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The Heart of Horuss

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1The Heart of Horuss Empty The Heart of Horuss 30/06/18, 01:44 am



  • [URL=Enter URL to Character app post (Post 2)]Character Sheet[/url]

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Last edited by Horuss on 07/07/18, 05:17 am; edited 1 time in total

2The Heart of Horuss Empty Re: The Heart of Horuss 30/06/18, 01:44 am



The Heart of Horuss 9b6790a310e224e86e101d179c481c87
Country Affiliation:Heliohapt
Age + Birthdate: 19 years of age, December 17
Horuss is an extremely introverted individual, sticks to the back streets, and doesn’t like the most amount of attention attracted to him. When faced with conflict its his first instinct to the turn the other way, forgive and forget. On a normal basis he prefers reading quietly and practicing his swordsmanship, never does he go out looking to start trouble or cause problems for anyone. He’s very protective about the people and things he cares about and will do anything to protect them and keep them out of harm's way.

He doesn’t like violence or combat, but when it is the only option it’s his last resort. A very caring person on a daily basis you can find him helping those who truly need it such as the homeless or the less fortunate. A true bookworm and an intelligent individual, but not the kind of person to correct you on the spot. He sits back and observes enemies and allies all the same knowing that knowledge is the best weapon.

Honor is the most respectable quality of a man, and justice is its weapon words that he truly lives by believing in all things right and that it is his physical responsibility as a man to eliminate all things wrong with the world. His goal peace and the thing he strives for most in the world...he’ll do cut down anyone or anything that stands in the way of that goal.

Swordsmanship: The beauty and the time that it takes to master someone's sword craft fascinate Horuss it’s a driving force in his life to understand and be a master of his blade.
Food: Never will he admit it but Horuss enjoys fine wine and dining a great meal with the right bottle to go with it appeals to the more boujee side of his personality.
Crime: Crime or criminals, neither bode well with Horuss from past experiences he believes that anyone who seeks to do wrong should be eliminated.
Filth: A true neat freak everything has to be in order both physically and mentally to allow for Horuss to think properly.

Aspirations: He seeks to be the best swordsman in the land, and have the strength to stand against everything in that aligns with the side against justice. His goal is to right the wrongs done in Heliophat, the wrongs of which were done by his fathar and bring justice to the people, and pay the debts of his mother and right the past sins of his father. Horuss seeks to be the best swordsman in the land, and have the strength to accomplish all that he wishes to accomplishes. Justice and balance are the two things Horuss aspires for and hopefully at the end of his journey he wishes for himself a life of luxury knowing that all in the world is right.

Phobias/fears:Fear of Inadequacy - Ever since he was born all Horuss can remember is chasing. Chasing after his brothers and hoping that his feats compared to theres in the slightest, and that at the end of each and every day that his parents would look at him with the same love and passion they look at his siblings with so over his childhood Horuss developed a fear of never being enough for anyone in his life and that his the reason he strives for perfection in each and every aspect of it.
Face-Claim:Anubis(Pinterest Artist)
Hair Color:Gray
Eye Color:Green
Appearance: Grey shoulder length hair, that occasionally obstructs his face. Bright green eyes that can be spotted from across the room. Normally Horuss can be found in white robes that leave a large portion of his chest showing. Silver rings across his hands, along with one gold chain hanging down his neck that bears the symbol of protection known as the Eye of Horus his namesake.
Opened toed shoes are a custom for him no matter the climate or immediate weather conditions. His body language is very laid back no matter the situation, never truly standing to his full height as to not intimidate anyone he comes in to contact with. A smile is regularly found across his face, clear skin and always freshly bathed.
Rukh Alignment:White Rukh

Special Features:Horuss has to dog ears atop his head in place of normal human ears, this being caused from having life magic experience on him, over the years Horuss has never requested to have them removed having grown fond of them. Though Horuss still hears at the human level and the ears do not provide him with an auditory benefit.

History: Raised in the household of a Heliohapt noble, yet his birth was not as honest as his father's political position. Nobility his father was yet he was not perfect for one his concubines laid pregnant and the child was Horuss. He was to be raised no different than the other children yet the whole household knew he did not belong. His father was Set the Crooked a man of nobility mostly known for most of the behind the scenes illegal work in Heliohapt. His mother though was a different story for she was not born of nobility yet was a simple girl who had been traded in as payment at a young age to serve as payment for her father's debts.

