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A Bronze Bulwark[Crafting]

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1A Bronze Bulwark[Crafting] Empty A Bronze Bulwark[Crafting] 05/04/23, 04:49 am



Job Name: A Bronze Bulwark
Job Rank: B
Job Location: Reim
Job Reward: 15k Huang |200xp [Bronze Shield Upgraded into Magic Tool]
Job Prerequisites: Magic Tool Researcher
Job Overview: After a brief use in the Coliseum of Reim Zion found the bronze shield reliable. Rather than part with the training weapon, he decides to upgrade it and turn it into a magic tool that could further serve him in battle. Using all of his insights into Light, Strength, and Clairvoyance Magic types Zion adds a magic circle to the Bronze Shield intended to stop enemy attacks in their tracks.  and renames it into the "Confounding Gate" to better suit its new form and power.

Zion stood in the middle of his workshop, his gaze fixed on the bronze shield that he had used in the coliseum during his training as a warrior. Breaker had recommended the shield to him as he thought it would compliment the young fighter's style. It had served him well, blocking countless blows from his opponent's weapon, and providing ample cover in the heat of battle. The trials he had put it through had left its surface covered in dents and nicks, but careful maintenance kept its face shining with a reflective sheen. For a training weapon, the shield was surprisingly sturdy, and its weight was just right for him to handle with ease. It had proved itself to be a reliable tool, and Zion knew that he could not part with it.

As he observed the shield, he began to think of ways to enhance its capabilities. He knew that he had the skills to create a magic tool out of it, one that could aid him in battle and give him an edge over his opponents. The thought of turning the shield into a magic tool excited him, and he knew that it would be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. As he stood there viewing his own reflection in the surface of the shield inspiration struck the young magic tool craftsman.

Zion walked over to his design desk and pulled out a blank parchment. He began sketching out different designs for the magic circle that he would need to create in order to bring his imagination to life. He focused on his insights into Perfect Illusion magic as it was most ideal for what he had in mind and thought about how he could infuse those elements into the magic circle. He scribbled furiously, his hands moving across the parchment with ease. Several circles were mocked up as drafts as he had learned from past tools that there were often unforeseen issues with his first few attempts. Each circle was more complex and thorough than the last.

As he sketched, Zion's mind drifted to the country of Reim, the bustling metropolis of Remano that he had called home for the past while. He had arrived here nearly two years ago, fleeing from the troubles brought upon him by his nemesis and other enemies made along the way. But he had not simply hidden himself. During his time here he was always seeking new challenges and opportunities to hone his craft. The city with its grand architecture, bustling markets, and impressive coliseum seemed strange to him at first. It was a city of contrasts, where the rich and powerful rubbed shoulders with the poor and downtrodden. But it was one that had ultimately been a sage harbor from the storms that followed him. It was almost time to leave now and he hoped the Bronze Shield could accompany him in his future travels with the addition of the new magic circle.

Zion looked up from his design desk and gazed around his workshop. It was a simple yet functional space, filled with raw materials that he had collected over time. There were piles of metal ingots, stacks of wood, and rows of glass vials filled with various substances. He had acquired these materials through his travels and by scouring the markets of Reim, always on the lookout for something that could aid him in his craft. Some of these materials would not normally be worked with together, but Zion had his own methods for making such miracles.

As Zion surveyed his surroundings, his mind made up, he decided that he would begin work on the shield. He would pour his skills, insights, and knowledge into the task, creating a magic tool that would be worthy of his abilities. He expected the work would be difficult, but rewarding should he ultimately succeed. But he had spent all day working on the magic circles and before he knew it night had fallen. Not wanting to make an error due to fatigue, the magician retired to his bed for the night and got himself some rest. In the morning, he would begin the work in earnest.

The next morning, Zion began his work on the shield with renewed determination. The first task was to test out the various magic circle designs he had made. One by one, he activated the circles filling them with magoi and observing the results. The first few he had made were filled with obvious flaws but as he got to the latter half of drafts it was clear that the formulae were becoming more and more refined. He sketched out a new circle based on all the previous knowledge gained from his trials. At last, he was satisfied.

