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Getting on the Guards Good Side.

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Altair Loros

Altair Loros

Street Rats:

"You want me to what?" Altair asked. He wasn't sure he had heard the guard correctly when he said, "I want you to go into the outskirts of town, and flush out some child bandits." Altair sighed. "That's what i thought you said. How old are these kids anyways? Are they that big of a problem that you would send someone after them?" The guard simply nodded and said, "They are old enough to be causing trouble. And that's the job, so get going." The guard gave Altair a small push, before returning to his post. Altair sighed again. how much trouble could a couple of kids possibly be?

Altair spent most of the day searching the random outcroppings of the city's outskirts for any sign of kids living there, but found none. Tired and hungry, he left the search for the next day and headed into town to get some food. He entered a pub called "Vicks", which smelled surprisingly nice, and settled down at a table. He ordered a drink and a sandwich and waited for the bartender to make it. Outside however, he heard some kind of commotion. He got up from his chair and went to take a look outside.


Altair Loros

Altair Loros

To his surprise, his prey had come to him. A couple of teenagers all dressed in black were robbing the market next door. Altair yelled at the bartender to cancel his order, received a grumpy yell in return, and ran for the market. Once there, he pulled out his rod and hid behind a kiosk. As the thieves left, Altair tripped the last one, and grappled him. His "friends" apparently didn't think getting caught was in their best interest, and simply left him behind. The boy struggled, but Altair wouldn't relent. Finally after a few minutes of struggling, the boy conceded. Altair tied the boy to a post and began asking questions of the boy. "So. My name is Altair. And since i caught you fair and square, you are going to answer my questions, Ok?" The boy didn't respond. "Good. Now, first question of course is why did you do it? Why do you do any of it? Stealing from people, hurting them. What do you get out of it?" The boy remained quiet for a long time before finally saying, "It's so we can eat." This answer was nothing new to Altair. He had heard it many times before from other homeless kids. "Ok. Why don't you get jobs to make money? Doesn't that sound like a better plan?" The boy suddenly snapped back with, "That would be great if anyone would hire a dirty orphan! You adults just don't understand." That response surprised Altair. Not the subject matter, but the venom in which the boy said it. it was clear that he had been through a lot. "I'll tell you what. you tell me where the rest of your friends are, and i promise to help you guys as much as i can. Does that sound like a deal?" The boy sat there, obstinate. Altair just kept looking at him until he finally responded with, "Fine. Do what you want. Just let me go first to tell them not to hurt you." Altair smiled. "I can agree to that. So, Where are they?"


Altair Loros

Altair Loros

Altair gave the boy a headstart of about an hour before he left to go to the kid's "base" as they called it. He didn't believe for a second that the boy had told them not to hurt him. And so Altair held his rod at his side, ready for whatever may come. He walked into a dark alley, and ducked under a pile of broken wooden beams, that for some reason were still holding the structure up. "Hello? It's Altair, i've come to talk to you. Are you there?" For a moment there was nothing. And then five figures emerged from the shadows, dressed in black and wielding rusted swords and daggers. They encircled Altair, and then rushed him, swords pointed forwards to impale him from all sides. Altair Quivered, and then used his Bear Killing Technique to knock out the first boy, and at the same time get the others all on the same side of him. the two boys in front then rushed him, but Altair was ready. He used his Jackal Killing technique to strike each boy twice in their joints, causing them to fall to the ground defeated. Suddenly Altair felt a sharp pain down his flank. While he was distracted with the second and third boy, a fourth had circled around and cut his leg with a dagger. The boy made two more strikes at Altair, which were easily deflected using his Wasps Dance Technique. Altair took him down with a quick strike to the solar plexus with his rod. The last boy made a wild yell, and ran at Altair with his blade raised high. Altair Uppercut him, causing him to let go of his blade, and then jabbed him in the stomach, downing him. Altair looked around, but found no other assailants. He then clutched his leg, which while the cut was deep, was not too severe. It hurt like hell to walk on though.

Moves Used:
Magoi/Stamina: 110


Altair Loros

Altair Loros

Altair picked up one of the boys by the scruff and looked at him. The boy looked like he was about to cry. And to the boy's surprise, Altair gave him a hug. "I'm sorry that the world has hurt you. But rest assured, i will do whatever i can to help you survive." Altair then helped the boys up, and talked to them for a while. He made a promise to them that they could always come to him for help, and that in turn, they would do their best to stay out of trouble. He would find them work, and vouch for them, and generally help them get back on their feet. Altair then left the base happy that he could help them at all.


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