Though she never liked her life she did find favor in the eyes of Set, so he freed her and allowed for he to stay in his household, and along with her life went her old name from that moment on she was known as Ebony. Horuss however never had a cinderella childhood for his father couldn’t show him affection believing that it would be to show a sign of weakness having his subjects see that he cared for a bastard child as much as one of his illegitimate children, so as a result he kept his distance. Never in his life had Horuss had his father's attention for the slightest of moments. When Set had laid his eyes on retirement he divided up his household and gave a portion to each of his seven sons yet the portion that was set aside for Horuss paled in comparison to those of the others. Though this didn’t matter Horuss had found someone in his life he loved more than anyone else.

Michael his father's bodyguard. Since he could walk Horuss wished to swing a sword and all thanks to Michael this became a reality. Michael trained Horuss in all aspects of swordsmanship and most importantly he informed him in what really makes a good man great. Yet this happiness was short lived Michael was slain while protecting Set from an attempted assassination now all to remember him bye is his blade.

Role-Play Sample:
As the sun rose so did Horuss, out of his bed and into his daily attire. All the while the scent of sweet flowers filling the air, even did he think that the joy that fills him currently would ever be a present aspect of his life, not after the passing of Michael. For Michael was the only father figure he ever knew, he taught him how to hold a blade, and how to kill with it but most important he taught him how to be a man and what it means to do right by others.
Michael instilled in Horus the qualities of justice and those qualities breathe within him forever. All those thoughts passed through his head as Horuss trimmed the roses, and it was set to be a perfect day to he heard the loud clang of metal against each other. When arriving at the balcony his suspicions had been assured the men of Heliohapt prepare for war.

3The Heart of Horuss Empty Re: The Heart of Horuss 07/07/18, 05:18 am




  • Primary - Warrior
  • Secondary -
  • Tertiary -



4The Heart of Horuss Empty Re: The Heart of Horuss 07/07/18, 05:18 am



D-tier Abilities
Honed Edge
Tier: C-Tier
Class: Warrior
Type: Offensive
Range: Close
Requirements/Drawbacks: The opponent must be within sword length of the users weapon.
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 2 turn
Cost: 20 Stamina
Description: The users ability with the sword is in full display. The user performs a downward diagonal cut to the target that will deal C-Tier damage.

Tier: D-Tier
Class: Warrior
Type: Supplementary
Range: Close
Requirements/Drawbacks: The requirements are that the user has a visual comfrimation of the target that it wishes to get closer to. The user takes a runners stance before he can activate the ability.
Scaling: Range
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 1
Cost: 10 staminia
Description: When activated the veins in the users legs swole and the user becomes incredibly nimble and light on their feet.For one post after using the Boost ability the user can only move in a 5 meter range of the target it boosted too. The user must take a runners stance before he can activate the ability. A runners stance qualifies as anything where his hands are touching the ground to get maximum momentum.

Hot Sting
Tier: D-Tier
Class: Warrior
Type: Offensive
Range: Close
Requirements/Drawbacks: The requirements are that the user must be in sword length of the target it is trying to hit.
Scaling: Damage
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 1 post
Cost: 10 Staminia
Description: The user thrusts the sword in an upwards motion performing a straight cut that deals D-Tier damage

Tier: D-Tier
Class: Warrior
Type: Defensive
Requirements/Drawbacks: The user must see the attack coming and have his weapon unsheathed.
Scaling: Hit
Sustain: 0
Cool Down: 1
Cost: 10
Description: The user utilizes their weapon gripping it with both hands to defend against incoming attacks. The user can deflect D-Tier damage, but will not be able to deflect attacks of a non-physical nature.

C-tier Abilities

B-tier Abilities

A-tier Abilities

Omega-tier Abilities

Beast Abilities

Djinn Related Abilities

Social Abilities

Last edited by Horuss on 07/07/18, 06:59 am; edited 1 time in total

5The Heart of Horuss Empty Re: The Heart of Horuss 07/07/18, 05:20 am



The Heart of Horuss C17a70ce12b724b2e9001279f729cf15
Name: Grimfrost
Tier: D-Tier
Type: Double Edged Sword
Material: Imperial Steel
Appearance: Two solid pieces of metal, the blade and the hilt are made out of imperial steel. The hue of the blade is so bright that even in some instances in the right lighting it shines almost too brightly. The blade measures 106.68cm(3 ½ feet) in length and is 6.35 cm(2 ½ inches) in thickness. the hilt is 20.43cm(8 inches) and 7.62cm(3 inches) in diameter.



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