The eager magic tool craftsman picked up his Magic Smith's Hammer, a crystalline-faced hammer that rang out with a bell-like tone when it struck objects. Despite its appearance, the hammer's face was durable, like good steel, and allowed Zion to use Molding Magic to mold his target as he wished and etch a magic circle into its surface. It was the first magic tool he had ever made and now it was his reliable partner in the pursuit of making new ones.

With the Magic Smith's Hammer in hand, Zion filled it with magoi began to mold the bronze shield according to his imagination. The hammer's Molding Magic allowed him to shape the shield with ease requiring merely one single strike in order to alter the shape of his target freely according to his will. The process was quick, and after just one strike, the shield was already taking on a new shape which included the final magic circle he had settled upon. The circle had been carved into the outer edge of the shield on the inside face where it would be presumably safe from damage. Zion smiled, feeling pleased with his progress.

But Zion's work wasn't done yet. He also wanted to infuse the shield with a unique property that would set it apart from any other shield. To do this, he picked up a few ingots of silver and a stack of glass shards that he had collected and carefully measured out the right amount of each. He then placed the materials onto the shield and then used the Magic Smith's Hammer to strike the it. Molding magic spread out over all the materials and shield, fusing the silver and glass into its structure.

The result was a new alloy that had unique properties. When struck, the shield now produced a bell-like resonance that reverberated through the air. It was similar to the face of his hammer, with a crystalline appearance, albeit much more opaque. Zion was pleased with the effect and knew that it would give him an edge in battle. With the magic circle etched into the surface of the shield and the new alloy infused into its structure, Zion knew that he had created a powerful tool that was worthy of his abilities.

Zion spent the rest of the day putting the finishing touches on the shield, polishing it to a reflective sheen, and carefully testing it out. The shield felt different in his hands, lighter yet stronger, and more responsive. He was eager to test it out in battle and see what it could do. With the Magic Smith's Hammer in hand, Zion knew that he could create powerful magic tools that would aid him in his adventures. This Bronze Shield would be one of those tools. No, it wasn't made of Bronze anymore was it? Nodding to himself, Zion decided on a new name for the shield. The Confounding Gate.

With his newly upgraded Confounding Gate, Zion set out into the wilderness in search of a formidable creature to put it to the test. He had heard rumors of a monstrous beast that roamed the area far to the south west of Remano, a rhinoceros-like creature that stood 4 meters tall and was known for its ferocious and territorial nature. It would make the perfect test subject for the Confounding Gate's new powers. With a step, the Storm Kitsune took off into the skies and flew towards his destination at top speed feeling excited to try out his new magic tool.

Given his speed, mere hours passed as Zion flew above the wilderness, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger. Finally, he spotted the creature in a clearing ahead, its massive form silhouetted against the grassy plains it was grazing upon. Zion landed not too far away from the beast right in its line of sight and approached cautiously, readying his shield as the creature charged towards him. Just as it was about to collide with him, he raised the shield and activated its Mirror Blinding ability. A perfect illusion copy of the creature emerged from the reflective face of the shield and matched its charge. With a loud crash the two beasts collided, one real and one magical.

The beast stumbled back, the blow of its own force meeting it head on had rendered the creature dazed and confused. Why did the puny human suddenly turn into a fellow beast? The rhino-like creature got back to its feet and tried again. Again, Zion activated the Confounding Gate and watched as the beast slammed into a copy of itself only to falter and drop to its knees. The magician smirked from behind the shield feeling a sense of accomplishment and joy. The test had been a success!  By the time his test subject got up again, ready to stubbornly charge once more, he had already taken off to the skies. Zion had no need or intent to slay the creature after all. He returned to Remano with haste feeling that despite his success, there was yet more he could do to push the Confounding Gate further. Much like his hammer, he too would add a second circle to the shield in time.

WC: 1664/1500

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