in Balbadd.

“My experience could be useful while in the dungeon, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. A djinn is very picky, much like a child with its food. Be warned, there’s no guarantee you will receive the power, nor that our help will aid in the possibility of you being chosen.” He paused. “Count me in, but don’t assume I’m ready to die. I’ll survive just like the last dungeon, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I leave alive.”

Gao Yuan Zu

Gao Yuan Zu

“Offensive power is important, but having someone who excels at supporting is something I was hoping for. I’m fairly certain everyone in this room will prove to be useful, as you all seem like a tough bunch.” Gao would adjust his bottom ever so slightly in his chair, causing a light creaking sound to come from it. Folding his arms, he would listen closely to what the Fang boy had to say about Neo, along with Neo’s own retort shortly after. “Hmph, so even the Fang kid has respect for you. Perhaps, I was too harsh on you for being late. If you’re really as talented as the boy says you are, then I have no reason to worry. As for you not responding to my question? I'm more of  a man of immediate action, but I can get behind the ideal of strategizing your words before speaking them.”

The flapping of the tent’s entrance would avert curious eyes towards it, revealing that Gao’s most trusted, Hei Lu, had returned from his task. “Ah, perfect timing! General, would you show our guests to their tent for the night? I’m sure the others would enjoy their company.” Gao would let out another deep, boisterous laugh. “Everyone except for the silver-haired lad, that is. There are a couple of things I would like to talk to him about first.” The smug-faced man would merely nod his head in agreement, wavering for the group to follow him outside of the tent.

General Hei Lu:

After the others cleared the room, only Neo and Gao would remain. The former emperor would glare into the young man’s dagger-like eyes. Gao would get up from his chair and begin to stretch out his stiffened limbs. “I should have asked him to get us some tea while he was at it, but I suppose this conversation won’t last that long. Anyways, I have two things I wish to talk to you about, before you go that is.” The man would let out a cough and begin clearing this throat before continuing. “You said that cat beside you lived in the dungeon you explored, correct? I wish to pet it.” Gao’s expression was stern as he said this, leaving no trace of any sort of soft-spot.

As Hei Lu and the others exited the tent, they would be greeted by a large, shining moon in the sky. “It’s a beautiful night tonight, but make sure to keep your eyes on me. We wouldn’t want any of you to get lost in the encampment, would we?” Hei Lu’s continuous smug face could still be seen, even when the only light source was the moonlight. After about five minutes of walking, they arrived at one of the larger tents in the encampment. The faint sound of roaring could be heard from inside, created by the large amount of soldiers that were already packed within. “I hope you enjoy your stay, there should be plenty of food and drink awaiting you inside.” Hei Lu’s raspy laugh could be heard, as he started to walk back towards his majesties tent.

Once inside, they would find a few dozen soldiers huddled in the center of the room, all watching a setup sword duel between two of them. The fight between them was brutal and evenly matched, as they were both soaked in blood and sweat. To both the left and right of the fight, lay countless rows of camp beds to sleep in. The room itself was dimly lit by nothing more than a few candles spread throughout the tent.

Adrastos Thanatos

Adrastos Thanatos

Adrastos clasped his hands behind his back as he listened to Emperor Gao before he released Trently, Lestacia, and Vardreth to follow one of Gao’s generals. The magician stayed as he was commanded, but was perplexed as to why he had to stay. He remained silent until Gao finished talking.

“I don’t mind if you pet Hades. His favorite spot happens to be behind the ears. Isn’t that right, Hades?”

The cat looked at its master. His wide eyes staring into Adrastos’ silver orbs for confirmation before saying anything. After all, it was Adrastos that ordered him not to speak, so why retract those orders now? “Yes,” said the cat. “It would be an honour for the great Emperor Gao Yuan Zu to pet me behind the ears. I would very much enjoy it.”

Adrastos cleared his throat. “Petting my cat can’t be one of the two things you wish to discuss with me, Emperor. Is it?” His eyes watched the man carefully, especially if he’d stroke Hades’s fur. The magician didn’t want Gao to hurt his cat or try to take him. He was one of the prizes the magician received upon clearing the dungeon. “Depending on what we discuss, I may have some questions for you to answer just for clarification, if that’s alright, sir?”



