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Legends Can Be Born.... As Devils [Orie Training A To Omega]

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The pain of knowing where this world was ending in the future, as well as Lagi’s newly appointed role in stopping it. However, he didn’t feel like himself, he felt a bit different. There were still things that he had to get used to, both mentally and physically. Losing El Drago was one of the mental things that stood as a weight in his heart. However, it was probably necessary for what he was about to do. “It couldn’t be helped, I just have to bear through it….” Lagi would mumble to himself in his new quarters in the Dark Hand stronghold. To be perfectly honest, it ran a little similar to how Lagi used to be apart of the unity corps. The hierarchy was different, but Lagi already proved himself not to be a pushover that could be easily trifled with. He needed them, and they needed him. All was for the sake of the master coming back, and that was the only way that the world could possibly be saved. “…..” Orie was basically on Lagi’s shoulder, looking round and experimenting with her new body. Lagi could feel it as well, she could become stronger, she just needed something more. “She's not ready, you know? There is so much more to do, so much more power to gain. As of now, Oriana still doesn’t compare to the power you used to have, the power that made you...formidable.....”

The Dark Hand’s magician appeared once more, only known to Lagi as the priest. “ You still haven’t told me your name. “ The man waved his finger at Lagi with a grin, showing teeth that looked quite a bit like fangs. “Well where's the fun in that if I was to reveal everything? As you complete trials, and prove your worth to go all the way, maybe there would be a need to know my name, for I’m in charge until the master is reborn. Remember the vision, I did not lie. Something Is coming…..not only Reim will fall… and there are things that you have to do that’s quite the time sensitive project… former king. Hahahahaa….” Lagi took out his blade and pointed it to the throat of priest. "Time is what we don’t have. Is there something more that we need?" The preist slowly moved the blade away as he moved over to a window that showed the main hall of the base. The imagery was pretty vivid, showing a dragon's carcass with a bit of flesh that was molded into an orb. It was obvious that it was what remained of El Drago, but it was unclear as to what they were doing with it. " Can't you leave the dead alone?" He wanted revenge, even if he knew why El Drago was killed. But who did he truly seek revenge against? Was it the Dark Hand? Or himself?

The Master has brought you a gift, but it's not finished. You know of it, how legend are born. There are multiple ways for them to exist in this world besides simply "existing. " The carcass of a legend beast, did you know the secrets to its magic?" Lagi sat down with a girm look on his face. "For dragonkin, the skeletal system is basically carved from each and every inch, of the magic type sigil that they command. That's why the skeleton glows and even feels alive, even though the beast has soon deceased. What are you trying to make with this?"

The brought up a piece of paper to show Lagi. "An occurian crystal, a magical essence of a legend beast that can give birth to a new legend beast, with the right power source. " Lagi understood one of the many points of his roles, he was one of the many few that was capable of creating the same power source that was used to power the shrouded isle. " So you're making a farm of legend beasts then, is that it?" The priest shook his head as he pointed to Lagi. " We just need to finish Orianna to give you a considerable amount of power. With the master still asleep, there is only me, you, and a few dark hand lieutenants. The question here is simple, Lagi El Nagi. How many are you willing to kill? "




The first thing that needed to be created was the power source in itself, was shaped like a gray heart, only to be manipulated and affected by the amount of lives it devoured in order to power it. "Fine, but were going to do this on my terms." So for about a few days, Lagi decided to scarcely share the information that would supposedly be used to help create the cube in the first place. The strange cube with the mechanics of a beating heart, something that was truly powered by sacrifice. In the meantime, with it's creation, Orie was told to be dormant and submissive, not to move without being commanded or ordered by the beast master himself. She listened, regardless of her true feelings of wanting to be more out, bearing more of a presence to protect who she considered as her true king, her true master. However, for her to gain this power, all she had to do was continue to wait.

After about a week of the crafting, the "Sacrifices" were brought in. They were the leeway that lagi had initiated, men and women who weren't free of sin. They varied from the local thug, to the natural lying politician. It even ranged from the local slave owner and his guards, and even those of the alchemists that lagi truly hates at the bottom of his heart. How they were captured bu the dark hand, it was unknown. All that was mentioned was the methods of how the unseen hand had function, an attack that everyone feared, and only a few understood. However, while Lagi worked, the priest did as well. "This is only but a sample of what you have to do in order to bring the master back. The same method is going to be used in order to power the source for it's one time use in order to involve the legend beast. Listen carefully, for this is the choice you decided. " For once, the Preist seemed to give some kind of warning. "You had a choice of either the innocence or the sins of man, and the conversion of the rukh absorbed by their lives will be as black as the night sky, in order to power the source, which will power the carcass holder, evolving Orie and exposing her. As well as exposing yourself to the change you brought upon with the lives that you are willing to take. The symbiosis of death, will resonate with you, you killed before, but this is an inner legend beast who will thrive off of the lives it used to become "complete". Will you move forward for the completion of the Zetal Authority? Will you become the devil for the other Devils that share this world with the rest of us? A Herald of the master himself that chose you?"

