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Cyrus Argentum's Vault

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1Cyrus Argentum's Vault Empty Cyrus Argentum's Vault 14/09/15, 12:01 am

Cyrus Argentum

Cyrus Argentum

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2Cyrus Argentum's Vault Empty Chacter 14/09/15, 12:05 am

Cyrus Argentum

Cyrus Argentum

Cyrus Argentum's Vault Fire-Emblem-Awakening-Gaius-Cosplay-Wig-Version-01-002
Name:Cyrus Argentum
Country Affiliation: Riem
Specialization: Strength
Age + Birthdate: 22 born November 7
Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Cyrus as quiet but easygoing young man who doesn’t really talk much but when he does he is very dry and deadpan. He always has a joke for everything even in darker situations. This constant mockery can rub people the wrong way at times especially if they are on the receiving end. Due to this, he has few friends. He is very loyal to all of friends and fight to the death for them. He is also a very avid traveller and is always looking for an adventure. Simultaneously honing is skills in battle as well as fulfilling his insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. From living out in the wilderness, he has keen eyes and ears and has a good sense of when people are being dishonest with him because of this he is not easily manipulated and respects people for their honesty even if it hurts him in the process.
When it comes to battles, Cyrus is never one to start a fight but won’t shy away from one when the occasion calls for it. He has pride in his abilities as a fighter but is fully cognisant of his limitations and tries hard to overcome them.

Likes: Nature and the natural world: Cyrus was outside and travelled a lot as a child and thus has an appreciation for the beauty of nature.
Music and Dance: After he met up with a band of travelling musicians he always has enjoyed playing and listening to music as well as dancing well into the night.

Dislikes: Adhering to a schedule: being as lazy as he is, Cyrus likes to do his own things on his own at his leisure.
Mornings: he likes to sleep late and wake up just as late. Sunlight doesn’t really do it for him.

Aspirations: Cyrus aspires to be a dungeon capturer and be able to become stronger in order to explore places he would not otherwise be able to do. He wants to have a great story to tell his friends and family one day. Since dungeons are such mysterious places, he is curious to see what he can learn from them as well. He also aspires to show people that he can accomplish something without anyone’s help and free like he can overcome his lack of drive and do something amazing.

Phobias/fears: Cyrus has one big crippling fear and that is meeting new people. Although he has had many good experiences and has made friends from his travels, he gets really scared of meeting new people he freezes up and can’t really conjure up the words to just say hi. People have to come to him in order for him to say something, which are only a few words and/or a sarcastic joke though he is getting better about it trying to face his fears and actually talk to people it just takes him a while.

Face-Claim: Gaius Fire emblem Awakening

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Green they go grey when experiences negative emotions.

Height: 176cm

Weight: 77kg

Appearance: Cyrus is of average height with an athletic build he has shoulder length orange hair that with bangs that go down to his eyebrows he has a bit of an oral fixation he has to have something in his mouth almost constantly. Usually that would be a reed that he can chew one or some sort of candy with a stick that he could chew on especially when he is nervous or scared. His eyes are almost constantly half open especially during the daylight hours (he’s not one for light) there are two occasions where he will open his eyes fully, when he is fighting and when he is with his friends. He walks very gracefully like a dancer and fights in a similar fashion. He is not very expressive with his body preferring to use his words and facial expressions he has two items that he almost never seen without, his headband given to him by his best friend and a metal whistle given to him by his mother that he wears on his belt loop.

Rukh Alignment: White

Special Traits: None

History: Cyrus was born the middle of three kids in the suburbs of the capital of the Reim Empire to a travelling merchant by the name of Gaius Argentum. Cyrus’s mother Lyra Arcturus was an avid adventurer and Cyrus would accompany her on her journeys around Reim from the age of 13. Prior to that he would travel with his father around the world going to places like Heilohapt and as far East as Kou. His father sells metal objects, from small weapons to dinnerware and everything in between. Lately he has champions the fact that the things he sells make fine metal vessels. This remark has sparked and interest in dungeon capturing both Cyrus and his mother. Ever since dungeons have begun appearing around the world Cyrus’s mother has wanted to find a dungeon but having three kids will halt anyone’s plans to journey to a place with a low likelihood of returning. So she always wanted one of her three kids to try to do what she couldn’t: capture a dungeon. Cyrus’s mother always favoured him and always told him that despite his laziness he could do so much with his life more so than is older brother who lacks interest in dungeon capturing, preferring to spend his days studying or is younger sister who has the drive and interest doesn’t have the stamina or the innate sense of self and awareness that Cyrus has.
Since becoming an adult Cyrus has travelled around Reim by himself and encountered many things he has dueled many people honing his weapon of choice a scythe made by his uncle, a blacksmith. He also used to travel with a band of musicians who gave him his good ears and even better rhythm. Most recently he has found himself on the southern reaches of Reim near Heliohapt studying the desert terrain is something that he is most interested in doing now so that he can be prepared for any type of combat should he fight. He will run into his father every now and then and Cyrus will help him sell merchandise to help him quell his fear of new people. He still loves his family and often, under the stars, will write to them detailing his adventures before he goes to sleep.

