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1Heaven Sent Empty Heaven Sent 21/08/22, 03:55 pm

Zuzu Mansur

Zuzu Mansur

Job Info:

As the Sun made his morn-time journeys, he counted some days since Zubaidah had stumbled upon her Parthevian villa, and she had salvaged more than just dyes from the ancient ruins. From plant to pottery, the Ash Company had found the site a treasure-trove of Parthevian history. In light of this, Zubaidah had even contacted the Toads from the south, and the Hashashin within, for ease of excavation. After all, the Ash Company was busier than ever with Tisifun's regeneration and opening the Nazairi markets. And so, as per their conduct, the Toads more than made up the difference, and the villa was more than half-way rediscovered.

As the second week of excavation began, however, Zubaidah was visited by someone from further abroad than southern Parthevia. As the morning sun shone down upon the Parthevian villa, illuminating the chipped blue paint, a horse drew closer and closer towards her tent until a rider dressed in mauve and silver came into view. Not knowing who this man might be, Zubaidah readied a Directed Defence, moving it away from his sight-line while she took a good look at this visitor. Tall and handsome, he seemed too bright for the dusty scenery, his brown hair falling below his shoulders and his ears studded with pearls. As he came upon the wary Zubaidah, however, he dropped down from his horse onto the dust and dirt, offering his hand forwards for a handshake.

You must be Zubaidah?

I prefer Sukhainah, good sir.’ She greeted him with a raised eyebrow, dispelling her Directed Defence, but took the handshake despite his somewhat familiar emblem. ‘Now who might you be?’ As he received her hand in his own, he nodded his head with respect and announced himself with a clear voice. ‘I am Naimes, milady, and friend to mister Apollos.

What business has Dad with me?’ He was rather surprised at this, looking closer for any family resemblance. ‘You are his daughter?

A daughter by choice, and not blood. He’s my foster father, you see. When I lost my family, he took me into his own.

A more charitable man has never been known.’ ‘You must be familiar with the Cyrene Foundation then?’ ‘I work for them, milady.’ ‘A knight works for Silius’ charity? What need has he for a knight!’ ‘I am his connection with Sasan.’  

You are a Sassanid knight?’ ‘I am surprised that you did not notice that.’ ‘I did notice, my dear sir, but I was more surprised that you did not attack.’ ‘It would be rather contrary to my intentions if I did, milady.’ ‘Then what are your intentions?

To inform you that prince Leon wants you dead.

So you did come to attack me?’ Her hand strayed towards her spear, but Naimes put his own in the sultry air, hoping to alleviate doubts about any hostility. ‘I am not allied with Leon, milady, but Sasan’s priesthood.

Are they not the same?’ He eased her from drawing her spear, but she was uncertain how Xerxes and Sasannid religious could be separated. ‘They should be, that is true, but Sasan’s rulers and the priesthood are not allied in full.’ He convinced her enough, little did she know about Sasan, so much that Zubaidah was more curious than cautious. ‘What do you mean by that?

There have been accusations towards the prince Leon and lord Xerxes about impious behaviour. As a knight of Sasan’s priesthood, I have been caught between them both. If they have been impious, then I am not allied with them at all.

What could constitute ‘impious behaviour’ then?

It has been alleged that lord Xerxes dishonours our God. He has turned towards what mister Apollos calls ‘depravity’, claiming that our God was not the true ‘Lord’. Dissatisfied with these claims, some of Sasan’s priesthood have been in communications with mister Apollos, once a prominent clergyman, on how we should deal with this situation. I was sent into mister Apollos’ employ for this reason - as a liaison between Sasan and the outside world.

I believe that Dad would tell me stories about your God. He was never forward about his beliefs, but I remember that he called your God Solomon. I must say, I was quite surprised when my research then revealed Solomon’s name was more than just a nom de plume - and that he wasn’t just someone from a story. In fact, he was just as much a piece of our world’s history as these ruins.

What are, or were, these ruins?

These ruins were once an elite-person’s estate from the proto-Parthevian period. You can see here the residential area, with servants’ quarters, and a small-sized barracks for defence. We believe that proto-Parthevia was centred around estates such as this one here. An elite-person would defend the surrounding area, dealing in mercantile ventures with other estates, whilst the country folk would donate produce for the estate’s use. It was a two-way relationship, based on mutual trust, and Parthevia flourished in this period.

I had heard that kings ruled over Parthevia.

You know how it is, the estate system worked for some time - until one estate-owner decided he wanted them all. He wanted to be king over all Parthevia, or Udr as it was called, and not just his small estate. He took them all and made his estate a kingdom, then made his kingdom an empire, but it was never enough. Indeed, it seems a truth of the world that someone will want to become king over more than he owns - and lead his people into ruin over it.

Just like Xerxes.

@ tag ● 1505/2000 ● notes

Sper Dansh:

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