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Impromptu Meeting [private/Ayero]

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Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

Sly waited patiently by the fountain, keeping a sharp eye out for Ayero, his hair covered with a cloak as he looked around. The woman had left notice at the drop point that she wished to discuss something with Octavius and he was here to lead the half-Fanalis to their current camp. Octavius had just returned after contacting Roark, the two men agreeing to form an alliance as the el Nagi man worked on finding a way to get weapons to Octavius. While the two men had been known in the past to butt heads, both overly stubborn, they had united in their desire to have Reim free of Kou and were choosing to strike back on different fronts. Sly looked up to the sky, noting it was nearly high noon, the agreed upon time and began looking around more intently. She should arrive at any moment.



Ayero had left a note at the drop point the morning after drinking with Azix. Initially she felt as if she should hold off until she knew that she’d be able to trust Azix without a doubt, but she felt as if there wasn’t much time what with the increased Kou influence as well as mounting tensions. She arranged for the meeting shortly, careful to make her appearance at the fountain as prompt as possible. She’d left her beasts at the inn with her brother, not wanting to involve the child in what could be considered risky work. Picking Sly’s hooded figure out near the fountain, she approaches him with a stone-serious look on her face. Not that she was trying to appear unfriendly, but she didn’t know what would be considered appropriate in a situation like this.

Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

Sly gave a nod as he saw Ayero appear, giving her a subtle nod before moving towards an alley, trusting the woman to follow at a discreet distance. He would lead her on something of a goose-chase, ensuring they were not being followed before finally bringing her to a warehouse, different from the last one. He held open the door for the half-Fanalis woman and when she entered the building, she would see about 15 Fanalis moving around inside, some sparring, some going over information, others discussing battle plans with Octavius.

When Octavius saw Ayero, his face lit up and he walked over, his posture relaxed and his expression friendly.

“Sister! Wonderful to see you again. Sly tells me you wanted to speak with me?”



Ayero follows Sly at a distance, careful to hide her anxiousness behind her usual stern façade. She didn’t pay too much attention to where the man was leading her, instead lost in her thoughts of how she was going to convince Octavius that a Kou man genuinely wanted to help them should another invasion take place.

When Sly leads her to the Fanalis Corps’ current hideout, the woman takes a moment to look around, realizing that she hadn’t seen this many red heads in one place in a long time. It gave her somewhat of a warm feeling, despite being here only for business. Her eyes land on Octavius as he approaches her, simultaneously radiating power and warmth. She hesitates for a moment, in awe at meeting the legendary leader of the Fanalis Corps with him at his full height and in good health. She clears her throat and straightens her posture before speaking.

”It’s good to see you as well, uh, Sir. And yes. I believe I know of someone who would be willing to join our cause and fight against Kou, should they invade again.”

Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

Octavius rested a fatherly hand on Ayero’s shoulder, leading her towards a quieter corner of the warehouse as he listened to her. When she mentioned knowing of someone interested in joining their struggle, he raised an eyebrow. He had half-expected the woman to cease communication as their previous contact had, but she had followed through on her promise to try and gather people.

“No 'sir' necessary, sister. Just call me Octavius. And this person, are they Fanalis? Are they from Reim? Why do they wish to put themselves in harm’s way? I only ask to gauge their determination. Our fight will not be an easy one.”

He would listen to her answer intently, showing why he was so adored by his soldiers and the people of Reim. He had a way of making every person feel important and did his best to be welcoming and helpful to all.



Ayero felt her shoulders relax slightly, her posture losing some of its rigidity as Octavius laid a hand on her shoulder. Though he had an imposing frame, she could see why he was highly liked and why the remaining Corps members seemed steadfastly loyal to him. Taking in a breath, Ayero tries to word her information in a way that made it seem legitimate.

”Well…no, and no. I’m aware of how…suspicious or unsettling this may sound, but he is a magician from Kou. He is the man who started the Opportunity Initiative and the Education Reform in Reim. Initially I didn’t trust him, but after aiding him in helping find game for the El Nagi as well as fight several coliseum battles with him side by side, I’ve come to see him in a different light. Several days ago, after our match he spoke to me about his discontent with Kou over drinks. In short, he doesn’t believe that Kou should obtain Reim is prepared to fight for Reim’s independent against the mounting Kou threat. From what I could gather, it seems as if…he’s grown to care for this country and its people.”

