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1Abbas Empty Abbas 07/09/16, 03:56 pm



Abbas Baikenbanner
Name: Abbas
Country Affiliation: Kou
Race: Human
Tier: D
Class: Manipulation
Age + Birthdate: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Abbas is a woman with a child-like demeanor. Meaning she is full of pride to a fault, even if she knows she's wrong, she'll keep it going until she can't anymore. In the face of this dark world, she is full of hope and despite her wretched background and experiences, she is quite innocent and thinks the best of all people. She is a bit impulsive and unable to control herself, especially when it comes to her desires, even if she hurts others but never intentionally. To round off her childishness, she has an inquisitive spirit, always questions and always finding out more things; discovery is a big passion of hers. Some might say her explorer's heart might be a bit reckless, but usually she comes off as brave.

Abbas is also a kind spirit. She will go out of her way to assist others even at the expense of herself, even if sometimes she knows they are taking advantage of her. Abbas has never been the type to be shy or perhaps timid about anything, especially talking to others. She has been optimistic about everything in her life and puts little weight on negative outcomes. She opens up her heart and arm to anyone who approaches her, even if she might not be on the same wavelength due to her creative and sometimes unorthodox way of thinking.
Likes: Sake. A drink to keep one warm through the night and enjoy the time with friends.
Kiseru. A fashionable pipe for smoking, which can keep ones nerves at ease.
Tanuki. Racoon dogs! Too cute~
Dislikes: Jokes. She doesn't mind them, she just feels a bit awkward when they go over her head or are too rude.
Elephant In The Room. Her missing arm is an issue and she hates being treated differently for it or having to explain it.
Aspirations: When Abbas had lost her foot and then her arm, after all the nights of phantom pain and nerves, all she could think of was regaining them back, which had lead her down a few paths, medicine and surgery as to fix herself and anyone else in her situation, but also the path of body manipulation, which opened even more questions than answers. She had also wished to learn more about anatomy of humans and other creatures and how far body manipulation could be taken.
Phobias/fears: All Abbas fears manifest themselves in the form of nightmares. When she sleeps, she relives her past. The accident that had left her left foot completely smash until they had to amputate it. Also the one where a murderer had decided he had wanted to take off her arm, to shape her a new and ruin her world, as well as the sword fight that had caused her to lose vision in her left eye. Different variations and reasons for losing her limbs, such as disease and the ones from her past, keep her from sleeping, which has also evolved into a minor phobia of falling asleep.

Face-Claim: Baiken - Guilty Gear
Hair Color: Salmon
Eye Color: Jade
Height: 150 CM
Weight: 50 KG
Appearance: Abbas is a meter and a half tall, adorned with straight pink hair that reach past her neck. She is very slim but muscular beyond belief because her body has to make up for the missing limbs. The cornea of her left eye is scratched beyond use. She has a short nub for a right arm, and is missing her left foot, with a prosthetic foot for her toes.

She usually wears a kimono and wooden sandals. Her whole body is essentially a canvas for her tattoos.

    Her face is covered in tribal tattoos, her left eye with a vertical scar through it. The back of her neck is a dark sky with stars dotting it, her right shoulder blade has the face of a demon, its body running all the way down her nub. Her left shoulder blade has a small dragon, fuming smoke from its nostrils which go down her left arm. The smoke turns to blue wave at her elbow, and salmon are swimming up her forearm. Her upper chest has clouds and is a bright blue sky, at her breasts, a reddish kitsune hides her right breast and a tanuki hides her left. Each beasts retreating to a tree covering her ribs, which divide the front and the back. In the center of her belly a small goddess is posing, sharing her belly button. Her hips have large lotus at the foot of each tree, reaching all the way to her ass. In the middle of her back, the rear of the goddess can be seen against a black background representing the mid-night sky with star dotting the scene. Down her thighs, tigers crawling down. An albino tiger on her left, and an oriental tiger on her right. Her right calf running straight down, a pair of kanji vertically for the word 'Doll', and a smaller red kanji as a signature, saying 'God'

