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I have something thats "BLACK" [PART I/TRAINING/CLOSED]

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Tai Black

Tai Black

Tai was flat out inside of his sheets. Still having to keep an eye on the outsider. Sometimes he wished he never interfered with the man. Living up to his Imuchakk code given to him by the Chieftain Asiak herself. Its been a few days or months since he had been allowed to join the tribe, and that mean't Tai didn't have to keep watching him all the time. Most of the people were starting to trust him already. Tai couldn't even sneak away to get freaky with the women of Imuchakk.

He raised his upper body looking towards the man not in the sheets. That must've meant he left. Thank god this man couldn't run away, because if he did Tai would've been the next leg Asiak was eating. As he dressed himself walking out the village. Tai was gonna go do his monthly slash weekly training. He was becoming strong and this was the way to make it become enhanced. The white snow fell from the sky soaring down in the sky. He looked towards the depths of the tundra.

Something had appeared this morning which arose into the sky. It was amazing and rumored across the tribe known as a Dungeon. Tai wanted to go inside of it, but he didn't know what awaited him inside such humongous area. He found himself to be walking with his spear on his back. A footprint was made for each step inside of the snow. On his way towards his training spot. He prepared several humongous logs to strap around his shoulders with a rope. This was his test of strength going up a hill with a nasty blizzard smacking him.

Tai strapped the log around his shoulders as he began to pull them. He was struggling just a little bit, but he continued to take his steps one by one. His shirt was off trying to see if the snow and ice would make him become cold. Since being a halfling he is capable of resisting cold, but he wants to see if it can be broken as well. The logs were special prepared for him. He payed one of the warriors to chop down a few logs for him. This was just the start of his training as he continued to walk up the snowy hill.

It was high, but that didn't really phase him at all. The blizzard began to smack him left and right. It was heavy so the flakes felt like tiny thumb tac's. The snow was coming fast rising what was beneath. He had to hurry up or either be buried like the Sabertooth Warriors. Tai found his foot going back and forth for each step he took. For some reason the snow still didn't phase him as he continued to his destination. The Logs were so heavy coming up the hill, but he pushed on. Tai wanted to go inside that dungeon, but that wasn't gonna happen until he was strong enough….

He continued up the hill nearly at the tip. As the blizzard gave it all it could to knock him down. He rolled down the hill, but stopped himself before going any further. He was so serious as his hand print was left into the snow continuing up the hill. Finally as his feet touched the tip finishing this with no problem. One by one he let the logs go down like carts going down a hill. He jumped down onto a log as well going down the hill. It caused him to stop reaching the end, but flipping into the snow head first. He took his head out looking at the logs…His muscles and shoulders were tired and he could hardly lift or drag anymore.

He walked back towards his home with a mission well done….


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