Lagi was silent, possibly thinking about the man's words. It was different from killing. Lagi will be using this god forsaken power source, drenching it with black rukh and by proxy, taking on the personal sins of every person they kidnapped in stasis for the sake of killing them. " I chose them for a reason, regardless of how physical, mental, or superficial it is, I choose... to expose myself to the sins of the order to transcend beyond them. I am not a god..... I don’t see myself as such... but.... if your vision is true.. No one has to take on this burden, one but me is capable of taking on this burden.




"Priest....release their stasis..........."   The priest raised his eyes from above, a few of the members of the dark hand were on standby. "Oh, was you going to ask for help or do it yourself?"   Lagi shook his  head as  laced the cube down in the middle of the area, rooting it in place. It holds no bearing or meaning if it was all done for Lagi, it was something that he had to do by himself.  The priest didn’t care, he still wanted to entertain himself by seeing how the king would do since getting back on his feet. "It certainly has been a while, feeling a little rusty? Maybe this will help....." The unknown stasis effect was unleashed, reanimating all of the  people there, however, they seemed a bit groggy and sick There movements were sluggish, almost as if they were going through some after effects of the  stasis. It didn’t really matter to Lagi, they were people that were going to die. Breaking the stasis was to give them a fighting chance, even if they would be a bit deliberated to do so. Utilizing Elegian Rage,  Lagi quickly went after the more intimidating of the group, the experts themselves. Targeting the alchemists was a smart move, because he managed to kill a few of them with the continuous stream.  However, it seemed that  one of them had a borg in place, which immediately destroyed their protection. "Not  bad, thought it was to be a massacre? "  Lagi would say as he shook his hand out and threw a molten punch with his gauntlet at a quickened pace. The  others were gathering their baring while Lagi was occupied with the magician.

The magician herself threw an A rank ice block at Lagi, which exploded and evaporated into a smog like substance after making contact with the gauntlet. "  Orie...."The weapon of mass destruction finally awoken, realizing that her master was in danger. "EAHHHHH!"  Orie took the delayed second of the shroud in order to  form her tentacle cannon. Lagi rushed into  the direction of the slave master and his guards, staying at the appropriate distance of the technique. They seemed to have some sort of magical tools or weapons at their disposal, but Lagi wasn't going to let  that happen. "Oh no you don’t!" The cannon fired at the slave master and the group preemptively. The goop traveled and spread about 7 meters in diameter, burning at the flesh to inflict b tier damage and eat through the  A rank or lower magical items and tool. The splash was so great that it even got a few others that were near the victims that were currently being burned alive, acidic droplets burning through the magical tools as well. "Shit..." A few of them looked nervous and worried, now being defenseless against Orie and lagi. Even the magician that was nearby, her wand was destroyed.  However, she could still see all of the black rukh converging in the middle , all as if it was going to one lone power source.  

While the magician was in awe, Orie generated an acidic tail and continued the killing, waving around the dangerous appendage and striking down each and every group as Lagi maneuvered around to get close.  Once they lost a limb, the acidic properties continued to burn through their flesh, powering the cube. The last person left was the magician, who tried to beg for her life. However, she realized she couldn’t speak, as the acidic properties continued to burn through her vocal cords and melt through the very essence of her heart in a slow and excruciating way. Out of all of the  sacrifices, it could be very apparent that her death was the most painful. The last thing she saw was the rukh converging to the power source, all up to the point of watching her own darkness join the converging stream as her life ended, the world around her going as dark as her spirit.  

They were all dead, and nothing was truly left. Smoldering skeletons laid about the lobby as a decoration, with the black glow of the unholy heart being fully powered by the stolen essence of their rukh. Evil was sacrificed for the sake of more evil, a poetic justice unknown to most.  Lagi picked up the beating unholy heart, making his way into the cocoon. The priest was actually surprised to see such a massacre, wondering  the results of truly unleashing this man with their prized possession. The fruits of their labor, the results of their studies, it only ever animated with the perfect partner.  

