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Ayero/Xenos VS Korinna/Roxanne

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1Ayero/Xenos VS Korinna/Roxanne Empty Ayero/Xenos VS Korinna/Roxanne 10/01/15, 04:39 pm




After taking the time to rest from her match with Azix, Ayero once again found herself signing up for yet another coliseum match. She could now see why fighters risked their lives in the arena for the sake of entertainment. The cheer of the crowds and the monetary rewards were nice, but they just couldn’t measure up to the thrill of battle and the feel of her blood pumping wildly against her veins.

”Well if it isn’t the Fanalis miss! I knew I’d be seeing you here again soon. By the way, good job in that last match. That’s the kind of raw fighting the crowd loves to see! Wahahaha!” She’d become a familiar face to the registration staff over time. The man who was currently signing her up for another match laughed as he commented on her last battle alongside the orange magician, Azix. She simply gives him a small smile in response, recalling how Azix had unfortunately approached her while her battle-ready instincts were still active. She had initially felt terrible for assaulting the mage, but he didn’t seem to hold it against her and even healed both herself and Kabu while in extreme pain herself.

”We’ve got another doubles match scheduled for today, feel like doing it again?” Pausing to think for a moment, Ayero eventually accepted. ”Sure, who knows. Maybe I’ll get partnered up with another surprise.” She chuckles softly as she leans over to sign her name.

She steps into the arena, inhaling slowly while she faces the crowds with her shoulders and back straight as her name is announced. It seems that she’s built up somewhat of a reputation among the spectators, something that brought a bit of pride to the Fanalis woman. ”Our next competitor is a skillful fighter and a rising star, Korinna!”

Ayero/Xenos VS Korinna/Roxanne 7U20lLC

Ayero raises a brow as the other woman enters from the opposite end of the arena, recognizing the name of her opponent. The pair of fighters exchange calculating looks as they size each other up. The Fanalis had heard of the other sword user’s prowess in the coliseum. Nevertheless, she stands tall and awaits her arrival of the next two contenders.

[Training Dizzy Punch: 362/750]

Last edited by Ayero on 15/01/15, 07:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

Ayero/Xenos VS Korinna/Roxanne PKtu5tm

"The next contender is a first timer, Roxanne!"

Roxanne stepped out into the glare of the sun and the gazes of the masses that crowded the stands. She exhaled any lingering nervousness as she approached her partner, a woman with short, white hair in a leather outfit that left nothing to the imagination. About thirty meters away stood a Fanalis woman. Roxanne briefly pondered on the possibility that she would be fighting all females. That thought was dashed as the next opponent was announced.

"And the final contender is undefeated with two wins, Xenos!'

Azix walked out onto the tiled floor and looked at the other fighters on the field. When he saw Ayero, his hand unconsciously reached down to cover his family jewels. The end of his previous match with her was still a sore topic for Azix. At least she was on his side, well, he thought she had been on his side last time too. He gave Ayero  a weak smile as he approached her and came to a stop a few meters to her right. The orange magician sent a calculating gaze over their two opponents.

'Two close-range fighters this time. My best option would be to sit back and support Ayero.' Azix mused to himself as he considered how to approach it. Glancing at the Fanalis woman, Azix spoke low enough for only her to hear. "I'll create an opening for you to get in closer and keep them from overwhelming you at a distance."

After she replied, if she did, the bell would signal the start of the match. Azix had his Rod of Pestilence out and aimed towards the two women who stood thirty meters away. With several command to the Rukh, Azix conjured two shadow constructs in the shape of hands using Kage Youshiki. The hands would fly through the air, each towards a different target.

Meanwhile, Roxanne had whispered to Korinna as they formed a plan. She suggested focusing down the Fanalis, her experience fighting in underground clubs had given her a healthy respect for the red-headed race. With that plan in mind, Roxanne would gun for Ayero when the match started until she saw two shadows flying through the air. "Forget the Fanalis! Get the magician! He'll pick us off!"

As the shadow fist got in range, Roxanne thrust her studded gloves underneath it and shattered the spell with an Uppercut. With that distraction out of the way, she focused back on Azix and with a Rapidash she closed the distance with him in less than a second.

[270/300 magoi]
[Training: 428/1500]



As Azix’s name was announced, Ayero’s brows raised in surprise and her lips tilted in a partial smile as she half-turned to greet her partner. ”I’m surprised to see you here again, Azix.” Nevertheless, the Fanalis woman was actually quite pleased that she was partnering with the orange magician once again. He’d proven himself a capable warrior in their last battle. An affirming grunt is her response to his suggestion, her body and eyes turned back towards their opponents as she sized up the final contender. The newly arrived dark haired woman didn’t appear to carry a weapon with her, and from the looked of her toned body Ayero assumed that she was a close-range fighter much like herself.