Role-Play Sample: Cyrus looked up at the mid afternoon sun, eyes half open and smiled his trademark half-smile. He had done it two djinn to his name. He looked at his new metal vessel; his mother’s whistle the eight-pointed star still glowing. Orias the djinn, of beauty and resolve was now his. “ And they said one was enough. Clearly they were wrong,” he laughed weakly. He got up and loaded his newfound magic carpet dropped his riches to his brother to help fund his university in Reim and was soon on his way. Deciding to make his way North to the rarely explored regions of Imuchakk.

Finally, someone worthy of his battle prowess; another metal vessel user he could test his skills on. Cyrus opened his eyes wide raised his scythe smiled slightly “raise your weapon milady Wu Di” he advised. “Even if you are a lady and a princess of Kou, you are a general and I shall not go easy on you.” She grinned wildly and her eyes began to light up with excitement, “I wouldn’t have it any other way” she raised her metal vessel, a bangle on he left wrist and she chanted, “spirit of ignorance and desire, dwell within me and make me powerful; come forth, Ipos!” a greenish energy surrounded the princess as she equipped her djinn. Her armour was of a bright metallic green with her hair shorter than it was before, being shoulder length now as opposed to her normal hip length she had no weapon, which Cyrus surmised that her magic would be generated by her bare hands. His suspicions were confirmed when she clapped them together a huge sound wave generating from her hands. He managed to dodge in time but the village behind them was not so lucky. “Oh well, he said flippantly the should really make sprinting mandatory in schools if not you’ll just get blown up, sad souls” Cyrus got up and dusted himself off, “Spirit of tyranny and exaltation, dwell within my body and make me a powerful magician! Come forth, Valac!” he roared as electricity whirled around him his scythe became a scepter drawing in magnetic materials toward him his armour, a dull gold with metallic wings shimmered in the sun. Fully smiling for the first time in a long time Cyrus flew towards Princess Wu Di raising his weapon, “and now we begin!”

3Cyrus Argentum's Vault Empty Re: Cyrus Argentum's Vault 14/09/15, 12:09 am

Cyrus Argentum

Cyrus Argentum


  • Primary - Warrior
  • Secondary - Tamer
  • Tertiary -


Last edited by Cyrus Argentum on 01/09/17, 09:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Cyrus Argentum's Vault Empty Abilities 15/09/15, 07:30 pm

Cyrus Argentum

Cyrus Argentum

Headless Sky
Tier: B
Class: Warrior
Type: Offensive
Range: Close
Requirements/Drawbacks: Cyrus jumps into the sky swinging his scythe in a U-shape motion
Scaling: More damage
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 3
Cost: 30
Cyrus jumps and swings his scythe in a U shaped pattern. coming for a close range attack for B-tier damage.

Argentum Slash
Tier: B
Class: Warrior
Type: offensive
Range: Short
Requirements/Drawbacks: the user's grip has to be on the butt of the scythe which can reduce accuracy
Scaling: more hits
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 3
Cost: 30
Cyrus's father's move passed down to him. Cyrus grips the butt of the weapon and slashes in 2 X-shaped formations 4 times each inflicting D tier damage.

Slash Dance
Tier: C
Class: Warrior
Type: Offensive
Range: close
Requirements/Drawbacks: Cyrus uses his scythe to slash in an X-shaped pattern  
Scaling: more hits
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 2
Cost: 20
Cyrus slashes his scythe in an X-like pattern for C-tier damage as far as 180cm

Tier: C
Class: Warrior
Type: Offensive
Range: close
Requirements/Drawbacks: Cyrus rotates his scythe hitting the opponent with both the butt and blade of the weapon
Scaling: More hits
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 2
Cost: 20
Cyrus rotates his scythe upward in a vertical tragictory smacking the opponent with the butt then the flat of the blade of the scythe for c tier damage.

