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Leviathan's Conquests

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1Leviathan's Conquests Empty Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 05:44 pm



Last edited by Leviathan on 09/01/17, 11:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Leviathan's Conquests Empty Re: Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 05:46 pm



Leviathan's Conquests OipUrrr
Name: Leviathan
Country Affiliation: Wanderer
Race: Imuchakku
Tier: D
Class: Body Manipulator
Age + Birthdate: 20 - 1/26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Taking whatever she wants: Leviathan has found that, at least until now, there's been a select handful of people outside of Imuchakk that could handle her in a fight and uses it to her advantage to take whatever she wants.
  • Powerful people: As an Imuchakk warrior Leviathan considers herself one of the strongest people alive and as such finds anyone stronger than her to be incredibly sexy. As they tend to say, power is seductive.


  • Imuchakk: Leviathan can't stand all the rules and customs of her home and as such abandonded them all by simply up and leaving altogether for a life of her own.
  • Wealkings: Nothing infuriates Leviathan more than a weakling that thinks they have the right to mouth off like they're better than they are.

Aspirations: Leviathan’s greatest aspiration in life is to simply do what she wants, when she wants and how she wants. Rules and laws and things of those natures couldn’t mean any less to her than they already do, if it were even a possibility for such a thing. This is the only kind of life she cares about and is the reason she left Imuchakk behind to live her own life her own way. Anything less is an insult to her.

Phobias/fears: Leviathan’s greatest fear is that someone could ever possibly exist that could tame her, or worse yet, suppress her sense of freedom completely. The prospects of things like having her freedom and her abilities to take or do whatever she wanted without regards for any sort of punishment is the worst thing she could ever imagine, at the current moment anyway. While she’ll fight twenty times harder to prevent such a thing from happening, in a situation where it seems imminent, she fears that she’ll simply resign to her fate should it be unsuccessful.
Face-Claim: Amazoness Queen - (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 213cm
Weight: 79kg
Appearance: Leviathan’s Imuchakk heritage is almost blatantly obvious if one were to look at her. Between her wavy blue hair and impeccably muscular physique, not to mention her towering height, just looking at her should be a terrifying experience. This is only, intentionally, furthered by her manner of dress. The majority of her body is left exposed, save for a few select spots that are clothed. In place of any sort of panties Leviathan uses cloth wraps to cover her hips and waist before donning a short pelt-like skirt over the wrappings that is held in place by a thick leather belt. The same wrappings replace and kind of footwear and cover her heels, soles, ankles and shins while leaving her toes exposed. Over those she wears a pair of, what could loosely be described as, detailed shin guards that cover exactly that. Just her shins. For a top she wears an equally detailed bra that is only made fierce looking by the addition of sharpened beast fangs that curve upwards.

Three silver bands circle both of her biceps and her wrists and most of her forearms are covered by sleeve like pieces of cloth that are detailed in a similar manner to the rest of her “clothing”. Two rings of the same silver material as the bands around her biceps circle her neck and lead to a crimson cape that serves mostly for intimidation and is often removed. Hanging below that is a beast tooth necklace with a single green jewel. The majority of her face is obscured by a large eyepatch that covers her right eye and most of that side of her face. The eyepatch itself is simply black and detailed with a skull over where her eye would be. All along the left side of her body are crimson tribal tattoos as well.

Rukh Alignment: Black
Special Features: N/A

History: Like all Imuchakk, Leviathan was born to the country that shared the very same name as her race. As with all other Imuchakk warriors, her original name in not the one she now goes by either. Originally named Mika, a young Imuchakk girl. As Mika the girl would spend her days watching as Imuchakk men trained and grew and preformed their rights of passage into adulthood through her people’s strict rituals and traditions. As she grew up these rights, rituals and traditions began to annoy her until eventually infuriating her when she reached her teenage years. By this point Mika had become infamously known for being a rebel and a troublemaker, bent on making her own name rather than being granted one by someone else in some sort of ritual.

Despite already showing an aptitude for the unusual ability to manipulate her body rarely, if ever, found in her people Mika would still harbor a rebellious streak and undergo the Imuchakk’s right of passage when she wanted to, regardless of what anyone else would say. In return she would come out victorious at a younger age than most men would be when they took the trial. However she would in turn reject the name Mimika, which they were to reward her with as her warrior name, and instead choose a name for herself. Legends spoken by pirates and sailors throughout history told of a gargantuan sea-faring beast of great power. It would be this creature that she would choose to name herself after. Against her tribal elder’s rejections Mika would become known by the name Leviathan from that moment onward.

This act wouldn’t go without any form of punishment on her end and as a result Leviathan would be banished from Imuchakk on the grounds of “trampling over their traditions” and bringing shame to her people. Rather than seeing this as a punishment Leviathan would see this as a chance for true freedom, one that would allow her to travel to places she had been locked away from in her frozen nation. Thus leading to the beginning of her life as a true pirate of the seas, setting out to make as impactful of a name for herself as the legendary creature she had named herself after.

Role-Play Sample:

3Leviathan's Conquests Empty Re: Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 05:48 pm



  • Primary - Body Manipulator (D)
  • Secondary -
  • Tertiary -

4Leviathan's Conquests Empty Re: Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 05:48 pm



Abilities go here

5Leviathan's Conquests Empty Re: Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 11:50 pm



Weapons go here

6Leviathan's Conquests Empty Re: Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 11:51 pm



Items and beasts go here

7Leviathan's Conquests Empty Re: Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 11:51 pm



Ring of Striking Snakes:

Last edited by Leviathan on 14/03/17, 04:35 am; edited 1 time in total

8Leviathan's Conquests Empty Re: Leviathan's Conquests 09/01/17, 11:56 pm



Imuchakk Physiology:

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