Music Modifying an outlook on Neo Mortem, it be Gao Yuan Zu in who had a twist of heart. In reference to their shared words. Afterward, however, a General under Gao Yuan Zu had made an unveiling of his presence. Guided to a base tent, it being a five minute stride to it from Gao Yuan Zu’s own. “A General?” Excited, it had been a first for Trently to meet a General besides his father; Kasai Yanaihara. Yet, Neo Mortem, he stayed with Gao Yuan Zu. Laying a foot inside the tent, Trently and his eyes wandered, all over the place. “Eh…” Disbelief, it hadn’t cross Trently’s head that they were to reside here, in all the tents, it be here. “Eheh.. So uh.. Vardreth.. Lestacia.. How you two? Ehehe..” Swept in behind with a hand, Trently knead his neck.



Vardreth followed the tall General alongside the others who were with him, with the exception of Neo. It looked like Gao Yuan Zu had additional words to share with the Magician. As Vardreth followed General Hei Lu he noticed the camp's layout was most certainly different than normal. It makes sense, to keep assassins at bay. Make it more difficult to find their way... They continued to walk, making it to the tent without interruption. There was a lively scene inside, no doubt; a deduction based upon the raucous noise alone. Are they... Celebrating something? Vardreth wondered momentarily as the tent was opened and they saw what was within.

Frowning, Vardreth noticed the camp beds littered across the edges of the tent. Before he had a moment to ask the General if this would be their accommodation for the night, or if this were a simple stop for entertainment before heading to personal tents the General had already left. Sighing, Vardreth entered the tent and glanced at the fight. Displaying their mediocre skill before an expert. The skin on their face must be exceptionally thick. Overall, Vardreth was displeased with those within. Although he was a Mercenary, he rarely behaved in such a manner. Most of his antics were only performed with close friends or when he was extremely displeased with a situation.

Before his thoughts could go much further, Trently spoke the first words."Surprised that this will be our accommodations. At first I wondered if this was the tent of an elite forces unit of the Emperor's army, however their strength isn't impressive enough for that." To Vardreth, this was a slap in the face. He was unsure of how to take Gao Yuan Zu's meaning behind sending him and the other two to this tent in particular.

Vardreth recalled when he interrupted Neo's sleep, forcing him to wake up in order to play a prank on one of the neighboring military camps. Thinking back, Vardreth realized his actions were too overbearing. Though nothing changed immediately in his mentality, his current predicament tempered his character.

Vardreth began walking forward, looking for a spot out of the way to sit.

Gao Yuan Zu

Gao Yuan Zu

A sudden spark of light could be seen within the rebel Emperor’s eyes after hearing the cat speak. “After hearing you lived inside of a dungeon, I knew you wouldn’t just be some run-of-the-mill animal. I can’t say I expected you to talk though, so you can color me surprised.” The old man reached out and began to roughly scratch behind the animal’s left ear, showing a rare and genuine ear-to-ear smile. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” Gao was unaware of the strength he was using as he scratched behind the cat’s ear, possibly disorienting the poor creature. Despite this, he meant no harm to it, as felines were his favorite type of animal.

After a good minute of cat loving, Gao was finally satisfied with himself. “No, no, the cat was merely a bonus, a fine one at that. You are allowed to ask me anything though, I feel as if deserve you at least that, for putting you in the spotlight earlier and all. Anyways, let’s get straight to the point. What did THAT man want with you? I know he was the reason you were late, but for what reason.“ Gao’s eyes would sink deep into Neo, as if they were war-forged daggers. The Emperor would wait in anticipation for Neo’s answer, tapping his boot lightly against the dirt ground.

The fight between the two soldiers would eventually end, resulting in both of them passing out from exhaustion. The crowd in the center of the room dispersed, forcing everyone involved to either find a cot or leave the tent entirely. “Would anyone here like some tea or something to eat?” A gentle, and calming voice would say directed towards Trently, Vardreth, and Lestacia. The voice was that of a short, beautiful red-haired woman in a floral-pattern kimono holding a tea tray. Her eyes were covered by white bandages, leaving her without the sense of sight. She was to be their personal server for the night, bringing them anything they might want during their stay.

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