Rukh Alignment: White
Special Features: Missing left eye, left foot, right arm.
History: As a young girl Abbas was a quite happy youth. Only her father worked and it was quite infrequently, but if he was called in, he might be gone for sometime. At times returning the same night, but also it might have been a month and a half til he was seen again, but there were perhaps 10 calls a year. This man was a physician to the emperor, and only called when the emperor was feeling under the weather, her mother an ex-courtesan who had managed to charm her husband into an engagement. Perhaps her mother was sly and conniving, but after the birth of her daughter she gave up all the lies and was finally genuinely happy in her life. A devout woman who had taught Abbas all types of traditions, from dragon dances to tea ceremony. Abbas was well-educated and talented for her age. Her father as her main educator, she grew by leaps and bounds. As she was growing up, she was quite unfortunate as to have a statue fall on her. She managed to get out of the way mostly, except for her left foot. Her father, a prodigy, brought her home and operated on her foot, with a mix of metal rods and bones to replace what was needed, working from the intact heel.

She miraculously was still fine. She had lost a lot of the motor function in her foot but could still keep going. Despite all the hardship, Abbas was still a happy child, and wasn't held back by her disability. In fact, most never even realized that she had lost her foot.

But eventually lightning struck twice, this time in the form of an assassin. A Reim assassin who wanted revenge on the emperor of Kou had decided it was pertinent to kill his doctor, perhaps if he were to get sick without the proper doctor, he might die. This was also much easier than going after the emperor himself, and Abbas was the victim. She was kidnapped and raped by this villain. Eventually her abductor had realized her foot, and was extremely aroused, and decided to continue her 'body work'. In a drugged state, her arm was slowly lopped off and poorly tended to. She had managed to wake up before her assailant had intended, using no precautions now that she had no arm, but she managed to attack and kill her assassin but not before getting a final parting gift, the loss of use of her left eye.

Finally making it back home, her father did her best to heal her back to normal, but to no avail. Despite the misery, her father would resign and took care of her daughter regretting that he had ever worked for the king and his profession. However, her mother gave her some more hope, teaching her the ways of body manipulation, together with the anatomical properties of the body from her father.
Role-Play Sample:

2Abbas Empty Re: Abbas 07/09/16, 06:53 pm



Character approved~

Don't Forget to create your vault:

Post your starting traits, abilities for approval:

Any questions don't hesitate to ask!


We find it handy to keep these two links bookmarked for quick reference:

[b]Name:[/b] Abbas
[b]Country Affiliation:[/b] Kou
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Tier:[/b] D
[b]Class:[/b] Manipulation
[b]Age + Birthdate:[/b] 18
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Sexuality:[/b] Pansexual
[b]Personality:[/b] Abbas is a woman with a child-like demeanor. Meaning she is full of pride to a fault, even if she knows she's wrong, she'll keep it going until she can't anymore. In the face of this dark world, she is full of hope and despite her wretched background and experiences, she is quite innocent and thinks the best of all people. She is a bit impulsive and unable to control herself, especially when it comes to her desires, even if she hurts others but never intentionally. To round off her childishness, she has an inquisitive spirit, always questions and always finding out more things; discovery is a big passion of hers. Some might say her explorer's heart might be a bit reckless, but usually she comes off as brave.

Abbas is also a kind spirit. She will go out of her way to assist others even at the expense of herself, even if sometimes she knows they are taking advantage of her. Abbas has never been the type to be shy or perhaps timid about anything, especially talking to others. She has been optimistic about everything in her life and puts little weight on negative outcomes. She opens up her heart and arm to anyone who approaches her, even if she might not be on the same wavelength due to her creative and sometimes unorthodox way of thinking.
[b]Likes:[/b] Sake. A drink to keep one warm through the night and enjoy the time with friends.
Kiseru. A fashionable pipe for smoking, which can keep ones nerves at ease.
Tanuki. Racoon dogs! Too cute~
[b]Dislikes:[/b] Jokes. She doesn't mind them, she just feels a bit awkward when they go over her head or are too rude.
Elephant In The Room. Her missing arm is an issue and she hates being treated differently for it or having to explain it.
[b]Aspirations:[/b] When Abbas had lost her foot and then her arm, after all the nights of phantom pain and nerves, all she could think of was regaining them back, which had lead her down a few paths, medicine and surgery as to[b] fix herself and anyone else in her situation[/b], but also the path of body manipulation, which opened even more questions than answers. She had also wished to[b] learn more about anatomy of humans and other creatures and how far body manipulation could be taken.[/b]
[b]Phobias/fears:[/b] All Abbas fears manifest themselves in the form of nightmares. When she sleeps, she relives her past. The accident that had left her left foot completely smash until they had to amputate it. Also the one where a murderer had decided he had wanted to take off her arm, to shape her a new and ruin her world, as well as the sword fight that had caused her to lose vision in her left eye. Different variations and reasons for losing her limbs, such as disease and the ones from her past, keep her from sleeping, which has also evolved into a minor phobia of falling asleep.

