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Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies

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1Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies Empty Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies 29/12/14, 09:54 pm

Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies Azix1_zpsfafd8213
Djinn: Cimeies
Type: Sword
Theme: Plague
Chant: "O' Djinn of Plague and Pestilence, create a catalyst of change that infects corruption. Lend me the power to purify the world anew. Spread, Cimeies!"
Flight: 15m/s
Cost: 20|10
Cool-Down: 8 posts
Appearance: The sword is a silver blade that is forty-two inches (1.06m) long from the pommel to the tip. The blade is thirty-three (83.82cm) long with a sharp curve at the end. Carved down the hilt in an intricate design, anacondas trail around the sword and taper off into jagged thorns. Sickly green lettering in a foreign language glows along the ridge of the blade.

Azix's body becomes wrapped in a dark green armor from the neck down. A sickly green cloth is wrapped around his waist with a black belt overtop it. The belt glows a similar sickly green as the cloth with chains that hang to his knees. Along each wrist is a metal bracer that matches the rest of his armor. Azix's skin gains a greenish tint and a third eye appears on his forehead, surrounded in a green mist.

Djinn Equip Ability:

2Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies Empty Re: Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies 29/12/14, 10:50 pm



Approved (for training). If Ariella is fine with it.

[b]Djinn:[/b] Cimeies
[b]Type:[/b] Sword
[b]Theme:[/b] Plague
[b]Chant:[/b] "O' Djinn of Plague and Pestilence, create a catalyst of change that infects corruption. Lend me the power to purify the world anew. Spread, Cimeies!"
[b]Flight:[/b] 15m/s
[b]Cost:[/b] 20|10
[b]Cool-Down:[/b] 8 posts
[b]Appearance:[/b] The sword is a silver blade that is forty-two inches (1.06m) long from the pommel to the tip. The blade is thirty-three (83.82cm) long with a sharp curve at the end. Carved down the hilt in an intricate design, anacondas trail around the sword and taper off into jagged thorns. Sickly green lettering in a foreign language glows along the ridge of the blade.

Azix's body becomes wrapped in a dark green armor from the neck down. A sickly green cloth is wrapped around his waist with a black belt overtop it. The belt glows a similar sickly green as the cloth with chains that hang to his knees. Along each wrist is a metal bracer that matches the rest of his armor. Azix's skin gains a greenish tint and a third eye appears on his forehead, surrounded in a green mist.

[spoiler="Djinn Equip Ability"]
[b]Name:[/b] Cimej Kodomo
[b]Tier:[/b] A-Tier
[b]Djinn:[/b] Cimeies
[b]Cost:[/b] 20 magoi
[b]Type:[/b] Plague
[b]Class:[/b] Offensive
[b]Range:[/b] 40 meters
[b]Duration:[/b] Sustained
[b]Cool-Down:[/b] 3 posts
[b]Description:[/b] The user encourages a nearby bacterium to grow sixty centimeters in size. The bacterium can be directed within forty meters of the user at 25 m/s. It can also explode at the user's will  to create a plague mist with a volume of between 15x15x15m and 25x25x25m. Anybody within the mist is infected with a plague that causes the victim's body to slowly decay and lasts for 4 posts, dealing C-tier damage each post. Those affected by the plague also have their ability speeds reduced by half and their reaction times doubled.

[b]*This ability costs half of the Magoi a regular ability of that tier would cost, and it automatically has a cool-down of 3 posts*[/b][/spoiler]

3Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies Empty Re: Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies 29/12/14, 11:20 pm

Ariella Negri

Ariella Negri

looks good to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

4Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies Empty Re: Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies 31/12/14, 08:09 pm

Azix Niraj

Azix Niraj

5Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies Empty Re: Djinn Equip Ace|Cimeies 31/12/14, 08:20 pm

Ariella Negri

Ariella Negri

approved and added to your vault~

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