It was a different experience to hold the power source in his hand. The moral weight of the people he killed, it was as if he could still hear their screams. It was as if they existed, but didn't, all at the same time. A dual existence of death and eternal suffering, while being perceived by one to the touch. It was the reason why it was forbidden, but it was also the reason why the power source was so powerful. It took the mental fortitude of a man who has suffered such torments before, regardless of the circumstances. Each step felt like a mile as it stayed in his possession, Orie remained in auto pilot in order to support the movement of Lagi's body. This was their ordeal, something they were doing together.  "It's ready......"  The bone like structure was a cocoon of some sorts, along with a square shaped hole. There was also another entry way, possibly where the legend beast prospect was to go. The way it floated, it was if it had an existence all of itself. Plenty of the listed original magic types was there, along with carved in bone. However, the only thing that lit up was one section, the yellow one that had the symbol for lighting. "The Occurian Crystal..."
Legends Can Be Born.... As Devils [Orie Training  A To Omega] 0283aec6557664fdbd0c672668699622

The priest nodded as he pointed. "Prep the crystal, and evolve the Zetal Authority. " Lagi held the power source in his hand, walking slowly to the middle of the sect. "Ok......" He placed the  power source in, which immediately turned the occurian crystal into a more blackish color. The symbol for the unknown variable of darkness began to light up. Lagi had no real idea of what it meant but the easiest thing that Lagi could compare it to was alignment.  Orie came outside of Lagi and looked up to him. "Orie, this is it. You'll finally be, what you was always meant to be. " Orie looked up to Lagi as if she understood what he wanted from her, but she still looked a little bit sad. "Don’t worry, we will be together again. You're my partner now, you're all I have........what I have to do now, I can't do this without you." Orie then nodded and then entered the  crystal from the entryway.  However it didn't activate as of yet. "No, my king, this is something that you have to participate in as well. Oriana is a symbiotic, very social, relationship based . "Lagi then looked over to orie and called her, who quickly went inside of Lagi as he entered the 10 meter chamber.

"Regardless...a sight to behold!! A man of potential legend, bathed in the blood of a legend! Creating a legend, through the darkness of countless unholy lives, spurned and tortured by the power source. All of what you done...all of what you are!!! A new legend begins this very moment!!! The true bond of man and beast..myth to legend!!! The probable relationship of tamers, the very meaning of domination itself.

The crystal turned pitch black as the swirling of the energy of the power source  enveloped the  occurian crystal, inside and out. Black electricity sparked, the stitching essence of magic, and beginning of legends itself, all inside of the blackness of the cocoon.  

The vision replayed for Lagi once more, the reason behind why he's doing this. The mettle of his resolve, lied within the dark hand itself. The master was strong, and uncontrollable. It was resurrected alone, the explosion would engulf the majority of the  western front and Reim. One of the many god's of destruction, uncontrollable, unhinged.  But not even them, the other force that was coming to target humanity, the prediction of what the other organizations might do, which could spell doom for so many he cared about. It would all go to shit, all of it. It wasn’t good enough to simply react, becoming the cause and effect, becoming the problem and the solution, he needed enough to grasp his own dark hand on the possible fate of this world.  

"If I was the only evil, there would be no need for good.... " Was it possible? Who knew? But he had to try. Out of all the sacrifices he committed, his dragon, those people into eternal suffering, his true sacrifice was himself.  An equivalent darkness was needed in order to influence the master. That was one less danger if he kept this organization tame, he knew how strong it was. However, he lost Le Drago, as well as his dark djinn a long time ago. He needed more power, he needed more power than what he had. Regardless if anyone understood , Lagi's revelaition was simple enough to him. To accept the fate of  a probable future was what white rukh was, so many thing he couldn't be able to stop if he let it be as it did. Lagi rejected it, he still believed it could be changed, it could be prevented, the crime and evil could be controlled, atleast to a degree that defies the original fate.  

An evil among all defy evil... the contradicting curse of Lagi El Nagi. "Evil truly needs to exist, as per balance. But....can evil...can black rukh truly save the world?"

The orb came down hard, the collision with the floor  made it explode into a blinding light of magic, as well as another phenomenon. After it happened, there was silence that came with the black smog, as well as an inhuman roar.  A being of human height, along with a set of faceless faces, bearing the color of white.  The sparking electricity of the beast was innumerable, evolving further beyond into a biological substance of power.  Like many legend beasts, in a way, they were gods. Orie has finally become one, but what of the man she bonded to? The man she stood behind? The man that came along with her "rebirth"?

"Lagi ….." The priest would say to the man with a new expression of respect. "Have you too..become a god?"  

The end of man, and the beginning of something else......

-To Be Continued-



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