[b]Face-Claim:[/b] Baiken - Guilty Gear
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Salmon
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Jade
[b]Height:[/b] 150 CM
[b]Weight:[/b] 50 KG
[b]Appearance:[/b] Abbas is a meter and a half tall, adorned with straight pink hair that reach past her neck. She is very slim but muscular beyond belief because her body has to make up for the missing limbs. The cornea of her left eye is scratched beyond use. She has a short nub for a right arm, and is missing her left foot, with a prosthetic foot for her toes.

She usually wears a kimono and wooden sandals. Her whole body is essentially a canvas for her tattoos.

Her face is covered in tribal tattoos, her left eye with a vertical scar through it. The back of her neck is a dark sky with stars dotting it, her right shoulder blade has the face of a demon, its body running all the way down her nub. Her left shoulder blade has a small dragon, fuming smoke from its nostrils which go down her left arm. The smoke turns to blue wave at her elbow, and salmon are swimming up her forearm. Her upper chest has clouds and is a bright blue sky, at her breasts, a reddish kitsune hides her right breast and a tanuki hides her left. Each beasts retreating to a tree covering her ribs, which divide the front and the back. In the center of her belly a small goddess is posing, sharing her belly button. Her hips have large lotus at the foot of each tree, reaching all the way to her ass. In the middle of her back, the rear of the goddess can be seen against a black background representing the mid-night sky with star dotting the scene. Down her thighs, tigers crawling down. An albino tiger on her left, and an oriental tiger on her right. Her right calf running straight down, a pair of kanji vertically for the word 'Doll', and a smaller red kanji as a signature, saying 'God'[/list]

[b]Rukh Alignment:[/b] White
[b]Special Features:[/b] Missing left eye, left foot, right arm.
[b]History:[/b] As a young girl Abbas was a quite happy youth. Only her father worked and it was quite infrequently, but if he was called in, he might be gone for sometime. At times returning the same night, but also it might have been a month and a half til he was seen again, but there were perhaps 10 calls a year. This man was a physician to the emperor, and only called when the emperor was feeling under the weather, her mother an ex-courtesan who had managed to charm her husband into an engagement. Perhaps her mother was sly and conniving, but after the birth of her daughter she gave up all the lies and was finally genuinely happy in her life. A devout woman who had taught Abbas all types of traditions, from dragon dances to tea ceremony. Abbas was well-educated and talented for her age. Her father as her main educator, she grew by leaps and bounds. As she was growing up, she was quite unfortunate as to have a statue fall on her. She managed to get out of the way mostly, except for her left foot. Her father, a prodigy, brought her home and operated on her foot, with a mix of metal rods and bones to replace what was needed, working from the intact heel.

She miraculously was still fine. She had lost a lot of the motor function in her foot but could still keep going. Despite all the hardship, Abbas was still a happy child, and wasn't held back by her disability. In fact, most never even realized that she had lost her foot.

But eventually lightning struck twice, this time in the form of an assassin. A Reim assassin who wanted revenge on the emperor of Kou had decided it was pertinent to kill his doctor, perhaps if he were to get sick without the proper doctor, he might die. This was also much easier than going after the emperor himself, and Abbas was the victim. She was kidnapped and raped by this villain. Eventually her abductor had realized her foot, and was extremely aroused, and decided to continue her 'body work'. In a drugged state, her arm was slowly lopped off and poorly tended to. She had managed to wake up before her assailant had intended, using no precautions now that she had no arm, but she managed to attack and kill her assassin but not before getting a final parting gift, the loss of use of her left eye.

Finally making it back home, her father did her best to heal her back to normal, but to no avail. Despite the misery, her father would resign and took care of her daughter regretting that he had ever worked for the king and his profession. However, her mother gave her some more hope, teaching her the ways of body manipulation, together with the anatomical properties of the body from her father.
[b]Role-Play Sample:[/b]

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