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Lazy Librarian [ Solo | Job ]

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1Lazy Librarian [ Solo | Job ] Empty Lazy Librarian [ Solo | Job ] 20/12/16, 10:51 am

Setekh Fahim

Setekh Fahim

Job Details:

xxxxxx Another long day that came with more burdens. Setekh was exhausted. All he had was a few classes today. Yet he still found himself quite bored. The magician strolled through the halls with his hands in his pockets. He gazed out the tall windows at the outside. It was still early morning. The rising sun emitted a glittering light through them. Although he wouldn't say it aloud-- it was quite beautiful. He felt at ease. After he passed through the corridor he had finally arrived in front of one of the billboards. The papers were constantly changing everyday through the use of clairvoyance magic. The letters and pictures were illuminated and flickered every now and then. While he expected to find fun things to do-- there were only small tasks put up by the teachers and reminders. All of the things to do were tedious except for one. "The library..?" he murmured, squinting at the paper. They needed help during the day to sort the backlog. Setekh never spent a lot of time there but it couldn't be that bad.

Word Count ( 181 / 500 )

Last edited by Setekh Fahim on 20/12/16, 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total

Setekh Fahim

Setekh Fahim

xxxxxx Arriving at the library, things were quiet as usual. There were a few students there studying. A few were even napping. Setekh made his way to the check-in desk, leaning over the top. "Do you ladies need help?" he asked softly. One of the librarians looked up from what she was doing and smiled. "Yes, the pile that needs sorting is over there," she said, pointing at a large closed bin. Setekh looked over at it and felt faint though he smiled anyway. "I will be done in no time," he joked. The woman shook her head and sighed, "If only you knew." He walked his way over to the bin, opening it up and gazing inside. There were books and scrolls everywhere. A student that had been passing by tossed in a book and leaned in towards Setekh. "Good luck," he whispered, chuckling at his predicament.

Word Count ( 329 / 500 )

Setekh Fahim

Setekh Fahim

xxxxxx The magician grabbed a couple of books to start. He sighed, noting their titles and content. There were thirty floors to the library. The mere thought made him start to sweat. Thankfully for him-- there weren't many books in comparison to the floors. "Alright, let's do this," he groaned, planning to work his way up and then down again. The one thing he noticed was that there were bins on every other floor. Some were empty but there were ones that were quite full as well. Though every time he made it downstairs it seemed like he was never making any progress. A few more students and librarians showed up, lightening the load. Seketh as usual, worked at a slower pace than the others. But even with such numbers, there was still a lot of work to do.

Word Count ( 466 / 500 )

Setekh Fahim

Setekh Fahim

xxxxxx Setekh was already starting to get tired a few hours in. It was probably mid day-- he wasn't keeping track of the time. His weak arms were already sore from the labor and his legs felt like they were going to give out. He wanted to quit but he also didn't want to leave all these people with his share of the work. As he worked through the piles he thought of ways of how to get out of this. But he was sure to get rewarded for his hard work so he dismissed it. As the time passed, more students gathered on the main floor to study and the harder the work became. There were times that he wanted to yell at them for not putting the book back themselves. But that was what the bin was for. From this day on he swore he wouldn't use the bin ever again. This was unbearable.

Word Count ( 621 / 500 )

Setekh Fahim

Setekh Fahim

xxxxxx More hours passed and the bins started getting emptied rather quickly. Only a few of the fuller ones remained. Thankfully a lot of the books in the higher bins were from that floor. Setekh was already sweating, dreading each book or scroll he picked up. He wasn't in the best of shape. He was surprised he made it this far. It only took them an hour more to finish up the job. The lesser the books that were in the piles, the faster everyone seemed to work. "Good work," said one of the librarians, huffing and smiling at everyone. "There will be more tomorrow if you all want to volunteer." Setekh drowned out those words. There was no way he was ever doing this again. He thought it was going to be easy a few hours ago but he practically spent all day in there putting away books. If there was any part of the academy he knew best-- it was the library. The ladies at the desk gave each student who helped a bit of money for their troubles. Perhaps an incentive to come back again. Everyone including Setekh headed back to their dorms to rest for the night. When he got to his dorm; he didn't even say a word to his roommate. He simply laid down on his bed and dozed off from exhaustion.

Word Count ( 848 / 500 )

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