Ayero pauses, looking up at Octavius with eyes reflecting her earnest resolve to make the decision she had chosen.

”While I’m aware that this could be a ruse, his words seemed too genuine for me not to consider the fact that we may find an ally in him. I brought nothing up of the Corps, or the resistance to him. As for fighting ability, he can hold his own in the area, surprisingly for a frail-looking man. He even healed his opponents afterwards…”

Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

Octavius listened to her words with a careful ear, detecting no signs of deceit in the woman’s words. Regardless of whether the man could be trusts, Ayero trusted him. When she mentioned the Workforce Program and the Education Reform, his eyebrows raised to his hairline.

“Azix Niraj? The man we hear mentioned so often when we are traveling through the less-well to do areas? He wants to join in our struggles? That is shocking, indeed…”

A low hum vibrated in his throat as he considered this information, calling Sly over and talking with him in hushed tones for a moment before turning back to Ayero.

“Sly has heard his name several times, always in a positive light. He has done much to aid in the struggles of the common folk of Reim. Sly saw him put down a riot without using violence, once. It was impressive. I believe he has shown his intent to assist this country. I would like to meet this man, before I risk exposing my Corp members to him. Would you be willing to arrange that, sister?”

He would wait for her response with a patient look as Sly returned to planning with some of the other Corp members.



Ayero keeps herself from fidgeting nervously, able to feel her heart rate increase as Octavius and Sly discuss the information she had given. She hoped that Octavius would at least give Azix a chance and judge him for himself. The more she thought about it, the stronger she felt that the orange magician would be an asset in the fight against Kou. As Octavius turns back towards her, the Fanalis woman feels some of the tension drop from her shoulders at his response and ensuing question. She hadn’t expected things to go this well thus far, but she was glad that the leader of the Fanalis Corps seemed to place some amount of trust in her. She nods her head in agreement, her eyes shining a bit as she responds.

”I’ll do my best to, Si—Octavius. There is someone else willing to assist us, as well. A magician from Magnostadt I faced in the coliseum, Khalim Sheradd. He seems to have come to Reim with intent to aid in rebellion by sharing his knowledge of Kou’s tactics.” Ayero brought Khalim up after Azix, figuring that in the worst case scenario Octavius would be willing to at least consider help from someone from more neutral territory. Though she was aware that Reim was probably not on the friendliest terms with the magician's country, Magnostadt would likely be the next target should Reim fall to Kou.

Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

Octavius smiled when she mentioned yet another person, clapping her on the shoulder.

“Wonderful. If he would also like to meet, that is fine, same as the deal with your friend from Kou. Or, if you don’t mind playing a conduit of information for us, that would be good as well. I could understand if this fellow from Magnostadt did not wish to have direct affiliation with an uprising rebellion in another country, even if he does wish to assist us. You have done a wonderful job with finding us people, sister, and we thank you for that. Soon, we will be calling a meeting, a call to arms, if you will, to gather as many allies as we can. You are expanding what we can call ally. Thank you.”

His words were sincere and his eyes were friendly. She had managed to find not one, but two magicians, the one area where the Fanalis were genetically short. With magicians on hand to assist, he felt more hope for the success of their plans.

“Do you think this Niraj fellow would agree to a meeting in two days’ time? If so, we could meet at the first warehouse we met at. You can confirm by using the drop point, I find I would really like to talk to this man. He seems to have done much good for Reim and I would like to thank him, if nothing else.”



Ayero nods solemnly at Octavius’ words, her face stern as usual but her eye shining with a light from the Fanalis man’s praise. She could see why a man like him was so well liked. ”I can’t say for certain, but I will do my best to retrieve the both of them in two days. Thank you for…putting your faith in me, Octavius.” Ayero was aware that the General was taking a bit of a risk by entrusting a stranger to find outsiders willing to support the rebellion.