Tier: D
Class: Warrior
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Requirements/Drawbacks: Cyrus has to less control on the scythe the further away the person is because his hands have to be low on the shaft of the scythe.
Scaling: More damage
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 1
Cost: 10
Cyrus uses the curvature of the scythe to hook the limbs of his opponents bringing them closer to him and doing D tier damage in the process. He can reach up to 180cm with it

Tier: C
Class: Warrior
Type: defensive
Range: Short
Requirements/Drawbacks: Cyrus has to hold the scythe in a diagonal position with his feet firmly rooted to the ground.
Scaling: less damage taken
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 2
Cost: 20
Cyrus blocks with his scythe protecting him from a single c tier attack.

Tier: D
Class: Warrior
Type: Offensive
Range: short
Requirements/Drawbacks: Cyrus has to flip the scythe so that the blade is pointing towards him
Scaling: More Damage
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 1
Cost: 10
Cyrus uses the butt of his scythe to jab at someone for D tier damage going as far as 180cm

Last edited by Cyrus Argentum on 16/12/16, 08:44 pm; edited 3 times in total

5Cyrus Argentum's Vault Empty Re: Cyrus Argentum's Vault 15/09/15, 07:36 pm

Cyrus Argentum

Cyrus Argentum

Cyrus Argentum's Vault Awaihi__s_scythe_by_midnightwillow11195-d5f0b1c
Name: Adventure Seeker
Tier: C
Type: Scythe
Material: Electrum
Appearance: a smaller but lighter scythe it is 50cm long with a 45cm blade. with A silver and electrum blade with an electrum handle. It, along with his electrum headband were the two things his father gave him on his journey to find the rest of his family around the world.

Name: Pondmoon
Tier: B
Type: Shield | Weapon
Magic Type: Ice
Appearance: A 50cm in diameter shield, with a shiny large reflective blue gem in the middle engraved with a magic circle deep inside the gem that glows when the shield is fed magoi. There are intricate blue and light gold designs around the gem, all engraved and neatly designed into a metal shield. A leather arm strap for easy carrying and using the shield is located on the back.

Icy Mirror - Upon feeding Pondmoon magoi, the mirror-like center will glow and capture a reflection of an incoming attack in the form an ice clone. Mimicking a targeted attack within 15m of the shield to captured in it's reflection, producing a clone matching the shape of any solid projectile, man or even even beast up to 10m in size! Appearing 1m before the user he projectile travels forth 15m in a straight line from the shield mimicking the attacks actions perfecting to deal B-tier damage or mitigate B-tier damage. 10 Magoi to activate | 5 Magoi to sustain

Cyrus Argentum's Vault Fz6yEeA
Name: Soseiji
Tier: C
Type: Magic Weapon – Double Scythe
Magic Type: Wind
Appearance: A sinister looking double scythe that is made by using black steel. This double scythe is 1 meter tall in total while the knives are 50cm each.

  • Razor Wind - When the user pour magoi into this weapon and makes 2 slashing moves by using the scythe, two 1m sharp wind would be produced and will fly towards a target within 3m from the user. It will inflict C-tier damage if it hits. 10 Magoi to activate | 5 to sustain

Rokusai the Stag

Winter Form:

Spring Form:
Tier: D
Type: Normal
Species: Stag
Appearance: A near 6ft tall Stag with two forms based on the season during the fall and winter months it takes on an icy form with white antlers and in spring and summer months has brown antlers and is almost completely brown fur with small dots of white
Beast Traits:
Trait Name:Ice antlers
Trait Tier:D
Trait Requirement: Has to be in winter form
Trait Description: in winter form, Rokusai's horns become extraordinarily cold due to extra iron deposits in its horns.
Trait Effect: Rokusai can register horn based ice abilities

Trait Name: Seasonal Differences
Trait Tier:D
Trait Requirement: Can be one form at a time and cannot be partially one form or another.
Trait Description: depending on the season, Rokusai will take on a different form. like most deer, the seasons effect the physiology of the animal in winter extra iron deposits make rokusai's horns very cold and in summer his body becomes hardier and stronger.  
Trait Effect: Rokusai has different abilities in the winter months and summer months. In the summer months he is stronger.

Trait Name: Hardy body
Trait Tier:D
Trait Requirement: Has to be in spring form
Trait Description: in spring form, Rokusai has a stronger constitution.
Trait Effect: Rokusai has C tier strength for all basic attacks

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