As the bell sounded and Azix fired off an immobilization spell, Ayero lingered in her spot for a moment before dashing forward as if to follow the path of the two shadow hands. She had seen the two other women whispering to each other before the start of the fight, likely hashing out a plan of attack. She wasn’t very surprised when both opponents initially started towards her, but she was taken aback at how easily Roxanne shattered the spell with her fist and Korrina with her Deflecting Whip at the same time. It seemed that Azix’s attack had inspired a change within Roxanne.

”Wha—“ A look of shock came over Ayero’s face, soon replaced by one of irritation as she scrunched her nose and narrowed her eyes. Forget the Fanalis?! I’ll make sure she doesn’t forget the mistake she made! Growling to herself, Ayero takes quick note of Roxanne’s change of track. ”Try to shatter his borg!” Korrina dashes behind the quicker fighter, stopping once she was within 5m of Azix. Jabbing her whip sword into the ground in a way that it would un-segment itself, Korrina aims for a Stabbing Whip to resurface right in between Azix’s feet, aiming for his precious family jewels.

Initially displeased that the focus had shifted from her to Azix, Ayero sprints to intercept Roxanne as she was the closest to her partner. She broke that spell like it was nothing…and that spell was no parlor trick, either. Keeping in mind Roxanne’s strength, Ayero closes in on the other woman just as she herself closes in on the magician. The Fanalis woman thrusts her fist forward, aiming a Dizzy Punch at the woman’s head, following up with a High Kick sweeping upwards.

[Trained Dizzy Punch 750+/750]

 At the same time, Kabu lurches forward and spits a Poison Shot at Korrina.

[Training High Kick 22/750]

[Stamina: 170/250]


Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

Roxanne's shout alerted both Azix and Ayero to the change in tactic. It didn't matter to Azix if they prioritized him over the Fanalis warrior, either way they'd be turning their back on a fierce opponent. He noticed Ayero move to intercept Roxanne in an attempt to stop the black-haired woman before she could reach him. That would restrict which spells he could use, not wanting to catch Ayero in the crossfire, even if she had punched him.

With Roxanne's position in front of Korrina, Azix was unable to see the woman stab her sword into the ground. While the whip-sword traveled underneath the ground towards him, Roxanne performed a Ground Slam, sending a shockwave the tore the earth in a line towards Ayero. It was a tactic to delay the Fanalis, which the underground fighter would use to Rapidash behind Azix. From her position behind the magician, she had the advantage to cripple him and she hoped Korrina would notice. The Fanalis woman was still a problem and Korrina was in a better spot to handle her.

As the whip-sword broke through the ground, it was halted from traveling any further by Azix's Borg. It did however go unnoticed by the orange magician, who attributed his Borg flaring into existence to something Roxanne did, who had just sped past him. As he turned to face her, Roxanne sent a Fist of Fury into his Borg. That wasn't enough to spook Azix though, the magician was used to being attack at close-range. As the protective magoi-barrier shattered into a fine mist, two long lengths of shadow-chains formed beneath Roxanne and wrapped around her arms, preventing any further attacks from her at the moment.  

With Roxanne trapped by Kage Youshiki, Azix used Sakeru to put twenty meters distance between himself and his opponents. Without his Borg, he would have to be more careful about letting them get in his face again. From his new position, Azix formed a Solid Spear of Light at the tip of his wand and launched it towards Korrina. With Roxanne bound, the white-haired woman was the next biggest threat. After his spell, Azix focused on finding a way to best support Ayero.

[205/300 magoi]




Ayero’s face contorts into a light sneer as Roxanne punches the ground upon her approach, sending a shockwave her way. So she’s trying to keep me away, huh…alright, then. Noticing Korrina out of the corner of her eye as she performs her underground attack towards Azix, Ayero digs both feet into the ground and launches herself upwards in a Great Leap, arcing the direction towards Korrina to avoid the shockwave. Though the dark haired woman was quick, she was confident that someone of Azix’s caliber would be able to handle her. Turning her attention towards the light haired woman, Ayero positioned her left arm in preparation to defend herself against any incoming attacks with Simple Block II. At the same time, she noticed Azix’s spear of light approach Korrina from the opposite side. Figuring that the whip-user would have a tough time deflecting attacks from both sides, Ayero activates the magic strength ability of her blade, using Extend to send two slashes down on her opponent as she descended.

