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[~Halloween Event~] The Living Doll

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Rima Fahim

Rima Fahim

The full moon was shining on the beautiful country of Balbadd. It was about half past midnight when the old man woke up in a hot sweat. He sat up in his bed for a moment and lit up the candle next to him. He then pulled out a dusty old book from the desk next to him and started flipping through the pages. It wasn't a very interesting book, just some old wives' tales.


The old man heard a strange series of noises coming from the left side of the room. He put down the book, picked up the blazing candle, and then pointed it in the direction the noise came from. There wasn't anything there other than his wife's porcelain doll collection and a bookcase. He never did like those dolls they always sort of freaked him out, but she loved keeping them around so he didn't dare tell her to get rid of any. He then picked the book back up and tried focusing on it again.

After about thirty minutes the old man started growing tired of the book and decided to give sleeping another go. He blew out the candle and began to relax his muscles. After only a few minutes he finally started to doze off."Click...Click...Click" His eyes opened quickly as he heard the noise again. He shook his wife's shoulder a little bit to try and wake her up, but he didn't get a response from her. Then again she's always been a pretty heavy sleeper. He sighed and thought to himself that it is most likely all in his head. Earlier that day at work one of his colleagues told him about some magician who was capable of controlling dolls with magic. It must have gotten to him more than he originally thought. Even after trying to rationalize it to himself he found himself stiff with fear.

After hearing this noise again he realized there was absolutely no way he was just imagining it. There was  definitely something weird going on. He quickly grabbed the candle next to him and lit the wick once again. He then got out of the bed and walked over to where his wife kept her prized porcelain dolls. "Click...Click...Click" He shined the light towards the floor in front of him and found one of the dolls on the floor. He then proceeded to quietly laugh to himself when he realized it was just one of the windup ones. It must have fallen sometimes during the night and somehow wound itself up enough to start making the noise.  He picked the doll up and placed it back on the shelf.

The old man then walked back to his bed, blew out the candle again, and then laid back down. He let out a sigh of relief as he began relaxing his muscles once again. He shifted a bit closer to his wife and put his arm around her. "It was just the windup doll again honey, no worries" he said as he gazed into her cold glossy eyes. "Click...Click...Click"


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