The Fanalis woman had managed to convince both the professor from Magnostadt and the magician from Kou to follow her to an unmarked location. She hadn’t said much, meeting with them individually before in private to express that the resistance desired their help. Khalim had briefly looked Azix up and down, sizing the man up before making light talk when he first met the Marquis. Beyond that he stayed quite and followed Ayero with what seemed to be confidence and trust. The woman used Sly’s tactics, having them follow at a distance as she lead them through the weaving back streets of Remano until coming upon the same warehouse in which she had first met Octavius. Taking in a breath, she knocks at the door as she’d been instructed.

Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

Sly opened the door for Ayero, arching a brow at the two magician’s following her. It made him a bit uneasy, but if Octavius was willing to put his trust in this woman, then so would he. He would show them into the warehouse, empty aside from a table with six chairs, Octavius standing and looking through one of the cracks in the building. He turned when they entered, his voice booming, even when he was quiet.

“Welcome, sister! I see you brought possible allies for us! Wonderful.”

He would turn to the two magicians as he walked over to give Ayero a friendly thump on the back, greeting her as he did all of his Corp, with familiarity and warmth.

“So, Ayero tells me you two wish to share in our conflict. May I ask why? Not that I am one to turn down support, but I need to know the reason behind your affiliation with us, I am sure you understand.”

He would give them both scrutinizing looks, something about his demeanor demanding they speak the truth and they do it bluntly, as he was a man with little patience and much to lose.

Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

Azix was somewhat surprised to see Ayero a few days after their drinking adventure. He still wasn't completely sure what all he revealed in his intoxicated state, but he had a good idea. Ayero suggested that she knew someone who was interested in meeting him and interested in repelling Kou's possible invasion. Azix arched a brow, 'How much did I tell her? No more drinking for me...'

Still, if Ayero had a contact into the rebellion movement, Azix wanted to be a part of it. He was a bit nervous, not expecting most Reimians to trust someone from Kou. He had accepted after a brief hesitation, making sure to grab his wand and hide it, just in case things went south. He quickly followed her and her companion who sized Azix up. Azix gave a friendly smile to Khalim and enjoyed in the light talk as they followed Ayero from a distance.

He was led through several backstreets, which reinforced how careful the rebellion movement was to hide their whereabouts and activities. Finally they came to a warehouse and Ayero knocked on the door. After a moment, a Fanalis man opened the door and arched a brow at the two men with her. Azix simply smiled and waited to be led inside the nearly empty warehouse. In the center of the room there was a table with six chairs and a larger man, who turned as they entered.

The large man welcomed Ayero as sister, a title that Azix hadn't expected. Was it a sign of familial bonds, a greeting for Fanalis, or a greeting for a fellow fighter? Not overly important, Azix filed it away as the man thumped her on the back and turned to the two magicians. With an expression that reflected the seriousness of the meeting, the Fanalis man asked why they wanted to help.

Azix decided to reply first, meeting the older Fanalis man's gaze, "I don't agree with the leadership of my home country. We've never exactly seen eye-to-eye. Not many people outside of Kou know this, but when I was a child, my father led a rebellion against the Emperor to dethrone him. He was executed for treason, as was my mother. My Uncle was able to salvage the family name and keep us in the Nobility, but I was still a black-sheep."

Azix sighed, "I suppose if it wasn't for my Uncle, I would never have been able to use my rank to pass the Opportunity Initiative or the Education Reform." Azix paused, for the first time Azix had a good word for his Uncle. "Anyway, I told you that so you know where I come from. As for why I want to fight Kou now, it's because I don't want to see them lay ruin to this country and its people. I agreed with the alliance that had held till now between Kou and Reim. While it wasn't the most balanced, a Reim man still sat on the throne and was able to influence the politics. Reim was able to maintain their culture and a decent portion of their sovereignty. King Lagi, while an inexperienced leader, still tries his best to do good for the people. For all those reasons, I thought Reim had it pretty well, considering how Kou treats the unclaimed lands between their own lands and Magnostadt."

With a gesture of his hand, Azix got to the point, "But, now with Kou's forces trickling in, the situation has changed. I don't have any proof that they are planning to use force to institute changes, but my gut tells me they are. During my time here, I've come to care about the people of Reim and its culture. I refuse to let the Emperor pillage this land and its people of its wealth and beauty. So, I want to defend Reim with my own two hands."