Grunting as the shadow magician successfully restrained her arms, Roxanne thrashes against the restrains as Azix puts some distance between them. Bringing her arm forward in an Uppercut, the force from her struggling limb would be enough for her to break free from the shadowed hand and shatter the spell. She quickly closes the gap between her and Azix, using Rapidash to cover the last ten meters. Just as the magician would launch his spell towards her partner, Roxanne would slam her fist into the ground and unleash another Ground Slam, hoping to force the magician onto unsteady footing as she quickly attempted to administer another Uppercut, this time into the bottom of her opponent’s jaw.

Stamina refunded: 30 from High Kick

[Stamina: 140/250]


Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

Korrina saw Ayero leap in the air towards her and spared a moment to look towards her partner, Roxanne. When she noticed the black-haired woman currently engaged with the magician, Korrina turned her attention back towards the Fanalis woman. With a flick of her wrist, Korrina's sword extended into its whip form and she twirled it around her for a moment, testing her opponent's reaction. With a motion too quick to see, the white-haired woman send her whip-sword towards Ayero, aiming to wrap around her neck like a Razor Boa.

A hint of surprise reflected in Korrina's features as she watched Ayero effortlessly bat away the attack in mid-air. The Fanalis suddenly stopped and slashed the air twice, sending two translucent arcs of strength magic rushing towards Korrina. The only clue the white-haired woman had was the shimmer of air and she twirled her weapon around her, using it as a Deflecting Whip. Unexpectedly, something behind her clashed with Korrina's block, deflecting the length of the whip away. Korrina was able to recover in time to bring her whip-sword around to block Ayero's first attack, but it didn't stop it completely. A rush of force blew past her defenses to slam against the right side of her body. A crack of bone could be heard and Korrina gasped for a breath.  The second attack was more successful, slicing through the woman's left arm and removing it at the shoulder.

The woman exclaimed in pain as she dropped her weapon and clutched the wounded joint in an attempt to block some of the bleeding. It was also a useless attempt made in hopes that her arm was attached and that it had been a trick of the eyes. Unfortunately for the warrior, the limb lay on the tiled-floor at her feet.

The realization set in that she would now forever more be a cripple and that the countless years of her father's training was for naught. She could no longer bring her father happiness nor honor with such an injury. His dream had been to have a son who would become the greatest gladiator Reim had ever seen, so much so that when her brother died, he began training Korrina to realize that dream. Rage-filled eyes bore into Ayero as Korrina's world came crashing down. She reached down to grab her useless limb and charged towards the Fanalis, shrieking. She would drive that same limb through the heart of Ayero, a foolhardy thought, but the woman was not thinking clearly. With every step Korrina took, she lost more blood as it streamed openly from her wound. Ayero would simply have to step out of the way to avoid being hit with the limb, in which case Korrina would fall to the ground unconscious.

Meanwhile, Azix had just finished casting his spell when he noticed Roxanne had broken free of her restraints. The underground fighter drove her fist into the ground and sent a shockwave directly beneath Azix's feet. The orange magician had only a precious second to recover his footing before his head was whipped back by a powerful uppercut that caused bright stars to spin around his head.

Azix found himself staring up at the sky having a hard time catching his breath. His head felt like it was on fire as he struggled to stand up. At the same time, he muttered under his breath to the Rukh, casting Gravity Lift, a spell which would allow him to soar above Roxanne. Azix had wanted to avoid using spells he hadn't used in the Coliseum before, but it didn't look like he could avoid it. Roxanne was too skilled of a fighter to hold back, so he decided to try out a new strength spell he had been thinking of.

Once he was ten meters in the air and out of Roxanne's reach, Azix began muttering a rush of commands to the Rukh. Black butterflies fluttered around him as he used strength magic to form a fifteen meter diameter sphere, which would look transparent to non-magicians, but look like black energy to magicians. Taking careful aim, Azix fired his Gravity Crush spell at an angle to encase Roxanne within, at the same time he made sure to keep himself outside of the spell. Once it covered the underground fighter, Azix turned up the gravity inside the sphere to a great degree, delivering a crushing blow to her body as it struggled to support the increased weight.

[A-Tier Ability Training|1500+/1500]




Ayero keeps her eyes trained on Korrina as the two nearly invisible slashes ripple through the air and strike the other woman, the second slash taking her arm clean off, to Ayero’s own surprise. As the Fanalis woman lands, she keeps her blade upwards in a defensive position, ready to either block or parry. Despite the fact that Korrina’s arm had been removed, Ayero wouldn’t back down completely until the battle was declared over. Even more to her surprise, a now enraged and likely shocked Korrina picked up her severed limb with her remaining attached hand and charged forward at the Fanalis woman, a cry of rage filling the air as she did so. Ayero had to commend Korrina’s strength, despite taking a devastating blow the white haired woman attempted to deliver a final blow.

