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Bianca Unity Corps Training

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1Bianca Unity Corps Training Empty Bianca Unity Corps Training 25/05/15, 08:27 pm

Kara Satel Bane

Kara Satel Bane

Bianca Cordelia Brown has decided to take the time to train herself and become more in touch with herself in the Unity corps due to recent events she realises a simple private can't do as much as is needed to help this city, and the security of the political parties preventing corruption, infiltration and in order to this she needs to become one with the city. When the Assassin from before got behind her so quickly and she failed to defeat him and rescue the person she was originally following determining he was innocent through raw instincts not actually facts evidence though she would do the leg work to prevent such a judgement call to come to bite her in the arse encase she is wrong with her instincts. Bianca decides to play a game with her friend Icarus the sonic wolf she's been spending quite a bit of time with bonding with called hide go peak.  The important aspects of the game is for Icarus to find Bianca by working with two allies summer and Knight Face Ryan who is considering joining the Unity Corps.

Bianca would take a 10 second head start before darting off ahead of the three of them, instantly making her ways to the rooftops in order to keep an eye on summer who would take to the skys, making sure their is always something between herself and summer, while moving in her blind spots. Icarus would have her scent and could follower her for quite some time without sight and it would be Ryans job to use his brain to Locate summer using his extra senses and wits. Almost instantly Knight face ryan would know Bianca has taken to the roofs due to Icarus clawing upwards towards the sky, at a wall and working out it would be the most logical thing for her too do. Bianca quickly moves from one location avoiding summer eye line though is seen from a few random reim guards who try to act sly to give Knight Face Ryan hints to Bianca position though she does notice this and is forced to flee in an opposite direction cutting things really close, as Knight Face Ryan signals summer to rapidly change her direction creating a net around the area of activity. With both sight and sent closing in on Bianca she would need to act fast and resorts to hiding inside a really smelly trash bin out of desperation though it wouldn't be enough to stop the combined efforts of the three allies from finding her though is enough to make them walk away afterwards.

Bianca realises their is something she is missing, like a shadow within the sun, how could she disappear completely, how could she compete with train stealth assassins who could be in one place, then right behind her the next what if that attack had been a killer. She was doubting her abilities in this battle and figured she needed to go see an expect surely someone at the palace would know. Bianca would first go take a long shower before getting re dressed and heading to the Palace to inquire about potential ways to battle such foes without burying herself into the ways of the assassins lively hoods which could take a long time to learn.

On Arrival at the Palace Bianca instantly starts reading the personal files of those hired for the sole purpose of helping the Unity Fanalis corps and Reim military train. she goes through file after file but none seem ideal for what she is looking for at this current time frame when suddenly one does, someone by the name of Tab Nam who is a highly educated and user of the arts of stealth and sneaky hood as it directly says in his personal file and Bianca figures she needs to contact this person directly. It would take her about an hour to locate him within the building but it would all be worth it "Sir Tab Nam can you teach me a way to battle stealth users without months of training required its highly important" [Tab Nam]"I will teach you...but one skill and one skill only anything else you will need to commit to the long training which could take months" Bianca would agree though the training would still take over a week.

During the next seven days Bianca would train with Tab Nami through a series of unusual challenges starting with balancing an egg on her head to travel through a very busy market period, sprinting through pitch black narrow spaces with obstacles all over the place, repeated in bright light adjusting her posture to use her clothes to deflect of attract light creating blind spots for others. Walking backwards in normal life, and hoping across roof tops and allot more test Bianca in ways she hasn't been tested in before with the resulting point all being about Elegant balancing one self with their envirment blending in. Bianca would struggle allot during the early phases even losing her temper at times due to her hot temper as a fanalis along with over exerting her strength at times due to the task but as time went on she would gain more strength within herself allowing her to bring her self into a more peaceful place making blending in allot easier as she finally understand what he meant.

[Tab Nam] " You have done well to learn such ways but I warn you the people you will face, have mastered the same steps when they were babies, the art itself will still work but be aware your not the only one with the skills though it might give you the element of surprise and will really support your ability to catch someone off guard with a precise long arrow shot"[Bianca] "Thank you for your assistant I am grateful" Bianca had done just over a weeks training and figured it was time to remap the entire city for the unity corps along with rooftop maps and routes which she would spend the next few days doing.


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