Once he had said his piece, Azix looked to see everyone's reactions and to let Khalim speak.



A nervous smiles briefly finds its way to Ayero’s face as Octavius greets her in a friendly and familiar manner. She had quickly grown to like the older Fanalis man, perhaps even looking up to him a bit due to his fatherly demeanor. As Octavius addresses Azix and Khalim, Ayero takes a step to the side between, out of the way so that the men could talk unhindered. She shifts on her feet, her dark eyes sharp and flickering between the mages and Fanalis General. Though she had faith in the pair of magicians she brought, she was suddenly more aware of the danger surrounding their goal.

Her eyes finally rest on Azix as the man from Kou speaks first, explaining why he would fight for a Reim independent of Kou’s control. The Fanalis woman mentally kicks herself a bit, wishing she had the gall to prod the magician a bit further for his reasons while he was still inebriated. She is too content to let others keep their secrets. Thankfully, Azix’s explanation seemed all the more genuine when backed up with his own personal accounts, his actions in Reim speaking to his character. She hoped that Octavius would see it this way, too. Her eyes then rest on Khalim, suddenly wondering if the magician from Magnostadt had a reason for being here beyond the obvious.

Khalim looked around the room while clearing his throat, sizing up those present. Looking towards Octavius, he nodded his head respectfully. Bringing his right hand's thumb and forefinger to his chin, Khalim simultaneously brought his other arm across his body to support his right arm. The magician considered the group before him pensively. "My motives are more selfish. More personal. I am a magician from the country of Magnostadt, and I have recently fought in a war against their invasions. A war that resulted in the death of my late wife." The man's eyes flickered over to Ayero briefly, and slowly made its way across the room, looking into each person's eyes in turn.

"They have shown the desire to take our country. Both of our countries. If they are successful in taking Reim, it is only a matter of time before they come back to take Magnostadt. I have told you who I am, and where I come from, as well as the reason I wish to support you. Now it's your turn. I'm sure you understand why." The man's voice took a hard turn, as if judging those present. His eyes were opened wide; the sign of a man, familiar with the battlefield, readying himself for a fight. The hand on his chin twitched to the left; a reflexive movement that hinted his wand might be within quick grasp should things go south.

Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

Octavius listened to both of the magicians speak, gauging their honesty and true desire to help. When both had spoken, he turned to look at Azix with a friendly smile.

“Your purpose and drive seem true and honest. I have heard much about the good you have done in this country and your desire to keep your home country out of our midst is admirable. I understand the draw of your own nation can be strong. You do understand that you will likely be branded a traitor for this, correct? Kou is not known for letting its people go easily…”

He then turned to Khalim with a chuckle.

“I appreciate your honesty and you are correct, with Reim defeated, Magnostadt would be the next most likely target. Why do we fight? These people are invading my country, my homeland. The place where a man of great power looked at me and saw more than just a slave. He allowed me to build a Corp of fighters unlike Reim had ever seen before. I took in orphans, slaves, you name it… and I treated them like my own children. And Kou stole all of it from me. My children and my Emperor. He was a good man, an honest man. He occasionally lost sight of a few things, but he deserved better than to be slaughtered by Kou trash and replaced with a…a… a king with no claim to the throne or any experience ruling. I cannot abide have Kou in my country, their filthy hands trying to take what is left of my home. I fight for those deceased and for those that cannot fight for themselves. I fight for the citizens that live every day fearing that Kou will completely disrupt their way of life. I fight for Reim. Is that reason enough?”

He arched a brow, his conviction showing clearly in his tone and posture.

“If it is, I welcome your help in fighting back these invaders. And you, Azix, you are welcome to join our fight at our side.”

If they both agreed after hearing his reasonings, he would give them both information for the drop point where Sly would leave information for them regarding their current location, as they tended to move every day or two to keep from being discovered. Kou would offer a lot of money to anyone willing to turn in the remaining members of the Fanalis Corp and so they were cautious. He would also let them know about the planned gathering that would be happening in response to their call for any of Fanalis blood.

Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

Azix chuckled and shrugged off Octavius' concern, "There has been a target on my back for a long time. What does it matter if I die on the battlefield or by the hand of an assassin as long as I fight for what I believe is right?" Azix turned his gaze to Khalim as the man spoke of his reasons. When Khalim stared at Azix, the orange magician simply smiled to hide the shiver that went up his spine. Azix sensed an acute awareness from Khalim and knew it would not be wise to cross the magician.

Once Khalim was done speaking, the older Fanalis provided his reasons for fighting. Azix arched a brow at the choice of words used, 'A Corp of fighters....' His attention was drawn to the fact that besides the other magician, only Fanalis were present. 'Could it be...' Azix hid his reactions behind a neutral mask, as he continued to listen to the man speak. If Octavius, the leader of the Fanalis Corp, a dead man according to the rumors, was standing before Azix, then the rebellion would have more weight behind it. He suddenly felt ashamed to stand before the Fanalis, reminded of killing Manius and his fiancé.

Azix also got an interesting perspective of the Fanalis' impression of the previous Emperor. Either Octavius was extremely loyal and delusional or there had been a hidden side of the Emperor. A softer side that had turned a blind eye to slaves and the poor. While Azix could feel sorry for killing Octavius' friend, he was not sorry to kill a neglectful ruler. As Octavius called his Corp his children, so should the ruler of a country and care for them. Though, the Emperor had seen something in this slave.

Azix wasn't positive if the older Fanalis man was Octavius, but he would still fight alongside of him. If it was Octavius, then it was all the more reason to help. Whether the Fanalis knew it or not, Azix felt he owed the man for killing one of his children. The orange magician nodded, not letting his inner thoughts show besides an eagerness to help. "I would gladly fight at your side. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so."

He noted the location of the drop point for information and also the details of the gathering. Hearing that it was primarily a call for help from the Fanalis nation, Azix felt more secure in his deduction that the older Fanalis was Octavius. He didn't mention it, figuring it best to gain the man's trust before calling him out. Clearly the Fanalis was taking great pains to keep his survival a secret.

Once they were ushered out, Azix would whisper to Ayero, "Thanks for trusting me. I promise I'll prove it well-placed." He flashed a quick smile, understanding the risk.




Khalim’s gaze catches Ayero’s own as the man revealed his less obvious reason for seeking the rebellion. Her eyes widen a bit with surprise, misting over with genuine empathy for his loss. But her eyes quickly harden again as the tension in the room picks up, her posture more rigid as she watches the conversation between the magicians and the Fanalis. It didn't appear that a fight of sort would break out, but her instincts kept her on her toes.

Thankfully, Octavius appeared to trust them both enough to accept what they had to offer to the rebellion. Ayero lets out a slow exhale through her nose, relieved that some of the tension from the room seemed to dissipate with the Fanalis man’s congenial way of speaking. Still, Azix’s dedication to their cause was a bit more than she had expected from the man, surprising even.

At the Fanalis' words, Khalim's eyes twitched as they moved to narrow. The magician instead took care to keep them open in order to have the best view possible. There were implications made by the Fanalis man. The words that were spoken were words that could only belong to Octavius, the leader of the Fanalis corps. But Octavius was dead, by all accounts. Then who was this man before him? An imposter? A puppet made of flesh? Were his motives genuine? These thoughts crossed the magician, who fought the urge to speak up. If he were to cast his suspicions here and now, he may lose his ability to communicate with the group.

Instead, he simply nodded. Even if this were simply an impersonator, the name Octavius alone was enough to draw a sizeable group to the resistance. Speaking a few last words, the Magician reaffirmed his stance. "I see. I will fight beside you to ensure the future of those who have entered my life; those I care for, among the living. As a token of my sincerity, I have brought a few battle reports I had made copies of from back when I was involved in the Magno-Kou war." The magician reached into an opening in his shirt and pulled out several papers, leaving them on the desk and departing alongside Ayero and Azix.

As the trio departs, Ayero exhales more audibly once outside the building. Her shoulders slump as she rubs at the back of her head. ”Thank Ilah that went as well as it did…” She was just glad that Octavius seemed to trust the two men and everyone left unharmed, though she was a bit unnerved with Khalim’s tone towards the older Fanalis. ”Don’t make me regret drinking with you.” Ayero’s response to Azix was rather lighthearted as they went their separate ways.


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