Unfortunately for Korrina, Ayero was still in battle-mode. While she could have easily side stepped the frenzied woman’s assault, her instincts drove her to ensure that the former whip-sword user would no longer be a threat. As Korrina came into range, Ayero reacted quickly by delivering a sweeping High Kick to Korrina’s mid section. Watching as she sends the already injured fighter back from the force of the blow, Ayero remains poised with her leg raised where it had met Korrina’s body for a few moments. Part of the Fanalis woman couldn’t believe that she had done such a thing to a devastatingly injured opponent, but her instinct to win and survive was, at times, a bit too strong.

Pleased to see that her strike met no resistance, Roxanne feels almost giddy when Azix’s head reels back under the force of her blow. But the dark haired woman did not let it show, nor did she take this opportunity to slow down and rest. While an experienced fighter herself, she was more used to taking on other fist fighters or weapon users than magicians. Smirking inwardly as she dashed after Azix after the force of her blow had sent him several meters away, she was glad that the rumors of magicians being physically frail were true. Or at least, weaker than the muscled fighters she was used to challenging. Still, she was mildly surprised that Azix was still conscious after the blow to his head, even having enough strength to try and stand. Figuring that one more clean hit would wipe Azix out for good, Roxanne closes the gap between them and prepares to deal a Fist of Fury to the magician.

She doesn’t catch the subtle movement of Azix’s mouth as he whispers commands to the rukh, her eyes focused instead on his body as a whole, especially the hand that held his wand. Suddenly, the orange magician was airborne, sailing ten meters above Roxanne. The fist fighter stops in her tracks, dirt and dust kicking up around her as she clenches her fist at her sides, staring up at Azix with a wary, calculated eye. She was faster and likely had more energy left, and she figured he probably wouldn’t be able to keep up his flight spell for very long. With this in mind, the woman prepares to dodge whatever he intended to throw at her and tire him out.

But she soon found herself in the clutches of Azix’s Gravity Crush, her eyes widening as she was imprisoned  in something nearly invisible that seemed to make it difficult for her to move around in. Struggling against the increased gravity to escape the spell, Roxanne suddenly freezes up, her face contorted in horror as her eyes nearly bug out of her skull. Under the massive weight of the gravity spell, her bones crack and crumble and her blood vessels burst, her lungs popping from the pressure shortly after. Noises of terror and pain escape her mouth but are quickly silenced by the woman choking on her own blood, a crimson froth lining her mouth as the red water leaks from her eyes and her ears. Once the spell dissipates, Roxanne’s body would drop to the ground, lifeless and limp.

Ayero hadn’t seen Azix’s takedown and she wasn’t sure if he had witnessed her own, but once she was sure that Korrina was no longer a threat, the Fanalis woman breathes a sigh of relief and slowly makes her way over to Azix. She notes Roxanne’s body on the ground, her limbs contorted in an unhealthy fashion as she lay in a pool of her own blood, and shivers slightly at the notion that someone like Azix could produce such a result. I guess maybe he isn’t so weak after all…well, he did survive his second match. As the Fanalis woman and the orange magician are announced the winners, Ayero approaches Azix. ”Not bad. I guess you are good for something after all, huh?” She teases him with a light smirk playing on her lips once she’s within earshot, pleased with the result. ”Mind joining me for a drink later tonight?”

[Stamina: 110/250]

[Trained: High Kick 750+/750]


Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

Azix settled down to the ground and grimaced at the sight of Roxanne's lifeless body. He had wanted to stop her from punching him in the face, not wreck her. When he heard Ayero approached, he nodded and he seemed distant, "Yeah, I guess so..." He grabbed his God's Necklace and knelt down at Roxanne's side, activating its ability to pull her from the brink of death and fully heal her wounds in a bright flash.

As the light faded, Azix started to walk towards Korrina, finding the woman's arm along the way. He handed the useless limb to the white-haired woman before casting Blessing of the Gods, another ability that the necklace held. In a bright flash of light, both Azix and Korrina were fully healed. From her screams, it sounded the healing she experienced was very painful.

Once they were healed, Azix walked back over to Ayero. "A drink sounds good, as long as you don't plan on beating me up." He flashed her a grin and pumped a fist into the air for the crowd. With that he headed to pick up his prize money and made a plan to meet that night.

Korrina glared a hole into Azix's back as he exited the arena, upset that the magician had spared pity on her. Unable to accept his generosity, she scorned it because while she could now fight in the arena, if she won in the future it would be thanks to him and not from her own ability. Muttering to herself, she stood up and left Coliseum to get away from everyone staring at her.




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